3 programmatically created UIButtons - how to go between 3 UIViewControllers using those buttons with Storyboard? - objective-c

Playing around with some Objective-C (well, iOS) and have done the following... loaded some UIButtons programmatically into a UIScrollView. That works well. Though I've always just connected UIViewControllers together using control-click and drag. Now I've created buttons programmatically, I have no idea how to go from one view controller to another in a Storyboard because there is nothing to drag from!
I'm not really sure what code to post as such, because I haven't done anything that /nearly/ works or doesn't work as such. I get how to do it with XIBs. But I suppose the question is : 3 UIButtons have been created programmatically and I have 3 UIViewControllers. How do I access those ViewControllers using my UIButtons?

In the Interface builder view control click and drag from the viewcontroller icon under the first view controller, to the middle of the second view controller. A segue will be created, selected the appropriate type.
Now select the segue and in the inspector give it a unique identifier (say 'myNewSegue').
Now in your first viewcontroller you can create a method that has the following code:
-(void)myButtonAction:(id)sender {
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"myNewSegue" sender:self];
And add this method as a target action to your button:
[myButton addTarget:self

A segue doesn't have to have a button at the leading end of it; you can instead draw it from an entire view controller to another. You can also give a segue an identifier, a string that's used as a name for that segue. Once you've done that, you can programmatically trigger that segue by calling -performSegueWithIdentifier:sender:.
To actually call -performSegueWithIdentifier:sender:, though, you'll need to connect the button to a target and action. If you've never done that, read the Event Handling Guide for iOS in your documentation.


Segue from Custom Cell (dynamic Prototype Cell)

Im using the Storyboard to create my UI.
I have a SplitViewController. The MasterViewController holds a TableViewController where I created a CustomCell with Custom Design.
The Cells are shown pretty good with my data.
The point is: The Custom Cell also holds an Info-Button, with should Popup a little 300x88 TableViewController with some data.
If the Cells in my MasterViewController->TableViewController where a Static one, I just would drag & drop a Segue from the Info-Button to my Popup-TableViewController.
But sadly I cant do this with a dynamic Prototype Cell... I just get the error:
Couldn't compile connections ... >> anchor >> UIButton...
So how can I implement this?
Kind Regards.
Define a manual segue dragging the whole master view onto the detail view, then add a manual target/action to your custom info button and perform the manual segue there. Of course you must set a segue identifier in the storyboard to later reference it in the code, IB will tell you if you forget to.
Instead of connecting and creating segue from individual cells, you can connect all those segues from the View Controller button, lying below your view in your storyboard. In this case, you will have multiple segues and none of them will be individually connected to cells. And when segues are ready, you can use this method for moving on to the next View Controller depending on which cell is tapped from the tableView.
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"yourSegue" sender:nil];
You just have to check which cell is tapped and then perform the appropriate Segue on tap using the above code and the respective segue identifier. The prepareForSegue method will be called immediately after this method is called.
Look out for the yellow button as shown below your View Screen in your storyboard.
Drag and drop a segue from that button onto the View Controller that you want to connect.
Hope this helps.

Creating a segue for a TableViewController cell's detail accessory button

I'm trying to implement segueing from a tableview controller when the user taps the cell's accessory button.
I've searched on here and have some new things to try but I just wanted to ask whether in the storyboard you can actually create the segues from the accessory button, or whether you just need to create them from the tableviewcontroller.
It'll be within the accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath that I'll want to act on the tap, but I see some answers on here say that you have to just go from the tableviewcontroller when creating your segues where as another answer said that the sender within prepare for segue would be set to the cell that contains your accessory view.
Whenever I try to ctrl drag from the accessory button in my prototype cell it just gets rid of the already existing on-selected segue I'd setup for that cell.
Just wanted to know for sure, what the best practice was before I started making all my detail accessory segues just go from the root TableViewController and passing through accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath's indexPath (or it's row) as the sender to my prepareForSegue.
Ok, after trying the suggestions I described in my original question I got the code all working how I wanted. I added segues from the root tableview controller and then performed them programatically within the accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath delegate function.
I have a few Table View Controllers doing similar things in my navigation controller so I set about implementing this accessory button workflow in each of them. When i reached the last TVC in my nav controller hierarchy I didn't want selecting cells to go any further, so i changed the accessory type to just detail.
As I wasn't concerned at this stage to have the cell interaction sourced segues overwriting each other I just dragged a segue out from the prototype cell to the destination view controller. Upon doing so within the add segue popup I saw 2 options - Selection Segue and Accessory Action. I'm sure that when I first tried doing this I only had the single Selection Segue choice.
Regardless of whether this was my tired eyes missing it, or Xcode having a funny turn (as it seems to from time to time, being laggy at updated states of various files etc) I can now say in answer to my original question, all you have to do is setup your accessory action segue as required. You can have both selection segue and accessory action segues setup from the same prototype cell, and everything just works as you'd expect.
I've just updated my setup to work this way and all seems fine.

Showing Toolbar on 2nd ViewController

I have two view controllers on the same storyboard. What I want to do is send an array of string values to the table view control on another view controller.
ViewController2 *second=[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"View2"];
[self presentViewController:second animated:YES completion:nil];
The second view controller has a toolbar control at the top by default. (See below.)
Passing data to another view controller wasn't easy for me, who has been using Xcode for two weeks. I somehow managed it. So an array of strings is sent to the 2nd view controller through an array variable (arrayFromVC1) set on the 2nd implementation file. I suppose experienced Xcode users know what I'm talking about. Anyway, the 2nd view controller does receive a list of values as shown below.
Well, the problems are that the toolbar control on the 2nd view controller will disappear when the user gets to see the list and that the table view control (UITableView) occupies the entire window. I understand that you can control the size of the table view control by specifying values under the viewDidAppear method. But my question is... Is that how things work with iOS and Xcode? So if I want to display that toolbar control at the top, I have to do it programmatically by writing code under the viewDidAppear method as well?
Thank you for your advice.
Tom, are you using interface builder and storyboards? If so, select the ViewController in IB, go to Editor (in the top menu) --> Embed In --> Navigation Controller.
This will embed the chosen VC and any VC it segues to (and so on) into a Nav Controller.

Increasing number of living Views

I've set up a really simple project using storyboards including two views as shown here: http://i.stack.imgur.com/iRx21.png. The navigation can be done by either selecting a cell in the custom table view or hitting the back button labelled with "<<". Everything works fine except the following:
when I switch between the views, every time an instantiation happens. The profiling shows an increasing number of view objects. I would like to keep only one of each view and instantiation should be happen only once. What am I doing wrong? (I'm using ARC.)
Thanks in advance!
You should not link your back button to the parent view controller. This is what causes the new instantiation.
The way to go is to embed the table view into UINavigationController (in IB, choose Editor -> Imbed In -> Navigation Controller. Then change your segue to a Push segue. You can of course hide the navigation bar etc. to make things look exactly as you like. Then, link the back button to the controller with an IBAction and in the handler do a simple
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
This would be the appropriate logic of what you are doing. Of course, you can also push the web view modally and then handle the button click with
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

UIViewControllers problems

Hi there and thank you in advice for your help. I have a really strange problem while working with ViewControllers in Xcode4. First of all I have to say that I'm not using storyboards and I prefer to create any UI element programmatically. So I've set a UIButton and I want that, when pressed, it brings me to a new view controller. This is the code I'm using for a button:
-(void)settingsAndExportHandle:(UIButton *)buttonSender {
SettingsViewController* settingView = [[SettingsViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"SettingsViewController" bundle:nil];
settingView.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
[self presentModalViewController:settingView animated:YES];
This buttons is initialized and allocated in the viewDidLoad method of the RootViewController. I want to switch to the other view controller (in this case SettingsViewController) when I press the button.
The strange thing is that when I press the button, the animation that flips the controllers goes well, but when it finishes I obtain the EXACT same things that I had on the RootViewControllers (same custom views, same buttons, same all!). The question is: what I'm missing?? I have to say that I use ARC (automatic reference counting) so I can't release or dealloc the views and buttons I've created on my RootViewController.
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you all!
Pushing and and modally presenting view controllers does not deallocate the view controller that presented them. It simply adds the additional view controller to the stack. You'll need to implement a callback method so that when the user hits the button to flip back to root view controller, your settings view controller lets the root view controller know what's about to happen so you can call a method you've written to reset the interface back to whatever state you need it at. You may also be able to use viewWillAppear: but that's a little messy.
However, according to the Apple Human Interface Guidelines, the user expects that when they push a view controller or modally present it, the view controller they were on will save state and be exactly the way they left it when they came back. It's disconcerting and annoying when state is not preserved while in a navigation controller context. It is especially annoying when it's modally presented.
Think about this - A user is in a hypothetical Mail app. They start typing out an email and set a font size and a color. They tap on the add attachment button, which brings up a modal view controller that allows them to select a picture. They select the picture and the modal view is dismissed, and in your implementation, the mail composing interface would have reset and the email content would be gone or at the very least the selected font size and color would be back to the default. That's not a good experience.