Social Networking Site in MVC with Entity Framework code first is better to choose this or another platform? how? -

I want to start to develop my own social networking site in mvc with Entity framework code frist methodology (linq,back end ms sql server) it best choice to select this platform and why?
so, i will start to develop and also any info or link is there please send me??

No technology really does provide anything out-of-the-box. You can use MVC with entity framework but also ASP.NET with Linq to SQL (just as an example)
Either way you will have to build it from scratch if you do not want to use external controls. I would strictly recommend telerik ( They offer great controls for mvc as well as for But even if you use external controls you have to design the data/object-structure by yourself

There is no one true platform that is geared towards writing a social networking web application. Most have their advantages and disadvantages. If you are a .NET developer and you need to build something in RAD then use web forms, if you want to build something with separation and clean code in mind, use MVC.


ASP.NET Core AddContext

I'm architecting a new App and I really unconfortable with this approach in ASP.NET Core that made "normal" adding a DbContext by using AddDbContext, in services.
I'd like to know if you guys think that using AddDbContext in ASP.NET Core isn't a bad practice, since it forces my Web App to have a dependecy on my database access layer.
I've researched a lot and it was incredible that there isn't almost anything that cover this subject.
How should I proceed to overcome this concern?
it forces my Web App to have a dependency on my database access layer
That's exactly the place where it should be: the composition root. Your application startup code is the place where you glue your components together.
What else would you want, create a separate library, containing interfaces for all classes in your entire DAL, and wire that up using magic during startup?

Areas in different project with ASP.NET MVC 4

I am working with ASP.NET MVC 4, and trying to have areas in separate projects.
I have been checking this thread where we are anticipated the non-supporting state of areas in different projects after ASP.NET MVC2:
What are the pros and cons of Areas implemented as single projects vs multiple projects in mvc
Anyone know if it is true that it is not supported anymore?
Could anyone help me to find out if there is a common way to have areas in separated projects when using ASP.NET MVC 4?
I have found this other thread that may help, but was looking for a more common way:
ASP.NET MVC 4 Areas in separate projects not working (view not found)
Thank you!
The answer is most likely no, but I can't provide a definitive source as it concerns > version 3.
This was written in 2010:
I'm the development lead on ASP.NET MVC at Microsoft.
There are no plans to include multi-project areas in ASP.NET MVC 3.
However, it's definitely an area that we plan to revisit in the
In the meantime MvcContrib's solutions are probably the best bet. The
MVC Futures download still includes an old (and perhaps only
semi-functional) version of the original multi-project areas feature.
Because the full source code for it is also available, you might be
able to construct a solution that is customized to your needs.
Currently, the areas template as provided in VS2013 does not provide an out of the box solution for this. My assumption would be that it is "possible" but not supported. The greater question would be, what scenario are you encountering where it is necessary to put your areas into different projects?
Different projects are like different sites in one solution. They do not depend on each others. Each Area has own routing registration.
You can check this. May be it will help:
ASP.NET MVC 4 Areas in separate projects

How do we call applications implementing only the view and controller parts from the MVC pattern?

I am currently building guidelines and standards for my team. We build two types of applications:
Business Web Applications using Java + MVC2 (EJB3, Struts and JSP) for transactions, scalability and persistence.
Light Web Applications using Java + Struts and JSP for small applications like surveys, small forms, etc. Basically, it's like MVC2 without the model part of it.
I am looking for the right pattern or practice name for the Light Web Applications. I guess "View-Controller" could do the trick but I am trying to find a diagram that would illustrator that "pattern" properly.
Any idea?

Regarding Creating Business application using Silverlight

We are in the conceptual phase to create a relatively medium size enterprise business product application using Silver light 4.0, Entity Framework and WCF.
1. Is it adivceable to use Silverlight 4.0 for this enterprise business application development or should we go in for MVC.NET / ASP.NET?
2. We have planned to use REST based WCF service. How complex would it be to write the information back to the REST WCF service?
I appreciate and welcome your advice / suggestion. If you need any further details do let me know, i will be happy to share.
Thanks in advance.
If ASP.NET (MVC) and Silverlight are my only choices, I'd take Silverlight.
If you were to choose ASP.NET (alone), remember that MVC isn't your only option. While MVC 2 is the hot ticket on the block, so to speak, WebForms is still being advanced and actively developed and supported by Microsoft.
Also, if you're going to be using Silverlight, you'll be using web pages anyway (at least one) and it's certainly conceivable (possibly desirable) to compartmentalize it such that you can use both.
Having said that, I would honestly recommend WPF over Silverlight for enterprise development unless it's absolutely necessary for it to be cross-platform. It's what it was built for and allows you to completely unleash the capabilities of the OS, not the least of which being that it opens up every security option WCF offers.
As for your question about how easy it is to write information back to a REST WCF service, I suppose the answer to that is relative to how good a developer you are. :) Honestly, it's pretty easy though. Specifically, I'd look into WCF RIA services for that sort of thing.
For Line-of-business apps i will prefer Silverlight. but if you are going for SL4 them i think you should also consider this:
Microsoft recently introduced OData as an alternate to WCF. I haven't played much with OData but its easy to work on REST based services but full control over it. I think you should further investigate your options and consider OData as well.

What is the most suitable RIA programming language to construct a REST API?

We are currently designing a REST API that we want to publish in a few months. Since this is a brand new application we can choose any other programming language other than PHP. At this moment we are using the following link to have a base of best practices for APIs.
What is the most suitable Rich Internet Application Programming Language to construct a REST API? I know you can accomplish this goal with almost any PL, we are looking for one that will give us the base. And while you are at it, if you can point the second better and the reasoning that will be perfect.
Thanks SO for this great website.
EDIT 1: Other link related to this question.
Depends on what your team is comfortable with.
You really can't go wrong with Ruby on Rails or Microsoft .NET (using WCF with REST endpoints).
Ruby on Rails is good if that architecture works for your application and you only need that REST endpoint.
With .NET, you can create the REST endpoint for your WCF service but also provide other endpoints if you find you need them.
I actually don't think you could use an RIA language to build a REST API, because a REST (Web) API is an collection of resources served via an HTTP server. An RIA usually runs client-side.
So I assume you're asking what's the most suitable programming language to build a REST API which will be used by an RIA.
There are many good choices. I'm not sure what your parameters are, so I'll suggest what I would use if I needed to build a REST API.
Some good choices:
Java, using the Restlet framework. I use this all the time and I'm very happy with it.
Ruby, using the Ruby on Rails framework or the Sinatra micro-framework
Python, using a micro-framework such as Bottle, djng, itty, juno, mnml, newf,, or Werkzeug. It's definitely possible to use a full-blown framework such as Django or CherryPy, but I've found them to be not particularly well suited to this use case.
Hope this helps!
If not PHP, then Ruby or Python.