Neo4j/Lucene - How to create a unique index? - lucene

I'm using Neo4j, and I wonder if it is possible to create a lucene index with a unique field. (that is, every key/value pair can be associated with only one node)
For example, i want to achieve the following behavior:
someIndex.add(node1, "firstName", "Roy");
someIndex.add(node2, "firstName", "John");
// Here I expect to recieve an exception because the key/value pair (firstName, Roy) is already associated with node1
someIndex.add(node3, "firstName", "Roy");
Is it possible to achieve something like that?

On Java API level you can use UniqueFactory. For usage example, check out

In my code I'm using the BatchInserterIndex and add a map of key and values I need to be indexed..
The code is something like this:
BatchInserterIndex myIndex = indexProvider.nodeIndex("myIndex", MapUtil.stringMap("type", "exact"));
Map<String, Object> key_Value_IndexMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>();
key_Value_IndexMap.put("ID", value);
myIndex.add(createdNodeId, key_Value_IndexMap);


How to create hashMap that has a list of hashmap in kotlin?

What I am trying to achieve is is a map that has a list of maps in which the first key is ID and value obviously is a map of which the key is Session and the value is an OBJECT.
var newSession = ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConcurrentHashMap<WebSocketSession, String>>()
What if I want to save multiple session maps with the same ID? Whenever I pass an ID I want to get a map from which I should be able to search a particular session?
Sorry for not being so clear, but I am stuck here for a while and am kinda newbie in Kotlin!
Thanks in advance!

Find namespace records in Redis

How do I find all the records in Redis?
USER_ID = User ID (primary key)
UID = relationship
The key is stored with the following structure
I am trying to find all the records of the user 4030...
using (var redisClient = new RedisClient ())
List<object> ALL_UID = redisClient.Get<List<object>>("USER_EXCHANGE:USER_ID:4030:UID:*");
What am I doing wrong? Thank you all for your help.
Hi as you're trying to fetch all keys matching a pattern you should use KEYS.
GET won't match patterns. by will retrieve complete full names.
Caution this is a debug function and not a production function.
Production simple solution, recommanded for you is :
store a list of your key in a LIST
USER_EXCHANGE:USER_ID:4030 => [ uid1, uid2, uid3 ....]
get list of uids for a specific user ID by getting the list.
This is a good practice in REDIS.

Creating object like entries with levelup DB, relating keys

I'm no aficionado of databases and I'm new to level as I've only dealt with SQL. My question seems simple, while I can put and get key value pairs in level, how do I create a record with more attributes?
So like I have key="president" and value="Nixon", but how can I give that value attributes? ie:
"Nixon":[{"approvalRating": 10, "suitColor":"blue", "firstName":"Richard"}]
How can I interact with level to get results like this?
The value can be object so instead of "Nixon" you could pass in
lastname: 'Nixon',
approvalRating: 10,

Android QuickBlox - CustomObject Push to Array Field

Hi I'm using CustomObject to bulid friends list but I'm facing below problem.
When I try to push a number to an array field it returns null value and the field is not updated but if I add it as a normal field (not pushing to array) it works fine.
Below is my code:
QBCustomObject friendsList = new QBCustomObject();
HashMap<String, Object> fields = new HashMap<String, Object>();
fields.put("push[friendsId][]", "00001111");
and logcat shows below api request:[friendsId][]=00001111
but if I use below code it works but not append to array. It adds new record:
fields.put("friendsId", "00001111");
Is there anything wrong with my way?
To update your record, your URL should look like[friendsId][]= 00001111,
where id is a record id.
For example,[friendsId][]= 00001111
Did my answer helped you ?
You can rewrite the whole record. Don't try to add an object separately into an array, update the whole record.

How to implement our own UID in Lucene?

I wish to create an index with, lets say the following fields :
out of which, I don't want UID to be searchable. [ like meta data ]
I want the UID to behave like docID so that when I want to delete or update,
I'll use this.
Is this possible ? How to do this ?
You could mark is as non-searchable by adding it with Store.YES and Index.NO, but that wont allow you easy updating/removal by using it. You'll need to index the field to allow replacing it (using IndexWriter.UpdateDocument(Term, Document) where term = new Term("UID", "...")), so you need to use either Index.ANALYZED with a KeywordAnalyzer, or Index.NOT_ANALYZED. You can also use the FieldCache if you have a single-valued field, which a primary key usually is. However, this makes it searchable.
Store.NO (It can be retrieved using the FieldCache or a TermsEnum)
Index.NOT_ANALYZED (The complete value will be indexed as a term, including any whitespaces)