IntelliJ delete files from project but from disk - intellij-idea

When I delete a file (either a class, a library or anything) from a project in IntelliJ , the file will also be deleted from the disk physically! Is there any way to avoid this? I may still need the file, but I just don't want it in this project.

You have to copy it away from the place on the disc manually before deleting it.
Your IDE uses different build systems (e.G. maven, ant, etc...) and cannot rely on all of them to correctly "ignore" stuff you have marked as deleted.
I usually have a "misc" project in my IDE where I move stuff like what you described.
The same goes for all IDEs, be it IntelliJ, Netbeans or Eclipse. The representation in your project should always be the same as on your disk.


IntelliJ IDEA directory-based format and .iml file(s)

We started a directory-based project in IntelliJ IDEA (currently using version 2016.3 build 163.7743.44). Everything is fine, the .iml file is inside .idea/modules and we can easily share/update it.
The issue is that, sometimes, when someone clones the project and start using it the IDE doesn't care about that file (or project structure) and puts an .iml outside the project's root. It's an intermittent/random issue and I'm not able to reproduce it step by step.
We opted for deleting the .idea directory from Git and keep the configurations/settings in a JAR file.
Is there any way to tell the IDE to use one approach or the other? It's not a big deal, but I would like to know what's the reason behind that behavior.
The reason for that behavior may be that people don't use the "Open" action to open the project but use the "Import project from existing sources" action instead. The latter action does not use the existing .idea directory, but instead recreates the project structure from scratch. You should teach your colleagues not to use that action.
Note that storing the settings in a .jar file is not a replacement for sharing the project structure, because shared settings do not include project-specific items such as libraries and run configurations.

IntelliJ and sharing the project files in VCS

I am using IntelliJ and after very long time I was not able to figure out, what IntelliJ specific files should not or should not be in VCS. I have a project which has different running configurations among various commits, so everytime when I checkout the project from different branch, I have to adjust the Running/Debug configurations. Jetbrains does not recommend to put workspace.xml in VCS because it could contain user-specific settings, however this information about Run/Debug configurations IS stored here! It would be 10x smarter to store in IML file (IntelliJ project file). How do you solve this?
In the run configuration dialog (top right corner), there is the "Share" checkbox. If you mark a run configuration as shared, it will be stored in a separate file under .idea and not in workspace.xml, and you'll be able to add it to the version control system normally.

xml files are not copied to target intellij idea

I have some xml files within the source folder along with the java files.
Intellij Idea is not copying them to the target folder.
I want those xml files to be along with the classes in the target.
Eclipse does this fine.
Can anyone please tell how to achieve this in Intellij Idea?
If, like me, the other answer didn't solve your problem -
If IDEA thinks your project is a Maven module (or once was), and it isn't, it'll behave like this. You can fix this by closing the project, editing the .iml file to remove the isMavenModule property, reopening, and rebuilding:
<moduleorg.jetbrains.idea.maven.project.MavenProjectsManager.isMavenModule="true"type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
In its default configuration, IDEA should copy any xml file that are in a source directory into the target directory. Other build tools may not. So this answer is assuming you are making the project via IDEA's internal build/make. If using maven (or gradle), you should place your resources in src/main/resources and not src/main/java as Engineer Dollery mentions in his/her comment.
If you are using the IDEA builds and it is still not copying them over, there is a setting you can check. Go into Settings > Build, Execution, Development > Compiler. On the Compiler settings dialog at the top is a "Resource Patterns" text field. This will define what files IDEA will and will not copy over. The default entry is:
It is just a set of negation patterns of things not to copy over. So XML files should be copied. Check this setting and see if there is something in it to prevent xml files from being copied.

In IntelliJ IDEA, how to copy non-source assets to output folder during build?

I have a project in IntelliJ IDEA, inside that a couple of modules and one of my modules has two build configurations. One of them needs to copy a <projectroot>/tools folder to its out/production/<BuildConfigurationName> folder. Can IDEA somehow automate this?
The accepted answer above is incorrect. IDEA can do this (without ant/gradle) via the artifacts system (accessed via Build menu or project settings). Any one artifact job copies multiple files/folders/build outputs to a chosen location (optionally jarred) and can be set to automatically run on make.
Artifacts can even be chained, i.e. output from one as input to another.
Can IDEA somehow automate this?
Not directly, no. Ultimately IDEA is an IDE and not a build tool. While it can do a lot during a build, it does not have the ability to copy non-source files to an alternate directory, let alone a dynamically named directory.
If you marked the tools directory as a source directory (and none of its contained file types were set in the "Ignore files and folder" setting at the bottom of the "File Types" settings dialog), IDEA would then copy the tools directory to the out directory. But renaming requires a more sophisticated build tool.
Ultimately, the "ideal" or "best practices" solution would be to build your project using a build tool like Maven, Gradle or Ant for which this type of thing would be a snap.
If that is not an option, or for some reason you really want IDEA to do the build, the best thing you could do is to write a simple Ant script to the copy for you. (Or possibly Gradle, I do not have much experience with Gradle yet. Maven could do it, but it'd be a bit cumbersome compared to Ant.) In any Run/Debug configurations, you can define the ant script target to run before or after the IDEA "make" in the Before Launch section. (You can set that as a default for any newly created configurations by configuring it in Defaults on the left). If you run your build manually, you can assign a shortcut to the ant build and then run it and the make in sequence. Alternatively, you could record a Macro (Edit > Macros) to run both in sequence and then (optionally) assign the macro a keyboard shortcut.

any way to run intellij community build from altered source?

I made changes to Intellij Community Edition (ce). I can compile and run those changes from within the IntelliJ editor. That launches a second instance of IntelliJ ce which is running from classes containing my changes. What I want to do is just run those changes without having to first load the source, compile and run from within IntelliJ.
Netbeans made this easy by just producing an executable as a result of the build. With Intellij, it's not at all clear what has to be done. I have tried the following-
using the Run configuration Intellij itself uses to run the altered classes- this includes setting the working directory , main class, vm options and classpath. Actually, this doesn't work for reasons unknown to me.
on someone's suggestion, running dist.gant in build. This blows up with very many errors which are not helpful (no class def found errors which indicate some confusion on Intellij's part on classpaths somewhere)
Running WinLauncher.exe under bin gives the error message that it can't find VM options file (although it's in bin, (and also for good measure under bin/win with the other files which are co-located with vmoptions in the intellij directory structure for Intellij proper. )
ALl this is just harder than it should be. The solution is to provide an executable as a result of the build and place it in a predictable location.
Has anyone ever actually DONE what I am trying to do- make changes to the community source then use the resultant editor not as a project you're working with in IntelliJ but as the Intellij editor you're working through?
User60561 had the correct answer. Just to mop up the details, in artifacts, there is a compressed file ( for Windows, for Mac etc.). In order to run your snapshot, you have to unzip this archive (after which it will have the same name, minus the zip extension) then go into folder "bin". There you'll see two executables: idea.exe and idea64.exe, for 32 and 64 bit versions, respectively. Clicking on these runs your snapshot.
Adjusting contents of the files idea.exe.vmoptions and idea64.exe.vmoptions lets you set the VM parameters to suit yourself, typically people might want to give the VM more memory through the -Xmx value.
It seems straightforward:
To build the distribution archive of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, execute build.xml Ant build script in the root directory of the source code. The results of the build execution can be found at out/artifacts.
So download ant, and run ant in the directory that you have it stored in. Make sure to use the commandline to launch ant in order to make sure everything is working correctly.
Initially execute getPlugins.bat/sh, then:
Use update.bat/sh according to it's instructions
Click on: Main Menu | Build | IntelliJ IDEA CE build
Copy content of intellij-community\out\deploy (lib, plugins folder) into existing IJ installation (sometimes it is better to delete existing folders if they contain older dependencies or when the installation was of Ultimate version)