x-mailer header, phpmailer and spam filters - header

I am a newsletter plugin developer for WordPress (Knews). It uses phpmailer to send.
One user has contacted with me about an issue: all his emails (sent through phpmailer) goes to spam.
He has solved adding a header param:
Phpmailer uses a default x-mailer param (phpmailer) if you doesn't set it, is this value bad for spam filters? What was the better value?
Carles Reverter.

Setting an X-Mailer to "gibberish" can increase the bad score of Spam engines, not setting it shouldn't make any difference.
Anyway in reality it is really hard to answer this kind of questions because it varies a lot.
To answer your question I referred to this document which cites scores based on a list of rules: http://webmail.uni-weimar.de/antispam/criteria.html
As you can see there's a line citing:
'X-Mailer' line contains gibberish X_MAILER_GIBBERISH 0.001


Issue with Gmail contextual gadget email extractor

I've encountered a bug with the google.com:RecipientToEmailExtractor extractor. When receiving an email from an address looking like a.b.cdef#gmail.com (1 letter followed by 1 period), the extracted address I get is abcdef#gmail.com. The periods are removed. ab.cd.ef#gmail.com has no issues and extracts the correct address.
And the issue is only with the To address. From and CC extractors are ok.
Is there a way to correct this?
Also, since I couldn't find the proper channel to report this issue (no Google Group or issues page), where can I submit a bug report?
Google found me a link for GAS bugs: https://code.google.com/p/google-apps-script-issues/issues/list
Short-term you could write a function to always remove dots from addresses before comparing. Here's a suggestion from StackOverflow using regex: Filtering periods out of email addresses with regex You might want to consider that "+" can be used, too. See Looking for a regex to match a gmail plus address
As for the proper channel, I recall (but can't find the info now) that the Google Group for GAS at one time specified that questions should be asked in Stack Overflow. I had posted a few GAS questions in Web Apps and asked them to be migrated here for that reason.

Weird HTTP header at Flickr

I was, with no specific reason, exploring the HTTP headers sent by certain websites. At Flickr, a photograph file was sent using the following header:
X-Henrys-Special-Sauce: original spice
What does this mean at all? Just a easter egg thingy or Yahoo's kind of humour, or is it a term used in programming?
When refreshing the page, the header wasn't sent anymore...
Slashdot still has its X-Bender quote. This is the last one i've got:
X-Bender:Crippling pain? That's not covered by my insurance fraud.

Stop spam without captcha

I want to stop spammers from using my site. But I find CAPTCHA very annoying. I am not just talking about the "type the text" type, but anything that requires the user to waste his time to prove himself human.
What can I do here?
Requiring Javascript to post data blocks a fair amount of spam bots while not interfering with most users.
You can also use an nifty trick:
<input type="text" id="not_human" name="name" />
<input type="text" name="actual_name" />
#not_human { display: none }
Most bots will populate the first field, so you can block them.
I combine a few methods that seem quite successful so far:
Provide an input field with the name email and hide it with CSS
display: none. When the form is submitted check if this field is
empty. Bots tend to fill this with a bogus emailaddress.
Provide another hidden input field which contains the time the page
is loaded. Check if the time between loading and submitting the page
is larger the minimum time it takes to fill in the form. I use
between 5 and 10 seconds.
Then check if the number of GET parameters are as you would expect.
If your forms action is POST and the underlying URL of your
submission page is index.php?p=guestbook&sub=submit, then you
expect 2 GET parameters. Bots try to add GET parameters so this
check would fail.
And finally, check if the HTTP_USER_AGENT is set, which bots sometimes don't set,
and that the HTTP_REFERER is the URL of the page of your form. Bots
sometimes just POST to the submission page causing the HTTP_REFERER
to be something else.
I got most of my information from http://www.braemoor.co.uk/software/antispam.shtml and http://www.nogbspam.com/.
Integrate the Akismet API to automatically filter your users' posts.
If you're looking for a .NET solution, the Ajax Control Toolkit has a control named NoBot.
NoBot is a control that attempts to provide CAPTCHA-like bot/spam prevention without requiring any user interaction. NoBot has the benefit of being completely invisible. NoBot is probably most relevant for low-traffic sites where blog/comment spam is a problem and 100% effectiveness is not required.
NoBot employs a few different anti-bot techniques:
Forcing the client's browser to perform a configurable JavaScript calculation and verifying the result as part of the postback. (Ex: the calculation may be a simple numeric one, or may also involve the DOM for added assurance that a browser is involved)
Enforcing a configurable delay between when a form is requested and when it can be posted back. (Ex: a human is unlikely to complete a form in less than two seconds)
Enforcing a configurable limit to the number of acceptable requests per IP address per unit of time. (Ex: a human is unlikely to submit the same form more than five times in one minute)
More discussion and demonstration at this blogpost by Jacques-Louis Chereau on NoBot.
CutoffMaximumInstances="5" />
I would be careful using CSS or Javascript tricks to ensure a user is a genuine real life human, as you could be introducing accessibility issues, cross browser issues, etc. Not to mention spam bots can be fairly sophisticated, so employing cute little CSS display tricks may not even work anyway.
I would look into Akismet.
Also, you can be creative in the way you validate user data. For example, let's say you have a registration form that requires a user email and address. You can be fairly hardcore in how you validate the email address, even going so far as to ensure the domain is actually set up to receive mail, and that there is a mailbox on that domain that matches what was provided. You could also use Google Maps API to try and geolocate an address and ensure it's valid.
To take this even further, you could implement "hard" and "soft" validation errors. If the mail address doesn't match a regex validation string, then that's a hard fail. Not being able to check the DNS records of the domain to ensure it accepts mail, or that the mailbox exists, is a "soft" fail. When you encounter a soft fail, you could then ask for CAPTCHA validation. This would hopefully reduce the amount of times you'd have to push for CAPTCHA verification, because if you're getting enough activity on the site, valid people should be entering valid data at least some of the time!
I realize this is a rather old post, however, I came across an interesting solution called the "honey-pot captcha" that is easy to implement and doesn't require javascript:
Provide a hidden text box!
Most spambots will gladly complete the hidden text box allowing you to politely ignore them.
Most of your users will never even know the difference.
To prevent a user with a screen reader from falling into your trap simply label the text box "If you are human, leave blank" or something to that affect.
Tada! Non-intrusive spam-blocking! Here is the article:
Since it is extremely hard to avoid it at 100% I recommend to read this IBM article posted 2 years ago titled 'Real Web 2.0: Battling Web spam', where visitor behavior and control workflow are analyzed well and concise
Web spam comes in many forms, including:
Spam articles and vandalized articles on wikis
Comment spam on Weblogs
Spam postings on forums, issue trackers, and other discussion sites
Referrer spam (when spam sites pretend to refer users to a target
site that lists referrers)
False user entries on social networks
Dealing with Web spam is very difficult, but a Web developer
neglects spam prevention at his or her
peril. In this article, and in a
second part to come later, I present
techniques, technologies, and services
to combat the many sorts of Web spam.
Also is linked a very interesting "...hashcash technique for minimizing spam on Wikis and such, in addition to e-mail."
How about a human readable question that tells the user to put in the first letter of the value he put in the first name field and the last letter of the last name field or something like this?
Or show some hidden fields which are filled with JavaScript with values like referer and so one. Check for equality of these fields with the ones you have stored in the session before.
If the values are empty, the user has no javascript. Then it would be no spam. But a bot will at least fill in some of them.
Surely you should select one thing Honeypot or BOTCHA.

Block spam from "tell a friend" forms

You have to have a form on your website for people to send an email to a friend if they found something interesting. You can force people to be logged in (which is not a good option in my case). You can make time delay (this is not really urgent email, so it can wait for 5 minutes). Do you have this problem? How would you solve it?
Edit: I am mostly interested in stopping manual spam
Do you have a problem with automated scripting of your form, or people genuinely using it too much?
The simple solution to the bot problem is a Captcha, such as ReCaptcha. The user-friendliness is questionable, but it would perhaps solve your problem.
You can also use something different from all those captcha scripts. Let me tell you what I do:
- I create a md5 hash:
echo '<input type="hidden" name="form-check" value="'.$md5Value.'">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="bot-check" value="">';
those are 2 very simple ways because: 1) auto bots try to fill all your inputs and 2)the hash is not provided, this mean you have a post request from outside your site. The hashing could be extended with some session or cookie, too.
All the best!
I would recommend a Captcha or if you would like something a bit less intrusive, have a simple math problem(which changes) so you just have something like:
For spam protection: Type what Two Plus Two is here _________
I did this on my personal website and never had a problem(and I had a lot of attempts that failed by spambots)
This service has very good anti-spam measures.
FYI, I am involved with the company, so I'm not entirely unbiased, but we do get a lot of refugees who come to us to end their spam problems with other services or downloaded scripts.
If you feel the need to vote down, perhaps you should leave a comment too...
The best solution is to use an all-purpose bot filtering solution. I know this is an old post, but a new botnet was discovered that uses these send to a friend modules to send spam (not a new technique but some interesting new advancements).
According to one security vendor (good tips), “At a minimum, they should include a rate-limiting mechanism that will prevent an IP address from issuing unreasonable numbers of requests over a specific period of time. Other DIY solutions are to have all users fill in CAPTCHAs and to enforce registration as a prerequisite to sending out an email message.”

How does Authorize.Net Silent Post work?

Authorize.net offers a "Silent POST" feature for their Automated Recurring Billing. It's supposed to POST data to a url of your choosing, telling you whether they were able to charge the customer, how much, etc. The problem is, it isn't very well documented.
Is there any way to test a post to that URL? I've signed up for a developer account, but there's no way to specify that URL like you could in the actual system. Hence, there doesn't seem to be a way to test it out.
If not, is there a list of possible values it could return? It appears to send x_first_name, x_amount - I've seen code that uses those values - but since I can't actually get it to send a response, I'm not sure.
Is there documentation for this feature anywhere? Or even class that implements it fully?
Better late then never: All About Authorize.Net’s Silent Post
I have not seen much on it only for AIM and SIM, you might just give them a call.
Log in to your Authorize.Net order processing account, and click on the Settings link (under ACCOUNT, in the left column). Then click on the "Silent Post URL" link in the Transaction Format Settings area. You can enter your silent post URL on the next page. The next page also contains a link to the documentation explaining the technical details. HTH
Here's a few more (somewhat) useful posts I found on the subject.
Merchant Account Services - gives some limited sample code (PHP)
Experts Exchange - lists a few helpful variables, gives an idea of what's being sent (ASP).
You still have to call your account rep for them to activate Silent Post URL with your account because that is not something that is enabled automatically
Our clients use the following tool to test silent post url requests sent from the Authorize.Net gateway.
Simply add the following url to your silent post settings and change the email address for the results to be delivered to an email of choice.