Unable to calculate the sum of prime numbers below 2 million - objective-c

I'm doing the Euler's Method project to find the sum of prime numbers below 2 million and I'm struggling. Here is the code I'm using. When I calculate the sum below 10 and the sum below 50 I'm getting the right value, but where I'm calculating the sum below 2 million project Euler is saying my solution is incorrect. Any ideas?
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
int p = 2, d, total;
BOOL isPrime;
total = 0;
NSLog(#"%i ", p);
for ( p = 3; p < 2e6; p += 2){
isPrime = YES;
for ( d = 3; isPrime == YES && d < p; d += 2)
if ( p % d == 0)
isPrime = NO;
if (isPrime == YES){
NSLog(#"%i ", p);
total += p ;}
NSLog(#"total = %i", total + 2);
return 0;

This function sums the primes less than n using the Sieve of Eratosthenes:
function sumPrimes(n)
sum := 0
sieve := makeArray(2..n, True)
for p from 2 to n step 1
if sieve[p]
sum := sum + p
for i from p * p to n step p
sieve[i] := False
return sum
I'll leave it to you to translate to Objective-C with a suitable data type. For n = 2000000, this should run in one or two seconds.

There are a couple of mistakes. The first being that you're overflowing. Use a long instead of an int. The second thing is just a performance boost. Change your for loop from p < 2e6, to p*p <= 2e6. This way you rule out all numbers above the square root of 2e6. Fix those problems and you'll be good to go. Good luck!



I've been working on this program to count how many twin primes between two values and it's been specified that twin primes come in the (6n-1, 6n+1) format, with the exception of (3, 5). My code seems to work fine, but it keeps giving me the wrong result....1 less couple of twin primes than i should get. Between 1 and 40, we should have 5 twin primes, but I'm always getting 4. é
What am I doing wrong? Am I not taking into account (3, 5)?
Here's my code:
#include <stdio.h>
int prime (int num) {
int div;
if (num == 2) return 1;
if (num % 2 == 0) return 0;
div = 3;
while (div*div <= num && num%div != 0)
div = div + 2;
if (num%div == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
int main(void) {
int low, high, i, count, n, m;
printf("Please enter the values for the lower and upper limits of the interval\n");
scanf("%d%d", &low, &high);
printf("THIS IS THE LOW %d\n AND THIS IS THE HIGH %d\n", low, high);
i = low;
count = 0;
while (6*i-1>=low && 6*i+1<=high) {
n = 6*i-1;
m = 6*i+1;
if (prime(n) && prime(m)) ++count;
i = i + 1;
printf("Number of twin primes is %d\n", count);
return 0;
Your program misses (3 5) because 3 is not trapped as a prime number, and because 4 is not a multiple of 6. Rather than the main loop stepping by (effectively) 6, this answer steps by 1.
#include <stdio.h>
int prime (int num) {
int div;
if (num == 1) return 0; // excluded 1
if (num == 2 || num == 3) return 1; // included 3 too
if (num % 2 == 0) return 0;
div = 3;
while (div*div <= num) {
if (num % div == 0) // moved to within loop
return 0;
div += 2;
return 1;
int main(void) {
int low, high, i, count, n, m;
printf("Please enter the values for the lower and upper limits of the interval\n");
scanf("%d%d", &low, &high);
printf("THIS IS THE LOW %d\n AND THIS IS THE HIGH %d\n", low, high);
count = 0;
for (i=low; i<=high; i++) {
n = i-1;
m = i+1;
if (prime(n) && prime(m)) {
printf ("%2d %2d\n", n, m);
printf("Number of twin primes is %d\n", count);
return 0;
Program output
3 5
5 7
11 13
17 19
29 31
Number of twin primes is 5
Next run:
3 5
5 7
Number of twin primes is 2
The five twin primes under forty are (3,5), (5,7), (11,13), (17,19), (29,31) so if you know that your code isn't counting (3,5) then it is working correctly, counting (5,7), (11,13), (17,19), and (29,31).
A possible fix would be to add an if-statement which adds 1 to "count" if the starting number is less than 4. I'm not really that used to reading C syntax so I had trouble getting my head around your formulas, sorry.
edit: since comments don't format code snippets:
i = low;
count = 0;
if (low <= 3 && high >= 3){
count ++; // accounts for (3,5) twin primes if the range includes 3
You have a problem in your prime function, this is the output of your prime function for the first ten prime evaluations
for(i=1;i<=10;i++) printf("%d\t%d",i,prime(i));
1 1
2 1
3 0
4 0
5 1
6 0
7 1
8 0
Note the prime() function from Weather Vane, you should include 3 as prime (and exclude 1).
From [1], twin primes are the ones that have a prime gap of two, differing by two from another prime.
Examples are (3,5) , (5,7), (11,13). The format (6n-1,6n+1) is true but for (3,5) as you stated. Your program runs almost ok since it shows the number of twin primes that are in the interval AND follows the rule mentioned above. This doesn't include (3,5). You can make a kind of exception (like if low<=3 add 1 to total count), or use another algorithm to count twin primes (like verify if i is prime, then count distance from i to next prime, if distance=2 then they are twin primes)
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_prime

Simplifying a fraction with decimals for ratio calculation [duplicate]

As part of a calculator app, I am trying to implement uses with sigma notation. However, the result it prints out is always a decimal, and the rest isn't important. I simply want to change the decimal to a fraction.
I already have the reduce function, the problem I'm having is getting from a decimal like this: '0.96875' to it's fractional value, '31/32'
PS: I've looked into just about everything, and for the life of me, I can't figure this out. All I need at this point is how to take the decimal out of it, and I can then reduce it.
Here is my reduce method:
-(void)reduce {
int u = numerator;
int v = denominator;
int temp;
while (v != 0) {
temp = u % v;
u = v;
v = temp;
numerator /= u;
denominator /= u;
Found this out myself. What I did was multiply the numerator and denominator by 1000000 (recalling that the decimal looked like .96875/1) so that it looked like 96875/100000.
Then, I used this reduce method to bring it into lowest terms:
-(void)reduce {
int u = numerator;
int v = denominator;
int temp;
while (v != 0) {
temp = u % v;
u = v;
v = temp;
numerator /= u;
denominator /= u;
And finally,I used a print method to get it into fraction form:
//In the .h
#property int numerator, denominator, mixed;
//In the .m
#synthesize numerator, denominator, mixed;
-(void)print {
if (numerator > denominator) {
//Turn fraction into mixed number
mixed = numerator/denominator;
numerator -= (mixed * denominator);
NSLog(#"= %i %i/%i", mixed, numerator, denominator);
} else if (denominator != 1) {
//Print fraction normally
NSLog(#"= %i/%i", numerator, denominator);
} else {
//Print as integer if it has a denominator of 1
NSLog(#"= %i", numerator);
And got my desired output:
I found a fairly good way of doing this a while back, although I don't recall where from. Anyway, it works recursively like this (this is pseudocode, not C):
function getRational(float n)
let i = floor(n); (the integer component of n)
let j = n - i;
if j < 0.0001 (use abritrary precision threshold here), return i/1
let m/n = getRational(1 / j)
return ((i * m) + n) / m
For example, take 3.142857 as a starting point.
i = 3
j = 0.142857
m/n = getRational(7)
i = 7
j = 0
return 7/1
m/n = 7/1
return ((3*7)+1) / 7 = 22/7
Or a more complicated example, 1.55:
i = 1
j = 0.55
m/n = getRational(1.81818181)
i = 1
j = 0.81818181
m/n = getRational(1.22222222)
i = 1
j = 0.22222222
m/n = getRational(4.5)
i = 4
j = 0.5
m/n = getRational(2)
i = 2
j = 0
return 2/1
m/n = 2/1
return ((4*2)+1)/2 = 9/2
m/n = 9/2
return ((1*9)+2)/9 = 11/9
m/n = 11/9
return ((1*11)+9)/11) = 20/11
m/n = 20/11
return ((1*20)+11)/20 = 31/20
I tried this with PI once. It would have gone on a while, but if you set your threshold to 0.01, it only goes down a few recursions before returning 355/113.
There's a bit of a gotcha that you might end up with integers that are too large if it goes down too deep when it returns; I haven't really looked into a good way of allowing for that, except setting the precision threshold to something fairly lax, such as 0.01.
Try this :
-(NSString *)convertToFraction:(CGFloat)floatValue{
double tolerance = 1.0E-6;
CGFloat h1 = 1;
CGFloat h2 = 0;
CGFloat k1 = 0;
CGFloat k2 = 1;
CGFloat b = floatValue;
CGFloat a = floor(b);
CGFloat aux = h1;
h1 = a*h1+h2;
h2 = aux;
aux = k1;
k1 = a*k1+k2;
k2 = aux;
b = 1/(b-a);
}while (ABS(floatValue-h1/k1) > floatValue*tolerance) ;
return k1 > 1 ? [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.0f/%.0f",h1,k1] : [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.0f",h1];

Non-uniform random numbers in Objective-C

I'd like to calculate a non-uniformly distributed random number in the range [0, n - 1]. So the min possible value is zero. The maximum possible value is n-1. I'd like the min-value to occur the most often and the max to occur relatively infrequently with an approximately linear curve between (Gaussian is fine too). How can I do this in Objective-C? (possibly using C-based APIs)
A very rough sketch of my current idea is:
// min value w/ p = 0.7
// some intermediate value w/ p = 0.2
// max value w/ p = 0.1
NSUInteger r = arc4random_uniform(10);
if (r <= 6)
result = 0;
else if (r <= 8)
result = (n - 1) / 2;
result = n - 1;
I think you're on basically the right track. There are possible precision or range issues but in general if you wanted to randomly pick, say, 3, 2, 1 or 0 and you wanted the probability of picking 3 to be four times as large as the probability of picking 0 then if it were a paper exercise you might right down a grid filled with:
3 3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1
Toss something onto it and read the number it lands on.
The number of options there are for your desired linear scale is:
- 1 if number of options, n, = 1
- 1 + 2 if n = 2
- 1 + 2 + 3 if n = 3
- ... etc ...
It's a simple sum of an arithmetic progression. You end up with n(n+1)/2 possible outcomes. E.g. for n = 1 that's 1 * 2 / 2 = 1. For n = 2 that's 2 * 3 /2 = 3. For n = 3 that's 3 * 4 / 2 = 6.
So you would immediately write something like:
NSUInteger random_linear(NSUInteger range)
NSUInteger numberOfOptions = (range * (range + 1)) / 2;
NSUInteger uniformRandom = arc4random_uniform(numberOfOptions);
... something ...
At that point you just have to decide which bin uniformRandom falls into. The simplest way is with the most obvious loop:
NSUInteger random_linear(NSUInteger range)
NSUInteger numberOfOptions = (range * (range + 1)) / 2;
NSUInteger uniformRandom = arc4random_uniform(numberOfOptions);
NSUInteger index = 0;
NSUInteger optionsToDate = 0;
if(optionsToDate >= uniformRandom) return index;
optionsToDate += index;
Given that you can work out optionsToDate without iterating, an immediately obvious faster solution is a binary search.
An even smarter way to look at it is that uniformRandom is the sum of the boxes underneath a line from (0, 0) to (n, n). So it's the area underneath the graph, and the graph is a simple right-angled triangle. So you can work backwards from the area formula.
Specifically, the area underneath the graph from (0, 0) to (n, n) at position x is (x*x)/2. So you're looking for x, where:
(x-1)*(x-1)/2 <= uniformRandom < x*x/2
=> (x-1)*(x-1) <= uniformRandom*2 < x*x
=> x-1 <= sqrt(uniformRandom*2) < x
In that case you want to take x-1 as the result hadn't progressed to the next discrete column of the number grid. So you can get there with a square root operation simple integer truncation.
So, assuming I haven't muddled my exact inequalities along the way, and assuming all precisions fit:
NSUInteger random_linear(NSUInteger range)
NSUInteger numberOfOptions = (range * (range + 1)) / 2;
NSUInteger uniformRandom = arc4random_uniform(numberOfOptions);
return (NSUInteger)sqrtf((float)uniformRandom * 2.0f);
What if you try squaring the return value of arc4random_uniform() (or multiplying two of them)?
int rand_nonuniform(int max)
int r = arc4random_uniform(max) * arc4random_uniform(max + 1);
return r / max;
I've quickly written a sample program for testing it and it looks promising:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int arr[10] = { 0 };
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
printf("%2d. = %2d\n", i, arr[i]);
return 0;
0. = 3656
1. = 1925
2. = 1273
3. = 909
4. = 728
5. = 574
6. = 359
7. = 276
8. = 187
9. = 113

Total number of values - sum

I need to write a program "long int sum(int n)" which sum the total number of values like this:
1! − 2! + 3! − ... ± n!
I'm succesful with writing the sum for:
1-3 + 5 - ... ± (2n + 1)
float sum (int n) {
int max = 2*n +1, i = 1, sum = 0, ch = 2;
for (i = 1; i <= max; i+2; ){
if ((ch%2) == 0){
sum += i;
sum = sum - i;
return sum;
But I don't know/have an idea how to make it for a factorial sum.
it's useful to make another function that does the factorial and one that does the sum of the alternating series . . .
int factorial(int n)
int sum = 1;
if (n > 0)
for (int i = n; i > 1; --i)
sum *= i;
else if (n <= 0)
return 0;
return sum;
int alernatingSeriesSum(int nStart)
if(nStart < 1) return 0;
int sum = 0;
for(int i=1; i<nStart; ++i)
sum += (factorial(i) * ((i%2)==0 ? -1 : 1)); //multiply -1 if its an even #s
return sum;
the factorial is pretty straightforward, multiply by the value, decrement by one and iterate until it reaches 1.
the altnerating series sum is similiar, it calls factorial for reach iterating (except this time the index increases), and creates an alternating sign by mulitplying by -1 every time the index is even. this is how we produce 1! - 2! + 3! - 4! + . . . + (n+1)! - (n+2)!
i hope that helps . . .
if you cannot split it into functions, try writing this all in one main function . . . i tested this code in C and it works. feel free to play with the code and try to read what each line does. good luck.
Split it into two functions. Instead of
sum += i;
sum = sum - i;
sum += factorial(i);
sum = sum - factorial(i)
where factorial is some method that computes factorial:
long int factorial(int n) {
long int fact = n;
while ( n > 1) {
fact *= n;
return fact;

Divide integer by 16 without using division or cast

OKAY... let me rephrase this question...
How can I obtain x 16ths of an integer without using division or casting to double....
int res = (ref * frac) >> 4
(but worry a a bit about overflow. How big can ref and frac get? If it could overflow, cast to a longer integer type first)
In any operation of such kind it makes sense to multiply first, then divide. Now, if your operands are integers and you are using a compileable language (eg. C), use shr 4 instead of /16 - this will save some processor cycles.
Assuming everything here are ints, any optimizing compiler worth its salt will notice 16 is a power of two, and shift frac accordingly -- so long as optimizations are turned on. Worry more about major optimizations the compiler can't do for you.
If anything, you should bracket ref * frac and then have the divide, as any value of frac less than 16 will result in 0, whether by shift or divide.
You can use left shift or right shift:
public static final long divisionUsingMultiplication(int a, int b) {
int temp = b;
int counter = 0;
while (temp <= a) {
temp = temp<<1;
a -= b<<(counter-1);
long result = (long)Math.pow(2, counter-1);
if (b <= a) result += divisionUsingMultiplication(a,b);
return result;
public static final long divisionUsingShift(int a, int b) {
int absA = Math.abs(a);
int absB = Math.abs(b);
int x, y, counter;
long result = 0L;
while (absA >= absB) {
x = absA >> 1;
y = absB;
counter = 1;
while (x >= y) {
y <<= 1;
counter <<= 1;
absA -= y;
result += counter;
return (a>0&&b>0 || a<0&&b<0)?result:-result;
I don't understand the constraint, but this pseudo code rounds up (?):
res = 0
ref= 10
frac = 2
denominator = 16
temp = frac * ref
while temp > 0
temp -= denominator
res += 1
echo res