Using IntelliJ to open a build.gradle file, in the "Import Project from Gradle" window, the "Excluded Roots" are pre-populated with the .gradle and build directories.
How do I specify what directories should be excluded (or not excluded) in the build.gradle file?
Specifically I am using a protocol buffer plugin that places generated sources in the /build/generated-sources/ directory. If the build directory is excluded then my source class do not see the generated classes.
Details: IntelliJ 12.1.3, Gradle 1.4
As shown in the Gradle Build Language Reference, you can configure the idea.module.excludeDirs property, which is of type List<File>. Apparently IDEA doesn't support including subdirectories of excluded directories, so you'll have to exclude all siblings of build/generated-sources. For example:
idea {
module {
excludeDirs = [file(".gradle")]
["classes", "docs", "dependency-cache", "libs", "reports", "resources", "test-results", "tmp"].each {
excludeDirs << file("$buildDir/$it")
If supported by the Protocol Buffer plugin, it may be easier to put the generated sources into a place outside build, and make that place known to the clean task (e.g. clean.delete "generated-sources").
Another solution. Works with Idea 13.
idea.module {
excludeDirs -= file(buildDir) //1
buildDir.listFiles({d,f->f != 'generated-sources'} as FilenameFilter).each {excludeDirs += it}} //2
Remove buildDir from excludeDirs.
Exclude each buildDir child (except generating-source).
If you are using the Gradle Kotlin DSL, use the following snippet:
idea {
module {
for exclude folder in module i'm use
idea {
module.apply {
val file = file("$projectDir/node_modules")
val exclude = HashSet<File>(excludeDirs)
excludeDirs = exclude
My usecase is to copy files from another dependency and add it to the jar. For a build.gradle file it is done as
task copyConfiguration(type: Copy) {
into "${brazilGradle.buildDir}/schema"
sourceSets.main.resources {
srcDir "${brazilGradle.buildDir}/schema"
include 'src/*'
What will be the equivalent translation for build.gradle.kts?
Edit : I was able to copy the file using
task<Copy>("copyDdlSchemas") {
Need help with syntax to upload it to jar.
If what you want is the kotlin gradle equivalent of the sourceSets section in the question, it'll look like below:
sourceSets["main"].resources {
Once the files are part of the source set, they'll automatically get included in the jar file generated by the default jar task.
I am stuck with converting a groovy gradle script to kotlin script. I am trying to use pf4j in my project and have started converting their example build.gradle to .gradle.kts. Example can be found here:
Since I got stuck I am trying it just for one plugin right now, however their example is applying the task to all subprojects. So be aware of the difference.
So I tried to replace their build example with the following gradle.kts file:
val pluginClass: String by project
val pluginId: String by project
val pluginProvider: String by project
val version: String by project
val pf4jVersion: String by project
dependencies {
val buildPluginArchive = task("plugin", Jar::class) {
manifest {
attributes["Plugin-Class"] = pluginClass
attributes["Plugin-Id"] = pluginId
attributes["Plugin-Version"] = version
attributes["Plugin-Provider"] = pluginProvider
into("classes") {
into("lib") {
configurations.runtimeClasspath.get().filter {"jar") }.map { zipTree(it) }
tasks {
"build" {
And it works and generates a zip, but the contents do not match the original. Firstly the lib folder does not only contain jar files, but also a folder structure (and more important a META-INF folder with MANIFEST.MF file that confuses the plugin loader). And it is missing the MANIFEST.MF in the classes/META-INF folder.
I suspect the issue being somwhere with this configuration in the original build.gradle:
into('classes') {
with jar
I just could not find any meaningful documentation about what "with jar" actually does or how to replicate the behavior in gradle.kts.
How can I get the same output as the demo with a gradle.kts configuration?
I just could not find any meaningful documentation about what "with jar" actually does
with is a method from the Jar task type. See the method details section of the Jar task, scroll to the bottom and you'll find information the with method. It's signature is:
CopySpec with(CopySpec... sourceSpecs)
Now if you were to look at the API documentation for Jar, you'll see that with actually comes from CopySpec which Jar implements thanks to its super class.
The jar part in with jar is referring to the task named jar which is created by the Java plugin.
With all of that said, a more idiomatic approach for the with part would be:
tasks {
val plugin by registering(Jar::class) {
into("classes") {
build {
I'd like to load my custom plugin from a local jar. The jar file compiles fine and when I check it, the manifest and the plugin class are there.
gradlePlugin {
plugins {
create("asdf") { // <-- I really call it "asdf" in the kts script
id = "asdf"
implementationClass = "pluginTest.TestPlugin"
version = "1.4.0"
The plugin doesn't do anything useful yet as it should be a proof-of-concept to make sure it actually works at all:
class TestPlugin : Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
println("Hallo TestPlugin!")
I then try to use it like this in another project:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
plugins {
id("asdf") version "1.4.0"
but it keeps telling me that:
Plugin [id: 'asdf', version: '1.4.0'] was not found in any of the following sources:
What am I missing here? I use Gradle v6.5.
When you have the plugin jar on the classpath, you can't have a version number in the plugin application. I guess this is because you can't have multiple jars with different versions on the classpath in the first place, so specifying a version here doesn't make any sense (except perhaps to validate that you are using the correct one). This won't fix the problem, but it is a start.
To be honest, I don't know why your approach still won't work. The buildscript block is supposed to set up dependencies for that particular script, and that should make the plugin visible to it. It doesn't for some reason.
Perhaps this is a bug or perhaps this is just an undocumented limitation on the use of the plugin {} block. Maybe you could ask over at the Gradle forums or create an issue for it. However, there are workarounds that don't involve publishing to a (local) Maven repository, which I agree can be a bit annoying.
If you use "apply from" instead of "plugins {}", it works. For some reason, the former can see the buildscript classpath whereas the latter can't:
// build.gradle (Groovy DSL)
buildscript {
dependencies {
apply from: "asdf"
Alternatively, move the buildscript plugin from the build.gradle file to the settings.gradle file. This makes is available to the entire build classpath and will make it work with the plugin block:
// settings.gradle (Groovy DSL):
buildscript {
dependencies {
// build.gradle (Groovy DSL)
plugins {
Lastly, just in case you haven't considered it already, you may be able to add the plugin as a composite build. This will create a source dependency to the plugin and has the advantage that transitive dependencies will be carried over (the ones you put in the plugin's own dependency block) and that it will be built automatically if not up-to-date. I use this approach for integration testing my plugins and also sometimes to apply them to my other real projects to test them in a bigger setting before publishing new versions.
Do that with either:
// settings.gradle (Groovy DSL):
// build.gradle (Groovy DSL):
plugins {
Or without hard-coding it in the build (so you can dynamically switch between local and published versions):
// build.gradle (Groovy DSL):
plugins {
id("asdf") version "1.4.0" // Version is optional (will be ignored when the command line switch below)
// Run with:
./gradlew --include-build "..\\..\\path\\to\\plugin" build
With #BjørnVester's answer I figured it out!
You need to put the buildscript in settings.gradle.kts as it doesn't get executed in the build.gradle.kts even when placed before plugins.
buildscript {
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs("..\\reusable-kotlin\\build\\libs") // <-- folder with jars
dependencies {
But there's a catch! You must use the file-name of the jar in the classpath's name identifier that goes like this:
The file gradle will look for will be file-name-version.jar or file-name.jar which you'll see in the error message if you make a mistake (I added the _ on purpose to trigger the error):
Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration 'classpath'.
Could not find com.hedev.kotlin:reusable-kotlin_:1.4.0. Searched in the following locations:
- file:/C:/some/path/reusable-kotlin/build/libs/reusable-kotlin_-1.4.0.jar
- file:/C:/some/path/reusable-kotlin/build/libs/reusable-kotlin_.jar
In order for this to work I also had to add the group property to the plugin itself:
gradlePlugin {
plugins {
create("asdf") {
id = "asdf"
implementationClass = "com.hedev.kotlin.gradle.TestPlugin"
version = "1.4.0"
group = "com.hedev.kotlin"
Finally you can apply it in build.gradle.kts with (no version here):
plugins {
I want to build a CLI tool with Kotlin Multiplatform which runs on Linux, Macos and Windows.
But I am struggling with setting up my build.gradle and my project structure. I am using IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1 and created my basic project with File -> New -> Project -> Kotlin / Native | Gradle
Currently I am looking through guides from but I am more falling then achieving something.
So far my build.gradle looks as follows:
plugins {
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform' version '1.3.72'
repositories {
kotlin {
// For ARM, should be changed to iosArm32 or iosArm64
// For Linux, should be changed to e.g. linuxX64
// For MacOS, should be changed to e.g. macosX64
// For Windows, should be changed to e.g. mingwX64
linuxX64("linux") {
mingwX64("mingw") {
macosX64("macos") {
binaries {
executable {
// Change to specify fully qualified name of your application's entry point:
entryPoint = 'sample.main'
// Specify command-line arguments, if necessary:
sourceSets {
commonMain {
dependencies {
implementation kotlin('stdlib-common')
implementation "com.github.ajalt:clikt-multiplatform:2.7.0"
commonTest {
dependencies {
implementation kotlin('test-common')
implementation kotlin('test-annotations-common')
macosX64().compilations.test.defaultSourceSet {
dependsOn commonMain
// Note: To enable common source sets please comment out
'kotlin.import.noCommonSourceSets' property
// in file and re-import your project in IDE.
macosMain {
macosTest {
wrapper {
gradleVersion = "6.4.1"
distributionType = "ALL"
And my project structure is still basic:
Project structure
Formerly I only worked on Android Projects with Kotlin, and I guess I am spoiled with gradle as Android generates the most basic stuff and everything is working without doing that much.
I understand that I need to create packages like linuxMain and mingwMain, but where to I put common sourcesets? I tried to create a package called commonMain, but it won't even let me create Kotlin files in that package.
When I am finished I want to have (in the best case) one common source set and one entry point for all my targets. Is this even possible?
As far as I can see, you specify your commonMain source set's source locations as /src/main/. By default, it's usually set onto /src/commonMain/kotlin/. So if you will remove those srcDir settings and create a .kt file in your /src/commonMain/kotlin/ folder, everything should work fine. Also, I hope you have removed 'kotlin.import.noCommonSourceSets' property from your as your script recommended.
I am looking to use Gradle to build my Groovy / Grails based project for which we are using IntelliJ Idea as the IDE.
I am using IntelliJ version 11.1.4, Gradle version 1.2.
My project is a configured as a multi project build with various Groovy & Grails subprojects.
I was hoping that this would give me the same kind of IDE support that I would get if managing the build through Maven, such as:
Automatic dependency management (import new dependencies to IntelliJ when added to various build.gradle)
Build DSL support
Execution of build tasks
Use of the underlying build system (gradle) by the IDE when performing builds\
I have imported my project into IntelliJ by opening the root build.gradle file.
So far I am coming up against a few annoying problems:
IntelliJ is not recognising (or recognising randomly) changes to dependencies in the build.gradle files and therefore dependencies are not being updated.
The gradle "idea" plugin doesn't seem to work with multi module projects.
How are people working with Gradle inside IntelliJ? Are you managing dependencies manually within IntelliJ??
I have been using Gradle "idea" plugin for some time now and it works very well. Since "idea" plugin simply generates IntelliJ project configuration files it is somewhat limited in what you can do with it, but nevertheless, I have had more success with it compared to the IntelliJ gradle support (JetGradle thing).
Gradle "idea" plugin does work with multi-module projects, never had a problem with that. I always put parent project configuration in master folder (see Initialization chapter), which seems to work. Never tried the nested structure though.
In order to do additional IntelliJ configuration you can do some .ipr and .iml tinkering from gradle, or alternatively try using one of my plugins (see Utilities plugin) which will do most of the tinkering for you.
In the end I went with rodion's suggestion above and used the idea plugin. It turns out I had not configured it properly first time I tried it (only applied the plugin to the master project, not subprojects).
I only found this out after writing my own task to update the dependencies for an IntelliJ project (based on the .idea directory layout project structure). I am going to use the plugin as there will be less maintenance, but here is my solution for posterity and in case it is useful to anyone:
ext {
intelliJLibraryDir = "$gradle.rootProject.rootDir/.idea/libraries"
userHomeDir = gradle.gradleUserHomeDir.parent
task cleanIntelliJLibraries << {
ant.delete (includeEmptyDirs: 'true') {
fileset(dir: intelliJLibraryDir, includes: '*.xml')
task createIntelliJLibraries(dependsOn: cleanIntelliJLibraries) << {
// The unique set of dependency artifacts across all subprojects
def uniqueProjectArtifacts = subprojects.collectMany {
if (it.configurations.compile) {
it.configurations.compile.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.findAll { != "my.project"
else { [] }
// Output a library xml file for each of the dependency artifacts
uniqueProjectArtifacts.each { artifact ->
def artifactPath = artifact.file.path
def artifactName = { "$group:$name:$version" }
def intelliJLibraryPath = artifactPath.replace(userHomeDir, '$USER_HOME$')
def intelliJLibraryFileName = "Gradle__$artifactName".replace(':', '_').replace('.','_') + ".xml"
new File("$intelliJLibraryDir/$intelliJLibraryFileName").withWriter { writer ->
def dependencyXML = new MarkupBuilder( writer )
dependencyXML.component (name: "libraryTable") {
library (name: "Gradle: $artifactName") {
root (url: "jar://$intelliJLibraryPath!/")
task updateIntelliJModules(dependsOn: createIntelliJLibraries) << {
subprojects.each { project ->
def root = new XmlSlurper().parse(new File("${}.iml"))
// Remove the existing dependencies
root.component.orderEntry.findAll { it.#type == "library" && it.#level == "project" }.replaceNode {}
// Add in the new dependencies
if (project.configurations.compile) {
project.configurations.compile.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.findAll { != "my.project"
}.each { artifact ->
def artifactName = { "Gradle: $group:$name:$version" }
root.component.appendNode {
orderEntry (type: "library", exported: "", name: artifactName, level: "project")
def outputBuilder = new StreamingMarkupBuilder()
new File("${}.iml").withWriter { writer ->
groovy.xml.XmlUtil.serialize(outputBuilder.bind{ mkp.yield root }, writer)