SQL Reporting 2008 and Excel as Data Source - sql

I am working on a project were we need to develop SQL Reports based on some excel files.
I was able to create the ODBC for the Excel file and I was able to connect to it successfully using the Report Services.
My question is:
How can I used paramaters in the query ? When I try to use #CIF or #StartDate I get all kinds of errors and I don't know how to use parameters with SQL query for Excel.
SELECT * FROM [Loans$] Where [CIF] = #CIF
Can anyone tell me how?

If you are successfully extracting information without trying to filter at the query level, as a workaround you can add the filtering at the DataSet level, something like:
This will extract data from the DataSet then apply any filter, not try to do it at the same time.
It's might not be addressing your root cause, but will hopefully get you up and running in the meantime.
Since you don't actually list the errors you're getting, it's hard to offer more specific advice.


In ADF use a lookup output as a parameter for an Oracle Query

I'm a complete beginner with Azure Data Factory and I'm struggling to set a parameter using a lookup output, and then use the parameter within my query to import data.
I'm using an Azure SQL database as the source for the lookup and an Oracle database as the source for the copy data
My lookup query works ok and my copy data query works without a parameter so I know I'm part way there, but I'm struggling with the parameter part.
My lookup details are below with the output query
The copy data query is below with the lookup activity as the parameter added but as you can see it's not correct.
I'm not sure if I should be using the lookup as the parameter or if I should be using a parameter with the value generated from the lookup. In which case I have no idea how to do this.
I'm also pretty sure the parameter in the query needs some work as even hardcoding a parameter doesn't seem to work.
If anyone can help to get this working I'd be very grateful.
There doesn't seem to be much help with turning lookups into parameters on the internet.
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give.
Try enclosing the lookup output as follows. Select column from table where rowstamp> '#{activity('Lookup1').output.firstrow.RowStamp}'

How can I avoid hard coding in SQL Query

I have a query like Select '16453842' AS ACCOUNT, I want to change this Account number to a dynamic one. Can anyone tell me what are some possible ways to do it?
The scenario is like, I would also like to accommodate other values as well for the ACCOUNT. So that multiple values can be used for ACCOUNT.
the Nodejs code uses that sql in below code by carrierData.sql
writeDebug({'shipment': shipment, 'carrier': carrier, 'message': 'reading sql file: ' + carrierData.sql});
fs.readFile(carrierData.sql, 'utf8', function (err, sql) {
The carrierData is coming from a json file from where the sql contains the path and name of the SQL which it is going to use. And finally the SQL file which have the query runs a query like below
, '16453842' AS ACCOUNT
and here lies my problem as we have some additional ACCOUNT numbers as well which we would like to accommodate.
And the service starts by node server.js which will call the workers.js file which contains the code that I pasted above.
So please let me know what can be the possible ways to do this
Here are things to research:
Using bind variables. These are used for security and for performance when a statement is executed multiple times.
Using multiple values in IN clauses.
Using executeMany() if you are loading data into the database.

How to query access table with a subdatasheet that requires parameters

I have been tasked with creating a method to copy the contents of an entire database to a central database. There are a number of source databases, all in Access. I've managed to copy the majority of the tables properly, 1:1. I'm using VBScript and ADO to copy the data. It actually works surprisingly well, considering that it's Access.
I have 3 tables that include subdatasheets (to those that don't know, a subdatasheet is a visual representation of a 1 to many relationship. You can see related records in another table inside the main table). When My script runs, I get an error. "No value given for one or more required parameters." When I open Access and try to run the same query that I've written in SQL, It pops up message boxes asking for parameters.
If I use the query wizard inside Access to build the select query, no parameters are required and I get no subdatasheet in the result set.
My question is this: how do I write a vanilla SQL query in my VBScript that does not require parameters and just gives me the data that I want?
I've tried copying the SQL from Access and running it through my VBScript and that doesn't seem to do the trick.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
As it turns out, you need to make sure that you've spelled all of the field names properly in your source query. If you've included additional fields that aren't actually in the source or destination table they'll need to be removed too.

Querying a pass through query Acess

I'm looking how to run a local query with date filters on a saved pass-through queries in Access. I'm trying to leverage the pass through query as basically a View in my Access database... the local query is constructed dynamically in VBA, and intended to be a clean way to filter my pass through query. I'd like to avoid creating another pass through query, or altering the original, every time i run my Sub Procedure.
My problem is that the normal access date filter format #m/d/yyyy# doesn't seem to work. I've tried both altering the date format as well in the pass through query with 1. Convert(varchar(12),p.startDate,101); 2. Convert(date,p.StartDate,101);
but neither will work when the pass through query is queried against locally.
Does anyone know how to do this?
UPDATE - I just checked and Access is reading the field as Text... does anyone know how it can read it as a date? As i mentioned the CONVERT functions don't seem to be working to do this
In a passthru you MUST use the backend's syntax. If the BE is SQL Server then I'd use a syntax like this:
WHERE DocDate = '2015-03-17'

In ClearQuest, How do I generate a query in SQL Editor that allows me to prompt the user for a value?

I generate a ClearQuest query using the Query Wizard. In the Query Editor, I am able to select a filter for a given field. However, I want to refine the query using the SQL Editor, but then I loose the ability to have a dynamic filter. How can I resolve this.
Pretty sure the answer is "you can't" since the SQL generated includes the value entered for any dynamic filters set up when you built the query, and as you say, the act of editing the SQL prevents using the Query Editor to make further changes.
Your best bet is to figure out a way to use the Query Editor to do what you need the SQL Editor for. Start another question.