Measure the memory usage of an UIImage array - objective-c

I am implementing a custom control to present images, and that control uses an array to store either a UIImage or NSString object. I want to implement such a kind of mechanism:if the memory usage is high, the control will write some big UIImage objects into files, then replace the UIImage objects with their corresponding files path(NSString objects).
So the only question is how to mesure the memory usage of an UIImage? Thanks!

Whenever your code utilizes a memory portion that generates problem for the ios it calls the - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning method. so the conversion part you'll have to do in this method.


Efficient Cocoa Animation w/raw bitmap data

I have a raw bitmap image of RGBA malloc-ed data; rows are obviously a multiple of 4 bytes. This data actually originates from an AVI (24-bit BGR format), but I convert it to 32-bit ARGB. There's about 8mb of 32-bit data (1920x1080) per frame.
For each frame:
I convert that frame's data into a NSData object via NSData:initWithBytes:length.
I then convert that into a CIImage object via CIImage:imageWithBitmapData:bytesPerRow:size:format:colorSpace.
From that CIImage, I draw it into my final NSOpenGLView context using NSOpenGLView:drawImage:inRect:fromRect. Due to the "mosaic" nature of the target images, there are approximately 15-20 calls made on this with various source/destination Rects.
Using a 30hz NSTimer that calls [self setNeedsDisplay:YES] on the NSOpenGLView, I can attain about 20-25fps on a 2012 MacMini/2.6ghz/i7 -- it's not rock solid at 30hz. This to be expected with an NSTimer instead of a CVDisplayLink.
But... ignoring the NSTimer issue for now, are there any suggestions/pointers on making this frame-by-frame rendering a little more efficient?
NB: I would like to stick with CIImage objects as I'll want to access transition effects at some point.
Every frame, the call to NSData's initWithBytes:length: causes an 8MB memory allocation & an 8MB copy.
You can get rid of this per-frame allocation/copy by replacing theNSData object with a persistent NSMutableData object (set up once at the beginning), and using its mutableBytes as the destination buffer for the frame's 24- to 32-bit conversion.
(Alternatively, if you prefer to manage the destination-buffer memory yourself, leave the object as NSData class, but initialize it with initWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone: & pass NO as the last parameter.)

UIImage causing memory leaks

Instruments is telling me that alot of memory is being allocated when I rapidly set the image name of a UIImageview in my app. I have a UIImageView that changes its image name every frame in my game. When profiled with zombie checking in instruments, the app seems to be constantly gaining live bytes at an enourmous rate. Is there a way that I can deallocate the UIImageView's current image to stop it from doing this? I am using ARC.
My code to assign the UIImageView's image is as follows:
aPlanet.image = [UIImage imageNamed:tempPlanetName];
Where aPlanet is the UIImageView and tempPlanetName is the name of the image. This is called every frame.
[UIImage ImageNamed:] method loads the image into image view and adds this newly created uiimage object to autorelease pool. To get rid of this problem you should use -
NSString *imgPath = [NSBundle mainbundle] pathForResource:#"imageName" ofType:#"png"];
aPlanet.image = [[UIImage alloc] ]initWithContentsOfFile:imgPath];
if you are using arc then you don't need to bother about releasing this newly allocated object of uiimage which was created using initWithContentsOfFile: method.
When you use UIImage imageNamed: it will load and cache that image file. This is intended for reuse of icons and other image resources that will be utilized more than once in your application.
Apart from it seeming somewhat unusual to update an image view with a new image every frame, you should look into alternative means of loading images that you will not need more than once - or even if you do, when you need more control over its lifecycle.
For example have a look at UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: (documented here: Apple Developer Library Reference). It explicitly states that this method will not do any caching of the image contents.
I hope this helps you, but for every frame I doubt that your performance will be good enough with this approach, but this is probably the topic of a different question should the need arise.

iOS: Change contents of self (UIImage)

I have written some code in a UIImage category that takes a UIImage (self) and then redraws it using CGContextRef. Is there any way to rewrite the UIImage (self) while using CGBitmapContext? Currently, I have it returning the image that was created through the CGContextRef, but is it possible to rewrite the image itself within that method?
From the UIImage documentation:
Image objects are immutable, so you cannot change their properties
after creation. ... Because image objects are immutable, they also do
not provide direct access to their underlying image data.
It is therefore not possible to change the image data of an UIImage after is has been created.

CGImage, NSArray and Memory

This is a multiple part question, mostly because my ignorance on the matter has multiple layers.
First, I put together a caching system for caching CGImageRef objects. I keep it at the CGImageRef level (rather than UIImage) as I am loading images in background threads. When an image is loaded I put it into a NSMutableDictionary. I had to do a bit of arm twisting to get CGImageRef's into the array:
//Bunch of stuff drawing into a context
CGImageRef imageRef = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context);
[(id)imageRef autorelease];
[self.cache setObject:(id)imageRef forKey:#"SomeKey"];
So, as you can see, I'm trying to treat the Image Ref as an NSObject, setting it to autorelease then placing it in the dictionary. My expectation is this will allow the image to be cleaned up after being removed from the dictionary. Now, I am beginning to have my doubts.
My application clears the cache array when the user "restarts" to play with different images. Running the application in Instruments shows that the memory is not dropping back to the "start" level on restart, but instead remains steady. My gut tells me that when the array has all objects removed the CGImageRef is not being cleared.
However, I'm unable to confirm this as I don't quite know how to track down the actual source of the memory in instruments. It's just a list of (Malloc 16 Bytes, Malloc 32 Bytes, etc), drilling into them just show a list of dyld callers. Not sure how to properly read it.
So, first question, is my way of caching CGImageRef objects completely flawed? And is there a better way to confirm such things in instruments?
First of all, caching CGImages is OK and I don't see any problems with the code you posted.
Am I correctly assuming you use an NSMutableDictionary as the cache? If so, you can clear it by sending it -removeAllObjects, which should release all the keys and values. If you just set different images for the same keys, memory usage may remain roughly the same because you replace previous images with new ones. If the images have the same size, memory usage should be constant except brief spikes when you create a new batch of images.
As for Instruments, I've seen it both report false positives and miss real leaks. Try running it several times, making pauses, if possible, for the Leaks instrument to "catch up". This sounds crazy, but I think it may make it a bit more reliable.
If all else fails, you can log the contents of the cache before and after loading a set of images to make sure the cache itself works as expected.
Why not just cache UIImage objects; you can make them fine on a background thread?
It's UIImageView objects that you have to be more careful with and even they are OK for most operations in the background.

Releasing UIImage imageNamed

When I use UIImage imagenamed: should I set the variables which hold UIImages to nil before exit? I notice that sometimes when I switch between views which have UIImages, the memory keeps growing and growing with each switch back and forth.
Setting variables to nil is not necessary.
Setting properties to nil ( = nil;) will release them if they're declared #property (retain).
Since +imageNamed: doesn't start with "alloc", "copy", "new", or "retain", you don't have to release it. It's possible things are staying in memory because the space isn't needed. Are you seeing any leaks or just memory usage?
Setting UIImage variables to nil won't do anything particularly useful. Also, you shouldn't release the image returned from +imageNamed:, since the method name does not imply that you have ownership of the returned object.
Cocoa maintains an image cache. Subsequent calls to imageNamed: will return the same UIImage object if it is loaded already (since UIImage objects are immutable), otherwise it will load it again into the cache. The lifetime of the image in the cache is up to Cocoa to decide. In low-memory situations the image data may be purged. Even though the actual internal image data is purged from the cache, the object that you have is still able to reference the image (Cocoa will reload the image data if it was purged from the cache). It is explained throughout the UIImage documentation.
If your memory usage is consistently growing then the leak is probably coming from somewhere else.