Mturk Worker ID, completion code and approval - mechanicalturk

I am trying to solve the following questions in Mturk:
Worker ID: I know I can ask the worker for his ID. Is this good practice or can/should I extract the Worker ID from the Referral URL in any other way ?
The standard example for an external survey includes a textbox where the worker should input the completion code. I understand that this is a random generated code that I have to choose/generate. Or is there an Mturk completion code system ?
If the worker enters that code in the textbox (input form). Where will it be stored in Mturk ? In other words, I create a textbox named however I like and amazon takes care of storing this in a csv ? Or am I missing something here ? I would like to know how I can create this textbox and than download a .csv with the assignment id, worker id and that random generated code ?
How can I make sure that the worker can only enter that completion code once ? Can i do this with the standard HTML Templates ?

(1) Look at this question: How do you specify the requester's workerID in a mechanical turk HIT?
(2) You have to generate the codes. MTurk provides no system for generating these.
(3) That code will be stored in the HIT results, which you will see here: or via the API. If you use the requester user interface to create the HIT (perhaps working from the survey template), then you should have no problem creating the textbox and extracting the results.
(4) Your last question isn't clear to me. But if you mean to ask how to prevent multiple workers from using the same completion code, that is something you'll have to monitor manually.


Is this SpecFlow scenario correct?

This is my first more "complex" SpecFlow scenario written in Gherkin. Please provide me any feedback about it's quality:
Scenario: CompanyUpload
Given admin (user) log in to admin-site
When user enters Uploading page
And user downloads Company Upload template
And template is updated by script
And user opens Company upload form
And user fills it with proper data
And user submit filled form
Then new job should be added to the queue (visible in table form)
And job status should be "In Queue" for not longer than 10 minutes
And job status should be updated to "Processing" and shouldn't take more than 4 minutes
And final job status should be "Succeeded"
This scenario is already coded with Selenium Webdriver actions. Now, I would like to cover it with SpecFlow to create acceptance tests library.
Features should focus on behavior not on implementation. So putting incidental detail in your features is not a good idea. In your example I'd say that your when steps are somewhat fragmented. Instead using 6 when steps to describe how the user uploads something, use one or two to describe what the user does. For instance.
When user uploads document using company upload template
Something like this describes the necessary detail but not more than that.

Counting the amount of users or executions of an application.

I made a program that gets the data from the clipboard and saves it in a string variable. Then it looks for specific words in that string and generates several URLs. Afterwards it open the browser and shows each URL in an own tab.
Some of my friends already use this program frequently and I want to have some statistics about how often. I simple counter variable would be enough but I need to get access to it.
I came up with two options that could work:
I could send an email to a specific adress every time my app is executed. Then I can track the amount of uses by manually or automaticly counting the amount of emails in the postbox. I think this would be a Vers dirty solution.
I could create and publish a website containing a counter. This counter could be refreshed by my application. This solution is a bit better I think but a lot more work for just one single counter.
Do you have better ideas to solve my problem or is one of mine already a good one?
Thank you in advace!
You can use Measurement Protocol Overview. This provides you statistics of usage your application compared with Google Analytics. You can see even a geo statistic, version distribution, crash reports. It is easy to use it from .net. It is just about requesting http request to google.

An automated email response system to incoming faxes

This is a theoretical question but any specific technical knowledge that could help will also be appreciated.
I am an IT Assistant with not much knowledge in programming (apart from EasyPattern and super-simple batch files) but have been given an opportunity to start getting into it by having been given a task to create a step in our document management system which is vaguely defined by the title of this question.
So, we have incoming faxes with short digit codes on them, these code correlate to identifying information in our database (relevantly; email addresses). In a watched folder environment we have software that upon auto-acknowledging these fax/image files being dropped into a designated incoming location (from a fax server) it initiates Microsoft Digital Imaging (MODI, runs in the background) to find these codes (using OCR, Optical Character Recognition) and places them into CSV files (one .csv file per code per fax page). Our database admin assures me that he can have the email addresses that correlate to the codes automatically placed into their correlating csv file.
It is from this point that I am being asked to find a way to have a universal unchanging email message ("We have received your fax") automatically sent to those email addresses. Upon a "way" being known, I am then to actually accomplish it.
How to do this? As I said, a valid theoretical answer will suffice, for that will tell me how it can be done, which would in turn tell me what to learn, which would in turn tell me where to look.
I understand VBA to be a programming model within an 'event-driven' paradigm and that VBA programming projects are possible and supported in both Microsoft Outlook and Access. Does herein lie my answer? Can VBA used to accomplish this? (maybe auto import the email addresses from the csv file into the "To:" field of a outgoing email?) I'm hoping it'll be easier since the message can always stay the same (something along the lines of: We received your message). I'm reading two text books that introduce the reader to VBA in Access with one, and VBA in Outlook with the other.
I hope this message makes sense, this whole question might be naive, incoherent, or maybe even outright ignorant. But any patient and understanding response would be GREATLY appreciated.
You want something like this.
For posterity's sake, here is a summary of what it entails:
In Outlook, add a handler for the Application-level NewMailEx event.
Load each MailItem by its EntryID and handle it appropriately.
You would create your new email with Application.CreateItem(oMailItem), define its subject/body/recipients and then send it.

can I validate input on MTurk?

I've written a HIT on mturk asking people for domain suggestions. Is there any way to ensure that the domain has valid syntax at the time of entry or submission?
So it turns out you can embed an iframe within the HIT. This allowed me to embed a form which I could then validate in any way I pleased. It requires the worker to copy the result of the form into the HIT form.
I think to do this the 'proper way' (i.e. no need to copy-paste) you'd need to use an ExternalQuestion. This can be done via either the API (various languages) or the command-line client.

How to Verify whether a Robot is Entering Information

I have a web form which the users fill and the info send to server and stored on a database. I am worried that Robots might just fill in the form and I will end up with a database full of useless records. How can I prevent Robots from filling in my forms? I am thinking maybe something like Stackoverflow's robot detection, where if it thinks you are a robot, it asks you to verify that you are not. Is there a server-side API in Perl, Java or PHP?
There are several solutions.
Use a CAPTCHA. SO uses reCAPTCHA as far as I know.
Add an extra field to your form and hide it with CSS (display:none). A normal user would not see this field and therefore will not fill it. You check at the submission if this field is empty. If not, then you are dealing with a robot that has carefully filled out all form fields. This technique is usually referred to as a "honeypot".
Add a JavaScript timer function. At the page load it starts a value at zero and then increases it as time passes. A normal user would read and fill out your form for some time and only then submit it. A robot would just fill out and submit the form immediately upon receiving it. You check if the value has gone much from zero at the submission. If it has, then it is likely a real user. If you see just a couple of seconds (or even no value at all due to the robots not executing JavaScript) then it is likely a robot. This will however only work if you decide you will require your users have JavaScript on in order to perform "write" operations.
There are other techniques for sure. But these are quite simple and effective.
You can use reCAPTCHA (same as stackoverflow) - they have libraries for a number of programming languages.
I've always preferred Honeypot captcha (article by phil haack), as its less invasive to the user.
Captchas bring accessibility problems and will be ultimately defeated by software recognition.
I recommand the reading of this short article about bot traps, which include hidden fields, as Matthew Vines and New in town already suggested.
Anyway, you are still free to use both captcha and bot traps.
CAPTCHA is great. The other thing you can do that will prevent 99% of your robot traffic yet not annoy your users is to validate fields.
My site, I check for text in fields like zip code and phone number. That has removed all of the non-targeted robot misinformation.
You could create a two-step system in which a user fills the form, but then must reply to an e-mail to "activate" the record within a set period of time - say 24 hours.
In the back end, instead of populating your current table with all the form submissions, you could put them into a temporary table that automatically deletes any row that is older than your time allotment. Unless you have a serious bot problem, then I would think that the table wouldn't get that big, especially if the first form is just a few fields.
A benifit of this approach is that you don't have to use captcha or some other technology like that that might create some accessibility problems.