VB.net Delete a file which keeps getting replaced - vb.net

I have written a VB.net executable that deletes a file then transfers a different one in it's place. An extract of the code is shown below. The problem is it fails every time due to the program that uses the file recreates it immediately after deletion.
How can I delete the file and prevent it being replaced? I cannot change anything about the program that's recreating it.
If IO.File.Exists(AMPDir & "AMP_DIR.DAT") = False Then
MsgBox("The following file is missing..." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & " " & "AMP_DIR.DAT", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error...")
ElseIf IO.File.Exists(AMPDir & "AMP_DIR.DAT") = True And IO.File.Exists(LOGDir & "LOGIC.INF") = True Then
System.IO.File.Delete(AMPDir & "AMP_DIR.DAT")
System.IO.File.Copy(Path.GetDirectoryName(ConfigFile) & "\" & "AMP_DIR.DAT.IND", AMPDir & "AMP_DIR.DAT")
System.IO.File.SetAttributes(AMPDir & "AMP_DIR.DAT", FileAttributes.Normal)
End If


Extract Attachments from Email VBA Script

I have the following VBA Script which I use to extract multiple attachments from multiple emails. But when I use it, the email is then left with a marker
I can see the point in the below script and wish to remove this, however when I do and try run again, I get a Compile Error.
What do I need to remove correctly to be able to run the script by leaving the marker?
End If
Next i
If xSaveFiles <> "" Then
If xMailItem.BodyFormat <> olFormatHTML Then
xMailItem.Body = vbCrLf & "The file(s) were saved to " & xSaveFiles & vbCrLf & xMailItem.Body
xMailItem.HTMLBody = "<p>" & "The file(s) were saved to " & xSaveFiles & "</p>" & xMailItem.HTMLBody
End If
End If
End If

Error "Could not locate part of the path" when renaming file

I verified all the directory paths exist so I am completely at a loss here.
For Each i As Project.ImageryCaptureTask.FileProperties In t.FileCollection
Dim NewFilename As New FileInfo(Path.Combine(Root.FullName, i.LVItem.Text))
If NewFilename.Exists Then
' ...Things get done
i.FI.MoveTo(NewFilename.FullName) ' <- Error thrown here (obviously)
Catch IOEx As IOException
MsgBox(IOEx.Message & vbCr & vbCr & "Error renaming to " & NewFilename.FullName, vbOKOnly, IOEx.Source)
Catch Ex As Exception
MsgBox(Ex.Message & vbCr & vbCr & "Error renaming to " & NewFilename.FullName, vbOKOnly, IOEx.Source)
End Try
End If
Sorry, I was trying to keep the question short and quick, but I failed to provide the key information about Root.FullName. Here is the snippet to show that.
' P.MainFolder.FullName is the DirectoryInfo instantiated from the FolderBrowserDialog
If Directory.Exists(P.MainFolder.FullName) Then
For Each t As Project.ImageryCaptureTask In P.TaskCollection
Dim SubFolder3DMapping As New DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(P.MainFolder.FullName, (Val(t.TaskCreationDate) + t.OffsetDate).ToString & "_" & P.ProjectNumber & "_" & P.ProjectName & "_" & Project.ImageryCaptureTask.CapturingMethods.Aerial3DMapping.ToString.Insert(6, "_")))
Dim SubFolderPhotos As New DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(P.MainFolder.FullName, (Val(t.TaskCreationDate) + t.OffsetDate).ToString & "_" & P.ProjectNumber & "_" & P.ProjectName & "_" & Project.ImageryCaptureTask.CapturingMethods.AerialPhotos.ToString.Insert(6, "_")))
Dim SubFolderVideos As New DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(P.MainFolder.FullName, (Val(t.TaskCreationDate) + t.OffsetDate).ToString & "_" & P.ProjectNumber & "_" & P.ProjectName & "_" & Project.ImageryCaptureTask.CapturingMethods.AerialVideos.ToString.Insert(6, "_")))
If Not SubFolder3DMapping.Exists Then SubFolder3DMapping.Create()
If Not SubFolderPhotos.Exists Then SubFolderPhotos.Create()
If Not SubFolderVideos.Exists Then SubFolderVideos.Create()
Dim Root As DirectoryInfo = Nothing
Select Case True
Case t.CaptureMethod = Project.ImageryCaptureTask.CapturingMethods.Aerial3DMapping
Root = SubFolder3DMapping
Case t.CaptureMethod = Project.ImageryCaptureTask.CapturingMethods.AerialPhotos
Root = SubFolderPhotos
Case t.CaptureMethod = Project.ImageryCaptureTask.CapturingMethods.AerialVideos
Root = SubFolderVideos
End Select
For Each i As Project.ImageryCaptureTask.FileProperties In t.FileCollection
Dim NewFilename As New FileInfo(Path.Combine(Root.FullName, i.LVItem.Text))
If NewFilename.Exists Then
' This should not happen, but if it does it gets handled here.
Catch IOEx As IOException
MsgBox(IOEx.Message & vbCr & vbCr & "Error renaming to " & NewFilename.FullName, vbOKOnly, IOEx.Source)
Catch Ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End If
Here is a photo showing the results from the last attempt. Of the 33 files, 7 of them failed to be renamed:
The goal here is to rename the image files created during our drone flights. These flights are static, same amount of images at the same GPS locations, so we want to be able to reference any existing flight images so we can extract the filenames. The only dynamic part of the filenames are the first 8 characters (Date: yyyymmDD).
It turns out that the issue is that some of the filenames are too long and could not be renamed.
To get passed the issue with filename lengths being longer than MAX_PATH I used the following threads:
Resolving filename longer than MAX_PATH Exceptions > Forum
Deal with filename longer than MAX_PATH > Forum ... [ specifically the answer by Wolf5 ]

How to delete an image that is currently being used in a process

So. I have an image that can be set as the background image on my vb app and when the user wants to change the image, I have it so that it fetches their chosen image from a showdialog and puts it into a specific filepath for the rest of the program to access. But, when the process is done more than once on its initial run (meaning there is no image in the directory yet) it gives and error saying the process cannot be completed due to ("C:\userdata" & ProteusLogin.txtUsername.Text & "" & "backgroundimage.jpg", "delete.jpg") process being in use.
Here is the code.
Private Sub RDBCustom_doubleclick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RDBCustom.Click
RBLight.Checked = False
RBOriginal.Checked = False
RBDark.Checked = False
Dim openfiledialog1 As New OpenFileDialog
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(openfiledialog1.FileName, "C:\userdata\" & ProteusLogin.txtUsername.Text & "\" & "backgroundimage.jpg")
If System.IO.File.Exists("C:\userdata\" & ProteusLogin.txtUsername.Text & "\" & "backgroundimage.jpg") = True Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile("C:\userdata\" & ProteusLogin.txtUsername.Text & "\" & "backgroundimage.jpg", "delete.jpg")
System.IO.File.Delete("C:\userdata\" & ProteusLogin.txtUsername.Text & "\" & "delete.jpg")
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(openfiledialog1.FileName, "C:\userdata\" & ProteusLogin.txtUsername.Text & "\" & "backgroundimage.jpg")
End If
End Try
End Sub

DataGridView - Data added does not stay after closing application

I have created a VB windows form Application with text boxes and a datagridview.
The idea is for the user to enter information onto the text boxes, and then click a button to save to the grid view. This works fine, but when closing the application and reopening the data is gone.
The below code is what i use to save the data to the grid view.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim rnum As Integer = DataGridView1.Rows.Add()
If Me.CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
Clipboard.SetText("Situation:" & vbNewLine & Me.TextBox1.Text & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Actions:" & vbNewLine & Me.TextBox2.Text & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Next Steps:" & vbNewLine & Me.TextBox3.Text & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Notes:" & vbNewLine & Me.TextBox4.Text)
Clipboard.SetText("Situation:" & vbNewLine & Me.TextBox1.Text & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Actions:" & vbNewLine & Me.TextBox2.Text & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Next Steps:" & vbNewLine & Me.TextBox3.Text)
End If
DataGridView1.Rows.Item(rnum).Cells("Situation").Value = Me.TextBox1.Text
DataGridView1.Rows.Item(rnum).Cells("Actions").Value = Me.TextBox2.Text
DataGridView1.Rows.Item(rnum).Cells("NextSteps").Value = Me.TextBox3.Text
DataGridView1.Rows.Item(rnum).Cells("SupportingDocuments").Value = Me.TextBox4.Text
MsgBox("Added to Clipboard")
End Sub
The application is used by different users on different machine, so i want the gridview to have saved what that individual user has added.
I know im missing something easy, like adding a dataset but wouldnt this have to be on a static location used by everyone? And i also looked into xml files but cannot seem to find what im looking for.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
All you have to do is to select your database in Project Explorer and navigate to its properties. In its properties, set "Copy to Output folder = Copy if Newer"
After trying to work around databases, but only seeming to get them static. I worked on using code to create xml files on the user profile, and then loading them.
This Link helped me alot

Word in message box appears in a different line

I use the following VBA to open a message box:
Sub Message()
MsgBox ("Do you want create a file on your desktop?" _
& vbCr & " " _
& vbCr & "Once you click yes an unprotected file with all sheets visible will be saved on your desktop and opened. You can immediately start working with this file.")
End Sub
All this works fine.
However, as you can see in the screenshot the word "file" goes in a different line. Is it possible to format the messagebox or change the VBA code so the word "file" does not appear in a different line?
It depends on the resolution of the PC of the user. In my case I even get it like this:
If you want to control the lines, then you should write a custom form. There you would have much better control over the display, and if you play a bit with its properties, you would mimic exactly the MsgBox():
Some sample code, Label1 is a label element:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.Label1 = "Do you want create a file on your desktop?" _
& vbCr & " " _
& vbCr & "Once you click yes an unprotected file with all sheets visible will be saved on your desktop and opened." & _
vbCrLf & "You can immediately start working with this file."
End Sub
Perhaps adjust your code with line breaks to suit. For example:
Sub Message()
MsgBox ("Do you want create a file on your desktop?" _
& vbCr & " " _
& vbCr & "Once you click yes an unprotected file" _
& vbCr & " " _
& vbCr & "with all sheets visible will be saved on your desktop and opened." _
& vbCr & " " _
& vbCr & "You can immediately start working with this file.")
End Sub