SSL Cert Vendor Change - ssl

I am trying to prepare for the switch in the SSL certificate vendors.
For the the SSL validation, Our Tomcat web application uses a JKS file created from a DigiCert certificate ( *.cer files). Our company is now switching to VeriSign next week. Since they have already provided the new *.cer files, can I simply add the new cert ( using keytool) to the existing JKS so that it works for both certificates. I am trying to avoid any downtime during the switch and prepare the server beforehand?
Any helps will be much appreciated.

You must install the certificate onto the same keystore you created the CSR from as the private key resides there. Otherwise it will not work. Please reference the article below on instructions on how to import into a tomcat server:


How do I install SSL? No Key or CA, Only CRT

I have a VPS with Apache2.
I have installed SSL before in my websites, but always form freeSSL or ZeroSSL, they give me 3 files:
I replace them for the old ones and all is peachy (I configured it once and just replace the files on reactivation).
Now I have issued a year long SSL service from Comodo SSL, and they send me a mail with this information:
"Thank you for placing your order. We are pleased to announce that your PositiveSSL Certificate for * has been issued.
Attached to this email you should find a .zip file containing:
Root CA Certificate - AAACertificateServices.crt
Intermediate CA Certificate - USERTrustRSAAAACA.crt
Intermediate CA Certificate - SectigoRSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt
Your PositiveSSL Certificate - ***.crt
You can also find your PositiveSSL Certificate for ** in text format at the bottom of this email."
And I really have no Idea what to do... I tried Google but can't find any guide, they talk about CSR or other things and I just want to install this and forget about it for a year like I did before for 90 days...
Please help me, I need to have SSL running for my Magento 2 installation to work.
To use a certificate you need the certificate file itself (.crt) AND the key file (.key) ( Extensions may vary but, as you know, on linux it doesn't matter): if you're missing one of these, you're pretty much screwed.
To get a certificate, the following steps are necessary:
a key file needs to be generated
from the key file a CSR is generated
the CSR is signed by a CA (for you it's Comodo) and the result is the certificate file
The key file and the csr can be generate by you (who are requesting the new certificate) or (in this case) by Comodo during the procedure you followed. According to what you wrote, probably, during the procedure you've been asked to provide a key or let them generate one and you picked the 2nd option.
I've never used Comodo so I don't know how their interface works but IMHO you have 2 options: login with your account and look for an area where you can download the certificate and check for the possibility to download the key too OR contact them and ask for support to download the key file.
There is no way to use the certificate file without a key file.
I generated the certificate using an option of my webhosting service (Hostinger) to buy a comodo SSL certificate, as I said the email of Comodo didn't give me the key file BUT, after some hours the comodo ssl service started showing on my webhosting control center and going through some menus I reached a button called "download SSL", that downloaded a ZIP with the same files PLUS the key file. This was very random and nowhere stated, and I found it by coincidence but is solved. Thanks. The other option was to reach Comodo or Hostinger for help.

Enable SSL on SOLR with existing cert

I'm trying to enable SSL on SOLR with a SAN cert - I ran the keytool.exe to generate the .jks file from the cert file. That process went fine. I copied the .jks file over to the /etc directory, and then I enabled SSL in file. Then when I try to access the site, it tell me: "The client and server don't support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite." Is the issue with the cert, or issue with the way I generated the .jks file? Any help with this would be appreciated.
I learned that .cer files only contain the public key, and the private key is on the machine that generated the CSR. However, in this case, the machine that the cert is installed on is probably not the machine that the CSR was generated in. So, given this situation, how do I generate the keystore file to be used in SOLR?

SSL certificate installation issue

After changing ssl certificate authority from Thawte to DigiCert.
SSL certificate installation issue.
After installing new DigiCert ssl certificate in our server. It is still referring to old Thawte ssl certificate even though we removed old certificate from the server.
Looks like you have another vhost file using the old certificate , please remove that from your . Also make sure you properly restart apache after adding the new certificate .
To check your installation you can use the tool below
Thawte certificate checker
To see what certificate you are using, you can use the following tool Tool
This tool will allow you to check what certificate is installed on your server. Then, you can use the utility tool utility tool
You will be able to see all of the certs from your local machine or server. If you don't see the certificate there, you can import your certificate with that tool. If the utility tool mentions that your private key doesn't match, you will have to recreate the CSR with the utility tool and you will have to reissue your cert. If you reissue your cert, you will not invalidate the original request.

Having issues using existing Entrust certificates for Jetty SSL connection

I have three files from Entrust: *.csr, *.key and *.crt.
So far:
I have brought the *.key and *.crt into a PKCS12 keystore using OpenSSL
I have imported the *.pkcs12 into a keystore using keytool
Using this technique, I am able to use an SSL connection with Jetty
However, I'm getting a Certificate Error in IE (unsecured items in Chrome).
In our case, the certificates are currently being used for domain:80 (Apache) and I'm attempting to "reuse" them for domain:8443 (Jetty).
Am I wrong in thinking that I can use these for Jetty as well? On the same IP/domain, but on a different port and webserver? My gut is telling me that one of these files relates to Entrust recognizing Apache (*.csr) and that I should have to do the same for Jetty?
Edit #1
The error goes as follow:
Certificate Error
Untrusted Certificate
The security certificate presented by this webiste was not issued by a trusted certificate authority
This problem may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.
We recommend that you close this webpage.
But yet Chrome, sees it as valid. I does have to work on IE since it's our standard.
Edit #2
Chrome doesn't complain
Nor does Firefox
Edit #3
I found our CA certificate specified in the Apache conf file. I then proceeded to concatenate our cert with the CA cert into a PKCS12 file. Then, using keytool, I generated the keystore.
I loaded it on the server, rebooted and viewed in IE. IE still shows a certificate issue.
In the concatenated file, I see in this order: our cert and then 2 other certificates.
On a side note, I called Entrust and the CSR saw no problems as he was using IE 8. We're on IE7.
Edit #4
Using this command:
keytool -list -keystore keystore -v
It shows 3 certificates (in this order):
Owner: CN=Entrust Certification Authority - L1C,
Owner: Certification Authority (2048)
Edit 5
Solved! I guess I had a caching issue. Confirmed with colleagues.
Answer, Concatenating all my certs, including the CA cert, into the keystore solved my issue.
The port number, as stated in the comments, is irrelevant for trusting an SSL/TLS connection.
The problem is that the entire certificate chain from your certificate up to the Entrust root probably looks like this
your cert - intermediate CA 1 - intermediate CA 2 - ... - root CA
To make this work for IE you have to import not only your certificate into the PKCS#12 container, but additionally the intermediate certificates and also the root certificate. Otherwise your SSL implementation won't be able to provide the full path during the SSL handshake and thus IE has no means to build a proper chain to compare to its set of trusted root certificates.
So my advise would be to get the intermediate certificates from the appropriate web sites and importing them with keytool into your PKCS#12 key store.
Once done, IE should from then on accept without complaining.

Using self-signed certificates with keytool for development purposes

When generating a self-signed certificate using keytool, can I use an IP address for the Common Name?
Once I generated the certificate, I exported it so I can install it in my clients/browsers. In Windows, I ran mmc.exe and added it as a Trusted Root Certificate Authority.
However, when I navigate to the IP address in my browser, it is still an untrusted connection. I ensured Tomcat had all the correct Connector settings.
Am I doing this correctly? do I need to be my own CA? How can I use SSL for development purposes? I'm still trying to understand SSL completely.
First question: if you'll be connecting by IP, then yes.
Second question: No, you don't install your self-signed certificate as CA, you just add exception when your browser warns you that it's self-signed.
You can set up CA — you generate root certificate first, install it in the client, and then generate CSR and then server certificate from it (see e.g. this), but for development purposes this is a complete waste of time.