autoconf: how to check for presence of #define - boost-asio

I am writing a program that uses boost::asio to access serial ports. According to the documentation, serial port support is available when the BOOST_ASIO_HAS_SERIAL_PORT macro is defined. Since this is a requirement, I want my configure script to abort if the macro has not been defined.
I thought I could achieve this with something like the following:
AC_MSG_CHECKING([for serial port support in boost::asio])
AC_EGREP_CPP(yes_have_boost_asio_serial, [
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
], [
], [
AC_ERROR([boost::asio must be compiled with serial port support enabled])
Unfortunately when I put this in, I get a weird error when generating the configure script: error: possibly undefined macro: BOOST_ASIO_HAS_SERIAL_PORT
If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
See the Autoconf documentation.
Why is autoconf seeing macros inside my code? The documentation on m4_pattern_allow more or less says if you have to use it something has gone wrong, so what have I done wrong?

I ended up just using m4_pattern_allow, I guess it has something to do with an all-uppercase symbol looking like something autoconf should deal with?
AC_MSG_CHECKING([for serial port support in boost::asio])


Domino Mailbox tool hung with NAMELookup2

We have developed the tools to read the emails from the Domino mailboxes and write those into the separate file in local disk(Its look like a backup). Recently we have created a new domino 9 test environment with our lab. But, our tools not working properly with our new domino work environment. To identify the problem about this issue, I have added some debug logs and it seems to look like the control hanged with the function "NAMELookup2". Here, I have added the code snippet,
DHANDLE hLookup;
char *pLookup;
if (NAMELookup2("Local", 0, 1, "$users", 1, dominoUser, 2, "FullName", &hLookup) == NOERROR) // hunged with this line
pLookup = (char *) OSLockObject(hLookup);
The same tool working fine with our other test environment. So, I think there is no problem with the code. I suspect that maybe the problem with our new work environment setup creation, or maybe missed to provide some kind permission to the users, or maybe I missed to add the mailboxes somewhere, etc.
I have run the tool with admin privilege user.
It would be great if anyone gives some direction on this.
See this NAMELookup2 page for reference. The function is declared as:
STATUS LNPUBLIC NAMELookup2(const char far *ServerName, DWORD Flags,
WORD NumNameSpaces, const char far *NameSpaces,
WORD NumNames, const char far *Names,
WORD NumItems, const char far *Items,
DHANDLE far *rethBuffer);
where NumItems is the number of null-terminated item names starting at the Items address. The code snippet in your question is passing a single item name ("FullName"), but is setting NumItems to 2. That is clearly wrong and could explain the hang. NumItems should be 1.
I am also suspicious of the ServerName argument. The documentation recommends passing NULL when you want to do a local lookup. Passing "Local" may be another way to accomplish the same, but you need to change your code in any case. I recommend changing the first argument to NULL.

_ScreenCapture_Capture() fails, presumably due to missing GDI+ encoders

I would like to do a screen capture using AutoIt. My code:
#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
_ScreenCapture_Capture(#ScriptDir & "/test.jpg")
This doesn't work. And I know why. I tested what encoders I have:
#include <GDIPlus.au3>
$Encoders = _GDIPlus_Encoders()
MsgBox(0, "", UBound($Encoders))
The result is: 0. So why don't I have any encoders? And how can I get any?
This doesn't work. And I know why.
AutoIt v3.3.14.3 has a bug. Install latest version and it should work. Related.

getting a "need project id error" in Keen

I get the following error:
Keen.delete(:iron_worker_analytics, filters: [{:property_name => 'start_time', :operator => 'eq', :property_value => '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'}])
Keen::ConfigurationError: Keen IO Exception: Project ID must be set
However, when I set the value, I get the following:
warning: already initialized constant KEEN_PROJECT_ID warning: previous definition of KEEN_PROJECT_ID was here
Keen works fine when I run the app and load the values from a env.rb file but from the console I cannot get past this.
I am using the ruby gem.
I figured it out. The documentation is confusing. Per the documentation:
The recommended way to set keys is via the environment. The keys you
KEEN_MASTER_KEY. You only need to specify the keys that correspond to
the API calls you'll be performing. If you're using foreman, add this
to your .env file:
KEEN_WRITE_KEY=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy KEEN_READ_KEY=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz If not,
make a script to export the variables into your shell or put it before
the command you use to start your server.
But I had to set it explicitly as Keen.project_id after doing a Keen.methods.
It's sort of confusing since from the docs, I assumed I just need to set the variables. Maybe I am misunderstanding the docs but it was confusing at least to me.

Asterisk dial command return dialed number

I'm looking for a variable that can tell me which number 'won' the call on a multi-target Dial command.
I'm not getting anything from the ${DIALEDPEERx} variables. Sounds like these vars are broken but I don't know if this is what I should be using.
Ancient version 1.2.14 deployed at this site. All clients are SIP
Thanks anyone
Only realistic way do that - cal via Local channle like freepbx do(check source) or use Macro on answer(i am afraid not work in 1.2)
Parse the contents of the CDR record for the file. One of the fields is dstchannel which will hold a value like SIP/1002-9786b0b0.
Also keep in mind that the call variable stack is wiped on hangup, unless you have an "h" (hangup) extension defined for the context. So, you can most easily handle your post-call processing there.
Further Reading:
Please Note:
if this answer turns out to solve your problem, please "accept" it for the benefit of others trying to solve the same problem later
Hi all I have a solution to this problem. It is working fine for both normal dial and multi target dial.
In dialstring add a macro, here I am adding "followme" macro.
$agi->exec("dial", "SIP/,rtTgM(followme)");
Then after call is answered it ll go to context
In this context you write one script to get the connected calls information by
The way I managed to do it is as follows
exten => s,1,NoOp(${CHANNEL})
You will see that the actual extension that answered is containes in ${CHANNEL}
If 1001 answered the channel will be something like SIP/1001-00017cf1
Just use the CUT command to cut it by / and -

Asterisk with new functions

I created a write func odbc list records files in sql table:
write=INSERT INTO ast_records (filename,caller,callee,dtime) VALUES
and set it in dialplan :
exten => _0X.,n,Set(
when I excute it I get an error : ast_func_write: M_R Function not registered:
note that : asterisk with windows
First thing I saw was you were performing the call to the function need to be assigning values, not arguments....try this:
writesql=INSERT INTO ast_records (filename,caller,callee,dtime) VALUES('${VAL1}','${VAL2}','${VAL3}','${VAL4}');
exten => _0X.,1,Set(M_R()=${MIXMONITOR_FILENAME}\,${CUSER}\,${EXTEN}\,${DTIME})
If that doesn't help you, continue on in my list :)
Make sure is being loaded by Asterisk. (from the asterisk CLI: module show like func_odbc)... If it's not loaded, it can't "build" your custom odbc query function.
Make sure your DSN is configured in /etc/odbc.ini
Make sure that /etc/asterisk/res_odbc.conf is properly configured
Make sure you're calling the DSN by the right name (I see it happen all the time)
enable verbose and debug in your Asterisk logging, do a logger reload, core set verbose 5, core set debug 5, and then try the call again. when the call finishes, review the log, you'll see much more output regarding what happened...
Regarding the answer from recluze...Not to call you out here, but using a PHP AGI is serious overkill here. The func_odbc function works just fine, why create more overhead and potential security issues by calling an external script (which has to use a interpreter program on TOP itself)?
you should call func odbc function as "ODBC_connector". connector should be use in the func_odbc.conf file [connector]. In the dialplan it should call like this.
exten=> _0x.,n,ODBC_connector(${arg1},${arg2})
I don't really understand the syntax you're trying to use but how about using AGI (with php) for this. Just define your logic in a php script and call it from your dialplan as:
exten => _0X.,n,AGI(script-filename.php,${CUSER},${EXTEN},${DTIME})