I am using Zk6.5.2 in my web application ,any one know if ZK provide any spell checking tool for textbox or textarea or we can integrate any third party tool .
Spell checking is usually handled by the browser.
On Chrome, you won't find spell checking on the normal textbox which gets rendered as <input type='text'/> but will see spell checking on the large textbox which gets rendered as <textarea>.
#BalusC summed this up here
Each of the browsers may have their own quirks like this, but you should be expecting to depend on the browser's spell checker and not roll your own.
If you're using the <ckeditor/> for input, you'll want to have a look at their documentation (note this is the 'User Documentation', there is no 'Developer Documentation' for spell check at this time.
Native spellchecking doesn't appear to be supported by all browsers at this time (Firefox & Safari only it seems) but you can enable SCAYT (Spell Check As You Type) with a bit of Googling. It's free but ad-based.
I have integrated Rapid Spell checker with ZK framework
While doing accessibility sanity checks, I like to ensure to provide appropriate guidance for developers to correct anything that is reported as problematic or incorrect.
In this case, their implementation of a tooltip was incorrect. So I set to use MDN's documentation (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/Tooltip_Role) as a reference.
But before simply sharing that, I tested MDN's code example with VoiceOver myself, and I discovered something curious:
List elements (<ul> in MDN's example) are not actually read by the screen reader. I tested with VoiceOver on Chrome and Firefox, and they both read the tooltip content as expected.
Does anyone know if this is a Safari bug, or if there is anything to ensure to do in the markup to ensure the tooltip content is read?
Here is a link to test: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/jansensan/test-a11y-tooltip/blob/main/public/index.html
Here is the code: https://github.com/jansensan/test-a11y-tooltip/blob/main/public/index.html
Edit: To clarify, I currently tested this on macOS Ventura with Safari, Firefox, and Chrome. The issue of VoiceOver not reading the content happens on Safari (weirdly enough). It skips the list altogether (I added paragraphs , <p> before and after the list to see what it would read).
There are two different situations here.
Descriptions only need to be read as a flat string
According to ARIA’s Text Equivalent Computation, exposure of the referenced structure is not required:
The purpose of the computation is to create a perceivable label or description for alternative presentations, in the form of a flat string of space separated textual tokens.
So this concerns the text read when focus is on the input—provided the user activated announcement of descriptions in their settings.
Reading the tooltips content by moving reading cursor onto it
If the reading cursor is moved onto the tooltip widget itself, the whole contents must be read, including structure. It would be surprising if Safari didn’t do that. If it doesn’t, it’s a bug.
Tooltips must stay open on hover
Both tooltip examples have one issue, though: They fail WCAG Success Criterion 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus, because they close when trying to move the mouse pointer on them.
Hoverable: If pointer hover can trigger the additional content, then the pointer can be moved over the additional content without the additional content disappearing;
It’s a reflex of mouse users to hover content they are reading, independent of screen reader use.
I've made a couple small Safari extensions. For one of them, I would like to collect a set of user-entered strings (e.g., URLs or URL patterns) using a textarea in the settings screen. The only setting types offered in the documentation are one line text, check box, slider, select lists, and radio buttons. I could use a one line text field as an ugly workaround, but I'm hoping there's a better option. I've googled for hints and looked through Safari extensions in GitHub, but haven't found an example of anyone doing this yet.
Does anyone have an example of how to use a textarea for a Safari extensions setting? Is there an undocumented feature I've not been able to find? Or is there a way to trigger a custom popup window from the settings?
Thanks for any tips.
No, there is no way to build a more complex UI inside the settings dialog. What extensions typically do is add a button (checkbox, even if it's not quite the correct element) in the settings page which then launches a separate Safari page which contains the full settings UI, written in HTML.
For an example of this, install uBlock and take a look at how it launches its setting UI.
Is there a built in method for checking that an input text element has a focus ?
Well, I didn't find one, so I tried this extension.
But, it doesn't work for me either (i.e. the test fails).
Any ideas ?
I have had numerous problems detecting if an element has focus because the browser Selenium is controlling typically does not have the focus within the Operating System, and as such the browser will NOT consider any elements to have focus until the browser regains the focus.
I have been pulling my hair out over this, so worked up a solution to this problem. See http://blog.mattheworiordan.com/post/9308775285/testing-focus-with-jquery-and-selenium-or
for a full explanation of the problem and a solution to this.
If you can't be arsed to read the lengthy explanation, simply include https://gist.github.com/1166821 BEFORE you include JQuery, and use $(':focus') to find the element that has focus, or .is(':focus') to check if an element has focus.
I wrote that plugin and it is working fine in my environment.
Could you provide me a detailed description of how you used it? I would try bugfix it if we will find a bug.
If I use IE I can visit the website I want and click the 'Next' button and life is good. If I open that same website using the webBrowser control and click the 'Next button I get a javascript error message.
I'm not doing anything in the code to manipulate the website. My goal, eventually, is to have some level of automation; but at this point, I get the javascript error and a pop-up and it screws everything else.
I can hide the JS error from popping up; by setting 'WebBrowser1.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = True' but the page isn't working because of the error.
The client script might be assuming a full browser is present and trying to access part of the browser outside the Document Object Model (DOM) of the page. For example, maybe the client script is trying to display something on the browser's status bar, or trying to modify a toolbar which isn't available in the WebBrowserControl. There could be numerous similar reasons.
If you do not have write-access to the web page in question to try fixing it, then play with WebBrowser Control properties such as ScriptErrorsSuppressed and ObjectForScripting
Try setting WebBrowser1 Silent property to true.
Actually, you are receiving this problem because when you run your site in IE8 or IE9 on your normal internet explorer desktop app, you are getting either IE8 or IE( rendering, depending on which you have installed. However, with the webbrowser control, unless you take the effort to change soem settings in the registry, the default rendering engine used by the webbrowser control is IE7 (if u have 7, 8 or 9 installed) and IE4 (if you have 4, 5 or 6 installed).
This is why you are having the problem, if you want help changing the rendering engine version for your webbrowser control, do a google search as there are many examples on SO, and i have provided this answer in some of my previous posts on this tag/topic. feel free to search or ask me.
Let me know how you go.
I am using a IWebBrowser2 control in my application and writing my own container (in C++ - No ATL/MFC allowed). The control works fine. However web sites will not show if I am going from secure to non secure. It trails back to the setting in advanced options of IE (WarnonZoneCrossing) : Warn if changing between secure and not secure. It works without this checked.
When doing this within the actual IE browser, it will show a messagebox to ask the user. I am fine also showing the user this box. My question would be what interface or event could I be missing that makes this message box not appear and the web page rendering stall?
Thanks in advance,
I'm not 100% certain, but have you tried implementing IDocHostUIHandler::ShowUI()?
Failing that, have a look at interfaces that the WebOC is asking for via QueryInterface() and IServiceProvider::QueryService() and see if any make sense in this case.
Stupid mistake on my part. I had it in silent mode. Apparently in silent mode when you have that dialog pop up and it can not be answered, it will show a blank page (makes sense, but confuses me :)). Thanks for the response!