Difficulty in using C standard libraries in the SoCLib tool - embedded

I'm an electronic engineering student from Brazil and I'm currently working with embedded systems.
I'm trying to port a MP3 decoder (written in C), called minimp3, to a platform built with the aid of the SoCLib tool (this tool has a bunch of hardware models such as processors, memories and interconnections all written in SystemC witch allows you to build embedded systems models).
The platform I'm building consists of a MIPS processor, a RAM, an interconnection and a TTY (virtual terminal), so obviously the MP3 decoder must be cross compiled.
This MP3 decoder uses some C standard libraries that are not instantiated in the SoCLib tool (witch contains only stdio.h and stdlib.h).
I first tried to run my platform without making any changes in the makefiles provided by the SoCLib tool. With this, when I entered the "make" command I got the following messages (among others of the same type):
undefined reference to `tan'
undefined reference to `sin'
undefined reference to `cos'
undefined reference to `memset'
undefined reference to `realloc'
undefined reference to `open'
undefined reference to `strlen'
Researching about this errors, I found that this could be because the linker was not linking the C headers, so I added the following commands (emphasized) on the makefile:
CFLAGS=-Wall -O2 -I. $(ADD_CFLAGS) $(DEBUG_CFLAGS) $($(ARCH)_CFLAGS) -ggdb -I$(COMMON) **-I/usr/include** $(INTERFACE_CFLAGS)
mipsel-unknown-elf-ld -q $($(ARCH)_LDFLAGS) $(ADD_LDFLAGS) -o $# $(filter %.o,$^) **-lm** -T $(filter %ldscript,$^) $(LIBGCC)*
However, entering the "make" command again, I got the following error:
mipsel-unknown-elf-ld: cannot find -lm
And now I don't know what to do.
Can anyone help me?

When you entered the "make" command, you got the following error:
mipsel-unknown-elf-ld: cannot find -lm
The "mipsel-unknown-elf-" says that you are using the mips cross compiler, and prefixes the "ld" linker-loader command. The -lm option says to link (the "-l" part) the "m" library, which is spelled "libm.a" or "libm.so". Which means that make compiled your
code, and now is trying to link your object file with the "libm" library.
See this link for some more information,
How does a C compiler find that -lm is pointing to the file libm.a?
What you want to do now is tell your linker-loader what path(s) to search for your libraries, which means you need to find "libm.a" and/or "libm.so", and the other libraries that you plan to use, "lib*.a" and "lib*.so*". Determine what paths you need, and then you add these library search paths by using the "-L path" option.
And now you know what to do.


CMake add linker options after .obj files

Cross compiling an executable for an embedded system with CMake requires me to manually add link options to link libc, libgcc and whatnot. However using target_link_options for that results in a linker call where all those additional link options are added in front of all the object files generated from my actual code. I believe that this is the wrong linking order and it causes "duplicate symbol errors" whenever I try to overwrite weak symbols from the standard library (e.g. __cxa_pure_virtual).
Here is an exemplar of the output I get from the linking stage
--start-group -lstdc++_nano -lm -lgcc -lc_nano --end-group
my.obj ///< Shoudln't object files and application libs be linked first?
-T ldscript.ld
-o myelf
Is there any way to solve this in CMake?
target_link_options specifies options to the linker - and typically options are specified before anything else. Use target_link_libraries to link with libraries.

How to run a dynamically linked executable syscall emulation mode se.py in gem5?

After How to solve "FATAL: kernel too old" when running gem5 in syscall emulation SE mode? I managed to run a statically linked hello world under certain conditions.
But if I try to run an ARM dynamically linked one against the stdlib with:
./out/common/gem5/build/ARM/gem5.opt ./gem5/gem5/configs/example/se.py -c ./a.out
it fails with:
fatal: Unable to open dynamic executable's interpreter.
How to make it find the interpreter? Hopefully without copying my cross' toolchain's interpreter on my host's root.
For x86_64 it works if I use my native compiler, and as expected strace says that it is using the native interpreter, but it does not work if I use a cross compiler.
The current FAQ says it is not possible to use dynamic executables: http://gem5.org/Frequently_Asked_Questions but I don't trust it, and then these presentations mention it:
but not how to actually use it.
QEMU user mode has the -L option for that.
Tested in gem5 49f96e7b77925837aa5bc84d4c3453ab5f07408e
Support for dynamic linking has been added in November 2019
At: https://gem5-review.googlesource.com/c/public/gem5/+/23066
It was working for sure at that point, but then it broke at some point and needs fixing.....
arm 32-bit https://gem5.atlassian.net/browse/GEM5-461
arm 64-bit https://gem5.atlassian.net/browse/GEM5-828
If you have a root filesystem to use, for example one generated by Buildroot you can do:
./build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/se.py \
--redirects /lib=/path/to/build/target/lib \
--redirects /lib64=/path/to/build/target/lib64 \
--redirects /usr/lib=/path/to/build/target/usr/lib \
--redirects /usr/lib64=/path/to/build/target/usr/lib64 \
--interp-dir /path/to/build/target \
--cmd /path/to/build/target/bin/hello
Or if you are using an Ubuntu cross compiler toolchain for example in Ubuntu 18.04:
sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -o hello.out hello.c
./build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/se.py \
--interp-dir /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu \
--redirects /lib=/usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/lib \
--cmd hello.out
You have to add any paths that might contain dynamic libraries as a separate --redirect as well. Those are enough for C executables.
--interp-dir sets the root directory where the dynamic loader will be searched for, based on ELF metadata which says the path of the loader. For example, buildroot ELF files set that path to /lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1, and the loader is a file present at /path/to/build/target/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1. As mentioned by Brandon, this path can be found with:
readelf -a $bin_name | grep interp
The main difficulty with syscall emulation dynamic linking, is that we want somehow:
linker file accesses to go to a magic directory to find libraries there
other file accesses from the main application to go to normal paths, e.g. to read an input file in the current working directory
and it is hard to detect if we are in the loader or not, especially because this can happen via dlopen in the middle of a program.
The --redirects option is a simple solution for that.
For example /lib=/path/to/build/target/lib makes it so that if the guest would access the C standard library /lib/libc.so.6, then gem5 sees that this is inside /lib and redirects the path to /path/to/build/target/lib/libc.so.6 instead.
The slight downside is that it becomes impossible to actually access files in the /lib directory of the host, but this is not common, so it works in most cases.
If you miss any --redirect, the dynamic linker will likely complain that the library was not found with a message of type:
hello.out: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
If that happens, you have to find the libstdc++.so.6 library in the target filesystem / toolchain and add the missing --redirect.
It later broke at https://gem5.atlassian.net/browse/GEM5-430 but was fixed again.
Downsides of dynamic linking
Once I got dynamic linking to work, I noticed that it actually has the following downsides, which might or not be considerable depending on the application:
the dynamic linker has to run some instructions, and if you have a very minimal userland test executable, and are running on a low CPU like O3, then this startup can dominate runtime, so watch out for that
ExecAll does not show symbol names for stdlib functions, you just get offsets from some random nearest symbol e.g. #__end__+274873692728. Maybe something along these lines would work: Debugging shared libraries with gdbserver but not sure
dynamically jumping to a stdlib function for the first time requires going through the dynamic linking machinery, which can create problems if you are trying to control a microbench.
I actually already hit this once: the dynamic version of a program was doing something extra that and that compounded with a gem5 bug broke my experiment, and cost me a few hours of debugging.
Interpreters like Python and Java
Python and Java are just executables, and the script to execute an argument to the executable.
So in theory, you can run them in syscall emulation mode e.g. with:
build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/se.py --cmd /usr/bin/python --options='hello.py arg1 arg2'
In practice however hugely complex executable like interpreters are likely to have syscalls that not yet implemented given the current state of gem5 as of November 2019, see also: When to use full system FS vs syscall emulation SE with userland programs in gem5?
Generally it is not hard to implement / ignore uneeded calls though, so give it a shot. Related threads:
Java: Running Java programs in gem5(or any language which is not C)
Python: 3.6.8 aarch64 fails with "fatal: syscall unused#278 (#278) unimplemented.", test setup
Old answer
I have been told that as of 49f96e7b77925837aa5bc84d4c3453ab5f07408e (May 2018) there is no convenient / well tested way for running dynamically linked cross arch executables in syscall emulation: https://www.mail-archive.com/gem5-users#gem5.org/msg15585.html
I suspect however that it wouldn't be very hard to patch gem5 to support it. QEMU user mode already supports that, you just have to point to the root filesystem with -L.
The cross-compiled binary should have an .interp entry if it's a dynamic executable.
Verify it with readelf:
readelf -a $bin_name | grep interp
The simulator is setup to find this section in main executable when it loads the executable into the simulated address space. If this sections exists, a c-string is set to point to that text (normally something like /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2). The simulator then calls glibc's open function with that c-string as the parameter. Effectively, this opens the dynamic linker-loader for the simulator as a normal file. The simulator then maps the file into the simulated address space in phases with mmap and mmap_fixed.
For cross compilation, this code must fail. The error message follows it directly if the simulator cannot open the file. To make this work, you need to debug the opening process and possibly the subsequent pasting of the loader into the address space. There is mechanism to set the program's entry point into the loader rather than directly into the code section of the main binary. (It's done through the auxiliary vector on the stack.) You may need to play around with that as well.
The interesting code is (as of 05/29/19) in src/base/loader/elf_object.cc.
I encountered this problem after I just cross compiled the code. You can try to add "--static" after the command.

Can the object file name be changed from .obj during cmake compiler testing?

Ultimately, I'm trying to build Apache QPID to run in the HPE NonStop OSS environment (a Posix-like environment on the NonStop system). The latest version of QPID uses cmake to build so I first need to get cmake to work for that environment. My earlier attempts tried to build in OSS directly (I needed to build cmake first before trying to build QPID), but I ran into many problems there. So lately I'm trying to build in Windows using a set of cross-development tools (compilers etc.) for NonStop. I've downloaded a Windows version of cmake 2.8 (suggested by the QPID build instructions) and am trying to use that with the X-dev tools to build QPID for OSS.
One big issue I've run into has to do with how cmake does things to test compilers and so forth early on. It will invoke the compiler to create an intermediate object file from C (and/or C++) source file and after that it will invoke the compiler to link an object file from the intermediate file. It seems that cmake prefers to add .obj to file names to create the intermediate object file name. This will work OK with my cross-compiler when creating the file (the name passed with -o to the compiler) but it will not work when passing this name for link purposes. Here is a short bit of the output per the CMakeError.log file (from trying build an OSS version of cmake 2.8 itself):
Determining if the C compiler works failed with the following output:
Change Dir: C:/Source/cmake-2.8.0/bld/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
Run Build Command:C:/cygwin/bin/make.exe "cmTryCompileExec/fast"
/usr/bin/make -f CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec.dir/build
make[1]: Entering directory '/cygdrive/c/Source/cmake-2.8.0/bld/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
"C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/bin/cmake.exe" -E cmake_progress_report C:/Source/cmake-2.8.0/bld/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CMakeFiles 1
Building C object CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec.dir/testCCompiler.c.obj
/cygdrive/c/NonStop/tndm_cmplrs-j20/usr/bin/c89.exe -o CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec.dir/testCCompiler.c.obj -c C:/Source/cmake-2.8.0/bld/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/testCCompiler.c
Linking C executable cmTryCompileExec
/cygdrive/c/NonStop/tndm_cmplrs-j20/usr/bin/c89.exe "CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec.dir/testCCompiler.c.obj" -o cmTryCompileExec
c89.exe: error: Invalid input file extension"CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec.dir/testCCompiler.c.obj".
The cross-compiler fails because it requires intermediate object files to use .o for the extension, in order to determine they are intermediate object files. There is no way to get the c89 compiler to recognize testCCompiler.c.obj as a file type it knows what to do with.
So I've been searching (trying to find a local expert, but no one in my organization knows cmake; also numerous Google searches but could not find an answer) to see if there is any way to get cmake to change the name of the output file it uses for these type of compiles and tests. I've found info and then set CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION in a toolchain file:
but that has made no difference.
If I can find a way to get cmake to create object files with names like testCCompiler.c.o instead of testCCompiler.c.obj, then the c89 cross-compiler would work.
Is it possible to do this?
UPDATE: I've managed to figure out that setting CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION in the toolchain file doesn't help. This gets overwritten in the CMakeCInformation.cmake (depending on whether UNIX is set or not). I also tracked down that UNIX gets set to true in Platform/UnixPaths.cmake, which gets INCLUDEd by various Platform files. So I've created a Modules/Platform/OSS.cmake file which includes it to takes care of that. I'll probably need/want to add other settings there later as I determine more flags for compilers etc that should be set to specific values for the OSS environment.

Objective C Linker Error: Undefined Symbols

What does it mean to have undefined symbols?
There are no errors in the code files themselves and I am NOT using any external libraries.
I DID add a typedef NS_ENUM prior to this linker error occurring.
Where do I add this -v to see invocation?
Here is the error message:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_OBJC_IVAR_$_UIViewController._parentViewController", referenced from:
-[PEPI_LessonController setParentViewController:] in PEPI_LessonController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
"Undefined Symbols"
Building source code files to an executable file consist of at least two steps:
Compile the source code files to intermediate binary files (often called xyz.o).
Link the intermediate binary files to the final executable file.
The error message "undefined symbols" is a linker message. It may appear even though the compilation process was successful without notice. The linker organizes final memory address relations and it replaces symbols that the compiler had to assume they would be valid later, if all parts of the code would be available. Without this, no modularization would be possible at all.
-v to see invocation
If you build your application in Xcode, then Xcode calls all the compile and link commands for you (CompileC, Ln, Clang ...). But remember that a typical IDE runs only the commands you could run by yourself in the shell. Theoretically, you could develop big applications only in a text editor and a shell. So I suggest take some time and try to copy paste some commands listed in the Xcode build report to a shell :-) You'll learn a lot about the backgrounds. Therefore, in my opinion, -v to see invocation is used while invoking the command in the shell - or in the build settings, if you wish permanently more information.
"External libraries"
Finally, try to clarify "external libraries". To look at the most simple example: even if you write a simple C program and you want to know something trivial like the length of a string, you'll include <glibc.h>. Now this is an external library. It's external to your program code. Are you sure you haven't included external libraries?
Solving linker problems
Linker errors are often confusing and somehow difficult, because details of the linked modules tend to be out of sight. You may find many hints if you enter the error message in a search engine. For example, have a look at here:
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7: "_SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress"
Even if all components are found for linking, all paths are known etc, they may have the wrong version or else.
It means it can't find the property parentViewController and method setParentViewController when linking your object files files. The most common cause for these types of errors is not linking a library or framework in your projects target. UIViewController is part of UIKit so I'd be surprised if it's not already linked. Is this an OSX project and your trying to use UIViewcontroller instead of NSViewController?
In my case I had forgotten to add the .m file to all the same targets as the .h and that's what caused this issue. In case it helps anyone thought I'd mention here... double check your target memberships!

Build and link µIP library with no OS

I'm relitavely new to embedded development and I have a question, or more of a feedback, on building and linking the µIP library on an embedded device. For what it's worth, the following is using a FOX G20 V board with an ATMEL AT91SAM9G20 processor with no OS.
I have done some research, and the way I see myself building and linking the library on the board is one of the following two options.
Option 1: The first option would be to compile the whole library (the .c files) in order to have a built static library in the form of a .a file. Then, I can link the created static library with my application code, before loading it on the device. Of course, the device driver will have to be programmed in order to allow the library to work on the platform (help was found here). This first option is using a Linux machine. For this first option as well, in order to load the static library linked with my application code, do I do so with an "scp"?
Option 2: The second option would be to compile and link the library to my application code directly without going through an intermediate static library. However, since my platorm does not contain an OS, I would need to install an appropraite GCC compiler in order to compile and link (if anyone has any leads for such an installation, that would be very helpful as well). However I'm quite unfamilier with the second option, but I've been told that it is easier to implement so if anyone as an idea on how to implement it, it would be very helpful.
I would appreciate some feedback along with the answers as to whether these options seem correct to you, and to be sure that I have not mentioned something that is false.
There is no real difference between these options. In any case, the host toolchain is responsible for creating a binary file that contains a fully linked executable with no external dependencies, so you need a cross compiler either way, and it is indeed easiest to just compile uIP along with the rest of the application.
The toolchain will typically have a cross compiler (if you use gcc, it should be named arm-eabi-gcc or arm-none-eabi-gcc), cross linker (arm-eabi-ld), cross archiver (arm-eabi-ar) etc. You would use these instead of the native tools. For Debian, you can find a cross compiler for ARM targets without an OS in testing/unstable.
Whether you build a static library
arm-eabi-gcc -c uip.c
arm-eabi-ar cru uip.a uip.o
arm-eabi-ranlib uip.a
arm-eabi-gcc -o executable application.c uip.a
or directly link
arm-eabi-gcc -c application.c
arm-eabi-gcc -c uip.c
arm-eabi-gcc -o executable application.o uip.o
or directly compile and link
arm-eabi-gcc -o executable application.c uip.c
makes no real difference.
If you use an integrated development environment, it is usually easiest to just add uip.c as a source file.