Putting X509 Certificate in HTTP Request - apache

I'm using Spring Security for X.509 preauthentication.
To make sure the client sends its certificate per HTTP request, is it necessary to:
Modify pom.xml to set <wantClientAuth> and <needClientAuth> to true
Set Apache's SSLVerifyClient to require reference
Based on reading, the web server must tell the client-side to sends its certificate in order for the client to actually send it. I'm confused if Spring Security AND Apache configuration is required to achieve this.

Spring Security configuration has nothing to do with whether the client sends a certificate or not. That's decided at the SSL protocol level and hence by the negotiation between the client and the server. Your question is a bit unclear in that it refers to a maven pom and an Apache configuration without explaining how your system is set up. Are you running the maven Jetty plugin with an Apache server in front?
Spring Security's X.509 authentication won't work if the SSL connection doesn't terminate at the servlet container. So if you have HTTPS between the client and Apache, and a non-SSL connection from Apache to the servlet container, then the client certificate won't normally be available.
If you are using an AJP connector, then you can configure Apache to pass the certificate on to the back end using the ExportCertData option. If you aren't, you can still take the exported certificate and pass it as a request header (you'll find examples of this elsewhere on SO). You would also need to customize the Spring Security X.509 code to extract the certificate from the header, rather than the standard java property name which it uses by default.


What's the "system trust roots on the apiserver" for the "caBundle" in defination of "WebhookClientConfig" of Kubernetes

When I check the definition of "WebhookClientConfig" of API of Kubernetes I found comments like this:
// `caBundle` is a PEM encoded CA bundle which will be used to validate the webhook's server certificate.
// If unspecified, system trust roots on the apiserver are used.
// +optional
CABundle []byte `json:"caBundle,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=caBundle"`
in WebhookClientConfig
I wonder to know, what's exactly the "system trust roots "?
and I'm afraid the internal signer for CSR API of Kubernetes is not one of them.
It is a good practice to use secure network connections. A Webhook-endpoint in Kubernetes is typically an endpoint in a private network. A custom private CABundle can be used to generate the TLS certificate to achieve a secure connection within the cluster. See e.g. contacting the webhook.
Webhooks can either be called via a URL or a service reference, and can optionally include a custom CA bundle to use to verify the TLS connection.
This CABundle is optional. See also service reference for how to connect.
If the webhook is running within the cluster, then you should use service instead of url. The service namespace and name are required. The port is optional and defaults to 443. The path is optional and defaults to "/".
Here is an example of a mutating webhook configured to call a service on port "1234" at the subpath "/my-path", and to verify the TLS connection against the ServerName my-service-name.my-service-namespace.svc using a custom CA bundle

Tomcat/Java Truststore confusion

I am rather confused by the purpose of the trustore file in a tomcat server.
I.e use of the truststoreFile parameter when setting up a TLS enabled connector.
According to the tomcat docs:
The trust store file to use to validate client certificates. The
default is the value of the javax.net.ssl.trustStore system property.
If neither this attribute nor the default system property is set, no
trust store will be configured.
To me this is telling me that for an inbound connection to my tomcat server, this is where I would store certificates that a client would present. (e.g. a users browser)
Would I really put in 3rd party CA certificates here or other 3rd party server certificates, if my tomcat server wants to make an outbound connection to a TLS enabled server (e.g. an LDAPS server)
As per my understanding the place to do this is the cacerts file.
Is my understanding of the truststore wrong?
Yes, you are right, it is quite confusing.
If you need to make an outbound connection a 3rd party, you need to add the certificates to cacerts.
There is a very popular "signing, validation, etc." service for government-owned companies here in Spain, #firma, that just changed its wildcard server certificate and we had to add it to cacerts.

How to disable certificate validation in client-side using Spring Boot Security

Well, I'm new to Spring Boot Security and I have a question. I have the simple settings to enable https on the server, as follows:
   port: 8443
     key-store-type: PKCS12
     key-store: classpath: keystore.p12
     key-store-password: mypass
     key-alias: testkey
So far so good. The issue is that clients accessing the endpoints of that server, as a simple curl for example, receive certificate verification failure. From what I could read, the https communication is made over TSL (or SSL) and it requires the user to validate the certificate issued by the server to enable a security channel.
I did not want all clients to have to carry the certificate with them to access the endpoints, because it's a Rest API I'm developing.
Some urls of apis that enable https but do not require the certificate:
What way should I follow in order to keep encryption enabled, ie keep https, but also not require client-side certificate validation?
PS: By the browser I can access my services and get the answers, but a java client, python, or the curl, does not work.
I did not want to set the client on the option to make the request insecure, I wanted to keep https but did not require the client to carry the certificate with him. Maybe I can not even do this, so I'm asking because I'm definitely a beginner. If there is no way to do it, I await an answer in that direction, more complete if possible
This depends on each individual client. For example, you do this by ignoring the security warning in your browser. For curl, use -k or --insecure for wget use --no-check-certificate, you'll have to research how to ignore ssl in whatever client you are using. There is no way to control this from the server as that would defeat the entire purpose of SSL/TLS.

Setting Up "Outbound SSL" in JBoss and/or underlying JRE

Looking to port Outbound SSL configuration from Websphere to JBoss. In my case, JBoss is the client. It wants to pass a client cert to a remote machine as part of a 2-way SSL communication.
In Websphere, you explicitly specify...
keystore / keystore password (where are the certs?)
certificate alias (which client cert to apply?)
matching outbound url pattern (when do i apply the client cert?)
You may have many of these configurations. Between these 3 pieces of info, the container can selectively choose when/which client certificate to include when making outbound SSL calls.
What is the JBoss way of doing the same thing as I described above ?
Can this be done by simply configuring your JRE ?
Are there parts of this that cannot be done in JBoss and/or java?

WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header not sent

I m using Oracle HTTP Server as reverse proxy for WebLogic. I have set up SSL on both the proxy and the server with client certificate authentication. It works and the clients get authenticated by OHS, but i need to pass client certificate information to WebLogic so i can look at this certificate in my servlet. Documentation says that the proxy can forward client certificate within "WL-Proxy-Client-Cert" http header to the WebLogic server.
However, i can't get this to work. Within my servlet i tried both request.getHeader() and request.getAttribute() and getting null. I looked at both headers and attributes of the request objects and don't see anything like WL-Proxy-Client-Cert. In fact i don't see any headers starting with WL, only couple of headers starting with X-WebLogic, none of which has the certificate.
I did enable "Client Cert Proxy Enabled" option in Administration Console as described in the docs. Also i know that clients get authenticated since i see the certificate requested by the browser, after which i can successfully access the site.
Am i missing something?
I have finally got an answer from Oracle support on this. The problem was that i had to add one SSL directive to my virtual host configuration:
SSLOptions +ExportCertData
It goes under "IfModule ossl_module", right next to "SSLVerifyClient require" directive that specifies 2-way authentication for the proxy.
Note that after this, in the servlet, the certificate will be present in the usual "javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate" attribute, as if the server was doing client certificate authentication itself (no extra headers are received).
Also, note that you can have the server use 1-way SSL, if you feel secure with authentication done by the proxy, and you will still receive the certificate in the attribute in your servlet (in this case you should probably add a filter as they recommend to ensure the requests come from the proxy only). I have a feeling it will work even if the server port is regular http, though i haven't tested it yet.