How do I open a file when clicking an ActionLink? -

How do I open an existing file on the server when a user clicks an actionlink? The following code works for downloading a file but I want to open a new browser window, or tab, and display the file contents.
public ActionResult Download()
return File(#"~\Files\output.txt", "application/text", "blahblahblah.txt");

You must add "inline" for a new tab.
byte[] fileBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(contentDetailInfo.ContentFilePath);
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + contentDetailInfo.ContentFileName);
return File(fileBytes, contentDetailInfo.ContentFileMimeType);

The way you're using the File() method is to specify a file name in the third argument, which results in a content-disposition header being sent to the client. This header is what tells a web browser that the response is a file to be saved (and suggests a name to save it). A browser can override this behavior, but that's not controllable from the server.
One thing you can try is to not specify a file name:
return File(#"~\Files\output.txt", "application/text");
The response is still a file, and ultimately it's still up to the browser what to do with it. (Again, not controllable from the server.) Technically there's no such thing as a "file" in HTTP, it's just headers and content in the response. By omitting a suggested file name, the framework in this case may omit the content-disposition header, which is your desired outcome. It's worth testing the result in your browser to see if the header is actually omitted.

Use a target of blank on your link to open it in a new window or tab:
Download File
However, forcing the browser to display the contents is out of your control, as it entirely depends on how the user has configured their browser to deal with files that are application/text.
If you are dealing with text, you can create a view and populate the text on that view, which is then returned to the user as a regular HTML page.

please try this and replace your controller name and action name in html action link
public ActionResult ShowFileInNewTab()
using (var client = new WebClient()) //this is to open new webclient with specifice file
var buffer = client.DownloadData("~\Files\output.txt");
return File(buffer, "application/text");
public ActionResult ShowFileInNewTab()
var buffer = "~\Files\output.txt"; //bytes form this
return File(buffer, "application/text");
this is action link which show in new blank tab
<%=Html.ActionLink("Open File in New Tab", "ShowFileInNewTab","ControllerName", new { target = "_blank" })%>

I canĀ“t vote your answered as is useful, follow dow. Thanks very much !
public FileResult Downloads(string file)
string diretorio = Server.MapPath("~/Docs");
var ext = ".pdf";
file = file + extensao;
var arquivo = Path.Combine(diretorio, file);
var contentType = "application/pdf";
using (var client = new WebClient())
var buffer = client.DownloadData(arquivo);
return File(buffer, contentType);


Return binary string as plain text in browser window (and not as a downloadable file)

I want to return the following protobuf serialised binary data to the browser (Chrome) and not as a downloadable file. I don't understand the mechanism that is prompting a download. It is not the mime type as I am using text/plain elsewhere.
public async Task<ActionResult<string>> GenerateProtoFeed()
var feed = _gtfsrService.GenerateFeed();
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
stream.Position = 0;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
return Content(reader.ReadToEnd(), "text/plain");
What I really want is this (example) to be returned in the browser window:
?#StationAlert Elevators at Commercial-Broadway and Brentwood Stations are temporarily out of service today. ^sdken
The browser handles responses from a server differently depending on how the user has configured it, and on the mime type of the response.
It looks like your browser's default behaviour for text/plain is to prompt a save action. If you set the mime type of your response to text/html, the browser should simply display it.
Note that this is of course technically incorrect in this case.

non-invocable member 'File' cannot be used like a method error message- what am I missing?

I have a Blazor Application which had files uploaded to a upload folder on the web server. I am in the process of trying to figure out the code to download an uploaded file in the browser for retrieval and viewing. Right now the code is as below (the download part from code examples on the internet)
public void FileDetailsToolbarClickHandler(Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations.ClickEventArgs args)
string path = null;
string uploads = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot\\uploads");
path = uploads + "\\" + SelectedFileName;
if (args.Item.Text == "Delete")
//Code for Deleting goes here
if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
FileDetailsService.FileDetailsDelete(SelectedFileId); //NavigationManager.NavigateTo($"/ServiceRequestNotes/servicerequestnoteadd");
NavigationManager.NavigateTo($"/ServiceRequests/serviceRequestsaddedit2/{Id}", forceLoad: true);
// its a download
IFileProvider provider = new PhysicalFileProvider(uploads);
IFileInfo fileinfo = provider.GetFileInfo(path + SelectedFileName);
var readStream = fileinfo.CreateReadStream();
var mimeType = "application/pdf";
return File(readStream, mimeType, SelectedFileName);
On the last statement I am a getting the following error message
non-invocable member 'File' cannot be used like a method error message
What am I missing or do I need to change or add to have the output from the readstream render to the browser?
The blazor application is a blazor server app not WASM. It does not make use of API controllers.
Any advice?
This is a void method. You can't return anything at all. Also, if you're trying to instantiate a File object, you'd have to use the new keyword.

Rename azure blob file and Download it

I have few files in azure blobs that are stored with unique file names and when the client wants to download, i want to rename to a friendly name.
I'm still using 2014 azure storage dlls in my project and i'm not planning to update them anytime soon. So i can't use built-in ContentDeposition and rename it.
I tried using following code in my controller:
var blob = blobStorage.GetBlobRef("");
MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
Response.ContentType = blob.Properties.ContentType;
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "Attachment; filename=abcd_New.doc");
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", blob.Properties.Length.ToString());
but its not downloading the file.
I also tried using this:
MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = blob.Properties.ContentType;
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "Attachment; filename=" + friendlyName.doc);
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", blob.Properties.Length.ToString());
I have my business logic in a separate solution and getting the blob reference from there to my main solution.
Am i missing something?
When we're talking about ASP.NET MVC, I'm missing the Controller/Action in your code? You're not supposed to write to the HttpContext yourself when doing ASP.NET MVC. You have ActionResults for that.
public ActionResult Download()
// ...
var bytes = memStream.ToArray();
return File(bytes, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, "abcd_New.doc");
The browser will decide whether to open the file download or open it directly within the browser window. If you want to control that, you will need the following piece of code before you call the return File(... method:
var contentDisposition = new System.Net.Mime.ContentDisposition
FileName = "abcd_New.doc",
Inline = false // true will try to open in Browser, false will download
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", contentDisposition.ToString());
We need to flush our response after wrote a file to response. I use the code which you provided. After adding following code, I can see the file can be download from server.

Read a file from the cache in CEFSharp

I need to navigate to a web site that ultimately contains a .pdf file and I want to save that file locally. I am using CEFSharp to do this. The nature of this site is such that once the .pdf appears in the browser, it cannot be accessed again. For this reason, I was wondering if once you have a .pdf displayed in the browser, is there a way to access the source for that file in the cache?
I have tried implementing IDownloadHandler and that works, but you have to click the save button on the embedded .pdf. I am trying to get around that.
OK, here is how I got it to work. There is a function in CEFSharp that allows you to filter an incoming web response. Consequently, this gives you complete access to the incoming stream. My solution is a little on the dirty side and not particularly efficient, but it works for my situation. If anyone sees a better way, I am open for suggestions. There are two things I have to assume in order for my code to work.
GetResourceResponseFilter is called every time a new page is downloaded.
The PDF is that last thing to be downloaded during the navigation process.
Start with the CEF Minimal Example found here :
I used the WinForms version. Implement the IRequestHandler and IResponseFilter in the form definition as follows:
public partial class BrowserForm : Form, IRequestHandler, IResponseFilter
public readonly ChromiumWebBrowser browser;
public BrowserForm(string url)
browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser(url)
Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
browser.BrowserSettings.FileAccessFromFileUrls = CefState.Enabled;
browser.BrowserSettings.UniversalAccessFromFileUrls = CefState.Enabled;
browser.BrowserSettings.WebSecurity = CefState.Disabled;
browser.BrowserSettings.Javascript = CefState.Enabled;
browser.LoadingStateChanged += OnLoadingStateChanged;
browser.ConsoleMessage += OnBrowserConsoleMessage;
browser.StatusMessage += OnBrowserStatusMessage;
browser.TitleChanged += OnBrowserTitleChanged;
browser.AddressChanged += OnBrowserAddressChanged;
browser.FrameLoadEnd += browser_FrameLoadEnd;
browser.LifeSpanHandler = this;
browser.RequestHandler = this;
The declaration and the last two lines are the most important for this explanation. I implemented the IRequestHandler using the template found here:
I changed everything to what it recommends as default except for GetResourceResponseFilter which I implemented as follows:
IResponseFilter IRequestHandler.GetResourceResponseFilter(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response)
if (request.Url.EndsWith(".pdf"))
return this;
return null;
I then implemented IResponseFilter as follows:
FilterStatus IResponseFilter.Filter(Stream dataIn, out long dataInRead, Stream dataOut, out long dataOutWritten)
BinaryWriter sw;
if (dataIn == null)
dataInRead = 0;
dataOutWritten = 0;
return FilterStatus.Done;
dataInRead = dataIn.Length;
dataOutWritten = Math.Min(dataInRead, dataOut.Length);
byte[] buffer = new byte[dataOutWritten];
int bytesRead = dataIn.Read(buffer, 0, (int)dataOutWritten);
string s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer);
if (s.StartsWith("%PDF"))
sw = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(pdfFileName, FileMode.Append));
dataOut.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
return FilterStatus.Done;
bool IResponseFilter.InitFilter()
return true;
What I found is that the PDF is actually downloaded twice when it is loaded. In any case, there might be header information and what not at the beginning of the page. When I get a stream segment that begins with %PDF, I know it is the beginning of a PDF so I delete the file to discard any previous contents that might be there. Otherwise, I just keep appending each segment to the end of the file. Theoretically, the PDF file will be safe until you navigate to another PDF, but my recommendation is to do something with the file as soon as the page is loaded just to be safe.

Google Drive REST API update content as HTML with Landscape Orientation google-drive-sdk

I've developed a service to update the content of a google document from salesforce. Using the google drive rest API.
These are the steps I follow:
Get the Id of a shared document. (I called this the template)
Clone (copy) the document on Drive.
Get the content of that document in HTML form and save it in a string variable.
Replace some words on that string variable.
Update the new content on the new copied document.
It works great! BUT My problem is that IF the template (step 1) have a orientation landscape, when I update the document with the new content (step 5) the orientation changes to Portrait.
These are the request I do for it:
To COPY the file:
public String post(String url, String jsonStr) {
HttpRequest req = createRequest();
HttpResponse res = sendRequest(req);
if (isOK(res)) {
return res.getBody();
throw buildResponseException(res);
To Get the HTML Content:
After copy the file it returns the parameters of the new created file, including "exportLinks". So I get the "text/html" export link. And do a GET to that URL.
To Update the Content:
public String put(String url, Blob jsonStr) {
HttpRequest req = createRequest();
req.setHeader(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, 'text/html');
req.setHeader(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(jsonStr.size()));
HttpResponse res = sendRequest(req);
if (isOK(res)) {
return res.getBody();
throw buildResponseException(res); }
I'm pretty sure the problem is after update the content but I haven't found why. Also, I used v3 of the API and is the same behavior.