index.php appending to url [closed] - apache

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a magento site which has index.php appended to the url you click on. I googled a lot to find the solution and i did what i could find.To clear my my doubts i uploaded htaccess file fresh copy from magento copy and made the url rewrite in configuation>system>web to yes and clear the cache too but still it put index.php in url.I have also double checked secure and unsecure link to see if it contain any index.php which it doesn't
I can do all what i can to do research and applied it but no change. What can i do or what can be wrong?

The steps you describe should be right:
System > Configuration > Web > Use Web Server Rewrites set to yes (also check the store view level value, because the scope for this is not global)
.htaccess present in document root
clear Magento cache
Additional things to check:
System > Configuration > Web > (Un)secure base url
does your Apache take into consideration .htaccess (AllowOverride)
how did you clear the cache
the scope for your settings System > Configuration > Web > Use Web Server Rewrites


Server fault issue [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to link to a specific page within a PDF.
For desktop the URL works with:
It takes you to page three, but does not work on mobile. However if I use jQuery
if ($(window).width() < 600) {
var newUrl = $(this).attr('href').replace('page=', 'page');
$(this).attr('href', newUrl);
The URL is changed to:
The removeal of the '=' works, but only on iOS. Is there a solution for Android or is it not possible due to Adobe PDF licenseing etc?
Option A is fine - do that.
It depends what the set up is on your new hosting...
If you have cPanel you can add the old domain as a parked domain - takes 30 seconds to set up - then just point your name servers/DNS the new hosting.
Alternatively you can set up the old site on your new hosting, then do a 301 redirect in the .htaccess file pointing it to your new domain.
Thanks for all the helpful guidance, I took it all on board and thought I would post back what I actuall did incase someone else needs a breakdown. To be clear, my hosting is a VPS on a LAMP stack running Ubuntu.
Repointed the a-record of the old site to the new one.
Created a config file in the sites-available folder of apache2
Pointed that config file to where I wanted the hosted folder to be,
in my case home/www/vhosts/
Created a folder in the above in the name of the old website
Added the .htaccess file in that folder with the 301 redirect in it.
Made the website active my using the a2ensite command
Restarted apache

Apache structure issue (.htaccess) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a structure like this
/ < root folder
In my htaccess I have disabled access to subfolders and set a default 403 document like so:
ErrorDocument 403 error.php
Options All -Indexes
But the problem is that I cannot get it to pick that error.php file unless I use the full path starting from root. I also tried this
ErrorDocument 403 chat.png
And it doesn't pick that up either just displays a string in both situations. Can anyone tell me how to target that error.php file without using the absolute path?
The experimenting url is localhost/Site/Public/images
URLs can begin with a slash (/) for local web-paths (relative to the
DocumentRoot), or be a full URL which the client can resolve.
Alternatively, a message can be provided to be displayed by the
any argument that is not a full url ( or does not start with / will be treated as string.
The urls have to be defined relative to the DocumentRoot, which in your case seems to be the same for your sites.
Alternatively you can use full urls that can be resolved by the client.
That may be an alternative for you.
Everything else you need to know can be read in the manual:

Removal of the /var/www/icons alias from Apache config [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a directory called /var/www/icons on my web server, which is also referenced as an alias in my Apache config as seen below:
Alias /icons/ "/var/www/icons/"
The directory contains a number of small PNGs and GIFs, which AFAIK are unused, along with a README file.
Am I safe to remove this alias from my Apache config by commenting it out? If not, what area of my application is the removal of this likely to effect?
There is very little documentation available on this directory and I must admit i've never came across it up until now.
Most icons are used for displaying file types in directory listings. If you do not use such listings, you can safely remove alias + files. I did so and do not miss them.
It is for sure safe to remove it. Other conf files could reference /icons (e. g. the autoindex module) but apart from some not found errors nothing nasty should happen.
My advice: scan the access.log files to see if urls rooted at /icons are accessed. Delete the alias and monitor the error.log file for 404 errors.

wordpress permalinks 404 [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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i've read wordpress and the post on here for fixing this and i'm stuck.
i just setup a stock apache2 server with wordpress. my default link for posts works however other options don't.
i've deleted .htaccess and let wordpress regen an not working. by the way i even chmod 666 777 660 nothing works.
The only thing in my .htaccess is two lines begin and end wordpress. i added override above all and still nothing.
I looked in apached2.conf but see no modules for loading overrides.
is this a server issue or wordpress permission or something. if I can narrow it to one side or the other.
also http.conf is empty if that helps.
I got it. had to chown www-data my /var/www
Did you enable mod_rewrite in http.conf?
Earlier SO question: How to enable mod_rewrite for Apache 2.2

How do I change default directory and index file for Apache (installed via XAMPP) [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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How do I change default Directory and index File for Apache (installed via XAMPP) so instead of looking for htdocs and index, it looks for myPath and myFile, respectively?
The research link you pasted has the first part of the answer to your question, changing the path you want serve but the second part of your question, making it serve "myFile" as the Index is an additional step. See:
So you would add this line inside the relevant tags or even loose in the main httpd.conf file (see the Context section of the above link for valid places to use this directive):
DirectoryIndex myFile.ext
Hope this helps.
Edit the httpd.conf file - the DocumentRoot directory can be updated to whichever directory you would like (and that the process has permissions to). See:
DocumentRoot /usr/web