Alternative syntax to __block? - objective-c

I have question on the syntax of __block variables. I know you can use __block on a variable in scope so it's not read-only inside the block. However in one spot in the apple docs, I saw an alternative:
"Variables in the defining scope are read-only by default when used in a block. If you need to change the value of such a variable, you can use a special syntax:
int count = 0;
float cumulativeValue = 0.0;
UpdateElements( a, N, ^(float element){
|count, cumulativeValue|
float value = factor * element;
cumulativeValue += value;
return value;
} );
In this example, count and cumulativeValue are modified inside the block, so they are included in comma-separated list of shared variables at the beginning of the block scope.
This syntax seems much cleaner and I assume you could then modify variables you did not declare but are still in scope. However, I haven't seen this anywhere else and the xCode compiler does not like my basic block. Is this legitimate syntax?

Wow. Haven't seen that syntax in a long time.
That was one of the various syntactic structures explored during the development of blocks. It was eventually rejected because it was too imprecise in declaring intent and the resulting behavior would have been confusing.
Consider a scope with three blocks, two of which declare a variable as readwrite via |a|. There would be no way of knowing from the int a = 5; declaration at the top of the scope that the variable's value is readwrite in some of the block's scope.
As well, it would make the compiler implementation significantly more difficult. The tradition in C is that a variables storage type is fixed at the time of declaration. Supporting this syntax would have broken that expectation.
Thus, it was decided to use a storage type modifier akin to volatile or static. __block was used primarily because the __ prefix greatly reduces the amount of code that would break by adding a bare keyword.
Thanks for asking this. Bug filed and that documentation will be fixed and/or removed eventually.

The | | syntax was inspired by Smalltalk, as was, of course, the term "block".
As bbum points out, marking the decl site is more honest w.r.t. non-block usage and far more in line with C when modeled, as it ended up, as a new (C) object "duration".


Is it possible to introspect into the scope of a Scalar at runtime?

If I have the following variables
my $a = 0;
my $*b = 1;
state $c = 2;
our $d = 3;
I can easily determine that $*b is dynamic but $a is not with the following code
say $a.VAR.dynamic;
say $*b.VAR.dynamic;
Is there any way to similarly determine that $c is a state variable and $d is a package-scoped variable? (I know that I could do so with a will trait on each variable declaration, but I'm hopping there is a way that doesn't require annotating every declaration. Maybe something with ::(...) interpolation?)
In the case of the package-scoped variable, not too hard:
our $foo = 'bar';
say $ ∈ OUR::.keys
where we're using the OUR pseudopackage. However, there's no such thing as a STATE pseudopackage. They obviously show up in the LEXICAL pseudopackage, but I can't find a way to check if they're a state variable or not. Sorry.
To my knowledge, there is no way to recognize a state variable. Like any lexical, it lives in the lexpad. The only thing different about it, is that it effectively has code generated to do the initialization the first time the scope is entered.
As Elizabeth Mattijsen correctly noted, it is currently not possible to see whether a variable is a state variable at run time. ... at least technically at runtime.
However, as Jonathan Worthington's comment implies, it is possible to check this at compile time. And, absent deep meta-programming shenanigans, whether a variable is a state variable is immutable after compile-time. And, of course, it's possible to make note of some info at compile time and then use it at runtime.
Thus, it's possible to know, at runtime, whether a variable is a state one with (compile-time) code along the following lines, which provides a list-state-vars trait that lists all the state variables in a function:
multi trait_mod:<is>(Sub \f, :$list-state-vars) {
use nqp;
given f.^attributes.first({.name eq '#!compstuff'}).get_value(f)[0] {
say .list[0].list.grep({try .decl ~~ 'statevar'}).map({.name});
This code is obviously pretty fragile/dependent on the Rakudo implementation details of QAST. Hopefully this will be much easier with RAST, but this basic approach is already workable and, in the meantime, this guide to QAST hacking is a helpful resource for this sort of meta programming.

How to disable all optimization when using COSMIC compiler?

I am using the COSMIC compiler in the STVD ide and even though optimization is turned of with -no (documentation says "-no: do not use optimizer") some lines of code get removed and cannot have a breakpoint placed upon them, nor are they to be found in the disassembly.
I tried to set -oc (leave removed instructions as comments) which resulted in not even showing the removed lines as comment.
bool foo(void)
uint8_t val;
if (globalvar > 5)
val = 0;
for (val = 0; val < 8; val++)
some code...
return true;
I do know it seems idiotic to set val to 0 prior to the for loop but lets just assume it is for some reason necessary. When I set no optimization I expect it to be not optimized but insted the val = 0; gets removed without any traces.
I am not looking for a workaround like declaring val volatile whitch solves the problem. I am rather looking for a way to prevent the optimization or at least understand/know what changes are made to my code when compiling.
It is not clear from the manual, but it seems that the -no option prevents assembly level optimisation. It seems possible that the code generator stage that runs before assembly optimisation may perform higher level optimisation such as redundant code removal.
From the manual:
disable the constant propagation optimization. By default,
when a variable is assigned with a constant, any subsequent access to that variable is replaced by the constant
itself until the variable is modified or a flow break is
encountered (function call, loop, label ...).
It seems that it is this constant propagation feature that you must explicitly disable.
It is unusual perhaps, but it appears that this compiler optimises by default, and distinguishes between compiler optimisations and assembler optimisations (performed as the compilation stage), and them makes you switch off each individual optimisation separately.
To avoid this in the code, rather than switching it off globally, you could initialise val to a non-zero value in this case:
int val = -1 ;
Then the later assignment to zero will require explicit code. This has the advantage over volatile perhaps in that it will not block optimisations when you do enable them.
I believe that this behaviour is allowed by the C language specification.
You are effectively writing the same value either once or twice to the same variable on successive lines of code. The compiler could assign this value to either a processor register or a memory location as it sees fit and knows that the value following the initial assignment in the for loop is the same as the value assigned when the if clause is actioned. As a result the language spec allows the compiler to throw the redundant code away.
The way to force the compiler to perform all read and write accesses to the variable is to use the volatile keyword. That is what it is for.

How a programmers solve the dilemma of using old variables instead of new variables?

For example:
... some code
int sizeOfSomeObject = someObject.length();
... some code, sizeOfSomeObject is not need anymore
now I need other int variable for other action(for example, for position in some object), and i have the dilemma: create a new variable or use sizeOfSomeObject for this. In the first case I will keep readability, but lose performance. In the second case - on the contrary. What usually do programmers in this situation?
In the first case I will keep readability, but lose performance. In the second case - on the contrary.
So did you benchmark it? I suspect no, you didn't. Most modern compilers do a lot of agressive analysis during register allocation, so if the optimizer perceives that there's a variable that's not used anymore, but there's a new variable of the same type, it will just merge the two variables to the same memory region or processor register. No need to worry about performance penalties.
And anyway, don't do premature optimization (which this is). In 90% of the cases, readability is more important than "performance".
All in all, go ahead and create a new variable with an appropriate, different, descriptive name. And just for fun, compile this version and the version in which you used the same variable name, and look at the generated assembly (or bytecode, or...) - and find out that they're identical.
I would use different named variables for different things.
In terms of something like this, I don't think just one variable would cause a massive performance hit. In most languages you have the option to clear variables from memory in some way when they are no longer in use, so I would recommend doing that so that the code means something to you or others when read at a later date.
In C++, you can use blocks for objects to be destroyed as soon as they are not needed anymore:
void some_function () {
MyClass c;
// ... here we use c ...
// now c has been destroyed
MyClass d;
// ... here we use d ...
// now d has been destroyed
In your example (with int variables), there is no reason to worry about performance. The worst thing that could probably happen is memory for two variables being used instead of one, but (i) that's negligible and (ii) int's will probably live in a CPU register, anyway. If you really worry, use the block approach for your int example.
It depends how often such an int would be initialized. If it's not in some hugely nested for loop, most (all) programmers will go for the first. Besides, most modern programming languages have a garbage collector, which cleans up left over objects.
Decent compiler will optimize out your second variable, so that shouldn't be an issue.
That said, there are situations where variable reuse makes sense. E.g., you might have some variable that holds a generic output populated from call to some external API. According to the context and parameters passed to the API you'll process the data differently but it's probably better (more readable etc.) to reuse the same data variable.
For example, something like this:
void* data = getSomeData(params);
//process data
//change params
data = getSomeData(params);
//process data
//change params
data = getSomeData(params);

Objective-C Variable Declaration Confusion

I am confused as to why I am allowed to do this (the if statement is to just show scope):
int i = 0;
float i = 1.1;
I have a c# background and something like this is not allowed. Basically, the programmer is redeclaring the variable 'i', thus giving 'i' a new meaning. Any insight would be appreciated.
In C (and by extension, in Objective C) it is allowed to declare local variables in the inner scope that would hide variables of the outer scope. You can get rid of if and write this:
int i = 0;
// Here, the outer i becomes inaccessible
float i = 1.1;
int i = 2;
printf("%d", i); // 2 is printed
C# standard decided against that, probably because it has a high probability of being an error, but C/Objective C does not have a problem with it.
Turn on "Hidden local variables" in your build settings to get a warning.
You're partially correct, yes, it gives i a new meaning, but it's not redeclaring the variable. It's another variable. But since the identifier is the same, the current scope will "hide" the previous, so any use of i inside that block refers to the float.
You're not redefining i, so much as shadowing i. This only works when the i's are declared at different levels of scope. C# allows shadowing, but not for if statements / switch statements, while C/C++/Objective-C allow such shadowing.
After the inner i goes out of scope, the identifier i will again refer to the int version of i. So it's not changing what the original i refers to. Shadowing a variable is generally not something you want to do (unless you're careful, shadowing is likely a mistake, especially for beginners).

const vs enum in D

Check out this quote from here, towards the bottom of the page. (I believe the quoted comment about consts apply to invariants as well)
Enumerations differ from consts in that they do not consume any space
in the final outputted object/library/executable, whereas consts do.
So apparently value1 will bloat the executable, while value2 is treated as a literal and doesn't appear in the object file.
const int value1 = 0xBAD;
enum int value2 = 42;
Back in C++ I always assumed this was for legacy reasons, and old compilers that couldn't optimize away constants. But if this is still true in D, there must be a deeper reason behind this. Anyone know why?
Just like in C++, an enum in D seems to be a "conserved integer literal" (edit: amazing, D2 even supports floats and strings). Its enumerators have no location. They are just immaterial as values without identity.
Placing enum is new in D2. It first defines a new variable. It is not an lvalue (so you also cannot take its address). An
enum int a = 10; // new in D2
Is like
enum : int { a = 10 }
If i can trust my poor D knowledge. So, a in here is not an lvalue (no location and you can't take its address). A const, however, has an address. If you have a global (not sure whether this is the right D terminology) const variable, the compiler usually can't optimize it away, because it doesn't know what modules can access that variable or could take its address. So it has to allocate storage for it.
I think if you have a local const, the compiler can still optimize it away just as in C++, because the compiler knows by looking at its scope whether or not anyone is interested in its address or whether everyone just takes its value.
Your actual question; why enum/const is the same in D as in C++; seems to be unanswered. Sadly there exists no good reason for this choice whatsoever. I believe that this was just an unintentional side effect in C++ that became a de facto pattern. In D the same pattern was needed, and Walter Bright decided that it should be done as in C++ such that those coming from that place would recognize what to do ... In fact, before this rather IMHO silly decision, the keyword manifest was used instead of enum for this usecase.
I think a good compiler/linker should still remove the constant. It's just that with the enum, it's actually guaranteed in the spec. The difference is primarily a matter of semantics. (Also keep in mind that 2.0 isn't complete yet)
The real purpose of enum being expanded syntactically to support single manifest constants, from what I understand, is that Don Clugston, a D template guru, was doing some crazy stuff with templates. He kept running into long build times, ridiculous compiler memory usage, etc. because the compiler kept creating internal data strucutres for const variables. One key thing about const/immutable variables compared to enums is that const/immutable variables are lvalues and can have their address taken. This means there is some extra overhead for the compiler. This usually doesn't matter, but when you're executing really complicated compile-time metaprograms, even if const variables are optimized away, this is still significant overhead at compile time.
It sounds like the enum value will be used "inline" in expressions where as the const will actually take storage and any expression referencing it will be loading the value from the memory storage.
This sound similar to the difference between const vs. readonly in C#. The former is a compile-time constant and the later is a run-time constant. This definitely affected versioning of assemblies (since assemblies referencing a readonly would receive a copy at compile time and would not get a change to the value if the referenced assembly was rebuilt with a different value).