Oledb behaves differently for .Net 4.0 and .net Framework Client Profile 4.0 - .net-4.0

Case1 :
When reading an excel using Oledb in .Net Framework Client Profile, the Oledb reads the data in excel ignoring the formatting that is given in excel
Example: 1.98782637 is actual value but after formatting it is displayed as 1.99.
When I read from my code the value that is read is 1.98782637.
Case2 :
When reading an excel using Oledb in .Net Framework, the Oledb reads the data which is available in excel after formatting
Example: 1.98782637 is actual value but after formatting it is displayed as 1.99.
When I read from my code the value that is read is 1.99.
Here is the code which I used for both the cases.
DataSet dsoutlier = null;
OleDbDataAdapter oledbAdapterOutlier = null;
OleDbConnection oledbConnOutlier = new OleDbConnection();
string fileName = "C:\\Sample.xlsx";
oledbConnOutlier.ConnectionString= "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" + "Data Source=" + fileName + ";Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=NO;IMEX=0;\'";
if (oledbConnOutlier.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
oledbAdapterOutlier = new OleDbDataAdapter("select F1,F9 from [Sheet1$] where F1 is not null", oledbConnOutlier);
dsoutlier = new DataSet();
int counter = 0;
foreach (var item in dsoutlier.Tables[0].Rows)
Console.Write(dsoutlier.Tables[0].Rows[counter][0]+" ");
catch (Exception ex)
Is there a way to include and ignore formatting in both the cases ?


How to check whether table column of the binary type has a value?

The Download command is showing in front of all the rows, I want to show it to only those rows having PDF file attached in the database.
protected void gvupdationsummary_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(st);
SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("select [name],[data] from [Pragati].[dbo].[Pragati_Status_Updations] where Pragati_no=#Pragati_no", con);
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Pragati_no", gvupdationsummary.SelectedRow.Cells[3].Text);
SqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.Read())
Response.Buffer = true;
//Response.ContentType = dr["type"].ToString();
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + dr["name"].ToString());
Response.Charset = "";
// ...
The code that you show seems to do the actual PDF download already. There is nothing you can do there to prevent the showing of a download button or link.
Instead you need to change the SQL query that provides data for gvupdationsummary, and add a column such as HasPDF there, like this:
SELECT /* your columns */ ,
FROM ....
WHERE ....
Then in your grid rendering code you can use the boolean value of HasPDF to decide if the Download button should be shown.
Using this approach you don't needlessly transfer all PDF binary data from your database to your application, every time the grid is being rendered.
You can use SQLDataReader's IsDBNull method to see whether the column contains non-existent or missing values.
ind idx = dr.GetOrdinal("data");
if (!dr.IsDBNull(idx))
// set download link on to response.

How to save the SQL Server table xml column data in physical path as .xml format?

I have an sql server database table which has xml column name called "MESSAGE" and which will store xml data.
The database table look like,
Now I need to get this "MESSAGE" column data and save into System physical path as xml file(Ex: test.xml etc.,)
Any suggestion how to implement this using c#.net?
You could try something like this (using plain ADO.NET and a very basic SQL query):
static void Main(string[] args)
// get connection string from app./web.config
string connectionString = "server=.;database=yourDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;";
// define query
string query = "SELECT MESSAGE FROM dbo.SamTest WHERE ID = 1;";
// set up connection and command
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand selectCmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
// open connection, execute query to get XML, close connection
string xmlContents = selectCmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
// define target file name
string targetFileName = #"C:\tmp\test.xml";
// write XML out to file
File.WriteAllText(targetFileName, xmlContents);

vb.net get result of sql statement

Hello take a look at the code below:
con.ConnectionString = strCon
Dim strCommand as String = "RESTORE FILELISTONLY
FROM DISK = 'C:\AdventureWorks.BAK'
Dim cm As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strCommand, con)
Does anyone know how to get the list of logical files for my database, it does not work with executereader. i want to get the mdf and ldf files name for my database backup file.
As I've said before - the GO is NOT a T-SQL keyword - drop that!
And secondly, you don't need a WITH FILE when restoring only the file headers - try this:
Dim strCommand as String = "RESTORE FILELISTONLY
FROM DISK = 'C:\AdventureWorks.BAK'"
This will return several pieces of data - so you need to deal with a result set and thus use .ExecuteReader() to get this data from the query.
Try this code (it's C#, but should be easy enough to convert to VB.NET):
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace GetPhysicalDbNames
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string stmt = #"RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'D:\temp\AW2012.BAK'";
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("server=.;database=master;integrated Security=SSPI"))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(stmt, conn))
DataTable tblInfo = new DataTable();
SqlDataAdapter dap = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
foreach (DataRow row in tblInfo.Rows)
Console.WriteLine("Logical name: {0}", row["LogicalName"]);
Console.WriteLine("Physical file name: {0}", row["PhysicalName"]);
Executing that RESTORE command returns a result set, which contains among other two columns LogicalName and PhysicalName (which is the actual, complete physical file name of the .mdf and .ldf files)

C# Sql Data not saving

I have a few tables in a c# application I'm currently working on and for 4/5 of the tables everything saves perfectly fine no issues. For the 5th table everything seems good until I reload the program again (without modifying the code or working with a seperate install so that the data doesn't go away) The 4/5 tables are fine but the 5th doesn't have any records in it after it has been restarted (but it did the last time it was running). Below is some code excerpts. I have tried a few different solutions online including creating a string to run the sql commands on the database manually and creating the row directly as opposed to the below implementation which uses a generic data row.
//From main window
private void newInvoice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
PosDatabaseDataSet.InvoicesRow newInvoice = posDatabaseDataSet1.Invoices.NewInvoicesRow();
Invoices iForm = new Invoices(newInvoice, posDatabaseDataSet1, true);
//Invoices Table save [Works] (from Invoices.cs)
private void saveInvoice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
iRecord.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(this.dateField.Text);
iRecord.InvoiceNo = Convert.ToInt32(this.invoiceNumField.Text);
iRecord.Subtotal = (float) Convert.ToDouble(this.subtotalField.Text);
iRecord.Tax1 = (float)Convert.ToDouble(this.hstField.Text);
iRecord.Total = (float)Convert.ToDouble(this.totalField.Text);
iRecord.BillTo = this.billToField.Text;
if (newRecord)
string connString = Properties.Settings.Default.PosDatabaseConnectionString;
string queryString = "UPDATE dbo.Invoices set ";
queryString += "Date='" + iRecord.Date+"'";
queryString += ", Subtotal=" + iRecord.Subtotal;
queryString += ", Tax1=" + iRecord.Tax1.ToString("N2");
queryString += ", Total=" + iRecord.Total;
queryString += " WHERE InvoiceNo=" + iRecord.InvoiceNo;
using (SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection(connString))
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, dbConn);
SqlDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader();
//Invoice Items save [works until restart] (also from Invoices.cs)
private void addLine_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataRow iRow = dSet.Tables["InvoiceItems"].NewRow();
iRow["Cost"] = (float)Convert.ToDouble(this.costField.Text);
iRow["Description"] = this.descriptionField.Text;
iRow["InvoiceNo"] = Convert.ToInt32(this.invoiceNumField.Text);
iRow["JobId"] = Convert.ToInt32(this.jobIdField.Text);
iRow["Qty"] = Convert.ToInt32(this.quantityField.Text);
iRow["SalesPerson"] = Convert.ToInt32(this.salesPersonField.Text);
iRow["SKU"] = Convert.ToInt32(this.skuField.Text);
PosDatabaseDataSet.InvoiceItemsDataTable dTable = (PosDatabaseDataSet.InvoiceItemsDataTable)dSet.InvoiceItems.Copy();
DataRow[] d = dTable.Select("InvoiceNo=" + invNo.ToString());
invoiceItemsView.DataSource = d;
Thanks in advance for any insight.
UPDATE: October 17, 2011. I am still unable to get this working is there any more ideas out there?
you must execute your Sql Command in order to persis the changes you made.
using (SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection(connString))
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, dbConn);
The ExecuteReader method is intended (as the name says) to read the data from a SQL table. You need to use a different method as you can see above.
We need some more info first, you haven't shown the case where your code fails.
Common mistakes on this kind of code is calling DataSet.AcceptChanges() before actually committing the changes to the database.
Second is a conflict between databound data through the binding source vs edits to the dataset directly.
Lets see the appropriate code and we can try and help.
Set a breakpoint after teh call to invoiceItemsTableAdapter and check the InvoiceItems table for the row you have added. Release the breakpoint and then close your app. Check the database again. I would say that another table may be forcibly overwriting the invoice item table.

Partial replace on SQL image data column

This question is related to another one I posted earlier.
To recap, I need to fix an issue with an ancient legacy app where people messed up data storage by re-installing the software the wrong way.
The application stores data by saving a record in an SQL DB. Each record holds a reference to a file on disk of which the filename auto-increments.
By re-installing the app the filename auto-increment was re-set so the DB now holds multiple unrelated records which reference the same filename and I have to directories with files which I obviously cannot merge because of these identical filenames. The files hold no reference to the DB data so the only course of action that remains is to filter the DB records on date created and try to rename "EXED" to "IXED" or something like that.
The DB is relatively simple with one table containing a column that holds data of type "Image".
An example content of this image data is as follows:
The data is apparently Hex which mostly encodes meaningless crap but also holds the name of physical files (towards the end of the data field) in the filesystem that is linked to the SQL records:
??#7???????????EXED48bb?-P??????Dyspnoe??P??????VELD RAMP 360
I'm interested in the EXED part.
There is no clear regularity in the offset at which the filename appears and the filename is of variable length (so I do not know beforehand how long the substring will be).
I can call up all records with SQL like this:
SELECT COUNT(*) as "Number of EXED Files after critical date"
FROM [ZAN].[dbo].[zanu]
WHERE udata is not null
and SUBSTRING(udata, 1 , 2147483647) like '%EXED%'
and [udatum] > 0
and CONVERT(date,[udatum]) > CONVERT(date,'20100629')
What I would like to do now is know how to replace this EXED substring by something else (e.g. IXID).
I'm unfamiliar with SQL and Googling so far has yielded very little information on my options here.
I also have no other info on the original code that generated this data/the data format/encoding/whatever...
It's a mess really.
Any help is welcome!
An update on this:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Threading;
namespace ZANLinq
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
DataContext zanDB = new DataContext(#"Data Source=.\,1433;database=ZAN;Integrated Security=true");
string strSQL = #"SELECT
WHERE (Udata IS NOT null and SubString(Udata, 1 , 2147483647) LIKE '%EXED%')
AND (Idnr = ' 2')";
var zanQuery = zanDB.ExecuteQuery<Zanu>(strSQL);
List<Zanu> list = zanQuery.ToList<Zanu>();
foreach (Zanu zanTofix in list)
string strOriginal = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(zanTofix.Udata);
string strFixed = strOriginal.Replace("EXED", "IXED");
zanTofix.Udata = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strFixed);
catch (SqlException e)
It finds the records I'm interested in, I can easily manipulate the data but the commit doesnt work. I'm stumped, there are no exceptions, no indication the code is wrong.
Anybody have ideas?
I think the above does not work because my table appears to have a composite PK (I cannot change this):
Since I could not debug this (no info anywhere, no exceptions, just a silent fail of the submitchanges()) I decided to use another approach and abandon Linq2SQL altogether:
SqlConnection thisConnection = new SqlConnection(#"Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Data Source=.\,1433;database=ZAN;Integrated Security=SSPI");
DataSet zanDataSet = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter zanDa;
SqlCommandBuilder zanCmdBuilder;
//Initialize the SqlDataAdapter object by specifying a Select command
//that retrieves data from the sample table.
zanDa = new SqlDataAdapter(#"SELECT
WHERE (Udata IS NOT null and SubString(Udata, 1 , 2147483647) LIKE '%IXED%')
AND (Idnr = ' 2')
AND (Uzeit = '13:21')", thisConnection);
//Initialize the SqlCommandBuilder object to automatically generate and initialize
//the UpdateCommand, InsertCommand, and DeleteCommand properties of the SqlDataAdapter.
zanCmdBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(zanDa);
//Populate the DataSet by running the Fill method of the SqlDataAdapter.
zanDa.Fill(zanDataSet, "Zanu");
Console.WriteLine("Records that will be affected: " + zanDataSet.Tables["Zanu"].Rows.Count.ToString());
foreach (DataRow record in zanDataSet.Tables["Zanu"].Rows)
string strOriginal = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString((byte[])record["Udata"]);
string strFixed = strOriginal.Replace("IXED", "EXED");
record["Udata"] = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strFixed);
//string strPostMod = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString((byte[])record["Udata"]);
zanDa.Update(zanDataSet, "Zanu");
catch (SqlException e)
This seems to work but any input on why the Linq does not work and whether or not my second solution is efficient/optimal or not is still very much appreciated.