time comparison between night time and morning time - sql

I have one table that contains two column those contains a integer value
1- StartTime as int
2-EndTime as int
Now i have to compare hour value from current time with these times.
I am Executing the query if hour value of Current time is greater than starttime and hour value of Current time is less than Endtime IN 24HOURS FORMAT.
Now the issue is.
If StartTime = 19 and
Endtime = 7(morning)
If Current hour value returns 20
then 20 > 19 its true but 20<7 this value getting false....
20 is coming between evening 7 o'clock and morning 7 o'clock...but this query is getting false exception...
Please help me on this.....
I wll be very very highly obliged to u all.....
Again i am explaining this issue in detail
DATEPART(hh,GETDATE()) --- this function will return me a single hour value
Like at 8:00:00PM this will return just 20
in my table i have stored starttime and endtime as Integer value
like starttime - 19
endtime - 7
so now that 20 will compare with both values like
20 > 19 ---- true
20 < 7 ----- this gonna be false
but as per my scenario it should come correct because i am checking night 8 o'clock with morning 7 o'clock ...... night 8 comes between night 7 and morning 7(this is what i have defined in starttime and endtime)

DECLARE #current_Hour INT
--SELECT #current_hour = 20
DECLARE #startTime INT
SET #startTime = 19
DECLARE #endtime INT
set #endTime = 7
WHEN #startTime <= #endTime THEN
CASE WHEN #current_hour BETWEEN #startTime AND #endtime THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
CASE WHEN #current_hour BETWEEN #endtime AND #startTime THEN 0 ELSE 1 END

The solution is quite simple:
#Date > StartTime
#Date < EndTime
EndTime < Startime
Note that it (and NOTHING) won't work if #Date can aslo be "next day in the morning".

If you don't have date data and if CurrentTime is greater than StartTime and EndTime lesser than StartTime you can think your EndTime equals 24+EndTime (or you can ignore EndTime validation) but there are so many possibility outside of this case. You should explain your problem.
If date is not important for you
#CurrentTime > StartTime
AND StartTime > EndTime
#CurrentTime > StartTime
AND StartTime < EndTime
AND #CurrentTime < EndTime


Business Hours Logic and exceptions to Opening Hours

I Have created a date dimension from using the following:
This is just a standard one and I have added 2 columns for OpeningTime and Closing Time with the value of Opening being 08:00:00 and Closing being 18:00:00.
I also have a computed field that works out the difference in minutes between the start time and end time as a non persistent computed field.
I have the following Logic below, but before give you this, let me set the scene of showing the context of the situation of the business, so they are normally open from 8am to 6pm Mon - Fri and also Sat at 8am - 1pm
However there can be exception to the rules as they can open for longer or even on sundays. The Code i have below for some reason falls over by showing less on a sunday given that on rare occasions if they were to be open on a sunday for argument sake 8am to 1pm. Obviously for whatever extending opening hours they are open for even on a Sunday, I would manually have to add it this to the Dim_Date calender which for starttime and enddate I have 00:00:00 for both giving me a 0 for datediff in min by default unless the business tell me otherwise.
But the following Code does NOT take that into account and calculates less than what it should be, something wrong with the code if someone can please provide a solution, basically I just want the code to be flexible so I only make changes to the calender even for extended hours or unusual business hours and the code to reflect that. Thank you.
declare #Date1 datetime = '2017-08-01 08:00:00'
declare #Date2 datetime = '2017-08-07 09:10:00'
declare #StartTime time = cast(#Date1 as time)
declare #EndTime time = cast(#Date2 as time)
declare #CCStartTime time = (select StartTime from dim_date where id = convert(nvarchar(8),#Date1,112))
declare #CCEndTime time = (select EndTime from dim_date where id = convert(nvarchar(8),#Date2,112))
declare #ActualStart time = (select case
when datename(DW,#Date1)='Sunday' then '00:00:00'
when #StartTime between '00:00:00' and #CCStartTime then #CCStartTime
when #StartTime between #CCStartTime and #CCEndTime then #StartTime
when #StartTime between #CCEndTime and '23:59:59' then #CCEndTime end)
declare #ActualEnd time = (select case
when datename(DW,#Date2)='Sunday' then '00:00:00'
when #EndTime between '00:00:00' and #CCStartTime then #CCStartTime
when #EndTime between #CCStartTime and #CCEndTime then #EndTime
when #EndTime between #CCEndTime and '23:59:59' then #CCEndTime end)
declare #DiffrenceStart int = isnull(DATEDIFF(minute,#CCStartTime,#ActualStart),0)
declare #DiffrenceEnd int = isnull(DATEDIFF(minute,#ActualEnd,#CCEndTime),0)
select #StartTime as StartDate
select #EndTime as EndDate
select #CCStartTime as CCStartDate
select #CCEndTime as CCEndDate
select #ActualStart as ActualStart
select #ActualEnd as ActualEnd
select abs(#DiffrenceStart) as DiffrenceStart
select abs(#DiffrenceEnd) as DifrenceEnd
select sum(Min)- (#DiffrenceStart + #DiffrenceEnd)
from dim_date
where id between convert(nvarchar(8),#Date1,112) and convert(nvarchar(8),#Date2,112)
Look at this:
declare #ActualEnd time = (select case
when datename(DW,#Date2)='Sunday' then '00:00:00'
souldn't it be:
declare #ActualEnd time = (select case
when datename(DW,#Date2)='Sunday' then '23:59:59'

How can I find out if getDate() is between 2 time(7) timestamps?

I have an application that sends alerts if the temperature exceeds limits, but I only want to send alerts if it happens at certain times of the day.  I'm using time(7) datatype to store those times.  I need it to be flexible enough to cross midnight, so I could have the following times:
time_on  time_off
08:00:00  17:00:00
00:00:00  12:00:00
21:00:00  09:00:00
How can I figure out if CONVERT(time(7), getdate()) is between any of those combinations?
You can do:
select a.*
from alerttimes a
where (time_on <= time_off and cast(getdate() as time) >= time_on and cast(getdate() as time) < time_off) or
(time_on > time_off and cast(getdate() as time) <= time_on and cast(getdate() as time) >= time_off);
This handles the issue with your table, which is that some period include midnight.
You can add TIME to a datetime value. Here we truncate the current GetDate() to midnight via Declare #D datetime = convert(date,GetDate())
Declare #YourTable table (time_on time,time_off time)
Insert Into #YourTable values
('00:00:00','12:00:00'), -- Added for illustration
('12:00:00','00:00:00') -- Added for illustration
Declare #D datetime = convert(date,GetDate())
Select *
From #YourTable
Where GetDate() >= #D+convert(datetime,time_on)
and GetDate() <= #D+convert(datetime,time_off)+case when time_off<=time_on then 1 else 0 end
time_on time_off
12:00:00.0000000 00:00:00.0000000
My current Datetime was 2017-04-02 18:33:53.803 which did not satisfy any of the original criteria, so I added two records for illustration
Or, if you don't want to declare #D
Select *
From #YourTable
Where GetDate() >= convert(datetime,convert(date,GetDate()))+convert(datetime,time_on)
and GetDate() <= convert(datetime,convert(date,GetDate()))+convert(datetime,time_off)+case when time_off<=time_on then 1 else 0 end

SELECT TWO TIMES (minutes) that fall across midnight

I need to select registers from a date between a time (23:00 to 02:00, for example), but I dont know how to elaborate a select for that case.
I have two fields (integer value) and only one field for date.
The date field dont record the timestamp, its the application that I use that do that, and there is nothing to do about it. The time is recorded in two fields ("start time" and "end time"), and, sometimes the "end time" cross over midnight.
date | start time | end time
16-08-2016 00:00:00 | 1420 | 90
The time is in minutes, so, start time is 23:40 and end time is 01:30.
My select is starting to get bigger and I'm afraid that what I'm doing is wrong.
EDIT - Query:
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE (((1320 >= StartTime OR 1320 <= EndTime) AND EndTime < StartTime AND MyDate <= '17/08/2016') OR
((1350 >= StartTime OR 1350 <= EndTime) AND EndTime < StarTime AND MyDate <= '17/08/2016'))
Use the fields you have to calculate the start and end points as Oracle DATEs (which include both date and time). Then filter as for any other DATE columns.
Like this:
-- This inline view gets everything in your table, plus the start_datetime and end_datetime as calculated from your various fields.
SELECT your_table.*, start_date + ( start_time / 1440 ) start_datetime, start_date + case when end_time < start_time then end_time + 1440 else end_time end end_datetime FROM your_table
WHERE start_datetime between ... whatever date range you want ...
AND end_datetime between ... whatever date range you want ...
select date, starttime, DATEADD(mi, endtime,Dateadd(mi,starttime, cast(date as datetime))) AS Enddatetime
FROM yourtable
I've put what you're looking for within variables at the top so you only have to enter them once. You can embed them in the query along with the conversion logic, but it's messy.
declare #date datetime, #start int, #end int
select #date = '17/8/2016', #start = 1425, #end = 15
-- convert minutes past midnight
select #end = #end + case when #start > #end then 1440 else 0 end
select *
from Table
where MyDate = #date
and StartTime between #start and #end
and EndTime + case when StartTime > EndTime then 1440 else 0 end between #start and #end
This finds all registers that started and ended within the specified times. Use the below where clause if you also need to find ones that ran during the times but either started before, finished after, or both.
where MyDate = #date
and StartTime < #end
and EndTime + case when StartTime > EndTime then 1440 else 0 end > #start

SQL Group by Minute- Expanded

I am working on something similar to this post here:
TS SQL - group by minute
However mine is pulling from an message queue, and I need to see an accurate count of the amount of traffic the Message Queue is creating/ sending, and at what time
Select * From MessageQueue mq
My expanded version of this though is the following:
A) User defines a start time and an end time (Easy enough using Declare's #StartTime and #EndTime
B) Give the user the option of choosing the "grouping". Will it be broken out by 1 minutes, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, or 30 minutes (Max). (I had thought to do this with a CASE statement, but my test problems fall apart on me.)
C) Display the data to accurately show a count of what happened during the interval (Grouping) selected.
This is where I am at so far
SQL Blob:
DECLARE #StartTime datetime
DECLARE #EndTime datetime
SELECT DATEPART(n, mq.cre_date)/5 as Time --Trying to just sort by 5 minute intervals
,COUNT(*) as results
FROM dbo.MessageQueue mq
WHERE mq.cre_date BETWEEN #StartDate AND #EndDate
GROUP BY DATEPART(n, mq.cre_date)/5 --Trying to just sort by 5 minute intervals
, eq.Cre_Date
This is the output I would like to achieve:
[Time] [Date] [Message Count]
1300 06/26/2012 5
1305 06/26/2012 1
1310 06/26/2012 100
Here is a way to do what you want:
SET #StartTime = '20130625'
SET #EndTime = '20130627'
SET #Interval = 5
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),mq.Cre_Date,101) [Date],
CONVERT(TIME,DATEADD(MINUTE,DATEDIFF(MINUTE,0,mq.Cre_Date)/#Interval*#Interval,0)) [Time],
COUNT(*) Results
FROM dbo.MessageQueue mq
WHERE mq.cre_date >= #StartDate
AND mq.cre_date <= #EndDate
GROUP BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),mq.Cre_Date,101),

Calculate time difference (only working hours) in minutes between two dates

I need to calculate the number of "active minutes" for an event within a database. The start-time is well known.
The complication is that these active minutes should only be counted during a working day - Monday-Friday 9am-6.30pm, excluding weekends and (known) list of holiday days
The start or "current" time may be outside working hours, but still only the working hours are counted.
This is SQL Server 2005, so T-SQL or a managed assembly could be used.
If you want to do it pure SQL here's one approach
CREATE TABLE working_hours (start DATETIME, end DATETIME);
Now populate the working hours table with countable periods, ~250 rows per year.
If you have an event(#event_start, #event_end) that will start off hours and end off hours then simple query
SELECT SUM(end-start) as duration
FROM working_hours
WHERE start >= #event_start AND end <= #event_end
will suffice.
If on the other hand the event starts and/or ends during working hours the query is more complicated
SELECT SUM(duration)
SELECT SUM(end-start) as duration
FROM working_hours
WHERE start >= #event_start AND end <= #event_end
SELECT end-#event_start
FROM working_hours
WHERE #event_start between start AND end
SELECT #event_end - start
FROM working_hours
WHERE #event_end between start AND end
) AS u
the above is untested query, depending on your RDBMS you might need date/time functions for aggregating and subtracting datetime (and depending on the functions used the above query can work with any time precision).
the query can be rewritten to not use the UNION ALL.
the working_hours table can be used for other things in the system and allows maximum flexibility
In MSSQL you can use DATEDIFF(mi, start, end) to get the number of minutes for each subtraction above.
Using unreason's excellent starting point, here is a TSQL implementation for SQL Server 2012.
This first SQL populates a table with our work days and times excluding weekends and holidays:
declare #dteStart date
declare #dteEnd date
declare #dtStart smalldatetime
declare #dtEnd smalldatetime
Select #dteStart = '2016-01-01'
Select #dteEnd = '2016-12-31'
CREATE TABLE working_hours (starttime SMALLDATETIME, endtime SMALLDATETIME);
while #dteStart <= #dteEnd
IF datename(WEEKDAY, #dteStart) <> 'Saturday'
AND DATENAME(WEEKDAY, #dteStart) <> 'Sunday'
AND #dteStart not in ('2016-01-01' --New Years
,'2016-01-18' --MLK Jr
,'2016-02-15' --President's Day
,'2016-05-30' --Memorial Day
,'2016-07-04' --Fourth of July
,'2016-09-05' --Labor Day
,'2016-11-11' --Veteran's Day
,'2016-11-24' --Thanksgiving
,'2016-11-25' --Day after Thanksgiving
,'2016-12-26' --Christmas
select #dtStart = SMALLDATETIMEFROMPARTS(year(#dteStart),month(#dteStart),day(#dteStart),8,0) --8:00am
select #dtEnd = SMALLDATETIMEFROMPARTS(year(#dteStart),month(#dteStart),day(#dteStart),17,0) --5:00pm
insert into working_hours values (#dtStart,#dtEnd)
Select #dteStart = DATEADD(day,1,#dteStart)
Now here is the logic that worked to return the minutes as an INT:
declare #event_start datetime2
declare #event_end datetime2
select #event_start = '2016-01-04 8:00'
select #event_end = '2016-01-06 16:59'
SELECT SUM(duration) as minutes
SELECT DATEDIFF(mi,#event_start,#event_end) as duration
FROM working_hours
WHERE #event_start >= starttime
AND #event_start <= endtime
AND #event_end <= endtime
SELECT DATEDIFF(mi,#event_start,endtime)
FROM working_hours
WHERE #event_start >= starttime
AND #event_start <= endtime
AND #event_end > endtime
SELECT DATEDIFF(mi,starttime,#event_end)
FROM working_hours
WHERE #event_end >= starttime
AND #event_end <= endtime
AND #event_start < starttime
SELECT SUM(DATEDIFF(mi,starttime,endtime))
FROM working_hours
WHERE starttime > #event_start
AND endtime < #event_end
) AS u
This correctly returns 1 minute shy of three 9 hour work days
I came here looking for an answer to a very similar question - I needed to get the minutes between 2 dates excluding weekends and excluding hours outside of 08:30 and 18:00. After a bit of hacking around, I think i have it sorted. Below is how I did it. thoughts are welcome - who knows, maybe one day I'll sign up to this site :)
create function WorkingMinutesBetweenDates(#dteStart datetime, #dteEnd datetime)
returns int
declare #minutes int
set #minutes = 0
while #dteEnd>=#dteStart
if datename(weekday,#dteStart) <>'Saturday' and datename(weekday,#dteStart)<>'Sunday'
and (datepart(hour,#dteStart) >=8 and datepart(minute,#dteStart)>=30 )
and (datepart(hour,#dteStart) <=17)
set #minutes = #minutes + 1
set #dteStart = dateadd(minute,1,#dteStart)
return #minutes
I started working with what Unreason posted and was a great start. I tested this is SQL Server and found not all time was being captured. I think the problem was primarily when the event started and ended the same day. This solution seems to be working well enough for me
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[working_hours](
[wh_starttime] [datetime] NULL,
[wh_endtime] [datetime] NULL,
[wh_id] ASC
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udFWorkingMinutes]
#startdate DATETIME
,#enddate DATETIME
DECLARE #WorkingHours INT
SET #WorkingHours =
CASE WHEN COALESCE(SUM(duration),0) < 0 THEN 0 ELSE SUM(Duration)
END AS Minutes
--All whole days
SELECT ISNULL(DATEDIFF(mi,wh_starttime,wh_endtime),0) AS Duration
FROM working_hours
WHERE wh_starttime >= #startdate AND wh_endtime <= #enddate
--All partial days where event start after office hours and finish after office hours
SELECT ISNULL(DATEDIFF(mi,#startdate,wh_endtime),0) AS Duration
FROM working_hours
WHERE #startdate > wh_starttime AND #enddate >= wh_endtime
AND (CAST(wh_starttime AS DATE) = CAST(#startdate AS DATE))
AND #startdate < wh_endtime
--All partial days where event starts before office hours and ends before day end
SELECT ISNULL(DATEDIFF(mi,wh_starttime,#enddate),0) AS Duration
FROM working_hours
WHERE #enddate < wh_endtime
AND #enddate >= wh_starttime
AND #startdate <= wh_starttime
AND (CAST(wh_endtime AS DATE) = CAST(#enddate AS DATE))
--Get partial day where intraday event
SELECT ISNULL(DATEDIFF(mi,#startdate,#enddate),0) AS Duration
FROM working_hours
WHERE #startdate > wh_starttime AND #enddate < wh_endtime
AND (CAST(#startdate AS DATE)= CAST(wh_starttime AS DATE))
AND (CAST(#enddate AS DATE)= CAST(wh_endtime AS DATE))
) AS u)
RETURN #WorkingHours
Alls that is left to do is populate the working hours table with something like
;WITH cte AS (
SELECT CASE WHEN DATEPART(Day,'2014-01-01 9:00:00 AM') = 1 THEN '2014-01-01 9:00:00 AM'
ELSE DATEADD(Day,DATEDIFF(Day,0,'2014-01-01 9:00:00 AM')+1,0) END AS myStartDate,
CASE WHEN DATEPART(Day,'2014-01-01 5:00:00 PM') = 1 THEN '2014-01-01 5:00:00 PM'
ELSE DATEADD(Day,DATEDIFF(Day,0,'2014-01-01 5:00:00 PM')+1,0) END AS myEndDate
SELECT DATEADD(Day,1,myStartDate), DATEADD(Day,1,myEndDate)
FROM cte
WHERE DATEADD(Day,1,myStartDate) <= '2015-01-01'
INSERT INTO working_hours
SELECT myStartDate, myEndDate
FROM cte
delete from working_hours where datename(dw,wh_starttime) IN ('Saturday', 'Sunday')
--delete public holidays
delete from working_hours where CAST(wh_starttime AS DATE) = '2014-01-01'
My first post! Be merciful.
Globally, you'd need:
A way to capture the end-time of the event (possibly through notification, or whatever started the event in the first place), and a table to record this beginning and end time.
A helper table containing all the periods (start and end) to be counted. (And then you'd need some supporting code to keep this table up to date in the future)
A stored procedure that will:
iterate over this helper table and find the 'active' periods
calculate the minutes within each active period.
(Note that this assumes the event can last multiple days: is that really likely?)
A different method would be to have a ticking clock inside the event, which checks every time whether the event should be counted at that time, and increments (in seconds or minutes) every time it discovers itself to be active during the relevant period. This would still require the helper table and would be less auditable (presumably).