Dynamic NSOutlineView data source - objective-c

So I have implemented a PXSourceList data source that pretty much is a duplicate of Apple's example of a NSOutlineView data source.
This is how it goes...
- (NSUInteger)sourceList:(PXSourceList*)sourceList numberOfChildrenOfItem:(id)item; {
if (item == nil) {
// item is nil so it's part of the very top hierarchy.
// return how many sections we need.
return 2;
else {
if ([item class] == [TSFileSystemItem class] ) {
return [item numberOfChildren];
// if item isn't nil and it's a TSFileSystemItem, then return it's children.
if ([item class] == [TSWorkspaceItem class]) {
return 2; // i don't know, random items.
else {
NSLog(#"this is a special object.");
- (BOOL)sourceList:(PXSourceList *)aSourceList isItemExpandable:(id)item {
if (item == nil) {
return YES;
else {
// if the number of children of the item is -1
BOOL gibberhook = ([item numberOfChildren] != -1);
return gibberhook;
-(id)sourceList:(PXSourceList *)aSourceList child:(NSUInteger)index ofItem:(id)item {
if (item == nil) {
return [TSFileSystemItem rootItem];
else {
return [(TSFileSystemItem *)item childAtIndex:index];
- (id)sourceList:(PXSourceList *)aSourceList objectValueForItem:(id)item {
if (item == nil) {
return #"/";
} else {
if (item == [TSFileSystemItem rootItem]) {
else {
return [item relativePath];
The mysterious TSFileSystemItem is from here: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/OutlineView/Articles/UsingOutlineDataSource.html.
All of this is OK, except I want to divide my source list to have multiple sections (root cells). One displaying a file hierarchy (check) and the other...
Well the other is going to contain a NSMutableArray that I add items to from the other section. Sounds complicated? Better explanation. Click an item from section with file hierarchy, and it is added to the other section.
I have tried to solve this mess with the help of Apple's docs, but I still can't find a simple, efficient, stable way of making 2 sections with the functions I mentioned above. If only it was as easy as configuring a data source for UITableView...
Can anybody kindly help me out?

When the childrenForItem delegate method is called and item in nil, this requests the root of the tree. If you return and array then the tree will have a root node for each element in that array.
- (NSArray *)childrenForItem:(id)item {
if (item == nil) {
return [self.rootTreeNode childNodes];
} else {
return [item childNodes];


Array Mutation whilst being Enumerated

so my issue is happening only when I have two enemies on a team in my game. If it's a one versus one.. I do not get the issue.
Please look at my code and see if you can gather as to why I'm getting this fatal error.
Removes Target from players target array
-(void)removeTarget:(PlayerClass *)target withSender:(PlayerClass *)sender {
if ([sender.targets containsObject:target]) {
[sender.targets removeObject:target];
Adds Target to players target array
-(void)addTarget:(PlayerClass *)target withSender:(PlayerClass *)sender {
//check if target already exists
if ([sender.targets count] > 0) {
for (PlayerClass *players in sender.targets) {
if ([players.name isEqualToString:target.name]) {
//Checked if exists, if target exists in list then move on.
goto outer;
[sender.targets addObject:target];
In the Update to determine whether they're a target or not
-(void)update:(CFTimeInterval)currentTime {
/* Called before each frame is rendered */
for (PlayerClass *player in _players) {
if (player.health > 0) { //If player is alive!
//Checks if the player has targets, if so & visible - Engage.
if ([player.targets count] > 0) {
for (PlayerClass *enemy in player.targets) {
if (![player.team isEqualToString:enemy.team]) {
if (enemy.health > 0) {
if ([self lineOfSightBetweenPlayers:player andPlayer:enemy]) {
[self attackWithPlayer:player againstPlayer:enemy];
} else {
[player removeTarget:enemy withSender:player];
} else {
[player removeTarget:enemy withSender:player];
} else {
[player removeTarget:enemy withSender:player];
Now from debugging I've gathered that the players don't add their team mates as targets. However, the player will gather more than one target if they can see more than one target on the opposing team. However, the issue I'm guessing lies in my technique to removing a target from the array? Can anyone check over and make sure I'm not delivering a school boy error here?
Thanks in advance.
Very simple fix. Wasn't thinking outside the box.. which tends to happen when code starts getting very large!
//Checks if the player has targets, if so & visible - Engage.
if ([player.targets count] > 0) {
for (PlayerClass *enemy in player.targets) {
if (![player.team isEqualToString:enemy.team]) {
if (enemy.health > 0) {
if ([self lineOfSightBetweenPlayers:player andPlayer:enemy]) {
[self attackWithPlayer:player againstPlayer:enemy];
} else {
[player removeTarget:enemy withSender:player];
} else {
[player removeTarget:enemy withSender:player];
} else {
[player removeTarget:enemy withSender:player];
Fixed my issue, I wasn't breaking out. Thus enumerating after removal.

objective-c change to swift

I do not know how to convert the following Objective-C code into swift. How should I do ?
if (operations) {
if ([operations isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
for (id <MyOperation> operation in operations) {
if (operation) {
[operation cancel];
} else if ([operations conformsToProtocol:#protocol(MyOperation)]){
[(id<MyOperation>) operations cancel];
[operationDictionary removeObjectForKey:key];
if operations != nil {
// doto .......
Try this code:
if operations != nil {
// doto .......
if (operations?.isKindOfClass(NSArray) != nil){
for operation in operations as! [MyOperation]{
} else if operations?.conformsToProtocol(MyOperation){
(operations as MyOperation).cancle()
I didn't test it so may be you have to make little bit changes into this code.
Hope this will help.
I usually don't help people with complete conversions, but...
if let operations: AnyObject = operations {
if operations is NSArray {
for operation in operations as! [MyOperation] {
else if let operation = operations as? MyOperation {

Issue in comparing NSString inside NSMutable Array

i write a method that loops through an array of buttons and checks if a string is equal to any of the buttons titles inside the array, but it doesn't work although the string passed to that method equals some strings inside the array, here's my code:
for (UIButton* btn in self.test) {
if([btnLabel isEqualToString:btn.titleLabel.text])
NSLog(#"Inside check Dublicates--->Title Existed");
} else {
NSLog(#"Inside check Dublicates--->Title Not Existed");
// self.test---> it's an array contains group of buttons
// btnLabel----> it's a string passed to that method
What I don't understand is why when I run the program, I get both Inside check Dublicates--->Title Existed and "Inside check Dublicates--->Title Not Existed.
The code:
if([btnLabel isEqualToString:btn.titleLabel.text])
NSLog(#"Inside check Dublicates--->Title Existed");
} else {
NSLog(#"Inside check Dublicates--->Title Not Existed");
will be executed multiple times because it is in a for loop. That's why you get both logs printed when you run your code.
To test whether self.test contains the string btn.titleLabel.text you should modify your code into:
BOOL found = NO;
for (UIButton* btn in self.test) {
if([btnLabel isEqualToString:btn.titleLabel.text]) {
found = YES;
if (found) {
NSLog(#"Inside check Dublicates--->Title Existed");
} else {
NSLog(#"Inside check Dublicates--->Title Not Existed");
Or you can simply use the method -containsObject: *:
BOOL found = [self.test containsObject:btn.titleLabel.text];
if (found) {
NSLog(#"Inside check Dublicates--->Title Existed");
} else {
NSLog(#"Inside check Dublicates--->Title Not Existed");
* This will work even if btn.titleLabel.text is an NSString.

Anyway to make a (wrapping) NSTextField write a carriage return upon pressing return key?

I want to use a wrapping text field that can potentially contain carriage returns in my app. Is there any way to force the NSTextField object to write a carriage return into the text area instead of sending its action to its target when the Return key is pressed?
This is covered in Technical Q&A QA1454, which also enumerates reasons why one would use NSTextField instead of NSTextView in this case.
You can implement the following method in the text field delegate:
- (BOOL)control:(NSControl*)control
BOOL result = NO;
if (commandSelector == #selector(insertNewline:))
// new line action:
// always insert a line-break character and don’t cause the receiver
// to end editing
[textView insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor:self];
result = YES;
return result;
Okay, I figured out one way to do it, but this very well may not be the best (or even a good) way. I subclassed NSTextField, and overrode -textShouldEndEditing: like so:
-(BOOL)textShouldEndEditing:(NSText *)textObject {
NSEvent * event = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] currentEvent];
if ([event type] == NSKeyDown && [event keyCode] == 36) {
[self setStringValue:[[self stringValue] stringByAppendingString:#"\n"]];
return NO;
else {
return [super textShouldEndEditing:textObject];
I found a combination of Sean and Bevarious worked best for me. Sean's answer assumes that the new line is always wanted to be added to the end (instead of for instance where the user's cursor is placed).
-(BOOL)textShouldEndEditing:(NSText *)textObject
NSEvent * event = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] currentEvent];
if ([event type] == NSKeyDown && [event keyCode] == 36)
[textObject insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor:nil];
return NO;
return [super textShouldEndEditing:textObject];
Swift version:
override func textShouldEndEditing(textObject: NSText) -> Bool {
let event = NSApplication.sharedApplication().currentEvent
if event?.type == NSEventType.KeyDown && event?.keyCode == 36 {
self.stringValue = self.stringValue.stringByAppendingString("\n")
return false
} else {
return super.textShouldEndEditing(textObject)

Problem with recursive objective-c void-method

thats my first question here and i hope someone can help me.
I´m new at the iPhone programming and want to try an easy app...
It´s an SudokuSolver which is working with an recursive Method. In JAVA this code is making no problems, but in Objective-C the code isn´t stopping when Sudoku is solved. It´s still trying to solve the Sudoku and stops later.
Anyone an idea?!
Here´s the code.
- (SudokuSolver *) initWithField: (int[9][9]) field {
self = [super init];
if(self) {
for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<9; j++) {
sudokuField[i][j] = field[i][j];
if (field[i][j]) {
sudokuFieldStatic[i][j] = 1;
} else {
sudokuFieldStatic[i][j] = 0;
return self;
- (void) solve {
[self solveFieldAtRow:0 andCol:0];
- (void) solveFieldAtRow: (int) row andCol: (int) col {
if (row > 8) {
} else {
while (sudokuField[row][col] != 0) {
if (++col > 8) {
col = 0;
if (row > 8) {
for (int num=1; num<10; num++) {
if ([self checkRow:row forNumber:num] && [self checkCol:col forNumber:num] && [self checkFieldAtRow:row andCol:col forNumber:num]) {
sudokuField[row][col] = num;
[self showFieldInConsole:0];
if (col < 8) {
[self solveFieldAtRow:row andCol:col+1];
} else {
[self solveFieldAtRow:row+1 andCol:0];
sudokuField[row][col] = 0;
The code isn't stopping when the puzzle is solved because you don't check whether the puzzle is solved after the recursive call. So even if the recursive call found a solution, the code just continues on even after finding a solution until it has tried every possibility.
Since you say you have Java code that works, I suggest you compare the logic of the Java program versus this code. You'll probably find the Java code does include such a test.
Edit From your comment above, I see that you won't find such a test in your Java code, because there you are abusing exceptions to "return" from the recursion when a solution is found. The proper way is to have each recursive call return a true value if it found a solution and false if it didn't. And then each step should check if its child call succeeded, and itself return success if so. Something like this:
- (BOOL) solveFieldAtRow: (int) row andCol: (int) col {
if (row > 8) {
// reached the end, so it must have succeeded
return YES;
} else {
while (sudokuField[row][col] != 0) {
if (++col > 8) {
col = 0;
if (row > 8) {
// reached the end, so it must have succeeded
return YES;
for (int num=1; num<10; num++) {
if ([self checkRow:row forNumber:num] && [self checkCol:col forNumber:num] && [self checkFieldAtRow:row andCol:col forNumber:num]) {
sudokuField[row][col] = num;
[self showFieldInConsole:0];
BOOL result;
if (col < 8) {
result = [self solveFieldAtRow:row andCol:col+1];
} else {
result = [self solveFieldAtRow:row+1 andCol:0];
if (result) {
// Our child call succeeded, so we pass that back up
// the stack.
return YES;
sudokuField[row][col] = 0;
// If we get here, we could not find a solution. Return failure
// back up the stack.
return NO;