Why configure with Sagas()? - nservicebus

Why is it necessary to configure with Sagas()? I ask because I had been running a saga with raven persistence for the last few months before I noticed the Sagas() is not in the configure.with, in fact I realized I was missing a bit of the RavenPersistence stuff as well. Yet, as far as I know Sagas have been working 98% of the time and persisting to Raven. So I wonder what the Sagas() configuration does differently than not configuring it.
The reason I say 98% of the time is I do notice random messages falling out of a method and not sending the next message it is designated to send in the Saga. I am curious if not having the proper configuration is the cause of this.
_logger.InfoFormat("1.1 - Preparing Saga for; File: {0}", message.FileNumber);
//Creates Saga information
_logger.InfoFormat("1.2 - Upload Saga Unique ID; File: {0}, UniqueID: {1}", message.FileNumber, Data.UniqueID);
Bus.SendLocal(new GetLoanInformation {
UniqueID = Data.UniqueID

The NServiceBus Host does a lot of configuration automatically based on roles and profiles. Both the Sagas configuration and the Raven persistence are handled for you automatically. You would only need to do this manually if you were going to run a Saga when self-hosting, which would be somewhat rare.
For a better idea of what happens as a result of all the different roles and profiles, check out All About NServiceBus Host Profiles and Roles. (Disclaimer: This is my blog post.)
The problem you're mentioning is due to something else, but a lot more information would be required to diagnose it.


How does the distributed executor service in Redisson work with regards to scoping / closuring?

If I push a Runnable to a redisson distributed executor service, what rules am I required to oblige by?
Surely , I can not have free reign, I do not see how that is possible, yet, it is not mention in the docs at all, nor are any rules apparently enforced by the API, like R extends Serializable or similar.
If I pass this runnable:
new Runnable(()-> {
// What can I access here, and have it be recreated in whatever server instance picks it up later for execution?
// newlyCreatedInstanceCreatedJustBeforeThisRunnableWasCreated.isAccissible(); // ?
// newlyComplexInstanceSuchAsADatabaseDriverThatisAccessedHere.isAccissible(); // ?
// transactionalHibernateEntityContainingStaticReferencesToComplexObjects....
// I think you get the point.
// Does Redisson serialize everything within this scope?
// When it is recreated later, surely, I can not have access to those exact objects, unless they run on the same server, right?
// If the server goes does and up, or another server executes this runnable, then what happens?
// What rules do we have to abide by here?
Also, what rules do we have to abide by when pushing something to a RQueue, RBlockingDequeu, or Redisson live objects?
It is not clear from the docs.
Also, would be great if a link to a single site documentation site could be provided. The one here requires a lot of clickin and navigation:
You can have an access to RedisClient and taskId. Full state of task object will be serialized.
TaskRetry setting applied to each task. If task isn't executed after 5 minutes since the moment of start then it will requeued.
I agree that the documentation is lacking some "under the hood" explanations.
I was able to execute db reads and inserts through the Callable/runnable that was submitted to the remote ExecutorService.
I configured a single Redis on a remote VM, the database and the app running locally on my laptop.
The tasks were executed without any errors.

Redis-backed session state not saving everything

We are trying to move from server session (IIS) to Redis-backed session. I updated my web.config with the custom sessionState configuration. I'm finding that only SOME of my key/value pairs are being saved. Of the 5 I expect to be in there, there are only 2. I verified all my code is ultimately hitting HttpContext.Current.Session.Add. I verified that my POCOs are marked as serializable. Looking at monitoring, I see that it adds the first two pairs, then everything after that just doesn't make it. No hit, no rejection, no exceptions. Nothing.
Anyone ever see this? Know where I could start to look to resolve?
Update 1: I've switched to using a JSON serializer to store my data. Same thing. Doesn't seem to be a serialization issue.
Update 2: I've now downloaded the source code, compiled and am debugging it. The method SetAndReleaseItemExclusive, which seems to send the session items to Redis, is only hit once, though it should be hit more than once as my web site handle SSO and bounces from page to page to load the user and such. Have to investigate why it's only firing once...
Figured it out. Turns out that my AJAX request to an "API" endpoint without my MVC app did not have the appropriate session state attached. Therefore, the SetAndReleaseItemExclusive was never called. Adding this fixed it:
protected void Application_PostAuthorizeRequest()
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.LocalPath == "/api/user/load")

Remove TransactionScopeRequired = true

I have an operation contract, on a windows service and it has an attribute
[OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
I would like to get rid of this attribute. Reason :
containerize the service.
and Containerized apps do not support MSDTC , that's the purpose of the attribute!
What are the implications of doing this?
I can confirm the code within the operation contract inserts into a single database.
No events triggered, however I am unsure of whether there is a transaction where the service is consumed.
Can I get some advice on this?
Your service is requiring a transaction.
Only you can know whether this is necessary, we cannot check your service and database to check.
Please be aware that this enables not only local transactions, but -depending on binding- also enables distributed transactions. See here for details.
You new system does not seem to support this (MSDTC is the Distributed Transaction Controller from MS). Again, whether this is a problem when you move over to this system is nothing we could find out. You will have to have a look at the system architecture and see whether this is something that was included "just because" and can be deleted without replacement, or if it's a key feature of your system that you need to keep.

How to prevent unintended flagging of suppressed scope transaction in NServiceBus?

I'm trying to send a simple message, but it seems like it automatically gets flagged as not having a transaction scope (behavior).
The endpoint is running the SQL transport (3.0.1) and NSB 6.1.2, SQL transport runs in default transaction mode (TransactionScope).
As far as I'm aware, no specific action has been taken for this, the only thing I can imagine is that the connection string is shared with Dapper who executed a couple of awaited queries to the database too.
var data = await Provider.GetSomeRandomData(message.DataId);
bool synced = false;
await context.Reply(new RandomMessage());
If the endpoint is configured using TransportTransactionMode.SendsAtomicWithReceive nothing is logged, when TransportTransactionMode.TransactionScope is enabled, the logging occurs (and of course presumably also the actual effect is lost).
Ideally, the provider would use (somehow) the same transaction NServiceBus is using, though for querying data it'd need to somehow break out of this transaction context, query the database without breaking the NServiceBus transaction (if this is actually the problem), so that writes would still be transacted.
Can you try and add .ConfigureAwait(false)
await context.Reply(new RandomMessage())
See this article for more details
Does that resolve the issue?

WCF Catastrophic Failure

I've got a real lemon on my hands. I hope someone who has the same problem or know how to fix it could point me in the right direction.
The Setup
I'm trying to create a WCF data service that uses an ADO Entity Framework model to retrieve data from the DB. I've added the WCF service reference and all seems fine. I have two sets of data service calls. The first one retrieves a list of all "users" and returns (this list does not include any dependent data (eg. address, contact, etc.). The second call is when a "user" is selected, the application request to include a few more dependent information such as address, contact details, messages, etc. given a user id. This also seems to work fine.
The Lemon
After some user selection change, ie. calling for more dependent data from the data service, the application stops to respond.
Crash error:
The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:00:59.9989999. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.
I restart the debugging process but the application will not make any data service calls until after about a minute or so, VS 08 displays a message box with error:
Unable to process request from service. 'http://localhost:61768/ConsoleService.svc'. Catastrophic failure.
I've Googled the hell out of this error and related issues but found nothing of use.
Possible Solutions
I've found some leads as to the source of the problem. In the client's app.config:
maxReceivedMessageSize > Set to a higher value, eg. 5242880.
receiveTimeout > Set to a higher value, eg. 00:30:00
I've tried these but all in vain. I suspect there is an underlying problem that cannot be fixed by simply changing some numbers. Any leads would be much appreciated.
I've solved it =P.
The WCF service works fine. It was the data service calls that was the culprit. Every time I made the call, I instantiated a new reference to the data service, but never closed/disposed the service reference. So after a couple of calls, the data service reaches its maximum connection and halts.
Make sure to close/dispose of any data service reference properly. Best practice would be to enclose in a using statement.
using(var dataService = new ServiceNS.ServiceClient() )
// Use service here
// The service will be disposed and connection freed.
Glad to see you fixed your problem.
However, you need to be carefull about using the using statement. Have a look at this article: