Oracle MERGE deadlock - sql

I want to insert rows with a MERGE statement in a specified order to avoid deadlocks. Deadlocks could otherwise happen because multiple transaction will call this statement with overlapping sets of keys. Note that this code is also sensitive to duplicate value exception but I handle that by retrying so that is not my question. I was doing the following:
MERGE INTO targetTable
FROM sourceCollection
ORDER BY <desiredUpdateOrder>
Now I'm still getting the dead lock so I'm becoming unsure whether oracle maintains the order of the sub-query. Does anyone know how to best make sure that oracle locks the rows in targetTable in the same order in this case? Do I have to do a SELECT FOR UPDATE before the merge? In which order does the SELECT FOR UPDATE lock the rows? Oracle UPDATE statement has an ORDER BY clause that MERGE seems to be missing. Is there another way to avoid dead locks other than locking the rows in the same order every time?
This query is used to maintain a count of how often a certain action has taken place. When the action happens the first time a row is inserted, when it happens a second time the "count" column is incremented. There are millions of different actions and they happen very often. A table lock wouldn't work.

Controlling the order in which the target table rows are modified requires that you control the query execution plan of the USING subquery. That's a tricky business, and depends on what sort of execution plans your query is likely to be getting.
If you're getting deadlocks then I'd guess that you're getting a nested loop join from the source collection to the target table, as a hash join would probably be based on hashing the source collection and would modify the target table roughly in target-table rowid order because that would be full scanned -- in any case, the access order would be consistent across all of the query executions.
Likewise, if there was a sort-merge between the two data sets you'd get consistency in the order in which target table rows are accessed.
Ordering of the source collection seems to be desirable, but the optimiser might not be applying it so check the execution plan. If it is not then try inserting your data into a global temporary table using APPEND and with an ORDER BY clause, and then selecting from there without an order by clause, and explore the us of hints to entrench a nested loop join.

I don't believe the ORDER BY will affect anything (though I'm more than willing to be proven wrong); I think MERGE will lock everything it needs to.
Assume I'm completely wrong, assume that you get row-by-row locks with MERGE. Your problem still isn't solved as you have no guarantees that your two MERGE statements won't hit the same row simultaneously. In fact, from the information given, you have no guarantees that an ORDER BY improves the situation; it might make it worse.
Despite there being no skip locked rows syntax as there is with UPDATE there is still a simple answer, stop trying to update the same row from within different transactions. If feasible, you can use some form of parallel execution, for instance the DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE subprogram CREATE_CHUNKS_BY_ROWID and ensure that your transactions only work on a specific sub-set of the rows in the table.
As an aside I'm a little worried by your description of the problem. You say there's some duplicate erroring that you fix by rerunning the MERGE. If the data in these duplicates is different you need to ensure that the ORDER BY is done not only on the data to be merged but the data being merged into. If you don't then there's no guarantee that you don't overwrite the correct data with older, incorrect, data.

First locks are not really managed at row level but at block level. You may encounter an ORA-00060 error even without modifying the same row. This can be tricky. Managing this is the request developper's job.
One possible workaround is to organize your table (never do that on huge tables or table with heavy change rates)

Rather than do a merge, I suggest that you try and lock the row. If successful update it, if not insert new row. By default lock will wait if another process has a lock on the same thing.
CREATE TABLE brianl.deleteme_table
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE brianl.deleteme_table_proc (
p_id IN
-- This isolates this procedure so that it doesn't commit
-- anything outside of the procedure.
-- select the row for update
-- this will pause if someone already has the row locked.
INTO l_id
FROM deleteme_table
WHERE id = p_id
-- Row was locked, update it.
UPDATE deleteme_table
SET cnt = cnt + 1
WHERE id = p_id;
-- we were unable to lock the record, insert a new row
INSERT INTO deleteme_table (id, cnt)
VALUES (p_id, 1);
END deleteme_table_proc;
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE brianl.deleteme_proc_test
-- This resets the table to empty for the test
brianl.deleteme_table_proc (p_id => 1);
brianl.deleteme_table_proc (p_id => 2);
brianl.deleteme_table_proc (p_id => 3);
brianl.deleteme_table_proc (p_id => 2);
FOR eachrec IN ( SELECT id, cnt
FROM brianl.deleteme_table
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (
a => 'id: ' || || ', cnt:' || eachrec.cnt);
-- runs the test;


Oracle query performance degrades when inserting many rows in a single transaction

In a single transaction I am inserting may rows into a table, before inserting the row I perform a query to see if there is already a row with the key I am about to insert.
What I see is that the query to check the key exists gets very slow within my transaction, but from another transaction it is fast, and in the next transaction it is fast.
I cant break this work down into smaller transactions as the request I am processing needs to be in a single transaction.
Is there anything I can do to make the select query in this transaction fast?
So, please add constraint / primary key. This will allow you to remove all your selects.
May be consider to use MERGE as # Egor_Skriptunoff recommended.
OR Add indexes for columns you are selected by.
if inserting millions of thousand of records first thing is do incremental commits as you are likely hitting temp space fragmentation or limits which result in slowdowns. that can be done in a begin end block
also, this allows you to add index via
create index b indexName on table_name(col1, col2, col3);
merge is faster as previous answer states.
alternatively add all ignoring duplicates then remove duplicates
this can be done via
for example
insert into table_name select * from table_name; [ if pulling from another table]or[use values and column maps]
delete from table_name A where rowid >(select min(rowid) from table_name B where A.key_value=B.key_value);
if in a procedure this would also require
both query and delete can be in begin end block and execute immediate(' you ddl statement here';');

ORACLE/SQL - Need help optimizing 'merge' style script

We have a 'merge' script that is used to assign codes to customers. Currently it works by looking at customers in a staging table and assigning them unused codes. Those codes are marked as used and the staged records, with codes, loaded to a production table. The staging table gets cleared and life is peachy.
Unfortunately we are working with a larger data set now (both customers and codes) and the process is taking WAY to long to run. I'm hoping the wonderful community here can look at the code here and offer either improvements upon it or another way of attacking the problem.
Thanks in advance!
Edit - Forgot to mention part of the reason for some of the checks in this is that the staging table is 'living' and can have records feeding into it during the script run.
whenever sqlerror exit 1
-- stagingTable: TAB_000000003134
-- codeTable: TAB_000000003135
-- masterTable: TAB_000000003133
-- dedupe staging table
delete from TAB_000000003134 a
where ROWID > (
select min(rowid)
from TAB_000000003134 b
where a.cust_id = b.cust_id
delete from TAB_000000003134
where cust_id is null;
-- set row num on staging table
update TAB_000000003134
set row_num = rownum;
-- reset row nums on code table
update TAB_000000003135
set row_num = NULL;
-- assign row nums to codes
update TAB_000000003135
set row_num = rownum
where dateassigned is null
and active = 1;
-- attach codes to staging table
update TAB_000000003134 d
set (CODE1, CODE2) =
select CODE1, CODE2
from TAB_000000003135 c
where d.row_num = c.row_num
-- mark used codes compared to template
update TAB_000000003135 c
set dateassigned = sysdate, assignedto = (select cust_id from TAB_000000003134 d where c.CODE1 = d.CODE1)
where exists (select 'x' from TAB_000000003134 d where c.CODE1 = d.CODE1);
-- clear and copy data to master
truncate table TAB_000000003133;
insert into TAB_000000003133 (
<custmomer fields>, code1, code2, TIMESTAMP_
select <custmomer fields>, CODE1, CODE2,SYSDATE
from TAB_000000003134;
-- remove any staging records with code numbers
delete from TAB_000000003134
where CODE1 is not NULL;
Combine statements as much as possible. For example, combine the first two deletes by simply adding "or cust_id is null" to the first delete. This will definitely reduce the number of reads, and may also significantly decrease the amount of data written. (Oracle writes blocks, not rows, so even if the two statements work with different rows they may be re-writing the same blocks.)
It's probably quicker to insert the entire table into another table than to update every row. Oracle does a lot of extra work for updates and deletes, to maintain concurrency and consistency. And updating values to NULL can be especially expensive, see update x set y = null takes a long time for some more details. You can avoid (almost all) UNDO and REDO with direct-path inserts: make sure the table is in NOLOGGING mode (or the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode), and insert using the APPEND hint.
Replace the UPDATEs with MERGEs. UPDATEs can only use nested loops, MERGEs can also use hash joins. If you're updating a large amount of data a MERGE can be significantly faster. And MERGEs don't have to read a table twice if it's used for the SET and for a EXISTS. (Although creating a new table may also be faster.)
Use /*+ APPEND */ with the TAB_000000003133 insert. If you're truncating the table, I assume you don't need point-in-time recovery of the data, so you might as well insert it directly to the datafile and skip all the overhead.
Use parallelism (if you're not already). There are side-affects and dozens of factors to consider for tuning, but don't let that discourage you. If you're dealing with large amounts of data, sooner or later you'll need to use parallelism if you want to get the most out of your hardware.
Use better names. This advice is more subjective, but in my opinion I think using good names is extremely important. Even though it's all 0s and 1s at some level, and many programmers think that cryptic code is cool, you want people to understand and care about your data. People just won't care as much about TAB_000000003135 as something like TAB_CUSTOMER_CODES. It'll be harder to learn, people are less likely to change it because it looks so complicated, and people are less likely to see errors because the purpose isn't as clear.
Don't commit after every statement. Instead, you should issue one COMMIT at the end of the script. This isn't so much for performance, but because the data is not in a consistent state until the end of the script.
(It turns out there probably are performance benefits to committing less frequently in Oracle, but your primary concern should be about maintaining consistency)
You might look into using global temporary tables. The data in a global temp table is only visible to the current session, so you could skip some of the reset steps in your script.

update x set y = null takes a long time

At work, I have a large table (some 3 million rows, like 40-50 columns). I sometimes need to empty some of the columns and fill them with new data. What I did not expect is that
UPDATE table1 SET y = null
takes much more time than filling the column with data which is generated, for example, in the sql query from other columns of the same table or queried from other tables in a subquery. It does not matter if I go through all table rows at once (like in the update query above) or if I use a cursor to go through the table row by row (using the pk). It does not matter if I use the large table at work or if I create a small test table and fill it with some hundredthousands of test-rows. Setting the column to null always takes way longer (Throughout the tests, I encountered factors of 2 to 10) than updating the column with some dynamic data (which is different for each row).
Whats the reason for this? What does Oracle do when setting a column to null? Or - what's is my error in reasoning?
Thanks for your help!
P.S.: I am using oracle 11g2, and found these results using both plsql developer and oracle sql developer.
Is column Y indexed? It could be that setting the column to null means Oracle has to delete from the index, rather than just update it. If that's the case, you could drop and rebuild it after updating the data.
Is it just column Y that exhibits the issue, or is it independent of the column being updated? Can you post the table definition, including constraints?
I think updating to null is slower because Oracle (incorrectly) tries to take advantage of the way it stores nulls, causing it to frequently re-organize the rows in the block ("heap block compress"), creating a lot of extra UNDO and REDO.
What's so special about null?
From the Oracle Database Concepts:
"Nulls are stored in the database if they fall between columns with data values. In these cases they require 1 byte to store the length of the column (zero).
Trailing nulls in a row require no storage because a new row header signals that the remaining columns in the previous row are null. For example, if the last three columns of a table are null, no information is stored for those columns. In tables with many columns,
the columns more likely to contain nulls should be defined last to conserve disk space."
Benchmarking updates is very difficult because the true cost of an update cannot be measured just from the update statement. For example, log switches will
not happen with every update, and delayed block cleanout will happen later. To accurately test an update, there should be multiple runs,
objects should be recreated for each run, and the high and low values should be discarded.
For simplicity the script below does not throw out high and low results, and only tests a table with a single column. But the problem still occurs regardless of the number of columns, their data, and which column is updated.
I used the RunStats utility from to compare the resource consumption of updating-to-a-value with updating-to-a-null.
create table test1(col1 number);
for i in 1 .. 10 loop
execute immediate 'drop table test1 purge';
execute immediate 'create table test1 (col1 number)';
execute immediate 'insert /*+ append */ into test1 select 1 col1
from dual connect by level <= 100000';
execute immediate 'update test1 set col1 = 1';
end loop;
for i in 1 .. 10 loop
execute immediate 'drop table test1 purge';
execute immediate 'create table test1 (col1 number)';
execute immediate 'insert /*+ append */ into test1 select 1 col1
from dual connect by level <= 100000';
execute immediate 'update test1 set col1 = null';
end loop;
There are dozens of differences, these are the four I think are most relevant:
Type Name Run1 Run2 Diff
----- ---------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------
TIMER elapsed time (hsecs) 1,269 4,738 3,469
STAT heap block compress 1 2,028 2,027
STAT undo change vector size 55,855,008 181,387,456 125,532,448
STAT redo size 133,260,596 581,641,084 448,380,488
The only possible solution I can think of is to enable table compression. The trailing-null storage trick doesn't happen for compressed tables.
So even though the "heap block compress" number gets even higher for Run2, from 2028 to 23208, I guess it doesn't actually do anything.
The redo, undo, and elapsed time between the two runs is almost identical with table compression enabled.
However, there are lots of potential downsides to table compression. Updating to a null will run much faster, but every other update will run at least slightly slower.
That's because it deletes from blocks that data.
And delete is the hardest operation. If you can avoid a delete, do it.
I recommend you to create another table with that column null(Create table as select for example, or insert select), and fill it(the column) with your procedure. Drop old table and then rename the new table with current name.
Another important thing is that you should update the column as is, with new values. It is useless to set them null and after that refill them.
If you do not have values for all rows, you can do the update like this:
udpate table1
set y = (select new_value from source where source.key = table1.key)
and will set to null those rows that does not exists in source.
I would try what Tom Kyte suggested on large updates.
When it comes to huge tables, it best to go like this : take a few rows, update them, take some more, update those etc. Don't try to issue an update on all the table. That's a killer move right from the start.
Basically create binary_integer indexed table, fetch 10 rows at a time, and update them.
Here is a piece of code that i have used of large tables with success. Because im lazy and its like 2AM now ill just copy paste it here and let you figure it out, but let me know if you need help :
TYPE BookingRecord IS RECORD (
bprice number,
bevent_id number,
book_id number
TYPE array is TABLE of BookingRecord index by binary_integer;
l_data array;
CURSOR c1 is
SELECT LVC_USD_PRICE_V2(ev.activity_version_id,ev.course_start_date,t.local_update_date,ev.currency,nvl(t.delegate_country,ev.sponsor_org_country),ev.price,ev.currency,t.ota_status,ev.location_type) x,
FROM ota_gsi_delegate_bookings_t#diseulprod t,
inted_parted_events_t#diseulprod ev
WHERE t.event_id = ev.event_id
and t.ota_booking_id =
open c1;
fetch c1 bulk collect into l_data limit 20;
for i in 1..l_data.count
update ou_inc_int_t_01
set price = l_data(i).bprice,
updated = 'Y'
where booking_id = l_data(i).book_id;
end loop;
exit when c1%notfound;
end loop;
close c1;
what can also help speed up updates is to use alter table table1 nologging so that the update won't generate redo logs. another possibility is to drop the column and re-add it. since this is a DDL operation it will generate neither redo nor undo.

Have "select for update" block on nonrexisting rows

we have some persistent data in an application, that is queried from a server and then stored in a database so we can keep track of additional information. Because we do not want to query when an object is used in the memory we do an select for update so that other threads that want to get the same data will be blocked.
I am not sure how select for update handles non-existing rows. If the row does not exist and another thread tries to do another select for update on the same row, will this thread be blocked until the other transaction finishes or will it also get an empty result set? If it does only get an empty result set is there any way to make it block as well, for example by inserting the missing row immediately?
Because there was a remark, that we might lock too much, here some more details on the concrete usage in our case. In reduced pseudocode our programm flow looks like this:
d = queue.fetch();
r = SELECT * FROM table WHERE key = d.key() FOR UPDATE;
if r.empty() then
r = get_data_from_somewhere_else();
new_r = process_stuff( r );
if Data was present then
update row to new_r
insert new_r
This code is run in multiple thread and the data that is fetched from the queue might be concerning the same row in the database (hence the lock). However if multiple threads are using data that needs the same row, then these threads need to be sequentialized (order does not matter). However this sequentialization fails, if the row is not present, because we do not get a lock.
For now I have the following solution, which seems like an ugly hack to me.
select the data for update
if zero rows match then
insert some dummy data // this will block if multiple transactions try to insert
if insertion failed then
// somebody beat us at the race
select the data for update
do processing
if data was changed then
update the old or dummy data
rollback the whole transaction
I am neither 100% sure however that this actually solves the problem, nor does this solution seem good style. So if anybody has to offer something more usable this would be great.
I am not sure how select for update handles non-existing rows.
It doesn't.
The best you can do is to use an advisory lock if you know something unique about the new row. (Use hashtext() if needed, and the table's oid to lock it.)
The next best thing is a table lock.
That being said, your question makes it sound like you're locking way more than you should. Only lock rows when you actually need to, i.e. write operations.
Example solution (i haven't found better :/)
Thread A:
SELECT pg_advisory_xact_lock(42); -- database semaphore arbitrary ID
INSERT INTO t (id, value) VALUES (1, 'thread A');
SELECT 1 FROM pg_sleep(10); -- only for race condition simulation
Thread B:
SELECT pg_advisory_xact_lock(42); -- database semaphore arbitrary ID
INSERT INTO t (id, value) VALUES (1, 'thread B');
SELECT 1 FROM pg_sleep(10); -- only for race condition simulation
Causes always correct order of transactions execution.
Looking at the code added in the second edit, it looks right.
As for it looking like a hack, there's a couple options - basically it's all about moving the database logic to the database.
One is simply to put the whole select for update, if not exist then insert logic in a function, and do select get_object(key1,key2,etc) instead.
Alternatively, you could make an insert trigger that will ignore attempts to add an entry if it already exists, and simply do an insert before you do the select for update. This does have more potential to interfere with other code already in place, though.
(If I remember to, I'll edit and add example code later on when I'm in a position to check what I'm doing.)

How do I find the last time that a PostgreSQL database has been updated?

I am working with a postgreSQL database that gets updated in batches. I need to know when the last time that the database (or a table in the database)has been updated or modified, either will do.
I saw that someone on the postgeSQL forum had suggested that to use logging and query your logs for the time. This will not work for me as that I do not have control over the clients codebase.
You can write a trigger to run every time an insert/update is made on a particular table. The common usage is to set a "created" or "last_updated" column of the row to the current time, but you could also update the time in a central location if you don't want to change the existing tables.
So for example a typical way is the following one:
NEW.last_updated := now();
-- repeat for each table you need to track:
ALTER TABLE sometable ADD COLUMN last_updated TIMESTAMP;
CREATE TRIGGER sometable_stamp_updated
Then to find the last update time, you need to select "MAX(last_updated)" from each table you are tracking and take the greatest of those, e.g.:
SELECT MAX(max_last_updated) FROM (
SELECT MAX(last_updated) AS max_last_updated FROM sometable
SELECT MAX(last_updated) FROM someothertable
) updates
For tables with a serial (or similarly-generated) primary key, you can try avoid the sequential scan to find the latest update time by using the primary key index, or you create indices on last_updated.
-- get timestamp of row with highest id
SELECT last_updated FROM sometable ORDER BY sometable_id DESC LIMIT 1
Note that this can give slightly wrong results in the case of IDs not being quite sequential, but how much accuracy do you need? (Bear in mind that transactions mean that rows can become visible to you in a different order to them being created.)
An alternative approach to avoid adding 'updated' columns to each table is to have a central table to store update timestamps in. For example:
CREATE TABLE update_log(table_name text PRIMARY KEY, updated timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now());
INSERT INTO update_log(table_name) VALUES(TG_TABLE_NAME);
-- Repeat for each table you need to track:
CREATE TRIGGER sometable_stamp_update_log
FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE stamp_update_log();
This will give you a table with a row for each table update: you can then just do:
SELECT MAX(updated) FROM update_log
To get the last update time. (You could split this out by table if you wanted). This table will of course just keep growing: either create an index on 'updated' (which should make getting the latest one pretty fast) or truncate it periodically if that fits with your use case, (e.g. take an exclusive lock on the table, get the latest update time, then truncate it if you need to periodically check if changes have been made).
An alternative approach- which might be what the folks on the forum meant- is to set 'log_statement = mod' in the database configuration (either globally for the cluster, or on the database or user you need to track) and then all statements that modify the database will be written to the server log. You'll then need to write something outside the database to scan the server log, filtering out tables you aren't interested in, etc.
It looks like you can use pg_stat_database to get a transaction count and check if this changes from one backup run to the next - see this answer and comments for more details
I like Jack's approach. You can query the table stats and know the number of inserts, updates, deletes and so:
select n_tup_upd from pg_stat_user_tables where relname = 'YOUR_TABLE';
every update will increase the count by 1.
bare in mind this method is viable when you have a single DB. multiple instances will require different approach probably.
See the following article:
MySQL versus PostgreSQL: Adding a 'Last Modified Time' Column to a Table
You can write a stored procedure in an "untrusted language" (e.g. plpythonu): This allows access to the files in the postgres "base" directory. Return the larges mtime of these files in the stored procedure.
But this is only vague, since vacuum will change these files and the mtime.