Grails Detached Criteria Query and "group by" and "having" clause - grails-orm

In a Grails 2.1 application, I'm having trouble getting a criteria query to behave like some handwritten sql I've got.
So-here's some background info:
The table is in a reporting db and has the following ddl:
completed_case table columns
caseId (this field is not unique)
some other columns
customerName, other data columns
A row is added to this table whenever a value for that case changes, so there are often >1 rows per caseId.
I've been tasked with finding the first row for each case within a completedDate range. I've got some hacky sql that seems to get me the values I want:
select * from dbo.completed_case where id in
(select min(id)
from dbo.completed_case cci
group by case_id
having ((min(completed_date) > convert(datetime, 'Oct 19 2012 11:01AM', 100)) and
(min(completed_date) < convert(datetime, 'Oct 21 2012 11:01AM', 100)))) and
status = 'DIAGNOSED'
But I'm not sure how to translate this query into a Grails/Gorm CriteriaQuery. I was guessing the following(using a detached criteria to do the sub select), but it seems like DetachedCriteria doesn't have groupPropery() so I'm a bit lost.
Anyways, here's my guess that includes the not-valid call to groupProperty:
HibernateCriteriaBuilder criteria = CompletedCase.reports.createCriteria()
def results = criteria {
eqAll("id", new DetachedCriteria(CompletedCase).build {
projections {
groupProperty("caseId") //XXX this method doesn't exist on DetachedCriteria
between("completedDate", startDate.toDate(), endDate.toDate())
eq("status", "DIAGNOSED")
fetchMode 'AssociatedTable', FetchMode.JOIN
Is there some way to generate this query using the interfaces provided by Gorm/Grails?

I just did it using hql.
select cci from CompletedCase as cci where id in (
select min(id) from CompletedCase group by caseId
) and cci.completedDate > :startDate and cci.completedDate < :endDate and cci.status = :status
order by


Getting a query result taken from the same data but with temporary var

I got a simple thing to do.
Well, maybe not, but someone somewhere surely can help me out : P
I got a simple data structure that contains
expedition date
delivery date
transaction type
I would need to create a query which could
order the rows by a date specific to the transaction type.
(ie : using the expedition date for transaction of type "selling", and delivery date for transaction of type "purchasing")
I was wondering if there was a more efficient way to do this than
by fetching 2 times the same data with different clause where(while adding a column used to order them(tempDate)) and then using another select to encompass these 2 queries to which I would add the order clause on the tempDate.
--> the initial fetching I would do 2 times works on many tables(many, many, many joins)
Basically my current solution is :
Select * from
Select ...
date_exp as dateTemp;
from ...
where conditions* And dateRelatedCondition
Select ...
date_livraison as dateTemp;
from ...
Where conditions* And NOT(dateRelatedCondition)
) as comboSelect
Order By MIN(comboSelect.dateTemp)
comboSelect.dateTemp asc;
->Those conditions are the same in both inner Select query
Thank you for your time.
Without the UNION:
dateRelatedCondition should be removed from WHERE and put to the SELECT like:
CASE WHEN dateRelatedCondition THEN date_exp ELSE date_livraison END as dateTemp
Without the subquery:
in ORDER BY you need the same expression in the window function:
Order By MIN(CASE WHEN dateRelatedCondition THEN date_exp ELSE date_livraison END)
dateTemp asc
You mean like this?:
WHEN TransactionType = 'Selling' THEN ExpeditionDate
WHEN TransactionType = 'purchasing' THEN DeliveryDate

SubQuery Aggregates in ActiveRecord

I'm trying to avoid using straight up SQL in my Rails app, but need to do a quite large version of this:
SELECT ds.product_id,
( SELECT SUM(units) FROM daily_sales WHERE (date BETWEEN '2015-01-01' AND '2015-01-08') AND service_type = 1 ) as wk1,
( SELECT SUM(units) FROM daily_sales WHERE (date BETWEEN '2015-01-09' AND '2015-01-16') AND service_type = 1 ) as wk2
FROM daily_sales as ds group by ds.product_id
I'm sure it can be done, but i'm struggling to write this as an active record statement. Can anyone help?
If you must do this in a single query, you'll need to write some SQL for the CASE statements. The following is what you need:
ranges = [ # ordered array of all your date-ranges, 1, 1), 1, 8),, 1, 9), 1, 16)
overall_range = (ranges.first.min)..(ranges.last.max)
grouping_sub_str = \ do |range, i|
"WHEN (date BETWEEN '#{range.min}' AND '#{range.max}') THEN 'week#{i}'"
end.join(' ')
grouping_condition = "CASE #{grouping_sub_str} END"
grouping_columns = ['product_id', grouping_condition]
DailySale.where(date: overall_range).group(grouping_columns).sum(:units)
That will produce a hash with array keys and numeric values. A key will be of the form [product_id, 'week1'] and the value will be the corresponding sum of units for that week.
Simplify your SQL to the following and try converting it..
SELECT ds.product_id,
, SUM(CASE WHEN date BETWEEN '2015-01-01' AND '2015-01-08' AND service_type = 1
THEN units
, SUM(CASE WHEN date BETWEEN '2015-01-09' AND '2015-01-16' AND service_type = 1
THEN units
FROM daily_sales as ds
group by ds.product_id
Every rail developer sooner or later hits his/her head against the walls of Active Record query interface just to find the solution in Arel.
Arel gives you the flexibility that you need in creating your query without using loops, etc. I am not going to give runnable code rather some hints how to do it yourself:
We are going to use arel_tables to create our query. For a model called for example Product, getting the Arel table is as easy as products = Product.arel_table
Getting sum of a column is like daily_sales.project(daily_sales[:units].count).where(daily_sales[:date].gt(BEGIN_DATE).where(daily_sales[:date].lt(END_DATE). You can chain as many wheres as you want and it will be translated into SQL ANDs.
Since we need to have multiple sums in our end result you need to make use of Common Table Expressions(CTE). Take a look at docs and this answer for more info on this.
You can use those CTEs from step 3 in combination with group and you are done!

Access 2010 Find Most Recent Status via SQL

Need list of "ALL" document numbers (k002) with their the most recent maintenance date (lm01_s) and status_code. The code below finds last date from the entire table and any record with that date. This is not what I need. There is only one table. If I drop the status_code from the equation, this is easy.
SELECT k002, lm01_s, status_code
FROM stat_trans
WHERE (lm01_s = ANY (SELECT MAX(lm01_s) FROM stat_trans)) ORDER BY lm01_s;
I have also tried this ...
SELECT k002, lm01_s, advice_code
FROM romis_stat_trans
WHERE lm01_s IN (((SELECT Max(lm01_s) FROM romis_stat_trans GROUP BY k002)));
I have tried so many things that I forget what I have tried. Everything has been a dead end.
Use a subquery in the where clause to return only the records where lm01_s is equal to the max lm01_s. I found it's important to use a table alias or else Access will confuse the fields.
select k002,
from stat_trans
where lm01_s=(select max(sc.lm01_s)
from stat_trans as sc
where sc.k002 = stat_trans.k002)

Parent-child sql query with order by and limit

I have two tables DOCUMENT and ATTRIBUTES like these
ATTRIBUTE(name, value, doc_fk).
I need to run a query that works like this "abstract query"
select top 100 documents
where $state='COMPLETED'
order by $creationDate
Where $state and $creationDate are two attributes.
Note that the limit is on documents, not attributes, and sort and filter are on two different attributes. The final query should return all document attributes, not only the filtered/sorted ones.
I was able to write this with a very complex query and I'm looking for better alternatives. I could post my solution if useful, but I do not want to point you in the, possibly, wrong direction.
It's ok to get a FEW extra documents, like 1000 instead of 100, and filter/sort in memory.
Could be ok for the limit not to be exact, like 74 instead of the required limit 100, but not too far from it.
Extra "soft" requirements:
the query should work with several databases (oracle, mysql and sqlserver), so weird analytic functions should be avoided unless available on all platforms
should work with JPA (eclipselink 2.4.0 implementation)
The expected output is something like this
123 state COMPLETED
123 creationDate 21/11/2012
123 userid someone
456 state COMPLETED
Ah, the flaws of an EAV design.
Try this.
top 100
from document
inner join attribute astate on = astate.doc_fk
and astate.value = 'completed'
inner join attribute acreation on = acreation.doc_fk
order by cast(acreation.value as date)
But it's only going to get more complicated if you persist with this EAV structure.
(PS. MySQL doesn't use TOP, but LIMIT instead)
SELECT doc_id, attr_name, attr_val, creationDate FROM
SELECT as 'doc_id', as 'attr_name', null as 'attr_val', attr.value as 'creationDate'
DOCUMENT doc ON attr.doc_fk =
ORDER BY creationDate desc;
) AS dt1
SELECT as 'doc_id', as 'attr_name', attr.value as 'attr_val', null as 'creationDate'
DOCUMENT doc ON attr.doc_fk =;
) as dt2
) as dt0 GROUP BY doc_id ORDER by creationDate desc LIMIT 100;
Derived table 1 (dt1) gives you all the date attributes - to enable order your results by document's creation date.
Derived table 2 gives you all the attribute.. all put together by "union all", enables you to group by document, then order by the date of creation.
Hope this is in the right direction.

NHibernate Return Values

I am currently working on a project using NHiberate as the DAL with .NET 2.0 and NHibernate 2.2.
Today I came to a point where I had to join a bunch of entities/collections to get what I want. That is fine.
What got me was that I do not want the query to return a list of objects of a certain entity type but rather the result would include various properties from different entities.
The following query is not what I am doing but it is kind of query that I am talking about here.
select, sum(price.amount), count(item)
from Order as order
join order.lineItems as item
join item.product as product,
Catalog as catalog
join catalog.prices as price
where order.paid = false
and order.customer = :customer
and price.product = product
and catalog.effectiveDate < sysdate
and catalog.effectiveDate >= all (
select cat.effectiveDate
from Catalog as cat
where cat.effectiveDate < sysdate
group by order
having sum(price.amount) > :minAmount
order by sum(price.amount) desc
My question is, in this case what type result is supposed to be returned? It is certainly not of type Order, neither is of type LineItems.
Thanks for your help!
you can always use List of object[] for returning data and it will work fine.
This is called a projection, and it happens any time you specify an explicit select clause that contains rows from various tables (or even aggregate / summary data from a single table).
Using LINQ you can create anonymous objects to store these rows of data, like this:
var crunchies = (from foo in bar
where foo.baz == quux
select new { foo.corge, foo.grault }).ToList();
Then you can do crunchies[0].corge for example to pull out the rows & columns.
If you are using NHibernate.Linq this will "just work".
If you're using HQL or Criteria API, then what Fahad mentioned will work. You'll get a List<object[]> as a result, and the index of the array references the order of the columns that you returned in your select clause.