LIBLINEAR is very sensitive to C parameter - libsvm

I'm getting different results from LIBLINEAR and it's wrapper in scikit-learn for python. The former is very sensitive to the C parameter (the quality in my case is very low at the default setting C=1 and sharply increases while increasing C), which is contrary to what is stated in the docs and to the scikit-learn wrapper behaviour. What could be the reason for this?

I am not familiar to what scikit-learn docs says but the behaviour you are describing is the expected one.
When you talk about "Quality" I am guessing you are referring to the training error and the performance error. As you probably are aware of, the parameter C is the penalty cost that the model "pays" for each misclassification. In that sense, one can think that with a higher C you would tell the algorithm to be as picky as possible and adjust as best to the data as it can given the parameters provided, hence high C tends to be closer to over fitting the training set.
So, is that a good thing? Well it depends, in general if you increase the C value too much then you might suffer of over fitting and do it very poorly with the general performance error. However, the C value often varies with your data and how /(if you) performed the normalization on it.I have always had to change to default value of C as it never had worked for me. Sometimes by using C=10, some other times by using C=100. A good way to find this is using cross validation to search for a value that would work with your dataset.


Can variance be replaced by absolute value in this objective function?

Initially I modeled my objective function as follows:
argmin var(f(x),g(x))+var(c(x),d(x))
where f,g,c,d are linear functions
in order to be able to use linear solvers I modeled the problem as follows
argmin abs(f(x),g(x))+abs(c(x),d(x))
is it correct to change variance to absolute value in this context, I'm pretty sure they imply the same meaning as having the least difference between two functions
You haven't given enough context to answer the question. Even though your question doesn't seem to be about regression, in many ways it is similar to the question of choosing between least squares and least absolute deviations approaches to regression. If that term in your objective function is in any sense an error term then the most appropriate way to model the error depends on the nature of the error distribution. Least squares is better if there is normally distributed noise. Least absolute deviations is better in the nonparametric setting and is less sensitive to outliers. If the problem has nothing to do with probability at all then other criteria need to be brought in to decide between the two options.
Having said all this, the two ways of measuring distance are broadly similar. One will be fairly small if and only if the other is -- though they won't be equally small. If they are similar enough for your purposes then the fact that absolute values can be linearized could be a good motivation to use it. On the other hand -- if the variance-based one is really a better expression of what you are interested in then the fact that you can't use LP isn't sufficient justification to adopt absolute values. After all -- quadratic programming is not all that much harder than LP, at least below a certain scale.
To sum up -- they don't imply the same meaning, but they do imply similar meanings; and, whether or not they are similar enough depends upon your purposes.

Looking for ideas/references/keywords: adaptive-parameter-control of a search algorithm (online-learning)

I'm looking for ideas/experiences/references/keywords regarding an adaptive-parameter-control of search algorithm parameters (online-learning) in combinatorial-optimization.
A bit more detail:
I have a framework, which is responsible for optimizing a hard combinatorial-optimization-problem. This is done with the help of some "small heuristics" which are used in an iterative manner (large-neighborhood-search; ruin-and-recreate-approach). Every algorithm of these "small heuristics" is taking some external parameters, which are controlling the heuristic-logic in some extent (at the moment: just random values; some kind of noise; diversify the search).
Now i want to have a control-framework for choosing these parameters in a convergence-improving way, as general as possible, so that later additions of new heuristics are possible without changing the parameter-control.
There are at least two general decisions to make:
A: Choose the algorithm-pair (one destroy- and one rebuild-algorithm) which is used in the next iteration.
B: Choose the random parameters of the algorithms.
The only feedback is an evaluation-function of the new-found-solution. That leads me to the topic of reinforcement-learning. Is that the right direction?
Not really a learning-like-behavior, but the simplistic ideas at the moment are:
A: A roulette-wheel-selection according to some performance-value collected during the iterations (near past is more valued than older ones).
So if heuristic 1 did find all the new global best solutions -> high probability of choosing this one.
B: No idea yet. Maybe it's possible to use some non-uniform random values in the range (0,1) and i'm collecting some momentum of the changes.
So if heuristic 1 last time used alpha = 0.3 and found no new best solution, then used 0.6 and found a new best solution -> there is a momentum towards 1
-> next random value is likely to be bigger than 0.3. Possible problems: oscillation!
Things to remark:
- The parameters needed for good convergence of one specific algorithm can change dramatically -> maybe more diversify-operations needed at the beginning, more intensify-operations needed at the end.
- There is a possibility of good synergistic-effects in a specific pair of destroy-/rebuild-algorithm (sometimes called: coupled neighborhoods). How would one recognize something like that? Is that still in the reinforcement-learning-area?
- The different algorithms are controlled by a different number of parameters (some taking 1, some taking 3).
Any ideas, experiences, references (papers), keywords (ml-topics)?
If there are ideas regarding the decision of (b) in a offline-learning-manner. Don't hesitate to mention that.
Thanks for all your input.
You have a set of parameter variables which you use to control your set of algorithms. Selection of your algorithms is just another variable.
One approach you might like to consider is to evolve your 'parameter space' using a genetic algorithm. In short, GA uses an analogue of the processes of natural selection to successively breed ever better solutions.
You will need to develop an encoding scheme to represent your parameter space as a string, and then create a large population of candidate solutions as your starting generation. The genetic algorithm itself takes the fittest solutions in your set and then applies various genetic operators to them (mutation, reproduction etc.) to breed a better set which then become the next generation.
The most difficult part of this process is developing an appropriate fitness function: something to quantitatively measure the quality of a given parameter space. Your search problem may be too complex to measure for each candidate in the population, so you will need a proxy model function which might be as hard to develop as the ideal solution itself.
Without understanding more of what you've written it's hard to see whether this approach is viable or not. GA is usually well suited to multi-variable optimisation problems like this, but it's not a silver bullet. For a reference start with Wikipedia.
This sounds like hyper heuristics which you're trying to do. Try looking for that keyword.
In Drools Planner (open source, java) I have support for tabu search and simulated annealing out the box.
I haven't implemented the ruin-and-recreate-approach (yet), but that should be easy, although I am not expecting better results. Challenge: Prove me wrong and fork it and add it and beat me in the examples.
Hyper heuristics are on my TODO list.

Genetic/Evolutionary algorithms and local minima/maxima

I have run across several posts and articles that suggests using things like simulated annealing to avoid the local minima/maxima problem.
I don't understand why this would be necessary if you started out with a sufficiently large random population.
Is it just another check to insure that the initial population was, in fact, sufficiently large and random? Or are those techniques just an alternative to producing a "good" initial population?
Simulated annealing is a probabilistic optimization technique -- it's not supposed to give you more precise answers, it's supposed to give you approximations faster.
Simulated annealing is probabilistic technique where chance of getting trapped in local minima/maxima depends on scheduling of temperature. Scheduling temperature is different for different types of problems. Evolutionary Algorithm is much more robust and less likely to get trapped in local minima/maxima. SA is probabilistic. On the other hand, EA uses mutation which introduces random walk in search space, that's why EA has higher probability of getting global optima.
First of all, simulated annealing is a last resort method. There are far better, more efficient, and more effective methods of discovering where the local minima are found.
A better check would be to use a statistical method to uncover information about your data set such as variance or standard deviation.

Overhead of using bignums

I have hit upon this problem about whether to use bignums in my language as a default datatype when there's numbers involved. I've evaluated this myself and reduced it to a convenience&comfort vs. performance -question. The answer to that question depends about how large the performance hit is in programs that aren't getting optimized.
How small is the overhead of using bignums in places where a fixnum or integer would had sufficed? How small can it be at best implementations? What kind of implementations reach the smallest overhead and what kind of additional tradeoffs do they result in?
What kind of hit can I expect to the results in the overall language performance if I'll put my language to default on bignums?
You can perhaps look at how Lisp does it. It will almost always do the exactly right thing and implicitly convert the types as it becomes necessary. It has fixnums ("normal" integers), bignums, ratios (reduced proper fractions represented as a set of two integers) and floats (in different sizes). Only floats have a precision error, and they are contagious, i.e. once a calculation involves a float, the result is a float, too. "Practical Common Lisp" has a good description of this behaviour.
To be honest, the best answer is "try it and see".
Clearly bignums can't be as efficient as native types, which typically fit in a single CPU register, but every application is different - if yours doesn't do a whole load of integer arithmetic then the overhead could be negligible.
Come to think of it... I don't think it will have much performance hits at all.
Because bignums by nature, will have a very large base, say a base of 65536 or larger for which is usually a maximum possible value for traditional fixnum and integers.
I don't know how large you would set the bignum's base to be but if you set it sufficiently large enough so that when it is used in place of fixnums and/or integers, it would never exceeds its first bignum-digit thus the operation will be nearly identical to normal fixnums/int.
This opens an opportunity for optimizations where for a bignum that never grows over its first bignum-digit, you could replace them with uber-fast one-bignum-digit operation.
And then switch over to n-digit algorithms when the second bignum-digit is needed.
This could be implemented with a bit flag and a validating operation on all arithmetic operations, roughly thinking, you could use the highest-order bit to signify bignum, if a data block has its highest-order bit set to 0, then process them as if they were normal fixnum/ints but if it is set to 1, then parse the block as a bignum structure and use bignum algorithms from there.
That should avoid performance hits from simple loop iterator variables which I think is the first possible source of performance hits.
It's just my rough thinking though, a suggestion since you should know better than me :-)
p.s. sorry, forgot what the technical terms of bignum-digit and bignum-base were
your reduction is correct, but the choice depends on the performance characteristics of your language, which we cannot possibly know!
once you have your language implemented, you can measure the performance difference, and perhaps offer the programmer a directive to choose the default
You will never know the actual performance hit until you create your own benchmark as the results will vary per language, per language revision and per cpu and. There's no language independent way to measure this except for the obvious fact that a 32bit integer uses twice the memory of a 16bit integer.
How small is the overhead of using bignums in places where a fixnum or integer would had sufficed? Show small can it be at best implementations?
The bad news is that even in the best possible software implementation, BigNum is going to be slower than the builtin arithmetics by orders of magnitude (i.e. everything from factor 10 up to factor 1000).
I don't have exact numbers but I don't think exact numbers will help very much in such a situation: If you need big numbers, use them. If not, don't. If your language uses them by default (which language does? some dynamic languages do …), think whether the disadvantage of switching to another language is compensated for by the gain in performance (which it should rarely be).
(Which could roughly be translated to: there's a huge difference but it shouldn't matter. If (and only if) it matters, use another language because even with the best possible implementation, this language evidently isn't well-suited for the task.)
I totally doubt that it would be worth it, unless it is very domain-specific.
The first thing that comes to mind are all the little for loops throughout programs, are the little iterator variables all gonna be bignums? That's scary!
But if your language is rather functional... then maybe not.

How to test numerical analysis routines?

Are there any good online resources for how to create, maintain and think about writing test routines for numerical analysis code?
One of the limitations I can see for something like testing matrix multiplication is that the obvious tests (like having one matrix being the identity) may not fully test the functionality of the code.
Also, there is the fact that you are usually dealing with large data structures as well. Does anyone have some good ideas about ways to approach this, or have pointers to good places to look?
It sounds as if you need to think about testing in at least two different ways:
Some numerical methods allow for some meta-thinking. For example, invertible operations allow you to set up test cases to see if the result is within acceptable error bounds of the original. For example, matrix M-inverse times the matrix M * random vector V should result in V again, to within some acceptable measure of error.
Obviously, this example exercises matrix inverse, matrix multiplication and matrix-vector multiplication. I like chains like these because you can generate quite a lot of random test cases and get statistical coverage that would be a slog to have to write by hand. They don't exercise single operations in isolation, though.
Some numerical methods have a closed-form expression of their error. If you can set up a situation with a known solution, you can then compare the difference between the solution and the calculated result, looking for a difference that exceeds these known bounds.
Fundamentally, this question illustrates the problem that testing complex methods well requires quite a lot of domain knowledge. Specific references would require a little more specific information about what you're testing. I'd definitely recommend that you at least have Steve Yegge's recommended book list on hand.
If you're going to be doing matrix calculations, use LAPACK. This is very well-tested code. Very smart people have been working on it for decades. They've thought deeply about issues that the uninitiated would never think about.
In general, I'd recommend two kinds of testing: systematic and random. By systematic I mean exploring edge cases etc. It helps if you can read the source code. Often algorithms have branch points: calculate this way for numbers in this range, this other way for numbers in another range, etc. Test values close to the branch points on either side because that's where approximation error is often greatest.
Random input values are important too. If you rationally pick all the test cases, you may systematically avoid something that you don't realize is a problem. Sometimes you can make good use of random input values even if you don't have the exact values to test against. For example, if you have code to calculate a function and its inverse, you can generate 1000 random values and see whether applying the function and its inverse put you back close to where you started.
Check out a book by David Gries called The Science of Programming. It's about proving the correctness of programs. If you want to be sure that your programs are correct (to the point of proving their correctness), this book is a good place to start.
Probably not exactly what you're looking for, but it's the computer science answer to a software engineering question.