Processing: How to convert a char datatype into its utf-8 int representation? - processing.js

How can I convert a char datatype into its utf-8 int representation in Processing?
So if I had an array ['a', 'b', 'c'] I'd like to obtain another array [61, 62, 63].

After my answer I figured out a much easier and more direct way of converting to the types of numbers you wanted. What you want for 'a' is 61 instead of 97 and so forth. That is not very hard seeing that 61 is the hexadecimal representation of the decimal 97. So all you need to do is feed your char into a specific method like so:
If you have an array of chars like so:
char[] c = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'};
Then you can use the above thusly:
and so on and so forth.
As per v.k.'s example in the comments below, you can do the following in Processing:
char c = 'a';
The above will give you a hex representation of the character as a String.
// to save the hex representation as an int you need to parse it since hex() returns a String
int hexNum = PApplet.parseInt(hex(c));
// OR
int hexNum = int(c);
For the benefit of the OP and the commenter below. You will get 97 for 'a' even if you used my previous suggestion in the answer because 97 is the decimal representation of hexadecimal 61. Seeing that UTF-8 matches with the first 127 ASCII entries value for value, I don't see why one would expect anything different anyway. As for the UnsupportedEncodingException, a simple fix would be to wrap the statements in a try/catch block. However that is not necessary seeing that the above directly answers the question in a much simpler way.

what do you mean "utf-8 int"? UTF8 is a multi-byte encoding scheme for letters (technically, glyphs) represented as Unicode numbers. In your example you use trivial letters from the ASCII set, but that set has very little to do with a real unicode/utf8 question.
For simple letters, you can literally just int cast:
print((int)'a') -> 97
print((int)'A') -> 65
But you can't do that with characters outside the 16 bit char range. print((int)'二') works, (giving 20108, or 4E8C in hex) but print((int)'𠄢') will give a compile error because the character code for 𠄢 does not fit in 16 bits (it's supposed to be 131362, or 20122 in hex, which gets encoded as a three byte UTF-8 sequence 239+191+189)
So for Unicode characters with a code higher than 0xFFFF you can't use int casting, and you'll actually have to think hard about what you're decoding. If you want true Unicode point values, you'll have to literally decode the byte print, but the Processing IDE doesn't actually let you do that; it will tell you that "𠄢".length() is 1, when in real Java it's really actually 3. There is -in current Processing- no way to actually get the Unicode value for any character with a code higher than 0xFFFF.
Someone mentioned you actually wanted hex strings. If so, use the built in hex function.
println(hex((int)'a')) -> 00000061
and if you only want 2, 4, or 6 characters, just use substring:
println(hex((int)'a').substring(4)) -> 0061


Can ASCII arrays be manipulated as arrays without converting to String form?

This is a basic question, but I can't find anything on it, since I don't know what to search — each of my tries have come up with unrelated results.
If I use Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes to convert a string into ASCII, does each byte represent exactly one character? Does the following code work as exactly intended in all circumstances (for all Strings other than the examples)?
Dim t1() As Byte = Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello ")
Dim t2() As Byte = Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("World")
Dim msg As String = Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(t1.Concat(t2).ToArray)
Now msg should be "Hello World".
I would like this to work as I don't want to have to convert data I receive back to Strings in order to manipulate it before it is sent again.
What if I used something other than ASCII (like UTF-8, for example)?
If I use Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes to convert a string into ASCII, does each byte represent exactly one character?
Yes. ASCII is a 7bit encoding, it does not support multi-byte characters. Any Unicode codepoint above U-007F will get converted to a ? character in ASCII.
If you were to use UTF-7 instead, for instance, it can encode individual Unicode codepoints into a sequence of multiple ASCII characters.
Does the following code work as exactly intended in all circumstances (for all Strings other than the examples)?
In your particular example, yes (provided you are using LINQ's Concat() method - there are other ways to concat arrays together). There is no data loss.
But for other examples, just know that you will have data loss if you convert non-ASCII characters to ASCII, or otherwise mismatch encodings between GetBytes() and GetString().
You can certainly manipulate byte arrays. Just make sure the arrays are in the same encoding if you merge them together.
.NET strings are counted sequences of UTF-16 code units (char), one or two of which encode a Unicode codepoint (int Char.ConvertToUtf32 ). Some codepoints are "combining characters", which when applied to a preceding "base character" form a grapheme (which is then rendered by a font into a glyph).
An encoder from Unicode to an encoding of another character set should attempt to preserve graphemes. In .NET, a grapheme is called a "text element."
So, yes, you can combine encoded byte sequences as long as you haven't defeated the encoder by converting parts of a grapheme into different byte sequences. If you are breaking a string into two before encoding, see TextElementEnumerator and StringInfo class.

Representing data types e.g. Chars, Strings, Integers etc

I am a .NET Developer and I do not believe I know enough about encoding. I have read this article:
Say I declare this string:
Dim TestString As String = "1"
I believe this will be represented as a Unicode character. Say I declare this integer:
Dim TestInt As Integer = 1
How is this represented? I assume that Unicode is not used? i.e. it is only used for String and Chars? Is that correct? Therefore I believe that on a 32 bit machine 1 would simply be represented as:
00000000 0000000 0000000 00000001
Do numeric data types have byte order marks: ?
All strings in .NET are UTF-16. From the language spec:
Visual Basic .NET defines the following primitive types:
The Char value type, which represents a single Unicode character and
maps to System.Char...
The String reference type, which
represents a sequence of Unicode characters and maps to System.String...
Why should an integral value types like an integer be represented with Unicode in computer memory? Unicode is (citing from Wikipedia):
a computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representation and handling of text expressed in most of the world's writing systems.
So yes, it's only used for Strings and Chars.
Also note that an Integer will always be 4-byte signed integer, no matter if you use a 32 bit or 64 bit machine.
Byte order marks are an entire different topic. As already said in a comment, it's used in text file or stream.

Detect if Base 64 string is image or text

Is there a way to detect if the Base 64 string contained in an NSData instance is an image or a text or any other object?
You can't generally just look at the base 64 string and decide, but you can decode the first few bytes of data, look at the hex codes (you can do this by decoding your base-64 string into a NSData and just NSLog it or examining it in the debugger), and draw some conclusions. For example:
Image files generally start with special byte sequences (e.g. JPEG start with the hex bytes FF D8; PNG generally start with hex bytes 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A (e.g. 89 "PNG" CR LF EOF LF, etc.). Note, there are a dizzying number of different image formats, so this is a non-trivial exercise, but sometimes you can get lucky and it will be self-evident that it's one of these common format when you glance at the first few bytes.
NSKeyedArchiver archives generally start with the string "bplist".
ASCII text consists of codes between 20 and 7F (with linefeeds represented by 0A; carriage return and linefeeds represented by OD 0A; tab characters as 09; etc.). Then, again, if it was a text, it's unlikely they'd be base-64 encoding it.
If it was UTF-8 it would conform to the coding pattern outlined here. For example, you can look at the first few high bits of the first byte that might conceivably represent a UTF-8 character, and conclude (a) how many bytes the character is represented by and (b) what high bits will be turned on those subsequent bytes. You can often quickly look at it and confirm whether the data conforms to this UTF-8 pattern or not (especially easy to do for most western languages)
If the first three characters were EF BB BF, that often indicates a UTF-8 byte order mark.
This is, by no means, an exhaustive list of codes, but just a few that leapt out at me.
To do this programmatically and do so exhaustively would be a non-trivial exercise. But if you're just "eye-balling" a base-64 string and trying to draw some logical inferences, decode it and look at the hex bytes and you can quickly narrow down the possibilities, at the very least. If you're unsure about how to interpret it, update your question with the hex representation of the decoded base-64 string (just the first 16-32 bytes, please), and we might be able to point you in the right direction.
It is impossible to clearly distinguish text string and Base64 image encoding string. The only way - check if your string is valid Base 64 encoding string. If it is - probably it is an image. If not - you can be sure it is a text.
How to check if string is valid Base 64 you can ere How to check whether the string is base64 encoded or not.

Hexadecimal numbers vs. hexadecimal enocding (with base64 as well)

Encoding with hexadecimal numbers seems to be different from using hexadecimals to represent numbers. For example, then hex number 0x40 to me should be equal to 64, or BA_{64}, but when I put it through this hex to base64 converter, I get the output: QA== which to me is equal to some number times 64. Why is this?
Also when I check the integer value of the hex string deadbeef I get 3735928559, but when I check it other places I get: 222 173 190 239. Why is this?
Addendum: So I guess it is because it is easier to break the number into bit chunks than treat it as a whole number when encoding? That is pretty confusing to me but I guess I get it.
You may wish to read this:
In summary, base64 specifies a specific encoding, which involves using different values for letters than their ASCII encoding.
For the second part, one source is treating the entire string as a 32 bit integer, and the other is dividing it into bytes and giving the value of each byte.

Read input in NASM, and store it whole into a variable

what is the method by which I can read the input of the user, say the input is "500"
then store this number in a variable?
The only method I know would be to store them character by character with possibly the need of register offsets.
Is there any other way, preferably storing the number directly?
i.e. something like:
mov var1, inbuffer
Details on environment:
32 bit Assembly w/ DGJPP
Thank you.
Ahhh... DJGPP, that'd be dos I guess. Look into int 21h/0Ah (0Ah in ah). Or you might be better off with the readfile subfunction (3Fh ???) on stdin. Look it up in Ralf Brown's Interrupt list.
In any case, what you're going to get is the characters '5', '0', and '0' - 35h, 30h, 30h. It will take some processing to get the number 500 out of this. If you're reading numbers from left to right, zero up a register to use as "result so far". Read a character from your input buffer. If it's a valid decimal digit, subtract '0' to convert character to number, multiply "result so far" by ten, and add in your new number. Repeat until you run out of characters.