Only first DataAnnotation validation being applied -

I'm currently working on a Winforms application written in VB.NET and implementing the Entity Framework (4.4). I want to add validation attributes to my entities so that I can validate them on the UI - just as I do in MVC.
I have created my 'Buddy Class' which contains an IsValid method and points to a 'MetaData' class that contains the data annotations.
Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Product
Private _validationResults As New List(Of ValidationResult)
Public ReadOnly Property ValidationResults() As List(Of ValidationResult)
Return _validationResults
End Get
End Property
Public Function IsValid() As Boolean
TypeDescriptor.AddProviderTransparent(New AssociatedMetadataTypeTypeDescriptionProvider(GetType(Product), GetType(ProductMetadata)), GetType(Product))
Dim result As Boolean = True
Dim context = New ValidationContext(Me, Nothing, Nothing)
Dim validation = Validator.TryValidateObject(Me, context, _validationResults)
If Not validation Then
result = False
End If
Return result
End Function
End Class
Friend NotInheritable Class ProductMetadata
<Required(ErrorMessage:="Product Name is Required", AllowEmptyStrings:=False)>
<MaxLength(50, ErrorMessage:="Too Long")>
Public Property ProductName() As Global.System.String
<Required(ErrorMessage:="Description is Required")>
<MinLength(20, ErrorMessage:="Description must be at least 20 characters")>
<MaxLength(60, ErrorMessage:="Description must not exceed 60 characters")>
Public Property ShortDescription As Global.System.String
<Required(ErrorMessage:="Notes are Required")>
<MinLength(20, ErrorMessage:="Notes must be at least 20 characters")>
<MaxLength(1000, ErrorMessage:="Notes must not exceed 1000 characters")>
Public Property Notes As Global.System.String
End Class
The first line in the IsValid method registers the MetaData class (only way I could find that actually worked - otherwise no annotations were honored!). I then use the System.ComponentModel.Validator.TryValidateObject method to perform the validation.
When I call the IsValid method on an instance with an empty (null/nothing) ProductName the validation fails and the ValidationResults collection is populated with the correct error message. So far so good.....
However, if I call IsValid on an instance with a ProductName which is longer than 50 characters the validation passes despite the MaxLength attribute!
Also, if I call IsValid on an instance with a valid ProductName (not empty and not more than 50 characters) but without a ShortDescription the validation passes even though there is a Required annotation on that property.
What am I doing wrong here?

Try the other method signature for TryValidateObject() and explicitly set validateAllProperties to true:
Dim validation = Validator.TryValidateObject(
Me, context, _validationResults, true)


From A Method With In The Class Return An Instance Of The Class As An Interface Type That The Class Implements

what I'm trying to archive with the code below is to have the GetInstance generic function take in an interface type that SystemVars implements (say IAuthentication) then create an instance of SystemVars and return it as interface type T.
The problem I an having is that no matter what casting method I try I can't find a way to return the new instance of SystemVars as T. The line in the GetInstance method Return <CastingFunction>(New SystemVars,T) always fails to compile with the error message saying Value of type SystemVars cannot be converted to 'T'.
How do I return the instance of the class as the interface type that was passed into T?
Imports System.Drawing
Public Class SystemVars
Implements IAuthentication,
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetInstance(Of T)() As T
Return DirectCast(New SystemVars, T)
End Function
Public ReadOnly Property Username As String _
Implements IAuthentication.Username,
Return _userName
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Rolls As List(Of String) _
Implements IAuthorization.Rolls
Return _rolls
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property InstallationId As Guid _
Implements IAuthentication.InstallationId,
Return _installationId
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property MainWindowStartUpPlacement As Rectangle _
Implements IApplicationStarting.MainWindowStartUpPlacement
Return _mainWindowStartUpPlacement
End Get
End Property
Private Shared _userName As String
Private Shared _rolls As List(Of String)
Private Shared _installationId As Guid
Private Shared _mainWindowStartUpPlacement As Rectangle
End Class
You can make an otherwise illegal cast work by passing through Object.
Public Shared Function GetInstance(Of T)() As T
Return DirectCast(CObj(New SystemVars), T)
End Function
You will get a runtime error if the cast isn't possible; as noted in the comments, this strategy is chucking type safety out the window and basically telling the compiler, "Don't bother me, I know what I'm doing." The runtime will throw an InvalidCastException on failure if you don't test and throw yourself. You can test using Type.IsAssignableFrom if you want to create a more developer-friendly error message; there isn't much context available in the debugger at the point of failure, though it may be pretty obvious if you look up the call stack.
For just three interfaces, it might be better to do three separate specific functions rather than a generic version, especially considering that the functions are necessarily Shared (and thus can't themselves be part of an interface).
You might also consider a design that includes a Dependency Injection container. In this kind of design, there would be a configuration step that would associate the interfaces with SystemVars as the implementation, then the client would ask the container for an instance of the interface and receive a SystemVars object.
The rough way that the three options (the third being to cast the SystemVars object to the requested interface) would look in code is:
'Casting a received object to a requested interface
Dim asInterface = DirectCast(SystemVars.GetInstance(), IAuthorization)
'Using a custom casting function on SystemVars
Dim asInterface = SystemVars.GetInstance(Of IAuthorization)
'Using a DI container
'Behavior if the interface isn't supported depends on the container
Dim asInterface = container.GetInstance(Of IAuthorization)
Note that TryCast could be used instead of DirectCast, in which case the result would be Nothing if the interface isn't supported.

Coding strategy to avoid delegate methods

I am coding an application that performs various measurements on 3D objects, using expensive API calls to extract geometric info from another application. These measurements and how they are defined by the user are stored in a Study class. This class must be serializable, so that the user can save a particular study with all of it's data to a hard drive, and then load it on another session.
Properties of the 3D object might be Length, Width, Height, BoundingBoxDimensions, Weight, etc. However, they are not just plain numbers - each property must also store flags if they are requested to be calculated by the user, if they have been evaluated, an error flag, etc.
Some of these properties depend on other properties to be evaluated first (for example, if user requests the value of BoundingBoxDimensions, then Length, Width and Height must be calculated first. Therefore, each object property also stores a list of properties it depends on. If it is requested, and it sees that it's dependents are not yet evaluated, then it calls these dependents to be evaluated first.
The goal of this strategy is to minimize the number of API calls and save computation time. For example, if user requests Length and Width to be evaluated, only 2 API calls would be made (there is no reason to evaluate Height). If user calls for BoundingBoxDimensions, then 3 API calls have to be made, but no more.
However, this approach also means that I have to use delegate methods to allow different evaluation methods to be assigned to each object property.
This is my code so far.
'Main class for a specific 3D object measurement study. It must be serializable.
Public Class Study
'3D Object properties. They are bound to in WPF, but that part is omitted in this example.
Public Property Length As New ObjectProperty() With {.Name = "Length", .DependencyProperties = Nothing, .EvaluatingMethod = AddressOf GetLength}
Public Property Width As New ObjectProperty() With {.Name = "Width", .DependencyProperties = Nothing, .EvaluatingMethod = AddressOf GetWidth}
Public Property Height As New ObjectProperty() With {.Name = "Height", .DependencyProperties = Nothing, .EvaluatingMethod = AddressOf GetHeight}
Public Property BoundingBoxDimensions As New ObjectProperty() With {.Name = "BoundingBoxDimensions", .DependencyProperties = New List(Of ObjectProperty) From {Length, Width, Height}, .EvaluatingMethod = AddressOf GetBoundingBoxDimensions}
'Container for all properties to enable looping.
Public Property ObjectProperties As New List(Of ObjectProperty) From {Length, Width, Height, BoundingBoxDimensions}
'Called by the UI to set Requested flags on the object properties that the user requires to be evaluated.
Public Sub SetObjectPropertyRequests(requestedObjectPropertyNames As List(Of String))
For Each requestedObjectPropertyName In requestedObjectPropertyNames
For Each ObjectProperty In ObjectProperties
If requestedObjectPropertyName = ObjectProperty.Name Then ObjectProperty.Requested = True
End Sub
'Check Requested flags and evaluate.
Public Sub CalculateRequestedProperties()
For Each ObjectProperty In ObjectProperties
If ObjectProperty.Requested Then Dim tempValue As Object = ObjectProperty.Value
End Sub
'Actual evaluating functions attached to the object properties, making complicated and expensive API calls. This part is simplified in this example.
Private Function GetLength() As Double
Return APIConnector.MeasureLength()
End Function
Private Function GetWidth() As Double
Return APIConnector.MeasureWidth()
End Function
Private Function GetHeight() As Double
Return APIConnector.MeasureHeight()
End Function
Private Function GetBoundingBoxDimensions() As Double()
Return {Length.Value, Width.Value, Height.Value}
End Function
End Class
'Template class for the object properties. Also must be serializable.
Public Class ObjectProperty
Public ReadOnly Property Value As Object
'Check if dependency properties are not evaluated yet; if not, evaluate them first.
If DependencyProperties IsNot Nothing Then
For Each DependencyProperty In DependencyProperties
If DependencyProperty.State = ObjectPropertyStates.NotEvaluated Then Dim tempValue As Object = DependencyProperty.Value
End If
'Once dependencies are evaluated, evaluate the value of this object property.
Dim evaluatedValue = EvaluatingMethod()
State = ObjectPropertyStates.Evaluated
Return evaluatedValue
End Get
End Property
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Requested As Boolean = False
Public Property State As ObjectPropertyStates = ObjectPropertyStates.NotEvaluated
Public Property DependencyProperties As List(Of ObjectProperty)
Public Property EvaluatingMethod As EvaluatingMethodDelegate
Public Delegate Function EvaluatingMethodDelegate() As Object
Public Enum ObjectPropertyStates
End Enum
End Class
A lot of actual measurement/evaluating code was simplified in this example to make the code more readable, but this should be a reproducible code.
Now, the issue with this strategy is that I cannot serialize Study class, as it contains ObjectProperty, which contains EvaluatingMethodDelegate, and to my knowledge delegates cannot be serialized.
If I set up the serializer to ignore EvaluatingMethodDelegate, then serialization succeeds, but upon deserialization, EvaluatingMethod pointers to the respective methods (GetLength, GetWidth, etc.) on each object are lost.
My question is, how do I solve this issue? Is my whole strategy wrong if I need to use serialization and deserialization? If so, is there a better way of implementing something like this? Or is there some way to simply avoid delegate methods with the current approach? I feel like I'm re-inventing the wheel here.

How should I serialize a vb.NET object which has class attributes with JsonConvert?

I am trying to use Json.NET to serialize an object in vb.NET.
The object fails to serialize correctly. This seems to be because of some attributes on the class.
Below is the class definition – a very simple definition.
Here is the code to serialize:
Dim MyObject As New TestClass() With {.Property1 = "Hello", .Property2 = 3}
Dim Serialized As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(MyObject)
After the 2 lines above execute, the variable Serialized has the following value (which is not what I would expect or want):
When I remove the class attributes completely (just the class attributes, not the property attributes) and then execute the same 2 lines of code, the variable Serialized has the following value (which is what I would expect):
This is only an example: we have many such classes with these kinds of attributes. We need to serialize them with Json.NET.
Removing the attributes is not possible, the classes I am dealing with are part of a system of existing applications and WCF based web services (i.e. part of our system needs our current serialization system for WCF kept in place, and another part of our system needs to serialize the same class with Json .. I won't go into the "why" details, just that we are serializing thousands of such objects for database writes and have speed and space isues).
I realize also that I can use JsonTextWriter to serialize, but then we have maintenance issues – every time we add/remove a property we have to remember to maintain the serialization code appropriately.
So how must I serialize this class correctly without removing the attributes?
I have not seen anything on the NewtonSoft site, nor anywhere else, which addresses this specific problem.
Here again is the class definition, along with the attributes.
<System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute ("System.Xml", "2.0.50727.3053"), _
System.SerializableAttribute(), _
System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute(), _
System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code"), _
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute ([Namespace]:="", TypeName:="TestClass"), _
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(GetType (System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter))> _
Partial Public Class TestClass
Private _Property1 As String
Private _Property2 As Integer
<System.ComponentModel.Browsable(False), System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()> _
Public Property Property1() As String
Return Me._Property1
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If (Me._Property1 <> value) Then
Me._Property1 = value
End If
End Set
End Property
<System.ComponentModel.Browsable(False), System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()> _
Public Property Property2() As String
Return Me._Property2
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If (Me._Property2 <> value) Then
Me._Property2 = value
End If
End Set
End Property
End Class
The problem is the TypeConverterAttribute on your class. When Json.Net sees that, it will use the associated TypeConverter to convert the object to a string. In this case, it results in the class's type name being output.
You can override the unwanted behavior by adding a JsonObjectAttribute to the classes that have a TypeConverterAttribute applied. But since it appears that your classes are generated code, it might not be feasible to do that on an class-by-class basis unless you can modify the code generator. In that case, another alternative is to use a custom IContractResolver to force Json.Net to ignore the TypeConverter on classes that have it.
Here is the code you would need for the resolver:
Class TypeConverterIgnoringResolver
Inherits DefaultContractResolver
Protected Overrides Function CreateContract(objectType As Type) As JsonContract
If objectType.GetCustomAttributes(True) _
.OfType(Of System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute)() _
.Any() _
Return MyBase.CreateObjectContract(objectType)
End If
Return MyBase.CreateContract(objectType)
End Function
End Class
You can use the resolver like this:
Dim MyObject As New TestClass() With {.Property1 = "Hello", .Property2 = 3}
Dim Settings As New JsonSerializerSettings
Settings.ContractResolver = New TypeConverterIgnoringResolver()
Dim Serialized As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(MyObject, Settings)
I guess you don't want to change your TestClass as it must have been generated by some tool, I would suggest to derive a new class from it:
Imports Newtonsoft.Json
Public Class OtherClass
Inherits TestClass
End Class
and use the attribute <JsonObject()>. This should do the trick:
Dim MyObject As New OtherClass() With {.Property1 = "Hello", .Property2 = 3}
Dim Serialized As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(MyObject)
Since you're already working with a Partial you can extend it creating a new one (in another folder):
Imports Newtonsoft.Json
Partial Public Class TestClass
End Class

Why is this Entity Framework association not loading lazily?

I'm using a Code First Entity Framework approach, and in my OnModelCreating function I have the following code:
With modelBuilder.Entity(Of FS_Item)()
.HasKey(Function(e) e.ItemKey)
.Property(Function(e) e.ItemRowVersion).IsConcurrencyToken()
.HasMany(Function(e) e.ItemInventories) _
.WithRequired(Function(e) e.Item).HasForeignKey(Function(e) e.ItemKey)
End With
Elsewhere I have a Web API Get implementation with some diagnostic code I'm looking at in a debugger:
Public Function GetValue(ByVal id As String) As FS_Item
GetValue = If(data.FS_Item.Where(Function(i) i.ItemNumber = id).SingleOrDefault(), New FS_Item())
Dim c = GetValue.ItemInventories.Count
End Function
I expect that c should get a non-zero value by looking up rows in the FS_Inventory view where ItemKey matches the retrieved FS_Item row's ItemKey. But I'm getting 0 even though there are matching rows. Am I calling .HasMany, .WithRequired and .HasForeignKey properly?
Note that .WithRequired is operating on the return value from the previous line whereas the other lines are operating on the With block expression.
Edit This model for FS_Item has been requested. Here it is:
Partial Public Class FS_Item
Public Property ItemNumber As String
Public Property ItemDescription As String
Public Property ItemUM As String
Public Property ItemRevision As String
Public Property MakeBuyCode As String
' Many many more properties
Public Property ItemRowVersion As Byte()
Public Property ItemKey As Integer
Private _ItemInventories As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory) = New HashSet(Of FS_ItemInventory)
Public Overridable Property ItemInventories As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory)
Return _ItemInventories
End Get
Friend Set(value As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory))
_ItemInventories = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Edit Learned something interesting. If I change Dim c = GetValue.ItemInventories.Count to this:
Dim c = data.FS_ItemInventory.ToList()
Dim correctCount = GetValue.ItemInventories.Count
Then correctCount gets the value of 3. It's like it understands the association between the objects, but not how to automatically query them as I'm used to coming from LINQ-to-SQL. Is EF different somehow in this regard?
Edit I have determined that I can make the associated objects load using this explicit loading code:
data.Entry(GetValue).Collection(Function(e) e.ItemInventories).Load()
What I want to understand now is what exactly determines whether an entity will load lazily or not? From all indications I can find, it should have loaded lazily. I even tried changing the declaration of ItemInventories to this, but then I got a NullReferenceException when trying to access it:
Public Overridable Property ItemInventories As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory)
It turns out that code which I thought was unrelated had disabled lazy loading. I have this in the constructor of FSDB:
DirectCast(Me, IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext.ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled = False
Thanks to EF 4 - Lazy Loading Without Proxies I see that this will also disable lazy loading. The reason that code had been added was due to another error:
with data contract name
is not expected. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add any
types not known statically to the list of known types - for example,
by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the
list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.
And according to Serialization of Entity Framework objects with One to Many Relationship, the easy solution for that was to disable proxies.

How to add a "sub property" to a class property

If, in code, I wanted to do something like the following, what would my class definition need to look like? (Keep in mind the fruit/language thing is just an example)
dim myfruit as new fruit() = "apple" = "manzana"
Here is the class I have, just not sure how to add the "sub property".
Public Class Fruit
Private _name As String
Public Property name() As String
Return _name
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_name = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
In general, for you to have a "sub property", you'd need to make your Property a class itself. This would mean the subproperty is actually a property on the class exposed by the top level property.
Effectively, you'd change the name property from a string to a "Translations" class or similar, ie:
Public Class Fruit
Public Property Name As New Translations
End Class
Public Class Translations
Public Property Primary As String
public Property Spanish As String
End Class
However, this will likely break the code you're displaying, as the second line would need to have a different syntax, ie:
myfruit.Name.Primary = "green"
myfruit.Name.Spanish = "verde"
However, if the goal here is to just handle translation of your user interface, there are other options. For details, see Introduction to International Applications Based on the .NET Framework on MSDN.
I initially thought Reed´s answer was what I was after. In my application, I wanted to use the "sub-property" to set a property on a Form Label. (I was trying to emit only the Label properties I wanted available to a Custom Control.)
I tried this:
Public Class Fruit
Private _name As New Translations
Public Property Name As Translations
Return _name
End Get
Set(value As Translations)
_name = value
_PrimaryCaps = _name.Primary.ToUpper
End Set
End Property
'Private variable is automatically added for unexpanded property
Public Property PrimaryCaps As String
End Class
Public Class Translations
Public Property Primary As String
Public Property Spanish As String
End Class
Dim myFruit As New Fruit
myFruit.Name.Primary = "Apple"
myFruit.Name.Spanish = "Manzana"
Dim primaryCaps As String = myFruit.PrimaryCaps
Weirdly - to me at least - this doesn't work; myFruit.PrimaryCaps returns nothing rather than the hoped-for "APPLE". It appears that the Set for Name is never executed. (Placing the _PrimaryCaps assignment above the Get Return does work, however.)
(I realize that a PrimaryCaps property could be added to the Translations class but, again, this doesn't help if you're wanting to set a foreign variable from within an instance of Fruit.)
I don't know if this is "by-design", whether I've simply misunderstood the intended functionality or what. One thing I did alight on after further research was that this structure isn't very common at all in .NET; for example setting a control's size is done as follows:
oControl.Size = New Drawing.Size(20, 15)
rather than simply setting, say, the Width property directly:
oControl.Size.Width = 20
(The latter won't compile: "Expression is a value and therefore cannot be the target of an assignment.")
If anyone has any more insight than I on this, I'd love to hear it. I know this could simply be done by using an instance of Fruit, for example, but that's not the point.