How to run XUnit test on both self-host & production webapi service? - testing

I'd like to write a test for my ASP.NET WebApi service and run it against a self-hosted service and the live web hosted service. I imagine that this can be done with a test fixture, but I'm not sure how to set it up. Does anyone know of an example of using a configurable test fixture so that you can pass a parameter to Xunit to choose a self hosted fixture or a web hosted fixture?

Here is how it works with latest xUnit 2.0 beta.
Create a fixture:
public class SelfHostFixture : IDisposable {
public static string HostBaseAddress { get; private set; }
HttpSelfHostServer server;
HttpSelfHostConfiguration config;
static SelfHostFixture() {
HostBaseAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HostBaseAddress"]; // HttpClient in your tests will need to use same base address
if (!HostBaseAddress.EndsWith("/"))
HostBaseAddress += "/";
public SelfHostFixture() {
if (/*your condition to check if running against live*/) {
config = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration(HostBaseAddress);
WebApiConfig.Register(config); // init your web api application
var server = new HttpSelfHostServer(config);
public void Dispose() {
if (server != null) {
server = null;
config = null;
Then define a collection that will use that fixture. Collections are the new concept to group tests in xUnit 2.
public class SelfHostCollection : ICollectionFixture<SelfHostFixture> {}
It serves as just a marker so has no implementation.
Now, mark tests that rely on your host to be in that collection:
public class MyController1Test {}
public class MyController4Test {}
The runner will create a single instance of your fixture when running any test from within MyController1Test and MyController4Test ensuring that your server is initiated only once per collection.

I would recommend to use the In-Memory Server for testing your controllers, so you don't need to spin up a self-host in your unit tests.


How to configure hangfire with unity?

I have ASP.NET Web API application. The application is using Unity as IoC container. The application is also using Hangfire and I am trying to configure Hangfire to use Unity.
So based on documentation i am using Hangfire.Unity which registers the unity container as a current job activator in Hangfire.
I have a class which has dependency on IBackgroundJobClient
public class MyService
private MyDBContext _dbContext = null;
private IBackgroundJobClient _backgroundJobClient = null;
public MyService(MyDbContext dbContext, IBackgroundJobClient backgroundJobClient)
_dbContext = dbContext;
_backgroundJobClient = backgroundJobClient;
However even after configuring Hangfire.Unity it could not create & pass instance of BackgroundJobClient
So i had to register every dependency of BackgroundJobClient with unity container.
Unity Registration
public class UnityConfig
private static Lazy<IUnityContainer> container = new Lazy<IUnityContainer>(() =>
var container = new UnityContainer();
return container;
public static IUnityContainer GetConfiguredContainer()
return container.Value;
public static void RegisterTypes(IUnityContainer container)
container.RegisterType<MyDbContext>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager(), new InjectionFactory(x => new MyDbContext()));
// register hangfire dependencies
container.RegisterType<IBackgroundJobClient, BackgroundJobClient>();
container.RegisterType<JobStorage, SqlServerStorage>(new InjectionConstructor("HangfireConnectionString"));
container.RegisterType<IJobFilterProvider, JobFilterAttributeFilterProvider>(new InjectionConstructor(true));
container.RegisterType<IBackgroundJobFactory, BackgroundJobFactory>();
container.RegisterType<IRecurringJobManager, RecurringJobManager>();
container.RegisterType<IBackgroundJobStateChanger, BackgroundJobStateChanger>();
OWIN Startup
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
var container = UnityConfig.GetConfiguredContainer();
// if i dont call UseSqlServerStorage() above then UseHangfireDashboard() method fails with exception
//JobStorage.Current property value has not been initialized. You must set it before using Hangfire Client or Server API.
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<MyService>(x => x.Prepare(), Cron.MinuteInterval(10));
Code is working with such configuration. However i have questions:
Is this the correct way of configuring Unity with Hangfire?
Why do i need to invoke Hangfire.GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.UseSqlServerStorage("HangfireConnectionString") in OWIN startup even though SqlServerStorage is already registered with Unity container as JobStorage?
If i dont invoke UseSqlServerStorage() method in OWIN startup then i get exception on app.UseHangfireDashboard() method.
JobStorage.Current property value has not been initialized. You must
set it before using Hangfire Client or Server API.
I believe there is a problem where you want to kick off Hangfire outside of the Unity ecosystem, but also want Unity to understand how to instantiate the appropriate Hangfire interfaces with the associated implementations. Since Hangfire itself doesn't use Unity, you will need to start up Hangfire with the appropriate configuration, such as the SQL Server connection string, and then use that configuration to inform Unity how to instantiate the Hangfire interfaces. I was able to solve this problem by setting the global Hangfire configuration for SQL and then use that same Hangfire static instance to set up Unity.
Here's example code where first you will see how I start the hangfire dashboard and server with a connection string:
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
var configuration = new Configuration(); // whatever this is for you
new HangfireContainerActivator(UnityConfig.GetConfiguredContainer()));
app.UseHangfireDashboard("/hangfire", new DashboardOptions
Authorization = new[] {new HangfireAuthorizationFilter()}
As the second example, here's the configuration of Unity for Hangfire; notice how this code is using the static JobStorage Hangfire object to instantiate any requests for JobStorage.
public static void RegisterHangfire(IUnityContainer container)
container.RegisterType<JobStorage>(new InjectionFactory(c => JobStorage.Current));
container.RegisterType<IJobFilterProvider, JobFilterAttributeFilterProvider>(new InjectionConstructor(true));
container.RegisterType<IBackgroundJobFactory, BackgroundJobFactory>();
container.RegisterType<IRecurringJobManager, RecurringJobManager>();
container.RegisterType<IBackgroundJobClient, BackgroundJobClient>();
container.RegisterType<IBackgroundJobStateChanger, BackgroundJobStateChanger>();
I believe this approach gives you the best of both worlds where you only set up your SQL Server connection once and you do it early to kick off Hangfire, but then you use that instance to tell Unity how to behave.

Resolving dependencies in Integration test in ASP.NET Core

I have ASP.NET Core API. I have already gone through documentation here that shows how to do integration testing in core. The example sets up a test server and then invoke controller method.
However I want to test a particular class method directly (not a controller method)? For example:
public class MyService : IMyService
private readonly DbContext _dbContext;
public MyService(DbContext dbContext)
_dbContext = dbContext;
public void DoSomething()
//do something here
When the test starts I want startup.cs to be called so all the dependencies will get register. (like dbcontext) but I am not sure in integration test how do I resolve IMyService?
Note: The reason I want to test DoSomething() method directly because this method will not get invoked by any controller. I am using Hangfire inside this API for background processing. The Hangfire's background processing job will call DoSomething() method. So for integration test I want to avoid using Hangfire and just directly call DoSomething() method
You already have a TestServer when you run integration tests, from here you can easily access the application wide container. You can't access the RequestServices for obvious reason (it's only available in HttpContext, which is created once per request).
var testServer = new TestServer(new WebHostBuilder()
var myService = testServer.Host.Services.GetRequiredService<IMyService>();

Recommended patterns for unit testing web services

We are about to begin architecting a service oriented framework (SOA) which will certainly involve a high number of of granular web services (REST in WCF). We've been quite disciplined in unit testing our client and server-side code base, however we don't have much of any experience in unit testing web services. We're really looking for guidance as to where the tests should be written and recommendations on what approach to use when unit testing our services.
Should we write tests that make http requests and assert that the responses are what they should be? Should we focus on just testing the internal logic of the service methods themselves and not worry about testing the actual requests? Or should we do both? Are there any other recommendations for what we should be testing?
We're really looking for some explanation and guidance and would truly appreciate any advice we can get.
I have found testing web services, specifically WCF client and server, useful on top of regular unit testing in the following scenarios:
Acceptance testing where you want to black box test your whole service and poke things in at the extremities.
Testing a specific WCF wire up, extension, behavior, etc.
Testing that your interface and your data members are setup correctly.
Most of the time I try to use a very basic setup with basic http and wire everything up in the code. Unless I am Integration or Acceptance testing I don't test the client against the server, instead I mock one of them so that I can test the other in isolation. Below are examples of how I test WCF clients and services:
public static ServiceHost CreateServiceHost<TServiceToHost>(TServiceToHost serviceToHost, Uri baseAddress, string endpointAddress)
var serviceHost = new ServiceHost(serviceToHost, new[] { baseAddress });
serviceHost.Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceDebugBehavior>().IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true;
serviceHost.Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceBehaviorAttribute>().InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single;
serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(TServiceToHost), new BasicHttpBinding(), endpointAddress);
return serviceHost;
//Testing Service
class TestService
private ServiceHost myServiceUnderTestHost;
private ChannelFactory<IMyServiceUnderTest> myServiceUnderTestProxyFactory;
public void SetUp()
IMyServiceUnderTest myServiceUnderTest = new MyServiceUnderTest();
myServiceUnderTestHost = CreateServiceHost<IMyServiceUnderTest>(myServiceUnderTest, new Uri("http://localhost:12345"), "ServiceEndPoint");
myServiceUnderTestProxyFactory = new ChannelFactory<IMyServiceUnderTest>(new BasicHttpBinding(), new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:12345/ServiceEndPoint"));
public void TearDown()
public void SomeTest()
IMyServiceUnderTest serviceProxy = myServiceUnderTestProxyFactory.CreateChannel();
//Testing Client
class TestService
private ServiceHost myMockedServiceUnderTestHost;
private IMyServiceUnderTest myMockedServiceUnderTest;
public void SetUp()
myMockedServiceUnderTest = Substitute.For<IMyServiceUnderTest>(); //Using nsubstitute
myServiceUnderTestHost = CreateServiceHost<IMyServiceUnderTest>(myMockedServiceUnderTest, new Uri("http://localhost:12345"), "ServiceEndPoint");
public void TearDown()
public void SomeTest()
//Create client and invoke methods that will call service
//Will need some way of configuring the binding
var client = new myClientUnderTest();
//Assert that method was called on the server
I had forgot to mention that if you want to mock a WCF service using anything that uses castles dynamic proxy then you will need to prevent the ServiceContractAttribute from being copied to the mock. I have a blog post on this but basically you register the attribute as one to prevent from replication before you create the mock.
Well basically I think that you need to have a two part test strategy.
The first part would be true unit tests, which would involve testing the classes completely independent of any web request ... as the main definition of a unit test is one that runs without the need of extra environments or setups other than the ones in the test itself.
So you would create unit test projects, in which you would instantiate the code classes of your WCF services to make sure the logic is correct, in much the same way that you test the rest of your classes.
The second part would be a set of integration tests, which would test your application in an end-to-end fashion. Of course, here you need the whole enchilada, web server, database, and so forth.
This way you know that your logic is accurate and also that your application works.

How should I consume a WCF service using MVC3

I am writing a fairly simple MVC3 application that allows a user to retrieve and modify some configuration data held by a WCF service. The configuration data will not change very often but needs to be maintainable by the user.
Once the user is happy with the configuration, they will launch some processing from the UI or by the scheduled execution of a VB script.
I'm fairly new to WCF and even newer to MVC3 but I'd like to make all the comms to and from the service RESTful. Is this a good thing to do?
I'd been planning to perform the service communications from the MVC controller. This would make a HTTP Get request to retrieve the current configuration and a HTTP Post to apply the modified configuration. I'd also use a Get request to launch the processing.
Could anyone provide an example (or point me in the direction) of how I should be doing this?
Please follow the below links for some sample code to build a RESTful WCF Service and the how the client would access the service.
Link to create a RESTful service: here
Link to create a .NET client that consumes the RESTful service : here
Hope the information helps you out.
If you are the owner of web service, you can directly reference implementation of service in your mvc project and use it without web reference. You can write some like this:
// example of ws
public class Service1 : IService1
public string GetData( int value )
return string.Format( "You entered: {0}", value );
public CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract( CompositeType composite )
if( composite == null )
throw new ArgumentNullException( "composite" );
if( composite.BoolValue )
composite.StringValue += "Suffix";
return composite;
// example of mvc action
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
IService1 service = new Service1();
ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";
return View();
The simplest answer I've found was here:, using the channel factory.
I still don't know if it's the best way but it left my code looking clean enough. Below is a sample from my controller.
public ActionResult Index()
SettingsModel config = null;
// Set up a channel factory to use the webHTTPBinding
using (WebChannelFactory<IChangeService> serviceChannel =
new WebChannelFactory<IChangeService>(new Uri(baseServiceUrl )))
IChangeService channel = serviceChannel.CreateChannel();
config = channel.GetSysConfig();
ViewBag.Message = "Service Configuration";
return View(config);

WCF integration testing in TeamCity

I want my integration tests to run on each commit in TeamCity. What is the good way to get my WCF service running automatically for the tests?
WCF service is part of the solution that is tested.
Currently I self-host the service in the tests.
host = new ServiceHost(typeof(...), url);
But I can't apply my actual IIS configuration file in this case. I could duplicate the settings with the code, but I would rather not.
What are the best practices for continuous integration and WCF testing?
Note: I've seen the WCFStorm and SoupUI but they are GUI based apps.
I create a service host class in my tests project that on AssemblyInitialize of the test project, self hosts the service I wish to invoke.
internal class ServiceHost
private static ServiceHost<Service1> m_Host = null;
/// <summary>
/// Setups the specified context.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The context.</param>
public static void Setup(TestContext context)
//comment to run against local consolehost
m_Host = new ServiceHost<Service1>();
/// <summary>
/// Tears down.
/// </summary>
public static void TearDown()
if (m_Host != null)
In the test I use ChannelFactory to invoke the service. I then close the service on AssemblyCleanup.
ChannelFactory<IService> factory = new ChannelFactory<IService>("User");
IServiceproxy = factory.CreateChannel();
m_IsAuthenticated = proxy.Method("");
// Make sure to close the proxy
(proxy as IClientChannel).Close();
if (proxy != null)
// If the proxy cannot close normally or an exception occurred, abort the proxy call
(proxy as IClientChannel).Abort();
catch (Exception ex)
Give the test project its own App.config file with relevant settings so that when it hosts it is relevant to the test environment. This gives you an automated black box test. I also use Mocks to isolate the part of the service I wish to test.