Website and Native app user authorization - authorization

I wish to create a functionality that is very similar to facebook or pokerstars if you have used them before. Basically the apps require the user to login and their information can be accessed from both browsers and native and web apps.
How can I go about achieving this? Please advice on what services to research on to accomplish this. To my current understanding. I would be creating the website in html and php and creating a webservice using RESTful protocols and hosting them on amazon aws servers. I can then connect to these servers in the native apps? I am not very clear on how the native apps will interact with the servers
If you know of any particular protocol or a better server hosting service please let me know.

If I'm interpreting your question correctly, you are looking for something like this:
The user starts either your browser app or your native app (perhaps a mobile app)
Since the user does not have an account yet, you present them with the appropriate dialog to create said account.
You then ask the "Identity Service" to create a profile for that user
The identity service returns a token for access
This is something we do in the mobile network industry all the time. Technically, we have TAC/ACS or HSS profile services, but in either case, it's the same thing -- a dedicated service and network process that:
Accepts connections from various clients (web, mobile, desktop...)
Has various primitives along the database CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) model
Answers requests the database
If you want a pre-configured solution, you could just use any networked database with a RESTstyle connector for example (MongoDB maybe?) But you could also just through this in a process that talks to a NoSQL or SQLLite database. The end result is the same.
For commercial solutions, I might like at OpenStack as you can run your code on it and they have identity brokers you might be able to CoOpt.
Personally, I'd just have a datastore running on a cloud somewhere like Amazon's EC2 which answers RESTful requests such as:
Create a user with a given profile set, return a unique token
Delete a user given a token
Update elements of the profile for a given token
I'm leaving out the necessary things like security here, but you get the idea.
This also has the advantage that you can have a single identity service for all of your applications/application services. The specifics for a given application element are just sub-fields in the profile. This gives you, not only a common identity broker for web, desktop and mobile, but a single-sign-on for all your applications. The user signs in once and is authenticated for everything you have. Moving from site to site, now just became seamless.
Lastly, you place your identity management, backup, security token management, etc OUTSIDE of your application. If you later want to add Google Authenticator for second-factor authentication, you don't have to add it to every application you have.
I should also add that you don't want to keep the identity database on the direct internet connection point. Someone could make your life difficult and get ahold it later on. Rather, you want your identity server to have a private link to it. Then do something like this:
When the account is created, don't store passwords, store hashes -- much safer
Have your application (web or otherwise) compute a key as the login
In this case, the user might enter a username and password, but the application or website would convert it into a token. THAT is what you send across.
Next, using that token (and suitable security magic), use THAT as the owner key
Send that key to the datastore and retrieve any needed values
Encrypt them back into a blob with the token
Send the block
THe application decrypts the blob to get at values
Why do we do this?
First, if someone were to try to get at your identity database, there's nothing useful. It contains only opaque tokens for logins, and blobs of encrypted data. Go ahead -- take the database. We don't care.
Second, sniffing the transport gets an attacker nothing -- again, it's all encrypted blobs.
This means later on, when you have five applications using the broker, and someone hacks the network and steals the database, you don't care, because your users never gave out logins and passwords in the first place, and even if they did, the data itself is garbage to anyone without the user key.
Does this help?


Storing API Keys submitted by client in frontend

I know API keys need to be stored securely and should not be accessible client side. That being said, I also know that a lot of Wordpress plugins/ custom sites/ and such allow users to copy paste the API key into a text input on the admin panel.
My question is how do you do this securely? Do they hash it and save it to their database?
Say for example I made a react app or wordpress plugin that allowed users to do something with the Google Maps API. I know I can go get their API key and just hard code it in... but if I wanted to let the user update the key on their own - What would be the reccomended steps?
If I understand you correctly, you want your application to process secrets of third party APIs. A bit scary, but if you get the user consent - why not? First thing first - make sure the user understands what he is doing. Point out exactly what you will do with the API keys, what you will not do with the API keys and how will they be protected.
Personally I would never want to store such secrets in my own database, as this would be a single point of failure. When you are hacked, everyone is hacked. Why not put such secrets in - say - local storage so it never touches one of your servers?
Ok, in case it is your server that needs to do something, you could get the API key passed in a request, do something, but never log or persistently store the secret anywhere.
In case it is enough for the Java Script to do the job, local storage is even better solution.
One could think about encrypting the keys in the local storage, but I don't believe this would improve security a lot. I mean this would be security through obscurity and could by bypassed by someone with physical access to the machine/browser/user agent. But if someone would have such access, then probably some of the API keys would be one of the smaller problems.

Multiple external clients for users on identityserver4

I am working on a project that allows a user to create a user to create app keys or secrets so that specific services can be used by external clients. A user can create multiple secrets that they can choose to use across multiple clients.
For this I am planning to create a decoupled auth server that will use identityserver4.
What really holding me back is that I am not sure whether or not I should create an API layer at the auth server. The reason I am considering API at auth server is so that I can create sort of an admin portal client that will give the users a front-end for creating, renewing, and accessing their app keys/secrets. Even the admin portal is going to be a de-coupled angular application.
There are two things that are holding me back at the moment:
I am not sure if it's a good or safe idea to serve this data via
an api layer. From what I understand, identityserver will not be able to provide functionality that allows me to access a list of a user's clients through an endpoint but please correct me if I'm wrong and there's a better way to approach this.
I know we can easily create new clients and persist it into the database with identityserver4 and I am planning to use ClientCredentials grant types for user clients, but is there a link at the database and identity level between a user and a client? Or will I need to create that functionality by myself?
So far I've looked but I have not bee able to find examples that are similar to my situation with identityserver4
Sorry for the noob question, I am just getting into identityserver and web security in general so many of these concepts are still very new to me.
For number 1, I would say yes you can create an API layer to server data. If you check the IdenttiyServer4 AdminUI, Rock Solid has also use the admin API behind the UI. But you must consider encryption, TLS and other security mechanism to keep this safe.
AFIK for number 2, there are no links at identity level between a user and a client. You have to create that by yourselves.
Basically, you need a system that supports Multitenancy. I have achieved that by adding a TenantId field in the AspNetIdentity user table. And also added the tenant Id to claim list.
Please do not hesitate to correct me if i am wrong.

GunDB user authentication and data storage among users

I have been following your project for quite some time now and am intrigued by the functionality of gunDB where it doesn't require a database in between and keeps security in check.
However, I've got some questions about GunDB which I've been thinking about for quite some time now before I can give Gun a go with a project I'm currently working on. In this project it is necessary that data is safe but should also be shareable once a group has been setup. The project is a mobile app project and ata is mostly stored on the device in a SQLite database.
I have been looking into Gun as it allows for better usage of the app in sense of collaboration. The questions I have, however, are:
User authentication
How is user authentication handled through private keys? So how can a user "register" with, for example, a username and password to login to the service.
For authentication I am currently using Firebase where it is possible to use username/password authentication and I would like to know how Gun approaches this case and how it's implemented.
Data storage
In the documentation and on the website it's stated that data is stored locally with every client and can be stored on a "node" or server using either a local hard drive or the Amazon S3 storage option.
What I am curious about is what data is actually stored at the client? Is this only the data he/she has access to or is this a copy of the whole dataset where the client can only access whatever he/she is granted to have access to?
Maintaining your data
When I've got a production system running with a lot of data, how will I be able to manage my data flows and/or help out my clients with issues they have in the system?
In other words, how can I make sure I can keep up with the system if I want to throw in an update and/or service my clients with data issues.
My main concern is the ability to synchronize their local storage correctly.
Those are all my questions for now.
Thank you very much in advance for providing some clarity on these subjects.
Best regards,
(Answered by Mark Nadal on Github:
#sleever great to hear from you! Thanks for finally jumping into the discussion! :D
User Authentication,
this is currently in alpha. If you haven't already seen these links, check them out:
If you have already, would love to either (A) get you to alpha test and help push things forward or (B) hear any specific questions you have about it. This thread is also a more at length discussion about alternative security API ideas: #321 .
Data storage.
Browser peers by default store the data that they subscribe to, not the full data set. You could ask it to store everything, but the browser wouldn't like that. Meanwhile NodeJS peers, especially if hooked up to S3 or others, would store all data and act as a backup.
Does this make data insecure? No, encryption should keep it secure, even if anybody/everybody stores it, the encryption makes it safe. (See [insert link to (1)] for more information).
You would service your customers by deploying an update to your app code. It would not be ideal for your customers if you could meddle with their data directly. If they wanted you to do that, my recommendation would be that they change their password, give the new password to you, and you login and make any necessary changes. Why? Because if you have admin access to their data, their privacy is fundamentally violated.


I am making a Social Networking website and I want to provide APIs for developers to use. So, I am thinking of using REST API for this.
Now this question is not about how to create a REST API. That is well explained in many websites and SO questions.
My Question is:
When I give a developer this API (lets say which can be used to get user info).
Say USER 1 does not want his date of birth and email to be visible
Say USER 2 does not want his mobile number to be visible
Say USER 3 does not want anyone apart from his friends to see his info
... and so on (each user have their own privacy setting which I have already stored in DB)
Now, how do I authenticate properly to make sure:
1) Developers will not be able to access User info when they have not authenticated the Application to use API to access their info
2) Restrict Developers from accessing fields which has been set by the user as private
Do I have to make separate DBs for this? Is there any easy, professional and secure way to do this?
If you look at the documentation for the various Google+ and FB API's, you'll see what they do. Here's an example:
Generally, you use https to connect, you supply a couple of different key codes (api key, etc.) to an authentication call of some sort, and you get back a session token, which you pass to all subsequent calls that require one (which potentially involve non-public data).
There isn't anything all that special about the authentication that is typically used for this kind of thing, any secure authentication method works as well as any other. All authentication does is establish the identity of the API caller and/or the identity of a user. It is then up to the API code to determine who can access what.
You could have a small group of trusted developers develop the API in a development environment, and then an even smaller group of trusted administrators deploy that API to production servers, and make sure no one else can access those servers except through the API. I believe that's essentially what FB and Twitter and so forth do.
But if you really want to prevent the developers who develop the API and the administrators who set up and maintain your production servers (and databases) from being able to get at user's private data, that data will have to be encrypted on the users' computers, before it is ever sent to the server, using keys that are never sent to the server. So neither the server nor anyone in the server environment will have any way at all to decrypt that data.
But the developers who develop the encryption program that runs on users' computers could make it send keys or decrypted versions of data to a computer somewhere, etc., so there isn't really any way to avoid having to trust at least some of the people involved.
By the way, Google+, Twitter, Facebook, etc., don't do that. They may store some private data in an encrypted form in their production databases, and they may restrict access to those databases to a small group of people, and even those people who have access to the databases may not be able to see the private information without decrypting it - but the data is sent to the servers using https; it is encrypted by a user's browser, but then decrypted on the web server, and it exists in an unencrypted form in the memory of the web server, at least for a short time, so it would certainly be theoretically possible for people at those companies who have the right expertise and the right access to get at users' private data. So our private data on Twitter / FB etc, isn't really 100% secure. (I doubt that any data anywhere is really 100% secure.)
While there are common practices that you can glean from reading their API docs, there aren't really any established standards or best practices that specifically relate to how to code authentication systems for social media APIs in PHP.
It's worth mentioning that many web sites that require user authentication, these days, allow users to authenticate using various external authentication systems, so that once they are signed into one place that uses that system, they're effectively signed into every place that uses it. One really popular external authentication system is GoogleID; for example, users of Stack Overflow can authenticate using their Google logins:
GoogleID may have been inspired by OpenID. Here is a list of libraries for implementing an API that facilitates OpenID style authentication:
That page includes a couple of php libraries which may be of interest.
By the way, speaking of data security in the context of a social media site, here's an introductory wiki page about the general legal requirements, in the US, for companies that process (potentially) personally identifying information:

Implementing a token authentication

Which are the steps must I follow to implement a token authentication in my web page?
Any summary or links will be appreciated.
I want to implement similar to Facebook or Google, first time client loggin and receive token and then use it in next actions.
I read also about OAuth but I don't want to give access to my application from 3rd party.
Thanks for the long response and it seems clear to me I need to read more about this.
What I want is to know the "steps" to implement a basic web application that uses token authentication. That is user logging once and then can make some actions: add content, edit, etc.
I know what I'm saying is similar to a session, where server adds a SESSION_ID on the HTML header and later request are identified and associated with that session. I read sessions way isn't good to scale so I want to implement a similar system like gmail or facebook before they go to OAuth. Probably I'm talking about something similar to oauth (i don't read in much depth) but witj two-legged instead three-legged.
You should think about your requirements, pick an appropriate protocol and some decent piece of software that implements it.
It's really hard to say more without more details:
are you talking about authentication for one or for multiple web applications? do you need single sign on between different web applications?
should all user data be stored on your server or should user be able to login e.g. with the google account?
should the token contain informations about the user?
on what platform are your applications developed?
what authentication method should be used?
do you want to realize a portal?
There is a really wide range of protocols and tools which might or might not fit to your requirements:
I personally like CAS ( for token-base SSO between multiple web applications. It's Java based but also has some support for PHP and .Net.
OpenID is fine, if you want to allow users to login with their Google, Yahoo, whatever account (configurable...) and don't want to store user information by yourself.
Kerberos/SPNEGO is the way to go if you want to haven integrated windows-sso for your corporate intranet applications.
For university applications SAML/Shibboleth probably is best. Outside universities it's somewhat less popular, probably cause it's a fairly complex protocol.
Oh and I almost forget: Most of the web frameworks/standards have there own version of plain-old "form based authentication". Where a user goes to a login form enters its username and password. Both are with or without SSL transported to the web/application server. The server validates it against some kind of database and gives a cookie to the user, which is transmitted and validated every time the user sends a request. But beside all this shiny protocols this seems to be pretty boring :-)
And before doing anything with web authentication, you might think for a moment about web security in general ( and what you can do to not make it even worse on your site (
see your point.
On the protocol level a very simplistic token approach is HTTP Basic Authentication. But this often doesn't fit, as there is no logout function etc.
A custom, simple cookie based approach can for example look like this:
The server generates some kind of secret (a value that is hard to guess)
When a user tries to access a protected resource, he is redirected to a login form
after successful authentication he gets a cookie. This cookie contains three values: username, timestamp and a hash of {username server-secret timestamp}.
with every user request the server recalculates the hash values and compares it to the value which the client sends in its cookie
(needs more consideration of: httponly and secure flag, transport layer security, replay attacks etc)
Amazon S3 stores its authentication token in an HTTP Header and uses HMAC for calculating it. It's described here: (Not necessarily recommended for using with a browser based web application)
If there is a book about REST anywhere near you, you may look if it has a chapter about authentication. Probably things are much nicer explained there than here :-)
There are some frameworks which are capable of doing this kind of authentication. For security reasons it would make sense to check them first before implementing your own stuff.