ActionScript 2.0 Random Boolean Function not working - actionscript-2

I have the below code which show be randomly true and randomly false. But in my case its always being false. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
In the below code tail and heads are the tow buttons.
var guess:Boolean = Boolean(Math.round(Math.random()));
var input:Boolean;
if ( == "tail"){
input = true;
else if ( == "heads"){
input = false;
if (guess == input){
var newresult = Number(income.text) + Number(amount.text);
income.text = Number(newresult);
var newresult = Number(income.text) - Number(amount.text);
income.text = Number(newresult);

This will also work:
var guess:Boolean = Boolean(Math.floor(Math.random()*2));
if (guess){
result.text = "Your Guess is corrent";
var newresult = Number(income.text) + Number(amount.text);
income.text = Number(newresult);
result.text = "Your Guess is wrong";
var newresult = Number(income.text) - Number(amount.text);
income.text = Number(newresult);
You dont need the because the function is within the event handler of each button. So you can just use a random boolean. also doesnt work in AS2.0


Make OCG layer visible when field isn't empty?

Is it possible to check when a field is not empty and if not, make an ocg layer visible?
var ocg = FindOCG("Item 1 Arrow");
if (+event.value === '') {
ocg.state = !ocg.state;
} else {
ocg.state = !ocg.state;
Something like this (which doesn't work)!
Put this in the custom format script of the field in question. Replace "Square" with the name of your layer. You can see an example of it working here.
function getOCGByName(cName, nPage) {
var ocg = null;
var ocgArray = this.getOCGs(nPage);
for (var i=0; i < ocgArray.length; i++) {
if (ocgArray[i].name == cName) {
ocg = ocgArray[i];
return ocg;
var field =;
var ocg = getOCGByName("Square", this.pageNum);
if (field.value.length > 0) {
ocg.state = true;
else {
ocg.state = false;
Note: This will only work in Adobe Acrobat and Reader and a few other viewers that are JavaScript capable.

Error: Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context

public ActionResult Dep_Save_Attachments(int in_queue_id, HttpPostedFileBase httpfile, string authorized_by, string authorized_to, string confirmed_by, string approved_by)
if (httpfile != null)
var folder = Server.MapPath("~/Attachments/Laptops/" + in_queue_id + "/");
var prev_fa = db.File_Attachments.Where(x => x.inventory_table_id == in_queue_id).Where(x => x.is_active == true).ToList();
var prev_hfa = db.HW_Authorization_Forms.Where(x => x.file_attachments_id == prev_fa.FirstOrDefault().file_attachments_id).Where(x => x.is_active == true).ToList();
if (!Directory.Exists(folder))
if (prev_fa.Count != 0)
foreach (var pf in prev_fa)
pf.is_active = false;
db.Entry(pf).State = EntityState.Modified;
db.SaveChanges(); ;
if (prev_hfa.Count != 0)
foreach (var hpf in prev_hfa)
hpf.is_active = false;
db.Entry(hpf).State = EntityState.Modified;
db.SaveChanges(); ;
string path = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Attachments/Laptops/" + in_queue_id + "/") + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(httpfile.FileName);
File_Attachments fa = new File_Attachments();
fa.file_attachments_id = 1;
fa.inventory_table_name = "Laptops_Transactions";
fa.inventory_table_id = in_queue_id;
fa.file_name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(httpfile.FileName);
fa.file_path = "http://" + Request.Url.Host + ":" + Request.Url.Port + "/Attachments/Laptops/" + httpfile.FileName;
fa.created_by = #User.Identity.Name.Remove(0, 9).ToLower();
fa.created_date = System.DateTime.Now;
fa.is_active = true;
Laptops_Transactions laptops_trans = db.Laptops_Transactions.Find(in_queue_id);
laptops_trans.lp_trans_type = "deployed";
laptops_trans.lp_date_returned = System.DateTime.Now;
db.Entry(laptops_trans).State = EntityState.Modified;
HW_Authorization_Forms hwf = new HW_Authorization_Forms();
hwf.hw_authorization_forms_id = 1;
hwf.file_attachments_id = fa.file_attachments_id;
hwf.hw_authorized_by = authorized_by;
hwf.hw_authorized_to = authorized_to;
hwf.hw_confirmed_by = confirmed_by;
hwf.hw_approved_by = approved_by;
hwf.hw_approved_date = fa.created_date;
hwf.created_by = fa.created_by;
hwf.created_date = fa.created_date;
hwf.hw_authorized_date = fa.created_date;
hwf.hw_confirmed_date = fa.created_date;
hwf.is_active = true;
return Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Please Attach the Deployment Authorization Form! Kindly go back to previous page');</script>");
return RedirectToAction("Index");
The error is on this line:
var prev_hfa = db.HW_Authorization_Forms.Where(x => x.file_attachments_id == prev_fa.FirstOrDefault().file_attachments_id).Where(x => x.is_active == true).ToList();
This is my code in the controller, actually this is working already but it suddenly have a error. I really don't have an idea why i have this kind of error where before it works perfectly.
Please help me with this. Need some advice. Thanks in advance.
The error is because of Datatype issue i guess, you need to confirm you are doing with correct datatype, file_attachments_id of database and from your comparing value must be same.
Also, is_active must be of datatype Boolean. Correcting this may solve your error.

ActionScript 3 coding error

I need a little bit of help with some code issue. I am trying to connect to the server from a click of a button. When I execute the code I receive this error in my output: 1120: Access of undefined property nc.close
Which is strange because I already declared the nc property in the btnStart function. I have been tweaking around with the code but I keep getting the same annoying error. If you have any suggestions how to resolve this that be great!
Code is below:
btn_One.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnStart);
btn_Two.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClose);
function btnStart(event:MouseEvent):void{
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
function btnClose(event:MouseEvent):void{
trace("Closing time");
function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void{
case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
trace("Awesome connection");
case "NetConnection.Connect.Failed":
trace("Unable to connect");
case "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected":
case "NetGroup.Connect.Success":
case "NetGroup.Connect.Failed":
trace("Group failed");
case "NetGroup.Connect.Rejected":
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream();
ns.publish("live", "streaming");
var ng:NetGroup = new NetGroup(nc, groupspec.groupspecWithAuthorizations());
ng.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
cam.setMode(420, 320, 15);
cam.setQuality(0, 85);
cam.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, statusHandler);
var vid:Video = new Video();
vid.width = cam.width;
vid.height = cam.height;
vid.x = 100;
vid.y = 100;
var mic:Microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone();
mic.gain = 50;
mic.framesPerPacket = 1;
mic.setSilenceLevel(0, 2000);
mic.codec = SoundCodec.SPEEX;
//camera access permissions
function statusHandler(event:StatusEvent):void
switch (event.code)
case "Camera.Muted":
trace("User clicked Deny.");
case "Camera.Unmuted":
trace("User clicked Accept.");
//audio access permissions
function micStatus(event:StatusEvent):void
if (event.code == "Microphone.Unmuted")
trace("Microphone access was allowed.");
else if (event.code == "Microphone.Muted")
trace("Microphone access was denied.");
//array of camera names
var cameraA:Array = Camera.names;
for ( var i : int = 0; i < cameraA.length; i++){
trace ( "Camera: ", cameraA[i] );
var groupspec:GroupSpecifier = new GroupSpecifier("groupone");
groupspec.multicastEnabled = true;
//group postings
groupspec.postingEnabled = true;
//specific peer posting
groupspec.routingEnabled = true;
//automatic peer discovery
groupspec.serverChannelEnabled = true;
nc is declared inside one function, but you're trying to use it inside of another function. Sometimes you can just pass the variable around as an argument, but in this case, that won't really work out too well. So in this case, do the following:
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
function btnStart(event:MouseEvent):void{
// var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); // removed
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
function btnClose(event:MouseEvent):void{
trace("Closing time");

JSFL - Adding a movieclip to a specific layer and frame

I am trying to replace an outdated movieclip with a newer one.
To do this I'm usin JSFL to locate the old movieclips, save a reference, then add the new version in its place.
I have looked at addItem addItemToDocument and they successfully add the clip, but I'm unsure of how to add it to the specific layer and frame that the old instance of the movieclip was on.
Replacing all instances of the old movieclip with instances of the new movieclip, could be an easier solution.
All instances of the old movieclip can be found by parsing the timelines of the flash document.
Here is some code:
var _doc = (fl.getDocumentDOM() ? fl.getDocumentDOM() : fl.createDocument());
var _lib = _doc.library;
ReplaceItemWithItem('Game Layouts/card holder', 'Game Layouts/card holder new');
function ReplaceItemWithItem(oldmcname, newmcname)
var item1 = GetItem(oldmcname);
var item2 = GetItem(newmcname);
if (!item1) return false;
if (!item2) return false;
if (oldmcname == newmcname)
return true;
return ReplaceAllItems(item1, item2);
function ReplaceAllItems(item1, item2)
var timelines = _doc.timelines;
var i, l = timelines.length;
var items = _lib.items;
var changed = false;
// Main timelines
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
var timeline = timelines[i];
changed |= ReplaceItems(timeline, item1, item2);
// Timelines in library items
for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++)
var item = items[i];
switch (item.itemType)
case "movie clip":
case "graphic":
case "button":
changed |= ReplaceItems(item.timeline, item1, item2);
return changed;
function ReplaceItems(timeline, item1, item2)
var changed = false;
if (timeline && item1 && item2)
var layers = timeline.layers;
var lay, layl = layers.length;
for (lay = 0; lay < layl; lay++)
var layer = layers[lay];
var frames = layer.frames;
var fr, frl = frames.length;
for (fr = 0; fr < frl; fr++)
var frame = frames[fr];
if (frame && frame.startFrame == fr)
var elements = frame.elements;
var e, el = elements.length;
for (e = 0; e < el; e++)
var elem = elements[e];
if (elem && elem.elementType == "instance") // Elements can be empty
var item = elem.libraryItem;
if ( ==
elem.libraryItem = item2;
changed = true;
return changed;
function GetItem(itemname)
if (!_lib.selectItem(itemname))
alert("'" + name + "' does not exist in the library!");
return null;
return _lib.getSelectedItems()[0];
Hope this helps!

InDesign copy layer to another document

I am trying to write a script that copies a layer from one document into another.
var srcDocName = 0;
var destDocName = 1;
var layerNameOriginal = "Original";
var layerNameCopyTo = "Destination";
var destDoc = app.documents.item(destDocName);
var layerSrc = app.documents.item(srcDocName).layers.item(layerNameOriginal);
try {
layerSrc.duplicate(destDoc, ElementPlacement.INSIDE);
catch(e) {
Apparently this works in Photoshop but not in InDesign. I have been trying for ages to find some decent documentation for InDesign scripting. But all I can find is the CS scripting guide, which isn't of much use.
If someone can point me to a good reference to the object model I would be grateful.
After some more googling I finally found the answer:
var sourceLayer = app.documents[0].layers.itemByName("Layer1");
var destLayer = app.documents[1].layers[0];
I also came across jongware which seems to be a complete Object reference extracted directly out of Adobe CS.
You can use this script:
The underlying implementation is basically the same, but we've added a UI so it's not necessary to edit the script every time the layer name changes.
Edit: We've been told that the solution above doesn't work with threaded text frames, so I re-wrote the script. The new implementation is way more complex but it now supports threaded TFs.
To expand on the solution offered by Loopo and offer you the ability to copy all layers from 1 document to another...
function main()
var source = GetSourceDocument();
if(source == -1)
var target = GetTargetDocument ();
if(target == -1)
if(target == source)
copyLayersOver(source, target);
function GetSourceDocument()
var returnVal = -1;
var oldPrefs = app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel;
var dialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"Document to Copy From", canCanel: true, label:"DocumentToCopyFrom"});
var col1 = dialog.dialogColumns.add();
var StringList= [];
for(var i = 0; i<app.documents.length; i++)
StringList.push("[" + app.documents[i].index + "] " + app.documents[i].name);
var ddl = col1.dropdowns.add({id:"SourceDocDDL", stringList: StringList});
if( == true)
returnVal = ddl.stringList[ddl.selectedIndex].split("]")[0].substr(1);
returnVal -1;
app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = oldPrefs;
return returnVal;
function GetTargetDocument()
var returnVal = -1;
var oldPrefs = app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel;
var dialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"Document to Copy To", canCanel: true, label:"DocumentToCopyTo"});
var col1 = dialog.dialogColumns.add();
var StringList= [];
for(var i = 0; i<app.documents.length; i++)
StringList.push("[" + app.documents[i].index + "] " + app.documents[i].name);
var ddl = col1.dropdowns.add({id:"SourceDocDDL", stringList: StringList});
if( == true)
returnVal = ddl.stringList[ddl.selectedIndex].split("]")[0].substr(1);
returnVal -1;
app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = oldPrefs;
return returnVal;
function copyLayersOver(source, target)
var sourceDocument = app.documents[source];
var targetDocument = app.documents[target];
var sourceLayers = sourceDocument.layers;
//Match the number of pages
while(targetDocument.pages.length < sourceDocument.pages.length)
//copy the layers over
for(var i= 0; i < sourceLayers.length; i++)
var names = targetDocument.layers.everyItem().name;
var merge = false;
for(var y = 0; y < names.length; y++)
if(names[y] == sourceLayers[i].name)
merge = true;
var targetLayer = targetDocument.layers.add(); = "temp";
var targetLayer = targetDocument.layers.add(); = sourceLayers[i].name;
targetLayer.layerColor = sourceLayers[i].layerColor;