How to configure custom PYTHONPATH with VM and PyCharm? - intellij-idea

I am using IntelliJ with the Python plugin and the Remote Interpreter feature to communicate with my Vagrant VM. It sets up the remote interpreter correctly to use my VM's interpreter. But, I use a custom PYTHONPATH in my VM, and I would like IntelliJ to recognize that path and include the modules in that path when developing.
How do I configure IntelliJ/PyCharm's remote interpreter to use a custom PYTHONPATH on the VM?

For PyCharm 5 (or 2016.1), you can:
select Preferences > Project Interpreter
to the right of interpreter selector there is a "..." button, click it
select "more..."
pop up a new "Project Interpreters" window
select the rightest button (named "show paths for the selected interpreter")
pop up a "Interpreter Paths" window
click the "+" buttom > select your desired PYTHONPATH directory (the folder which contains python modules) and click OK
Done! Enjoy it!

Instructions for editing your PYTHONPATH or fixing import resolution problems for code inspection are as follows:
Open Preferences (On a Mac the keyboard short cut is ⌘,).
Look for Project Structure in the sidebar on the left under Project: Your Project Name
Add or remove modules on the right sidebar
EDIT: I have updated this screen shot for PyCharm 4.5

To me the solution was to go to
Run > Edit Configuration > Defaults > Python
then manage the
"Add content roots to PYTHONPATH" and
"Add source root to PYTHONPATH"
checkboxes, as well as setting the "Working directory" field.
If you have set up your own Run/Debug Configurations then you might want to go to
Run > Edit Configuration > Python > [Whatever you called your config]
and edit it there.
My problem was that I wanted to have my whole repository included in my PyCharm 2016.2 project, but only a subfolder was the actual python source code root. I added it as "Source Root" by right clicking the folder then
Mark directory as > Source Root
Then unchecking "Add content roots to PYTHONPATH" and checking "Add source root to PYTHONPATH" in the Run/Debug config menu. I then checked the folder pathing by doing:
import sys
This outputed:
'/usr/lib/python3.4', '/usr/lib/python3.4/plat-x86_64-linux-gnu',
However, without the fix it said:
'/usr/local/my_project_root', <-- NOT WANTED
Which meant I got the project root folder included. This messed up the pathing for me.

This was done with PyCharm Community 2019.1
Go to Project Settings
Go to Project Structure and right click on the directory you want to add and click "Sources"
This should add the directory to your pythonpath

An update to the correct answer phil provided, for more recent versions of Pycharm (e.g. 2019.2).
Go to File > Settings and find your project, then select Project Interpreter. Now click the button with a cog to the right of the selected project interpreter (used to be a ...).
From the drop-down menu select Show All... and in the dialog that opens click the icon with a folder and two sub-folders.
You are presented with a dialog with the current interpreter paths, click on + to add one more.

In my experience, using a PYTHONPATH variable at all is usually the wrong approach, because it does not play nicely with VENV on windows. PYTHON on loading will prepare the path by prepending PYTHONPATH to the path, which can result in your carefully prepared Venv preferentially fetching global site packages.
Instead of using PYTHON path, include a pythonpath.pth file in the relevant site-packages directory (although beware custom pythons occasionally look for them in different locations, e.g. enthought looks in the same directory as python.exe for its .pth files) with each virtual environment. This will act like a PYTHONPATH only it will be specific to the python installation, so you can have a separate one for each python installation/environment. Pycharm integrates strongly with VENV if you just go to yse the VENV's python as your python installation.
See e.g. this SO question for more details on .pth files....

Latest 12/2019 selections for PYTHONPATH for a given interpreter.

Well you can do this by going to the interpreter's dialogue box. Click on the interpreter that you are using, and underneath it, you should see two tabs, one called Packages, and the other called Path.
Click on Path, and add your VM path to it.

In pycharm 5 follow this,
1)Open the Settings dialog box, and click Project Interpreter page.
2)In the Projects pane, choose the desired project.
3)For the selected project, choose SDK from the list of available Python interpreters and virtual environments.

In Intellij v2017.2 you can go to:
run > edit configurations > click ... next to the field 'Environment variables' > click the green + sign
value= your_python_path

Pycharm 2020.3.3 CE ZorinOS(Linux) File>Settings > Project Structure > {select the folder} > Mark as Source(blue folder icon) > Apply
To verify:
import sys
Selected path should be listed here.


Configuring Groovy SDK within IntelliJ IDEA

I am running IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.3. I installed Groovy 2.4.12 via Homebrew (OS X). When I open a Groovy source file (or a Jenkinsfile), I get the following:
Groovy SDK is not configured for module 'my-module' . . . . . Configure Groovy SDK...
Clicking "Configure Groovy SDK..." leads me to the following dialog:
I tried hitting "Create..." and selecting many different Groovy-related folders and executables, but nothing works.
How can I get IntelliJ IDEA to accept my Groovy SDK?
IntelliJ IDEA expects the standard Groovy SDK layout which is provided with the official distributions available at Just download, unpack into any directory, specify this directory as the library home.
Homebrew package layout may be different, however it may have the standard layout in the libexec subdirectory in some cases. Try /usr/local/opt/groovy/libexec (use Cmd + Shift + G to navigate to it).
Another suggestion to add to this solution here described in MAC OS you can also add symbolic link in Library. This will make it easy to select it within IntelliJ:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/opt/groovy/libexec /Library/Groovy
This first answer it excellent, but not sufficient. The hidden folder in Mac blocked me one more day.
On Mac system, you can press
Cmd + Shift + G
to invoke the input dialog and input "/usr/local/opt/groovy/libexec" directly to resolve the issue that you cannot find the lib folder.
CrazyCoder gave the correct hints. But some of us use brew as our standard.
brew install groovysdk
In intellij when you get the dialog, as stated by haltTim, Cmd + Shift + G
Navigate to /usr/local/opt/groovysdk/libexec or the cellar path /usr/local/Cellar/groovysdk/???/libexec
From the main menu select File | Project Structure ⌘;.
In the Project Structure dialog, under Platform Settings, select
Global Libraries.
Image depicting the Intellij environment
Select Global Libraries, if nothing is there, click on add(+) icon at the top.
Then a small dialog box will appear, Select "from Maven", then another dialog box as shown below appears, iamge showing dialog box
Type in Groovy, then several options will pop up, select an option which has groovy:groovy-all and version 2.4.1(change version according to your need) and click ok. then apply and ok,
After this go to the same dialog box, of Configure SDK and select from drop-down.

Unable to mark a directory as test sources root in PyCharm

I was trying to mark a directory as test sources root in PyCharm so that I don't have to manually set the target directory for my generated test file every time. When I right-click my "tests" directory I only see the following four options:
Mark Directory As:
1. Source Root
2. Template Folder
3. Excluded
4. Resource Root
I remember doing this in Intellij for Java but is this not possible for PyCharm?
Do the following:
Mark the directory as "sources".
Close PyCharm.
Open the <project root>/.idea/<projectname>.iml file in a text editor.
Search for "isTestSource=" for the appropriate directories and change it from "false" to "true".
Reopen PyCharm.
To keep the UI simpler, the test source root configuration option is not exposed in the PyCharm UI.
In PyCharm 2017.1.3
From the tests toolbar, click edit configurations then you can set the working directory default, this will be used by each test on first run.
Hope this helps!

Setup golang environment using jetbrains

I have setup an golang developing envionemnt using idea (13.1 community edition).
It seems the SDK is recognized.
However, I could not create a GO file by right click the "New" under the source folder. (The item of "go" is grayed)
Currently I have to manually set the file extension to ".go" and edit the file, but autocomplete is OK.
This only exist on my Mac(with version 10.9.4)
I have set the GOPATH directory access mode to 777 but still not work.
This works fine on windows7.
So what should I do ?
This is what it looks like in windows
Thanks VonC, I already tried the /Users/Tom/go setting, this doesn't work and I switch to this root path.
here's my previous setting
macbook:home root# go env
GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -fmessage-length=0 -fno-common"
And this is what is look like in the /Users/Tom/Go
Thanks VonC, however, this doesn't work. I am not sure what's the reason.
This is the envionment setting using GOCODE
This is several steps!
By the way, I noticed that there are a difference from mac and windows when creating a new Go Project
at this step, the windows platform will show a "project sdk" while mac won't.
Make sure your IntelliJ project reference the right path within GOPATH.
From the plugin page:
If you have only one directory in the GOPATH and you are creating a project inside that path when you are working with packages that are part of the project you must still specify the whole import path for them, not the relative one. Example:
GOPATH is: /home/florin/go
the correct way to setup a project called demogo is: /home/florin/go/src/
new package is: /home/florin/go/src/
the correct import statement is: not newpack
Also make sure you have the latest version of the plugin, as issue 756 illustrates that IntelliJ IDEA 13 doesn't create the project directory structure on Mac OS X.
Finally, check if IDEA has correctly detected GOROOT and GOPATH:
See the page "Fix missing environment paths (Mac)".
The OP python adds in the comments:
If I have create a new Go project, this new feature is disabled.
If I create a new Java Command line App, then I could right click and add new Go file.
Right-click on either the top-level project or on the src directory and then go to Mark Directory As > Sources Root. After this you will be able to access the enabled Go context menus.

Notepad++ workspace refresh?

How do i refresh the workspace / project in notepad++ when the file-system changes ( files and folders added or removed ).
at the moment it does not keep up with the local file system and i have to re-create the project each time!! frustrating..
I followed Rechtar's suggestion.
I had a similar issue. Notepad++'s Project pane doesn't update when I change or create new files. What I ended up doing was downloading the explorer plugin through
Then install the explorer plugin.
After it's installed go to PLUGINS > EXPLORER and select the explorer.
It's not really comparable to something like Eclipse's project navigation.
In Notepad++ 7.5.8, this issue has been fixed. I suggest you update your notepad++ to the latest version.
In order to do this, go to ? -> Update Notepad++ and it will automatically detect a new update package. Update Notepad++ normally.
Otherwise, you could download the update from here:
In case you're curious, here's the changelog for 7.5.8:
Notepad++ v7.5.8 bug-fixes:
1. Remove annoying "no update" notification.
2. Fix Folder as Workspace not updating regression.
3. Fixed crash issue by checking & unchecking "Disable extension column" option in preferences dialog.
4. Fixed a crash when trying to launch a secondary instance with command line arguments.
5. Fix "Explorer Here" from "Folder as Workspace" problem if folder name contains comma.
Included plugins:
1. NppExport v0.2.8 (32-bit x86 only)
2. Converter 4.2.1
3. Mime Tool 2.1
4. DSpellCheck 1.3.5
Updater (Installer only):
* WinGup (for Notepad++) v5.0.2
I'm currently running version 6.3.3 of notepad ++ and instead of adding the entire project all over again, you can right-click the folder in your project that has the new file and choose: "Add files...". From there, you can select your new file and open it. This will add it to your project in the appropriate folder.
There doesn't seem to be a proper way to do this in Notepad++. The Project panel was born just 2 or 3 releases ago, so it's naturally immature. I suggest that you install either the Explorer plugin or the Light Explorer plugin - they are much more usable.
Or better yet, go learn Vim and fall in love with the NERDTree ;-)

Start two instances of IntelliJ IDE

Well my question is pretty simple, how do I start two instances of IntelliJ (community edition).
When I have one instance started and I try to start another one, all that happens is that my started instance gets focus.
I'm developing Android applications using IntelliJ.
Any thoughts?
Press Ctrl+Alt+SChoose Appearance & Behavior, then System Settings, check radio button: Open project in new window.
You need to configure each instance to use its own folders for config/plugins/system locations by editing file on Windows/Linux and Info.plist on Mac. You can find the details in FAQ.
Note that normally it's not necessary since you can open multiple projects in different IDEA frames within the same instance using File | Open or Open Recent.
CrazyCoder has roughly the right idea. However, setting the config file alone was not sufficient for me to run multiple instances. Here are my steps to get this going (in GNU/Linux, I am sure you can figure out equivalent in other systems):
Create a folder/directory per instance you want to run.
mkdir -p ~/idea/instance-0
Go to the installation directory (e.g. /opt/intellij) and copy the (in bin) file over to your instance directory.
cp /opt/intellij/bin/ ~/idea/instance-0/
Copy 3 more directories: system, plugins, and config. I highly recommend doing this without the running instance
cp -r /opt/intellij/system ~/idea/instance-0/
cp -r /opt/intellij/plugins ~/idea/instance-0/
cp -r /opt/intellij/config ~/idea/instance-0/
mkdir ~/idea/instance-0/log
Open your file and update the configurations for your directories:
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE config folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE system folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to user installed plugins folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE logs folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
Now, you can start IntelliJ with the new setup:
IDEA_PROPERTIES=~/idea/instance-0/ /opt/intellij/bin/idea
Obviously, you probably want to put the command in a script file for invocation. This seems to work for me.
File->Settings->General and in section "Startup/Shutdown" check "Confirm window to open project in"
With Ultimate 2020.2, go to Appearance & Behavior > System Settings in the settings dialog and select the "Ask" option for "Open project in"
As per the directions from jetbrains you'll need go to the 'General' page of the 'Settings' dialog and chose 'Open project in a new window'. Then proceed to open a project as you normally do. IntelliJ should then startup a completely new instance.
There is an other very quick way of doing it. There is always an EAP version of the IDE and it can run at same time with the current one. For example I am using AppCode 2017.2 and 2017.3 EAP in parallel.
Go go to IntelliJ | Tools | Create Command-line Launcher...
Keep the defaults (which creates a binary named "idea"):
Now, go to your command line.
Cd to your project directory and type: idea .
This will create a .idea directory for IntelliJ configurations for that project, which it will re-use each time to start IntelliJ from that directory.
You can now go to a different project directory and type: idea .
Assuming you left the previous IntellJ IDE open, you will now have two IntellJ IDEs open, one for each project.
1) If your project uses environment variables, then I'd recommending opening a separate terminal tab/window for each project and set that project's environment variables before running: idea .
2) Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, you may need to modify your classpath (or settings like Project GOPATH) for each IntelliJ instance.
My answer is not directly related to the question but its a solution for some cases where we think we need 2 Intellij instances.
For my issue I was thinking to launch 2 Intellij instances. But after careful thinking and searching for other options, I found an easy and quick solution and I wanna share with the community
If you are looking to compare files between different branches, and you wanna compare the difference, that can be done with git comparison. You don't need 2 different Intellij instances.
My Case:
In my case, I wanted to copy very specific code from 1 branch to another and I wanted to compare the difference between the code. The restriction was, I can't do git merge or cherry-pick because we didn't want full commit to be part of new branch. Just few necessary lines were required in the new branch.
My Solution:
Select the branch
Open the file where you wanna insert code
Right Click -> Git -> Compare with... (refer to pic)
Select the branch and you will get the difference
Append or Copy the difference
If you have new files or directories, you can create it manually and copy-paste the content
I know this answer doesn't directly relates to what has been asked, but sometimes we miss alternative solutions.
Hope this can be helpful as an alternative solution.
In addition to the above comments from #crazycoder and #magice, Make sure that you are not trying to load Pycharm with the same project two times which happened to me!!!.
For example, in windows10 already loaded with ONLY one project in PyCharm and tried to load another Pycharm instance by clicking on the PyCharm desktop shortcut or from task-bar if added. In this case, Pycharm will not load the second instance.
I have wasted some time here. So, wanted to share with the community as it will help someone out there!!