How to write a custom assembly compiler (sort of) in VB.NET -

I've been trying to write a simple script compiler for a custom language used by the Game Boy Advance's Z80 processor.
All I want it to do is look at a human-readable command, take it and its arguments and convert it into a hexadecimal value into a ROM file. That's it. Each command is a byte, and each may take a different number of arguments - arguments can be either 8, 16, or 32 bits and each command has a specific number of arguments that it takes.
All of this sort of code is handled by the game and converted into workable machine code within the game's memory, so I'm not writing a full-on assembly compiler if you will. The game automatically knows how many args a command has, what each command does, exactly how to execute it as it is, etc.
For instance, you have command 0x4E, which takes in one 8-bit argument and another 32-bit argument. In hex that would obviously be 4E XX YY YY YY YY. I want my compiler to read it from text as foo 0xXX 0xYYYYYYYY and directly write it into a file as the former.
My question is, how would I do that in VB.NET? I know it's probably a very simple answer, but I see a lot of different options to write it to a file--some work and most don't for me. Could you give me some sample code as to how I would do this?

Writing an assembly compiler as I understand it is not so simple. I recomed you to use one already written see: Software Development Tools for Z80 Family
If you are still interested in writing it here are instructions:
Write the text you want to translate to some file (or memory stream)
Read it line by line
Parse the line either splitting it to an array or with regular
Identify command and arguments (as far as I remember it some commands
does not have arguments)
Translate the command to Hex (with a collection or dictionary of
Write results to an array remembering the references for jump
When everything is translated resolve addresses and write them to
right places.
I think that the most tricky part is to deal with symbolic addressees.
If you are still interested write a first piece of code (or ask how to do it) and continue with next ones.

This sounds like an assembler, even if it for a 'custom language'.
Start by parsing the command lines. use string.split method to convert the string to an array of strings. the first element in the array is your foo, you can then look that up and output 4E, then convert the subsequent elements to bytes.


Sending an argument to batch file with spaces. VB

I am using a VB to run .bat file and to pass arguments to it.
Right now I managed to run it and to send the arguments to it, but ran into a problem. My arguments might contain spaces inside. I was trying to use quotes, but it didn't seem to work as I expected. So what I am doing:
Running this code: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\Users\XXXXXXX\Desktop\New.bat", """"+data+"""")
where 'data' is the argument I am sending. For testing it contains the value:
Hel loo
Inside the .bat file I have a code, that opens notepad and writes the argument inside it. With this code I have managed to pass the argument as one with spaces, but the result is:
"Hel loo"
Any ideas how to get rid of the quotes on each side, while still passing the argument as one with spaces?
I cannot escape them or replace with another symbol. This solution needs to pass the argument as one with spaces inside. Is this possible? The program I am working with is not important.
This is the content of the .bat file:
set directory_Rexe="C:\Users\XXXXXXX\Desktop\testBat.txt"
set var=%1
echo %var%>%directory_Rexe%
You have three options here:
Use %~1, which will strip the quotes.
Don't care about putting everything into argument 1 and quoting and use %* instead. You mentioned not wanting that, though.
Don't pass the string as an argument, but as an environment variable instead. This also helps a lot when you have a number of characters in it that need to be escaped.
All options require you to change the batch file, though.
I'd also question the need for a batch file when you have a perfectly capable programming language already at your fingertips. Writing text to a file should actually be easier from VB.

Failure to read full line including embedded zero bytes

Lua script:
Command line:
echo -e "sala\x00m" | lua ll.lua
I want it to print all character from input, similar to this:
in HEX editor:
0000000: 7361 6c61 006d 0a sala.m.
How can I print all character from input?
You tripped over one of the few places where the Lua standard library is still not 8-bit-clean.
Specifically, file reading line-by-line is not embedded-0 proof.
The reason it isn't yet is an unfortunate combination of:
Only standard C90 or equally portable constructs are allowed for the core, which does not provide for efficient 0-clean text parsing.
Every solution discussed to date on the mailinglist under that constraint has considerable overhead.
Embedded 0-bytes in text files are quite rare.
Use a modified library, fixing these formats: "*l" "*L" for file:read(...)
parse your raw data yourself. (read a block using a number or as much as possible using "*a")
Badger the Lua developers/maintainers for a bugfix until they give in.

How to discard the rest of line after syntax error

I'm implementing a small shell, and using lex&yacc to parse command. Lex reads command from stdin and yacc execute the command after yyparse.
The problem is, when there is a syntax error, yacc prompt an error and parse from the begining. In this case, cmd1 >>> cmd2 leads to running cmd2 becuase >>> is a syntax error.
My question is how to discard the rest of current command after encounting a syntax error?
If you want to write an interactive language with a prompt that lets users enter expressions, it's a bad idea to simply use yacc on the entire input stream. Yacc might get confused about something on one line and then misinterpret subsequent lines. For instance, the user might have an unbalanced parenthesis on the first line. or a string literal which is not closed, and then yacc will just keep consuming subsequent lines of the input, looking to close the construct.
It's better to gather the line of input from the user, and then parse that as one unit. The end of the line then simply the end of the input as far as Yacc is concerned.
If you're using lex, there are ways to redirect lex to read characters from a buffer in memory instead of from a FILE * stream. Look for documentation on the YY_INPUT macro, which you can define in a Lex file to basically specify the code that Lex uses for obtaining input characters.
Analogy time: Using a scanner developed with lex/yacc for directly handling interactive user input is a little bit like using scanf for handling user input. Whereas capturing a line into a buffer and then parsing it is more like using sscanf. Quote:
It's perfectly appropriate to parse strings with sscanf (as long as the return value is checked), because it's so easy to regain control, restart the scan, discard the input if it didn't match, etc. [comp.lang.c FAQ, 12.20].

Can Fortran read bytes directly from a binary file?

I have a binary file that I would like to read with Fortran. The problem is that it was not written by Fortran, so it doesn't have the record length indicators. So the usual unformatted Fortran read won't work.
I had a thought that I could be sneaky and read the file as a formatted file, byte-by-byte (or 4 bytes by 4 bytes, really) into a character array and then convert the contents of the characters into integers and floats via the transfer function or the dreaded equivalence statement. But this doesn't work: I try to read 4 bytes at a time and, according to the POS output from the inquire statement, the read skips over like 6000 bytes or so, and the character array gets loaded with junk.
So that's a no go. Is there some detail in this approach I am forgetting? Or is there just a fundamentally different and better way to do this in Fortran? (BTW, I also tried reading into an integer*1 array and a byte array. Even though these codes would compile, when it came to the read statement, the code crashed.)
Fortran 2003 introduced stream access into the language. Prior to this most processors supported something equivalent as an extension, perhaps called "binary" or similar.
Unformatted stream access imposes no record structure on the file. As an example, to read data from the file that corresponds to a single int in the companion C processor (if any) for a particular Fortran processor:
CHARACTER(*), PARAMETER :: filename = 'name of your file'
INTEGER(C_INT) :: data
READ (unit) data
PRINT "('data was ',I0)", data
You may still have issues with endianess and data type size, but those aspects are language independent.
If you are writing to a language standard prior to Fortran 2003 then unformatted direct access reading into a suitable integer variable may work - it is Fortran processor specific but works for many of the current processors.

Reading a large-single XML line to a variable using Batch Script

I have a xml file which only contains a single line, but the problem is the line is very large, so it seems that I can't store in a variable.
What i want is this,
given tag1, tag2.....tag900, I want to break each tag into a line as follow:
Do not attempt to do this using native batch. It will be extremely difficult, and any solution will be very slow.
The problem is native batch cannot read lines > 8k, and batch does not have a good way to read partial lines.
There is a method that creates a test file that has size >= your file that consists of a single repeated character. A binary file compare ( FC /B ) is then done and the results are parsed character by character expressed as hex codes. It's a bit more complex than that, but I don't think you want to go there.
The only other option is to use SET /P to read in 1021 chars at a time, and then parse and piece things together. But this is unproven, and again, I don't think worth the effort.
If you want to use a native scripting language than I suggest VBScript or JScript. (Perhaps PowerShell, but I don't really know much about its capabilities).
You could download a Unix text processing tool like sed that has been ported to Windows.
I don't do much with XML, but I've got to believe there is a free tool geared specifically for XML that would make your job fairly easy.
Basically, use anything except batch! (this is coming from someone whose hobby is solving problems with batch)