Spot 5 Syntactic errors in this BPMN Diagram - bpmn

The only Syntactic error I can find here is Complete Transaction should be closed. I also have not understood "Parallel" pathway. I am also confused as why there is a "+" symbol for every procedure. The book isn't simply great. Please kindly tell me the errors with full clarification.

1.Service Label is absent.
2.Reserved from stock must be in “Finance”
3.From “Status” to “Order car from factory”, “Order from factory” step description is missing.
4.After “Handle Cancellation”, the description “Reason?” is missing and lastly no feedback message

End-state "Transaction complete" uses the None start event graphic.


Where do I get "Find Methods" for Loqate's Address Verification?

I'm testing our Loqate's Adress Verification
The API is asking for a Key and Id as part of the required parameters, I have the Key, but for the Id it says in the description that it's a "Find Method" but I don't know where or which they are.
What are valid Id's I can put in there?
Anyone here have any experience with this?
The function, you mentioned, needs another function to unfold their whole functionality.
First of all you need to get some suggestion made by a search of a user e.g.
This function will give you back suggestions. If the type is "address" you can use the given id of the respond to get the whole data of an address you found.
Hope this helps!

unexpected indent python 3.7 pycharm

I am very new to python. But I want to extract some data of job postings from an online job portal.
With the following code I wanted to extract the title of the job posting of a particular website:
def jobtitle(soup):
for div in soup.find_all(name="div", attrs={"class"}:"row"}):
for a in div.find_all(name="a",attrs={"data-tn-element":"jobTitle"}):
I receive this error message:
for div in soup.find_all(name="div", attrs={"class"}:"row"}):
IndentationError: unexpected indent
I tried many different things that were recommend on other sites, but nothing worked. I just don't know what the problem is. I tried different whitespace, but I just don't understand what I am doing wrong.
Any ideas? I would be really grateful!
Thanks a lot :-)
Remove the indent on the first for line.
The first for statement should be directly under the jobs=[] declaration.
def jobtitle(soup):
for div in soup.find_all(name="div", attrs={"class"}:"row"}):
for a in div.find_all(name="a",attrs={"data-tn-element":"jobTitle"}):

Symfony3 Doctrine2 Column cannot be null

Hey folks I need your help on a symfony project.
I have two entities, "article" and "image", article can have several images so I made a relationship OneToMany on the article side and ManyToOne on the image side. Doctrine generates for me an "article_id" column on the image table.
I made a form to create an article with one or more images... however when I execute it I have an error that is thrown :
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO image (url, alt, article_id) VALUES (?,?,?) 'with params ["jpeg", "untitled.jpg", null]: SQLSTATE [23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column' article_id 'can not be null.
When I look to the profiler logs debug, I can see that I have an "INSERT INTO article[...]" (so the article is created with an ID ?) and just after this I have the famous "INSERT INTO image[...]" where the error occurs.
Thank you for your help.
EDIT In bold you will find the lines I added to solve this problem.
I added into the ArticleType form, in the images collection options this :
'by_reference' => false
And I added to the addImage method into the Article entity this :
This is a very common question but surprisingly difficult to search for. In fact the first ten or so search results had incorrect answers.
In any event, you need to make sure that image is linked to the article.
class Article
public function addImage($image) {
$this->images[] = $image;
$image->setArticle($this); // ADD THIS
I think #Cerad's answer is very wrong, although I can't blame him because OP hasn't posted enough code, don't be shy with it, we're here to help. It also helps to briefly mention if you're just starting out (as I suspect you are) as it will help us gauge whether its a novice problem or something deeper.
Since I'm assuming it's a novice problem here is the novice solution.
With they way you've mapped (which I believe is correct) you are basically telling Doctrine to Tell your RDBMS (MySql/MariaDB/PostgreSQL) that an article CAN have many images, but an image MUST belong to an article.
This means that if you attempt to save an image without specifying the owning article, it will throw an error.
This is what I think you are doing evident in the line
(url, alt, article_id) VALUES (?,?,?) 'with params ["jpeg", "untitled.jpg", null]
the value "null" is where the issue is coming about because you are not specifying the owning article.
You have 2 options
1.) When saving image, if you have the article object at hand just do
2.) When saving the image, if you have the article_id at hand just do
$image->setArticle($em->getReference('AppBundle\Entity\Articles', $article_id));
You must follow one of the above when saving an image directly.
My general experience has been that Doctrine does a really good job of generating entities from command line that you really don't need to change much unless adding some advanced functionality like second_level_cache or MySQL point type.
The problem is that when you submit your form, the first image is attached to the article but the others are not, so you get an SQL error.
You have to do a "foreach loop" for every image and attched the article to each one.
Look here at the addAction function

Call a data from a database in a .ini file

I have a little problem about my .ini file. I am using LabVIEW to pilot a Power Supply GPD-2303. And I have to configure the Voltage and the Current searched for each cards. These datas are in a Database but I have only a read access on it.
Voltage, Name, AlphaNumCode... Are not a problem because it will probably never change so my code is looking like:
That's to set Voltage, Current at the start of the execution on LabVIEW and give an Assembly PN "IF KQG then AssemblyPN= 1633".
That's the situation. The problem is there:
[Assembly PN]
I want to transform it, because if this value is not a fix value. I am looking for Something like:
[Assembly PN]
I have found:
But it show how to interact with the colon but not with a specific case. Is there a command?
That's the last thing I have to do in my Internship to end this project and I do not like let things unfinished.
Hope someone can help me or give me documents to learn how to do it, it will be great :)
Yes, this article show how to access data by a text file, and the text file is linked to the data in the database, I was thinking that could work.
I am clearly new about database so I am sorry about the lack of knowledge I will try to do my best, but using SQL server and System DSN to Access it in LabVIEW.
The ini File is read in a LabVIEW Program
I send you my Sub VI and a picture of my code, that's what I want. still having 2 days to end it so I hope you can read me guys!
[1630]LINE=WHERE (OC=1630);
[1631]LINE=WHERE (OC=1631);
[1632]LINE=WHERE (OC=1632);
[1633]LINE=WHERE (OC=1633);
[1635]LINE=WHERE (OC=1635);
LabVIEW Picture of the Sub VI 25/07/16 using DB Select Tool Kit
Best regards,
I have found a solution, in fact I am using a .ini file to send a condition:
Just to know: (OC = Assembly Number)
In my .ini I have:
Then I send it to the condition in DB Select Tool Kit and I enter the column / table where is the data I am looking for.
Then if a new card need to be test they just need to make a new line in the .ini file:
Thanks for your help that problem is resolve, I hope it can help someone that want to make communication between LabVIEW / .ini / Database
Best regards,

VB.NET Console and RichTextBox difficulties

I am new here. I am very happy that I joined this website, because everyone here is so smart!
Now, let's cut to the chase! Hopefully, I will be able to explain everything properly.
I am creating a Visual Basic application. It's supposed to reassemble a so-called "fake programming language." It's having some issues though.
Let me show you an example before explaining:
If RichTextBox1.Text.Contains("console output >'insert comment';") then
Console.WriteLine("insert comment")
End If
Now, what I want here is a custom input. (if someone types "I want cookies" then I want the console to say that!
For instance, if I type:
If RichTextBox1.Text.Contains("console output >'Insert something here';") then
Console.WriteLine("Whatever the user wrote!")
End If
I just want to possibility to write whatever I want, that's all! I hope I made myself clear, because I am having a hard time explaining here. Help is appreciated! Thank you!
You need to match just the part with the console output > and then replace that portion of the string with empty space, like this:
If RichTextBox1.Text.Contains("console output >") Then
Console.WriteLine(Replace(RichTextBox1.Text, "console output >", ""));
End If