webdriver how to focus on the password (Security controls) - selenium

in a login page, i want to use sendKeys to password input
but the "sendkeys" doesn't work;
how should i do?
here is html
<fieldset class="txt" id="psd">
<script type="text/javascript">
IntPassGuardCtrl("logpswd", "2", "chklogon()",Ipsdstyle");</script>
<span id="logpswd_pgc">
<embed id="logpswd" type="application/x-pass-guard" input0="0" class="psdstyle"></span>
<input name="LOG_PSWD" type="hidden" id="LOG_PSWD"> </fieldset>
someone said can use JNA ,but the partial i do not know much.
the password control can use mouse click,then focus on; and use the
keybord input infomation;
so i want to use mouse click the control,but use webdriver actions
doesn't work, do you have some ways to solve the problem?

Looks like your application uses an embeded object to capture the password field. Unfortunately, the web browser (and thus WebDriver) doesn't know how to interact with the field since its not standard.
However, there might be a chance to do what you need to do. It looks like your HTML includes a hidden input field that might be tied to the embeded object. The embeded object might just set the value of the (encrypted?) password in the input#LOG_PSWD element. If this is the case, you can use WebDriver's executeScript method to inject the value of the password.
I don't know what language bindings you use, but this is how you would write it in Ruby:
password = "some$3cretP#ssword"
hidden_password = #driver.find_element(:id => "LOG_PSWD")
#driver.execute_script("arguments[0].setAttribute(arguments[1], arguments[2])", hidden_password, "value", password)
Then try to login from there. More than likely the password text will not show up in the control itself since you are injecting it directly to the hidden input.
Give that a shot and let us know what happens. If you can give us more information about the embeded object, we might be able to find some other workarounds if this one doesn't work.


aurelia: properly sanitizing innerHTML-bound data

I am perfectly aware that I can sanitize innerHTML-bound data using:
<div innerhtml.bind="someData | sanitizeHTML"></div>
However, based on my observations, this sanitization only removes <script> tags. It doesn't protect the user from event-driven content such as:
"Hi! I am some HTML-formatted data from the server! <button onclick="getRekt();">Click me for butterflies!</button>"
Is there a better way to prevent ANY type of javascript or event callbacks from being rendered on the element?
The sanatizeHTML value converter is a very simple sanitizer, and only remove the scripts tags. See the code here.
You can create your own value converter with a more complex santizer. Check this answer for more details about how to sanitize html in a browser.
But don't forget to never trust the browser, if you can it's better to sanitize the html in the server side before to send it to the browser to display it.

unable to identify tooltip message present for the textboxes in selenium

i am trying to automate the login functionality of a site.I want to verify whether the tooltip is present or not and to capture the tooltip text displayed for the textboxes.The tooltip is displayed when trying to click on the login btn without filling the textboxes.The tooltip text is attached to the input elements via bootstrap javascript.No tilte attribute is present for the textboxes
https://elasticbox.com/login/ is the site address.Any ideas on how to capture the tooltip text .Thanks in advance
This is not a bootstrap tool-tip as you commented for #Varun's reply.
This is just the HTML5 form validation which comes into action when you put "required" as the attribute of textfield.
Make an html file 'test.html' file using the below code:
<form name='form1' post="http://www.google.com">
<input type='email' required placeholder='email address please' />
<input type='password' required placeholder='password please' />
<input type='submit' value='button1' />
Herein, when you click on "button1" (after opening the file in browsers like: Chrome, Firefox, etc.), you will see the necessary validation under the textfield(s).
But, there is no possible way to inspect them.
You can, however, use Sikuli/Autoit to check the presence of that validation text, but that again will be a lost cause as the image of the validation messages/tooltip differs from one browser to another.
Looks like developer needs to be consulted for this.
In javascript it seems like the signin button will remain disabled until both values are filled i.e. username and password.
I am not much into javascript, may be you can consult the developer in order to understand this more.
You can refer image below:

Work around to POST requirement

I need to be able give users a link to my site with a parameter that will control their experience on the destination page, but, of course, Moqui does not allow parameters to be passed as a GET transaction. What are ways that I can work around that? It needs to be something that can be sent in an email, via sms and audibly.
An error message would be helpful know exactly what you are running into, but it sounds like the constraint to mitigate XSRF attacks.
The error message for this situation explains the issue and the recommended solution: "Cannot run screen transition with actions from non-secure request or with URL parameters for security reasons (they are not encrypted and need to be for data protection and source validation). Change the link this came from to be a form with hidden input fields instead."
You can pass URL parameters to screens to be used in code that prepares data for presentation, but not to transitions for code that processes input. The solution is to use a hidden form with a link or button to submit the form (that can be styled as a link or button or however you want). This is slightly more HTML than a plain hyperlink with URL parameters, but not a lot more and there are examples in various places in the Moqui itself.
If you are using an XML Screen/Form you can use the link element to do this with the #link-type attribute set to "hidden-form" or "hidden-form-link" (which just uses a hyperlink styled widget instead of a button styled one). If the #link-type attribute is set to "auto" (which is the default) it will use a hidden-form automatically if link goes to a transition with actions.
In plain HTML one possible approach looks something like this:
<button type="submit" form="UserGroupMemberList_removeLink_0">Remove</button>
<form method="post" action=".../EditUserGroups/removeGroup" name="UserGroupMemberList_removeLink_0">
<input type="hidden" name="partyId" value="EX_JOHN_DOE">
<input type="hidden" name="userGroupId" value="ADMIN">
Note that the button element refers to the form to submit, so can be placed anywhere in the HTML file and the form element can be placed at the end or anywhere that is out of the way (to avoid issues with nested forms which are not allowed in HTML).

DHTML - Change text on page using input field

I need to create a code to change an example text to a user-defined value when the user types in an input field (Similar to the preview field when writing a question on Stack Overflow).
This needs to be achieved without the use of HTML5 or Flash as the users will be running IE8, not all will have Flash plug-ins installed.
As such I have started by looking at DHTML to achieve the desired effect. Currently I can change the example text when a user types in the input field but only to a pre-defined value ("Example" in the code below), how should I edit this code to display the user-defined value?
function changetext(id)
Content:<input type="text" id="input" onkeyup="changetext(preview)" />
<p id="preview">No content found</p>
You need to have something like this in the function:
function changetext(id){
var info = document.getElementById('input').value();
id.innerHTML = info;
This js is not fully correct. I would highly recommend you start using a javascript library like jQuery. It makes this a menial task.
jQuery will work in IE8 just fine. in jQuery you will not need to attach js to your input. The code would look like this.
It is a lot cleaner and doesnt have js in the html.

How to Show Browser-Saved Passwords in a dijit.form.TextBox Input

I am using a dijit.form.TextBox for a login form but cannot make browser-saved passwords appear in it like they would in a standard HTML input field.
Is there any way of doing this?
If I understand the question correctly, the problem you are running into is that the template of dijit.form.TextBox has autocomplete="off" hard-coded into the input field.
There seem to be some reasons behind this: http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/9562
If you really wanted, you could easily override the template to make this driven by a widget attribute instead, and I've done so in the past. However, if I recall correctly, one browser or the other still won't "just work", possibly because the field gets inserted into the document dynamically and not as part of the initial page. Bottom line: your mileage may vary.
It doesn't seem to be well-documented, but look at the example in the tests directory. Simply use the normal input attributes for password obfuscation. Is that what you're talking about?
<input id="q23" type="password" name="password" class="medium"