Instance variables in extension vs implementation - objective-c

In Objective-C, for instance variables that one doesn't want to put in the header file and, one can put them either in the class extension:
#interface MyClass () {
NSString *myInstanceVariable;
// ...
or in the class implementation:
#implementation MyClass {
NSString *myInstanceVariable;
// ...
Is there any difference between them?

In the first example you posted, myInstanceVariable is declared in the interface but not explicitly declared as private so it's protected, not private. Protected is the default.
In the second example you posted, myInstanceVariable is declared in the implementation rather than the interface and so it is private.
My preference would be to list it as #private in the interface.


How can I add a property "objective-c extension" to an anonymous class which implements a known protocol

I have an existing class for which I do not have the source, and I want to
add a property to the class. The private class implements a known protocol which is exposed, but the class type is not exposed.
Some callback happens and I receive the object named answer.
I want to extend the ComplexNumber type to have more properties,
#interface NSObject()<ComplexNumber>
#property (assign) BOOL offline;
#implementation SomeClass
didReceiveAnswer:id<ComplexNumber>answer forEquation:(NSString*)equation {
if (answer.offline) {
This also fails:
Cast unknown type to be of type NSObject:
if (((NSObject*)answer).offline) {
There appear to be two issues here:
get access to the private class
add a property to it.
If you know the name of the private class you can simply use it be defining it again:
// SomeClass.h
#interface SomeClass : NSObject <ComplexNumber>
This might seem odd, but this will be sufficient to pass the compilation stage of your build process and allow you to use the property in your code. The existing implementation of the private class will be sufficient to deal with the link stage.
As Daniele Pantaleone points out, the second part is very close to Objective-C: Property / instance variable in category. However I've added it for completness:
// ComplexNumber.h
#protocol ComplexNumber <NSObject>
#property (assign) BOOL offline;
#import ObjectiveC;
#implementation NSObject (ComplexNumber)
static void *ComplexNumberKey = &ComplexNumberKey;
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &ComplexNumberKey, #(offline), OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
NSNumber *offline = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &ComplexNumberKey);
return offline.boolValue;

Best way to define private variables in Objective-C

I want to define private instance variables in MyClass.m file. It seems to me there are two ways to do it:
use class extension
#interface HelloViewController ()
int value;
define in #implementation section
#implementation HelloViewController
int value;
Which is better?
I think recent Apple's coding style is to use class extension?
e.g. MasterViewController.m generated by 'Master-Detail Application Template'
#interface MasterViewController () {
NSMutableArray *_objects;
The "Modern Objective-C" way to do this is to declare them in your implementation block, like this:
#implementation ClassName {
int privateInteger;
MyObject *privateObject;
// method implementations etc...
See this earlier post of me with more details.
#interface HelloViewController ()
#private //optional, this is old style
int vale;
If you were making a library, though, theoretically no one would know about any methods you didn't declare in the header files.
Copied from: How to make a real private instance variable?
Declaring instance variables in the #implementation is a recent
feature of Obj-C, this is why you see a lot of code with them in the
#interface - there was no other choice.
If you are using a compiler which supports declaring instance
variables in the implementation declaring them there is probably the
best default - only put them in the interface if they need to be
accessed by others.
Instance variables declared in the implementation are implicitly
hidden (effectively private) and the visibility cannot be changed -
#public, #protected and #private do not produce compiler errors (with
the current Clang at least) but are ignored.
Copied from: Private ivar in #interface or #implementation
In my view the best is to define it like private properties that you can access as fields or properties just within your implementation, the advatage is that you can access them by self as well as by _fieldName syntax what is handy in some situations.
#interface SignUpController ()
#property ViewHeaderView*header; //private properties/fields
#property UITextField*activeField;
#property CGFloat keyboardHeight;
#implementation SignUpController {

Add ivars in #implementation

For good encapsulation, decent Objective-C programmers put their private ivars in a private extension declared in the main implementation file, like this:
// MyClass.m
#interface MyClass () {
float value;
#implementation MyClass
But recently, I found a simpler way to hide private ivars: ivars can be declared in a {} block following #implementation, like this:
// MyClass.m
#implementation MyClass {
float value;
It is really handy when no private methods but only private ivars need to be hidden.
However, I'm not sure about its syntax validity. Can anyone validate or invalidate it with some canonical references?
It's perfectly valid and here is a document by Apple talking about it:
I don't personally use it as I prefer the syntax of a class continuation category.
I was also curious about this. Here is the updated link from Apple:
You Can Define Instance Variables without Properties
It’s best practice to use a property on an object any time you need to keep track of a value or another object.
If you do need to define your own instance variables without declaring a property, you can add them inside braces at the top of the class interface or implementation, like this:
#interface SomeClass : NSObject {
NSString *_myNonPropertyInstanceVariable;
#implementation SomeClass {
NSString *_anotherCustomInstanceVariable;

Objective-C : How may I hide a class member from outside the class?

I'm fighting with something and I don't find any satisfying solution.
I have a class with a "myMutableArray" member.
I would like the class to manage itself adding and removing items from the array, so I don't want any other class being able to access the member and call NSMutableArray methods on it.
In an ideal situation, I would like to have a private getter (to be able to call self.myMutableArray) and a public setter for this member.
Do you know how I may achieve this ?
In other words :
I would like other classes
be able to call
- [oneInstance setMyMutableArray:thisArray]; // set
- oneInstance.myMutableArray = thisArray; // set using setter
- thisArray = oneInstance.myMutableArray; // get
- [oneInstance addItem:anItem]; // add
not being able to call :
- [oneInstance.myMutableArray add:etc...] // add
I would like my class
be able to call
- self.myMytableArray = [NSMutableArray array]; // set
- thisArray = self.myMytableArray ; // get
Thank you.
Is there any reason you need the public setter? It sounds like the class itself owns the array. You'd probably be better off not providing any public property access to the field, and making a public method which copies the values into your private field.
// public interface, in the .h file
#interface MyClass : // superclass, protocols, etc.
- (void) setSomething:(NSArray *)values;
// private interface, not in the .h
#interface MyClass ()
#property (/* attributes */) NSMutableArray *myMutableArray;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize myMutableArray = myMutableArray_;
- (void) setSomething:(NSArray *)values
[self.myMutableArray setArray:values];
#interface Foo : NSObject
#property(readonly, retain) NSArray * myReadonlyArray;
- (void) addItem: (Item *) anItem;
- (BOOL) publiclyDoSomething;
#interface Foo()
#property(readwrite, retain) NSMutableArray * myMutableArray;
- (void) doSomethingInPrivate;
#implementation Foo
#synthesize myMutableArray = myMutableArray_;
- (void) addItem: (Item *) anItem
// assuming myMutableArray_ was already iniitialized
[self.myMutableArray addObject: anItem];
- (NSArray *)myReadonlyArray
return self.myMutableArray;
... rest of methods (including the public/private) implementations ...
Some details:
Objective-C has "instance variables", not "member variables".
The above defines a public getter and private setter that is synthesized automatically. For clarity's sake, I also added a public method and a private method.
"Public" and "private" in Objective-C are defined entirely by visibility to the compiler. The setter for myMutableArray and the method doSomethingInPrivate are only private because their declarations in an #interface cannot be imported.
self.myMutableArray and [self myMutableArray] do the same thing; the . syntax is merely short hand for an equivalent method call (with a few edge case details beyond this question)
#property in the #interface is purely short hand for method declarations (with a bit of extra metadata).
#interface Foo() is a class extension and not a category. It exists for exactly the purpose demonstrated above; to extend the #interface of a class with additional declarative information whose scope should be limited. It can appear in a header file that, say, you only import in your library's implementation to create library-private functionality.
#dynamic is used when you neither #synthesize an #property nor provide a conventional method implementation. It is not needed otherwise!
I'm probably forgetting something.

Category usage in Objective-C

I'm seeing some code I've inherited that looks like the following:
#interface SomeClass (private)
This is within SomeClass.m, the implementation file. There is an accompanying header file which doesn't suggest that the class is using a category. Is (private) in this case just a poor name given to a category for SomeClass? And I'm assuming it's perfectly legitimate to specify categories such as these in an implementation?
It isn't the name "private" that makes it private; the methods are private because they are in a category declared within the implementation file.
There are three uses of a category, each of which add methods to a class (note: methods only, not iVars)
Extending an existing Cocoa class
This lets you add your own methods to an existing class.
For example, if you want to extend NSString to apply special capitalization, you could create a new class called, say NSString+Capitals. in the NSString+Capitals.h you would have:
#interface NSString (Capitals)
-(NSString *)alternateCaps:(NSString *)aString;
and in NSString+Capitals.m you would implement the method
#implementation NSString (Capitals)
-(NSString *)alternateCaps:(NSString *)aString
// Implementation
Private methods on a class
This is the same as above, except that the extra methods are declared and defined in the implementation file (.m) Usually a way of having private methods - because they are not in the .h file (which is the one #imported by other classes) they are simply not visible. In this case, the implementation of the methods are done in their own implementation block. e.g
// someClass.m
#interface someClass (extension)
#implementation someClass
// all the methods declared in the .h file and any superclass
// overrides in this block
#implementation someClass (extension)
-(void)extend {
// implement private method here;
Class Extension (New for 10.5 Leopard)
A simpler way of having private methods. In this special case, the category name is empty and the private methods are implemented in the same block as all the other class methods.
// someClass.m
#interface someClass ()
#implementation someClass
// all the methods declared in the .h file and any superclass
// overrides in this block
// Implement private methods in this block as well.
-(void)extend {
// implement private method here;
Here's a link to the Apple docs on Categories and extensions.
"Private" is just a name that suggests the methods are not public and are used for the internal implementation of the class, but there's nothing in the declaration of the category that enforces that.
Also, methods defined in a category are added to the class definition at runtime, so the accompanying header file need not declare that it is using a category -- it gets "used" automatically.
I use that to give me somewhere to declare (and thus document, as well as shut the compiler up about) helper methods which don't need to be in the public interface. Then the "consumers" of the class are (tacitly, given that there's nothing stopping them other than good manners) restricted to using methods defined in the header file.