Configuring Netbeans code completion order - netbeans-7

I'm using netbeans 7.3 with code completion feature and enabled 'Auto popup on typing any Java Identifier Part'
I'm trying to type
System.out.println("Some string")
So when I reach this point:
it automatically fills
which is top of the popup list. Though while I'm typing the previous characters, the first item in list pop-up list is selected. But not filled automatically. When reaching '(' it happens.
I don't want to completely disable the feature. Just want to reorder the items so that I can get what I want faster. Is that possible?


Disable categorization in "method / event / enum dropdown browser"

In VB6, the dropdown in the IDE shown above wasn't categorized.
I could easily browse "ucBoardGrid"'s events and properties as they were all shown in the same dropdown menu.
While VS2017 tries to organize things for me, I feel that it's mostly much more time-taking to browse where I want to:
First I need to select the "main category" in the left dropdown menu, then I can view the methods / events / properties in the right dropdown menu.
Is there a way to disable this categorization? I would like everything to be shown in a single dropdown list right away.
I fondly remember the old VB6 menu's just as you've explained.
I would like everything to be shown in a single dropdown list right away.
I doubt you can remove the categorization, however I have something far more amazing. These days I find myself using Ctrl+T.
The new Go to All window in Visual Studio 2017 lets you navigate directly to any file, type, member, line or symbol by typing a search query:
The main difference from the Navigate To window (existed since Visual Studio 2010) is that now you can easily limit search results to files, types, members or symbols clicking on the corresponding toolbar button. Alternatively, you can type the special character and space before the search query:
Works for Files (f), Types (t), Members (m), Symbols (#) and Lines (:), e.g. f stac for file paths containing stac
Edit: Apart from Ctrl+T, I typically use F12 to goto definition. Then I use Ctrl+ minus key to go back, and back, F12 forward, and back, again. It's the fastest I've found.
I'm also a fan while debugging to pull up Ctrl+Alt+c the call stack, up/down arrow keys while focus is on CallStack window.
F12 & Ctrl+- is the key, anything else Ctrl+T.

Evaluate code fragment is stuck/disabled in IntelliJ

I am running a project using a tomcat configuration in IntelliJ.
The Evaluate Expression and Evaluate Code Fragment dialog is stuck in that I cannot type within the box. The break points work normally though.
This is the first time I am seeing this behavior.
I noticed the focus is stuck on the project pane and sometimes a search for: box appears.

Visual Studio 2013 VB intellisense

Apologies upfront if this is a silly question, but it's annoying me to no end and I can't figure it out.
I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Professional, and I usually code in C# where when using the Intellisense, when I press Enter to select a method or something it adds my selection and I can continue typing on the same line.
But at the moment I'm working on a project which is in VB.NET, and when I use the Intellisense in the same way it puts my cursor in the next line, i.e. I press Enter to select whatever, it adds my selection and starts a new line, so I have to press the Backspace to go back to the previous line. It's so annoying!
Is there a way to change this behaviour so the cursor doesn't go to the next line? I've looked at the settings available in Tools > Options but can't figure it out, and searching Google for anything similar hasn't been successful.
Found it here (paragraph List Members)
You have toggled to suggestion mode instead of completion mode.
You can also change to suggestion mode, in which only the text you type is inserted into the code. For example, if you enter an identifier that is not in the list and press TAB, in completion mode the entry would replace the typed identifier. To toggle between completion mode and suggestion mode, press CTRL+ALT+SPACEBAR or click Edit/IntelliSense/Toggle Completion Mode.
So, either use TAB/SPACEBAR (as I said in the comment) or press CTRL+ALT+SPACEBAR to switch back to completion mode.
EDIT: I've found out that whenever you type Stri (String will show highlighted in the list now) and you press . (dot) it will autocomplete and stay at the same line.
I think your way of doing this in C# isn't possible in Visual Basic.
I had the same problem and discovered that Auto list members was not enabled on my machine. It's under Tools > Options > Text Editor > Basic > General. This gave me the intellisense I was looking for.
Simple thing which can be used when you face this kind of issue is to press
tab key instead of Enter key when the IntelliSense provided me prediction list.

Pop-up menu is not fully visible in IntelliJ IDEA

I am just evaluating IntelliJ IDEA. Installed it with default procedures.
I created a simple Spring project and when I right click on the project, not able to see the the bottom part of the pop up menu. The issue is because of my laptop screen's height is less and could not fit the entire set of pop-up menu items.
In eclipse there is a drop down arrow, so that I can scroll to the menu items, which do not fit in the screen. How can I get the similar eclipse functionality in IntelliJ?
Well, you are only missing one useful feature (Genereate Java code from wsdl). I would ignore it unless you need to generate such code.
If you want to run this generation you can do this with Ctrl + Shift + A (and start typing feature name)
//btw, it is better to make code generation in maven anyway

Race conditions in AnnotationModel? Error annotations lost in Reconciler

I have an Eclipse custom editor and I implemented 'report errors as you type', but every now and then my error squigglies (using JFace annotations) are not shown or linger after they should be removed.
I am using MonoReconciler with my implementation of IReconcilingStrategy. During the reconcile step I call annotationModel.replaceAnnotations to remove the old errors and add the new ones. Most of the times this works fine. Every now and then the updates are lost, and I notice the following:
the red stamp on the left ruler disappears, but the red underlines stay
on the next character I type, the underline disappears
I verified in the debugger that the annotations are correctly calculated. The underline disappears immediately after typing a character, and not after the 500ms delay of the reconciler. It looks like a lost UI update/redraw.
There must be a race condition somewhere (the reconciler runs in its own thread). What am I doing wrong? I couldn't find any documentation about this use-case.
Edit: To reproduce, checkout the scala-worksheet and create a new one. Type
object Test {
val m = Map( 't' -> 1 )
Now edit the arrow: remove the >. The underline is missing. Type a space, it comes back. Add it back, the underline is still there until you type another space.
I fixed it by calling invalidateTextPresentation on the underling SourceViewer, but it seems to me that shouldn't be necessary. I'd like to understand what is the correct way to use editor annotations.
PS. The lost updates can also be seen in this screencast.
It's hard to tell from a distance, typically in eclipse, any changes that impact the ui should be executed on the ui thread (and eclipse will not always warn about this).
Normally you use Display.getDefault().asyncExec(...) to execute something on the ui thread but you probably already know this. It can happen that 2 queued up changes cause a race.
(I have implemented semantic highlighting, error highlighting etc several times for the company I work for, Sigasi. If you can point me to your implementation I may be able to figure out what's going wrong.)