Active Record: Find collection based on sum of two associated tables - sql

I am trying to find the collection of 'underpaid' events in our system. We are running Rails 3.2 using a Postgres database.
The data structure is as follows.
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :charges
has_many :transactions
class Charge < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :event
class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :event
Underpaid events are defined as those where the total charges are greater than total transactions.
sum( > sum(
My SQL skills are poor and I have been trying to execute this using ActiveRecord. This is my latest attempt but it is not bringing back the right collection. In particular it seems to include fully paid events where there was more than one transaction.
Event.joins(:charges,:transactions).group('charges.event_id, transactions.event_id').having("sum( > sum(")
Is it possible to achieve this in ActiveRecord and if so, how can I go about it?

Hey I think that in SQL it should be like that
select * from events where
(select sum( from charges where charges.event_id = >
(select sum( from transactions where
transactions.event_id =
so for now you can build scope like
scope :unpaid, find_by_sql("select * from events where
(select sum( from charges where charges.event_id = >
(select sum( from transactions where
transactions.event_id =")
I hope it will help!


Select users whose last associated object was created less than x days before

I am building a Rails which uses Postgres database and I need to write a feature for certain group of users.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :payments
class Payment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
I need to select users from certain location who have exactly one payment and I also need to be able to pick users whose payment created_at attribute is exactly x
I tried
.where(num_payments: 1)
.where('payments.user_id =').order('created_at
DESC').where("payments.created_at < ?",'')
but it did not give me expected results.
You should start from User since this is what you want at end, and take joins with payments since you want to query it along.
.where(location_id:, num_payments: 1)
.where(payments: { created_at: })

How to select parent by most recent child with Activerecord

I have a user model which has many subscriptions. I need to make two selections:
active users defined as user with a subscription in the last month
inactive users the ones that don't meet the (1) criteria
My subscription model has a simple scope .latest which is defined as ordered("created_at DESC").first.
To make selection (1) I use:
User.joins(:subscriptions).where("subscriptions.created_at > ?", 1.month.ago).distinct
This works, no problem there. However, I can't seem to define a working query for selection (2). Currently I use selection (1) and 'subtract' that from User.all to get the remaining users. This feels a bit like a hack.
The selection I need is:
all users whose most recent subscription was created more than 1 month ago
It's the most recent part of the query that has me stuck.
Any help appreciated.
Quick & dirty way: use complex SQL like this
Assume you are using auto incremental ID"users.*, MAX( as last_subscription_id")
.having("last_subscription_id = (select id from subscriptions where and created_at < '2017-10-01 09:23:28.182475' order by id desc limit 1)")
Recommended way
Add last_subscription_id to users table and setup a belongs_to relationship user belongs_to last_subscription then do the joins normally. You need to update last_subscription_id of an user when new subscription for this user is created too.
Example: User class looks like this (I include has_many :subscriptions to show that we have 2 relations now)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :subscriptions
belongs_to :last_subscription, class_name: 'Subscription', foreign_key: :last_subscription_id
And query will be
User.joins(:last_subscription).where("subscriptions.created_at < ?", 1.month.ago)
for the most recent part you can do this.
User.joins("LEFT JOIN subscriptions ON subscriptions.user_id =").order("subscriptions.created_at DESC").select("subscriptions.created_at AS max_date").group_by(&:id).select{|key, value| value[0].max_date < 1.month.ago}.values.flatten

Resume of product query

I have the following schema table:
I have three activerecord models with their associations. I am struggling with a query which will show the following information for each product:
Product Name, Money Total, Quantity Sold Total
It should also take account on the status of the order that the product_line are associated with, which it should be equal to "successful".
I also want a second one query which it will show the above but it will have restriction based on the month (based on the orders.created_at column). For example if I want the sales for January of this product.
Product Name, Total Money so far, Quantity total, Month
I managed to create something but I think it isn't very optimized and I used ruby's group_by which it is doing many additional queries on the view. I would appreciate how you usually start thinking about creating a query like that.
I think I almost managed to solve the first query and it is the following:
products = Product.joins(:product_lines).select(", SUM(product_lines.quantity) as sum_amount, SUM(product_lines.quantity*products.price) as money_total"),group("")
I tried to split each columns separately and find out how I could calculate it. I haven't take into account the order status though.
The associations are the following:
class ProductLine < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :order
belongs_to :cart
belongs_to :product
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :product_lines
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :product_lines, dependent: :destroy
I finally did it.
First query:
#best_products_so_far = Product.joins(product_lines: :order)
.select("products.*, SUM(product_lines.quantity) as amount_total, SUM(product_lines.quantity*products.price) as money_total")
.where("orders.status = 'successful'")
Second query:
#best_products_this_month = Product.joins(product_lines: :order)
.select("products.*, SUM(product_lines.quantity) as amount_total, SUM(product_lines.quantity*products.price) as money_total")
.where("orders.status = 'successful'")
.where("extract(month from orders.completed_at) = ?","%m"))

Rails: ActiveRecord query regarding size of association

I'm trying to figure out how to produce a certain query, using ActiveRecord.
I have the following models
class Activity < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :limit, ...
has_many :employees
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :activity
Each activity has a limit, that is to say, an integer attribute containing the maximum amount of users who may belong to it.
I'm looking for a way to select all activities that have spots available, i.e. where the number of users is smaller than that limit.
Any ideas?
I think that the SQL syntax to aim for would be:
select *
from activities
where activities.limit > (
select count(*)
from users
where users.activity_id =
In Rails-speak ...
Activity.where("activities.limit > (select count(*) from users where users.activity_id =")
Not sure whether the column name "limit" is going to give you problems as it's a reserved word. You might have to quote it in the SQL.
I'd also seriously consider a counter cache for users on the activities table, which would make this perform much better. Some databases would support a partial index only for those rows where the users counter cache < limit.{|activity| activity.users.length < activity.limit }

Can I push this rails calculation into the database?

I'm trying to increase my app's efficiency by doing work in the database rather than in the app layer, and I'm wondering if I can move this calculation into the database.
class Offer < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :lines
has_many :items, :through => :lines
class Line < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :offer
belongs_to :item
# also has a 'quantity' attribute (integer)
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :lines
has_many :offers, :through => :lines
# also has a 'price' attribute (decimal)
What I want to do is calculate the price of an offer. Currently I have a price method in the Offer class:
def price
self.lines.inject(0) do |total, line|
total + line.quantity * line.item.price
I suspect it may be possible to do a Offer.sum calculation instead that would get the answer directly from the DB rather than looping through the records, but the Calculations section of the ActiveRecord query guide doesn't have enough detail to help me out. Anybody?
You're correct that you can do this with sum. Something like this:
class Offer < ActiveRecord::Base
# ...
def price
self.lines.sum 'lines.quantity * items.price', :joins => :item
When you call e.g. Offer.find( some_id ).price the above will construct a query something like this:
SELECT SUM( lines.quantity * items.price ) AS total
FROM lines
INNER JOIN items ON = lines.item_id
WHERE lines.offer_id = <some_id>
Sometimes you're better off with SQL.
SELECT SUM( lines.quantity * items.price ) AS total
FROM offers
INNER JOIN lines ON = lines.offer_id
INNER JOIN items ON = lines.item_id