eclipselink without persistence.xml and multiple persistence.xml - eclipselink

Hi I am trying to develop a JPA application using EclipseLink.
I am trying to create it without persistence.xml or at least the Persistence Unit will be created during run time. So I have an empty (or rather dummy) persistence.xml to start with.
I looked at this post eclipselink without persistence.xml but after debugging I noticed, EL forces to declare at least PU name and all other parameters can be set (including provider) during runtime.
Is there a way, PU can be created only during runtime? I am trying to create multiple PU based on number of categories in application which is known only during run time.
currently I am overwriting all other parameters except name (which I can't overwrite) and create a EM factory per category.
Thanks in advance,

JPA defines a createContainerEntityManagerFactory(PersistenceUnitInfo info, Map properties) in PersistenceProvider that does not require a persistence.xml (the container is responsible for processing it). You could probably call this directly on the EclipseLink PersistenceProvider, and pass your own PersistenceUnitInfo.
You may want to look into EclipseLink multitenancy support,


EclipseLink 2.4/2.5 with JBoss EAP 6.1/6.2 persist method not making object managed

As per the JPA 2.0 spec, after the persist method is called, the object being persisted will become a managed entity after the call. But in my case the entity object is not becoming managed. I am calling persist method from session EJB that gets the entity manager object through injection. The entity classes are packaged in jar located in ear/lib. Any ideas what could be the root cause? Here is some additional information...
The object is using id with generation type of IDENTITY and the id is not updated back to entity object
I tried dynamic weaving as well as static weaving
I tried using the JBoss integration to eclipselink as per the steps provided on JBoss
I tried both EclipseLink 2.4.2 as well as 2.5.1
I confirmed that the records are correctly inserted into database tables with right order and data by enabling SQL logging
I confirmed that the same entity manager object is using through the entire transaction and it is transaction scoped
I tried both options for flushmode (auto as well as commit)
I am using JTDS driver and tried latest version of driver
I tried all combinations of packaging the entity classes and placing of persistence classes.
None of the above steps helped me with resolution.

EclipseLink and GlassFish: initial DDL creation

I try to use Flyway to update my databases. In order to setup Flyway I need to get the current DDL. Normaly one would use EclipseLinks schema generation mechanism by configuring:
<property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation" value="drop-and-create-tables" />
<property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode" value="sql-script" />
But I am unable to get this working using a GlassFish 3.1.2.
Is there any possibility to achieve what I want, or am I on the wrong track?
Glassfish overrides the eclipselink DDL properties for its own DDL generation feature described here
It will force writing out scripts that it then uses to create tables, and drop them if required. I don't have the location it has them written to, but check if you can control it through glassfish. Otherwise, try specifying the "eclipselink.create-ddl-jdbc-file-name" property to define the file name and location it ahold be written to. You can also access the persistence unit in a simple java main class outside glassfish if you need the script just once and want to store it with the persistence unit.

RavenDb Config and DocumentStore abstraction?

I am using RavenDb across multiple projects and solutions to access three different databases that are all part of the same product. For instance, I have multiple MVC projects that fetch user info and some data out of the 'web' centric database and the 'backend' database, using '-' for the id override (but I need this only for a subset of classes in the 'web' db). And then I have another 'backend' database that is used by services (as well as the MVC projects). And finally a third temp/scratch database I use by another set of services to build the backend db. And of course, all of these are being accessed from different class libraries and even console test, seed, and integration test apps.
Managing all of these is becoming quite a nuisance. Every time I create a new console app or class library that access the db, I have to setup config and raven packages for each project, make sure indexes are built, etc.... Not to mention running update on all nuget updates, or in my case, installing a new unstable version of the server/client binaries.
Is there an easier way to manage this?
I tried to abstract the DocumentStore creation and initialization, as well as index creation into it own project and reference that. But the other projects then had to manually add newtonsoft.json (and nlog) from the package directory.
As well, I am getting the following when I try and abstract the DocumentStore into a class with a static property:
StackTrace of un-disposed document store recorded. Please make sure to dispose any document store in the tests in order to avoid race conditions in tests.
Anyone have any thoughts on handling these issues?
I don't think that the manual addition of the references is a big issue, but you can add the actual nuget references as well.
Note that the DocumentStore not disposed error is something that only happened in the unstable (debug builds), and won't happen on release builds.

How do I configure persistence.xml for ORM on glassfish v3 with Derby and Eclipselink

I'm using the internal glassfish 3.1 plugin for Eclipse, along with a derby database I installed (it shows up on the datasource explorer in the Database Developer view in Eclipse), and I'm fumbling at the "last" step of getting the ORM working so that I can develop an app that persists data with EJBs using Eclipselink for the JPA implementation.
I know I need to configure the persistence.xml file, but I'm at a loss for what needs to be in it, what the individual field names mean. I feel like the purpose of the persistence.xml is to tell Glassfish where to find the database to store everything in, and which JPA implementation to use to do that storing.
I have a bunch of questions.
Do I have to have a persistence entry for each class that represents an object in the database? So if I had a Book class and a Library class, would I need two enteries in persistence.xml or could I just do one case that services them both?
Where can I find more information about how to configure the persistence.xml file IN GENERAL. I have found tons of very specific tutorials with information on how to configure it in X, Y, or Z setting, but nothing that explains the individual bits, and how you'd configure them from a high level.
Once I've setup my persistence.xml file correctly, what else do I need to do to ensure that my #annotated classes are going to be serviced by the ORM implementation correctly? Is there something I need to configure in Glassfish?
I'm not an expert but...
1) Yes, in my experience you need an entry for each class. There could be exceptions to this but I am unfamiliar with them.
2) [] is a good place to start.
[] has some details that you may already know. I've have trouble finding a perfect resource myself. I've tended to find information fragmented all over the place.
3) In general most of my persistence.xml file has been generated automatically by eclipselink.
After I creating a connection pool and JDBC resource from the glassfish Administration Console
I had to add my
to persistence.xml.[1]
<property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation" value="create-tables"/>
<property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode" value="database"/>
I added these properties so my identity columns would auto-increment using JPA.
Try these two tutorials to get a better understanding of how it works:
[*apologies I can't post more than 2 links at the moment]

NHibernate composite application - startup records for module

I am building a composite (Prism) WPF application. I hava managed to build some core elemets: for example module discovery from folder.
I am also using NHibernate (Fluent) to persist data. I was able to separate modules so every has it's own model and mapping, and when Prism adds module it also adds mappings to my nh configuration.
What I would like to do is to insert some startup records when a module, that has never been started, is enabled.
For example:
When I first start my app, it detects that there is no db and creates one, only with one configuration table. This table contains info about which module is enabled. Then admin can configure app through UI which modules should be enabled. Next time the app starts it detects new tabs from newly enabled modules and creates their tables using NH UpdateSchema. What I would like to do is to also insert some startup records with this table create.
I think this should be done by NH events (NH documentation on events). Something like 'PostTableCreateEvent' would be nice but I can't find anything like this.
Did any of you do something like this?
Events are triggered in sessions but Schemaexport doest take sessionfactories or sessions, so you cant hook in there. For this what you want there is <database-object><create>INSERT ...</create><drop></drop></database-object> in xml mappings or plain sql since FNH doesnt support <database-object> afaik.
Option 1: add fluent and hbm.xml mappings on creation of NH-Configuration and embed Mappings with <database-object>
Option 2: allow Modules to take additional steps (sql) after Creation of tables ( for one of my projects i wrapped Schemaexport in my own class/Method which also creates the database itself which isnt handled by schemaexport and inserts custom data like schemaversion and configs)