People search under a Windows Store Application - windows-8

I want to do a people search inside my Windows Store Application by accessing contacts in people app in Windows 8 Start.
Do you have any ideas?

You can't access the contacts programmatically. You can however open a ContactPicker and have the user select some contact information they want to share with your app.
Also the see the corresponding sample from MSDN.


How do I find a certain application on the user's PC and transfer data to it? (VB)

I'm developing an app on the Windows desktop so Win7 users have the app, but for Win8 users I'm also developing a Metro app.
My problems are,
if a user opens a file (e.g. ""), I want an app to come up that asks which environment to open it in, but first it has to find all the apps that can open the file and display them.
Then I need to pass the data as a parameter to the app Chosen.
In the .NET framework 4.5.1, I can't find the System.GetEnvironmentVariable command so I can create a common location for both environments to access. These are my options:
Comment for clarification.
Regarding your 3rd question, the function is there, just now showing on MSDN page:
After having an inspiration, I found some code that can get pretty close to what I want.
Dim filepicker As New Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileOpenPicker
CommonFolder = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary
I should just be able to tack this on the end after that:
and it should give me "C:\Users\someuser" and then I can add "\MyAppStorage"
Thanks for all the help though! This code isn't very clean, so feel free to edit and make it better!

Getting Windows 8 Contact Info Without Picker

I have reviewed the few number of windows 8 contact questions on here, as well as the MSDN Contact picker sample and couldn't find an answer to my question.
It seems like, from most answers, the only way to get contact information from the people contract is to have the user manually choose the people they want the information for.
That doesn't seem completely right, since in the mail and messenger apps, they have found a way to get contact information for people that email or IM you without me choosing those people.
How do you go about accomplishing this programmatically? I would like to be able to pull either all contact data at once or get contact data by looking up specific emails linked to those users.
I would assume that in the Mail, People and Messaging apps, they are using details pulled straight from the users Windows Live account. I think you should be able to do this in your app, look here for documentation on the Live SDK:
I don't think it is possible to do this right now without a Picker. This would vioalate some security restrictions. But if you find a way, please post it here.

How to access Contacts in Windows 8 People app from another app

Does anyone know how to access Contacts in Windows 8 Store apps?
I know that because of the sandboxed nature, Windows Store apps cannot access AddressBook from files such as Outlook Express contacts or Outlook, but since there is already an app called People that comes pre-installed, I figure why not let users make use of whatever Contacts the user has already allowed the app to see, rather than creating separate list of Contacts for my app. It seems silly to recreate the wheel by asking the user to re-import all the contacts again.
I have seen Contact Picker example but I still have no clues how to get list of Contacts/People as in that People app.
I have not developed for mobile phone, however if the device is a mobile phone, surely the app is expected to use local contacts rather than keeping separate list of contacts. So I am thinking there's got to be a way to do the same thing on a PC or any device really, rather than each app managing its own contacts. I have not seen any guidance on how to do this. What are your thoughts?
I asked a similar question a few days ago and, after a lot of research, it looks like it's just not possible to get that information from the people app outside of the contract. The reason that it works within calendar/mail/messenger is because they're all technically contained within the same app and are able to use each other's data and violate normal rules.
A lot of people have pointed me to look at the live SDK, but it still seems like it's not at all possible to get people information in your app, since the SDK doesn't support it anymore.
Look at the ContactPicker class :
Another way is to share your resource or whatever you want to send and user will choose an app that will send or on any another way use your shared resource (url, image, whatever)
IMO the latter is preferred way since then user will have a choice of applications that can send mail or post that resource on facebook / twitter.
Check this sample on ContactPicker

Is there a Windows 8 App directory website (not the one accessible from within Windows 8)?

Is going through the Windows Shop within Windows 8 the only way to know about the apps that are currently available (and if an app idea is already taken)? I've seen Windows 8 app links like this one -
...but going to the root site throws a "403 - Forbidden: Access is denied" and a search for "Windows 8 Store" doesn't provide any useful results. I guess there will be something after the official Windows 8 launch but is there anything else I'm missing? As a developer, I would love to see a summary listing of apps that shows a brief description, its features and Capabilities used.
Unfortunately for us, Microsoft is not providing any such information regarding the Store apps. All we can do is glean a bit from here and there. Zdnet has mentioned the number of apps, for example.
Have a look here and here
This link in particular maybe of some use because it provides estimated app category breakdown.
I created site to see what's new in apps for all countries (but you can also use country filter).
I found a file with a site map that you may be able to use for a listing of apps: is a searchable directory on the web. It's not the entire Store, the content is filtered to remove poor quality apps. Disclosure: this is my site, so clearly I think that's an advantage :) is the full Store using the Australian content. He published the source code ( so you could set this up for any country if you wished.
Update - It is now possible to search for Windows Store & Windows Phone apps even from non-Windows 8 machines and also view apps by category from the official Microsoft websites.
As #mamata-dalal & #gyurisc have mentioned, there is currently no official Windows 8 app directory.
I came across the website Windows8Apps (though not perfect) that comes close to what I'm looking for.
Currently there is no other place than the Windows 8 Store is the only place, but I am sure soon there will be plenty of sites categorizing these apps.

Synchronizing phone data with online service

I am trying to build a windows phone application which can synchronize my events on the phone with online service. I can use an api for interacting with the online service.
I am having difficulty understanding how I can synchronize my phone events with the online service.
Can some one please guide me as to how I could go about working on it or some helpful link where I can understand how this actually works??
This is for a school project and for non-commercial purpose only.
Thank you
All help appreciated!!!
Windows Phone 7 does not currently provide 3rd party apps with access to information stored in the calendar or contacts. This may be included in Mango, which is set to be released fall/winter 2011, but as of right now you cannot access the events from a custom application.