I send action to my router(d-link) with libupnp, UPNP_E_BAD_HTTPMSG occur - upnp

I successful register upnp-client and download the service description.
But when i send action "GetTotalBytesSent", the UPNP_E_BAD_HTTPMSG error was returned.
My wifi-router has a password. Is there any relation?

I don't sure it has some relationship between router passwd and upnp.
I try miniupnp to modify the port mapping with no router password, and it's worked. So i suppose that there was no relationship!


Add custom session data to jsoup POST request in clojure

I am testing my first clojure ring application with midje and jsoup.
The app uses ring-session to add session for logged-only pages.
Session is not a cookie, neither part of the header of the request and I dont know how to add it to perform a post request correctly on logged pages...
A POST request in jsoup is something like:
(-> (Jsoup/connect "http://localhost:3001/sendto")
(.userAgent "...")
(.header "Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
(.data "amount" amount)
(.data "to" email)
(.data "sendto-submit" "Send")
Altough this will not work when trying to perform a request against a logged-only url.
I'd have to add the session object, that in my case is something like:
{:session {:auth {:email "name#email.com"}}}
to the request, but so far neither (.cookie) nor (.data) worked...
Any help is suuuuper welcome :)
Without knowing the server side config, it's hard to give exact advice, but you have to remember the cookie you get on login and send it with the requests.
What you see on the server as {:session {:auth ,,,}} is the result of the session wrapper loading server side stored data into the request.
So basically:
you send a request, that starts a session (e.g. your login)
the server sends you a cookie back and stores informations about the login in it's session storage
you send a request, that includes that cookie
the server looks the cookie up in the session storage and injects the data associated with it in the request.
See the source/doc

Getting the requester's socket inside an express route

I want to send to every users the signal that a user has used a route, but not to this user. SocketIO has a "broadcast" function that does the trick just fine, but I don't know how (even if) I can have access to this variable inside the route function.
For example:
app.post('/api', (req, res) => {
// Doing stuff...
// Broadcast will send the signal to every users but the socket's owner
So, I don't know how to get this "broadcast" socket inside the route, if there's a middleware to get it, or even if it's possible. If it's not, how can I achieve my goal?
Thank you for your attention.
The way I am doing the same is first authenticating client's socket and giving the socket some temporary code.
Now whenever client is hitting the route, I expects socket-id and temporary code provided as above in all request.
Now using that socket-id, I send broadcast to all other.
You can modify the same logic as per your need.

Extra authentication criteria

I'm trying to implement an extra authentication layer with the purpose of authenticating the user only if he has a certain status.
If the status is different, I want to show a custom login error (Your account has been suspended) and not authenticate the user at all, similar to what happens if the credentials are wrong, but with a different error message.
So far I've tried two options:
I've added a check within a listener that checks for an "InteractiveLoginEvent". Here I can check the user status and set a flash error message but I don't see what's the proper way to redirect back to the login page, since this event has no response method, other than using a header() call which I definitely want to avoid.
I implemented a custom voter, set the "access_decision_manager" startegy to "unanimous" and returned "ACCESS_DENIED" if the status is not allowing the user to authenticate. So far so good, the user cannot access the resources but I see he still gets authenticated. And I definitely don't want that.
I'm not for sure if I'm missing something or if I'm going in the wrong direction.
Since symfony 2 makes a clear difference between authentication and authorization seems that option 2) is related to authorization, so option 1) is more suitable.
So among the "InteractiveLoginEvent" listener I just added the proper check for the user status and by throwing the following exception I managed to implement my functionality as needed:
throw new AuthenticationException('suspend error message');
So the listener looks something like this:
public function onSecurityInteractiveLogin(InteractiveLoginEvent $event)
if ($this->securityContext->isGranted('ROLE_CUSTOMROLE')) {
$user = $this->securityContext->getToken()->getUser();
// ... check for the user status here
throw new AuthenticationException('Your account has been suspended!');

RestKit how to check for wrong username or password error

I want to be able to notify the user if he entered the wrong username/password, or if for example the database is down. I am not sure if I need to do it in the didLoadResponse and just check that the response is not isOK or in the didFailLoadWithError.
How you handle it depends on how you perform a login.
If you do basic authentication, by passing the username and password in the header of the request, then you'll get an error back from the service you're calling. And your delegate method, "objectLoader:didFailWithError:" method will get called. This method will most likely get called if there's a catastrophic problem on the backend, like the database being down.
If you have a separate webservice that performs a login operation, then it probably sends back a valid block, indicating whether the user-pass was valid or not. In this case, your "objectLoader:didLoadObject:" method probably got called, and you'll have to decipher the result appropriately.
Keep in mind that this behavior is totally controlled by what the back-end services do. If you can't talk directly with the people working on the services, then this may just be trial-and-error, and until you discover how those services work.

What method should I use for a login (authentication) request?

I would like to know which http method I should use when doing a login request, and why? Since this request creates an object (a user session) on the server, I think it should be POST, what do you think? But since the login request should be idempotent, it could be PUT, couldn't it?
Same question for a logout request, should I use the DELETE method?
If your login request is via a user supplying a username and password then a POST is preferable, as details will be sent in the HTTP messages body rather than the URL. Although it will still be sent plain text, unless you're encrypting via https.
The HTTP DELETE method is a request to delete something on the server. I don't think that DELETING an in memory user session is really what it's intended; more it's for deleting the user record itself. So potentially logout can be just a GET e.g. www.yoursite.com/logout.
I believe that you can translate LOGIN & LOGOUT methods into basic CRUD operations CREATE & DELETE. Since you are creating a new resource called SESSION and destroying it when logging out:
POST /login - creates session
DELETE /logout - destroys session
I would never do LOGOUT as GET just because anyone could make an attack just simply by sending an email with IMG tag or link to website where such an IMG tag exists. (<img src="youtsite.com/logout" />)
Long time I was wondering how would you create a RESTful login/logout and it turned out it's really simple, you do it just like I described: use /session/ endpoint with CREATE and DELETE methods and you are fine. You could also use UPDATE if you want to update session in one way or another...
Here is my solution based on REST guides and recommendations:
LOGIN - create a resource
POST => https://example.com/sessions/
BODY => {'login': 'login#example.com', 'password': '123456'}
http status code 201 (Created)
{'token': '761b69db-ace4-49cd-84cb-4550be231e8f'}
LOGOUT - delete a resource
DELETE => https://example.com/sessions/761b69db-ace4-49cd-84cb-4550be231e8f/
http status code 204 (No Content)
For login request we should use POST method. Because our login data is secure which needs security. When use POST method the data is sent to server in a bundle. But in GET method data is sent to the server followed by the url like append with url request which will be seen to everyone.
So For secure authentication and authorization process we should use POST method.
I hope this solution will help you.
Regarding the method for logging out:
In the Spring (Java Framework) documentation, they state that a POST request is preferred, since a GET makes you vulnerable to CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) and the user could be logged out.
Adding CSRF will update the LogoutFilter to only use HTTP POST. This ensures that log out requires a CSRF token and that a malicious user cannot forcibly log out your users.
See: https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/current/reference/html/web-app-security.html#csrf-logout
Logging in should also use POST (body can be encrypted, see the other answers).
For Login I use POST, below is my code for LOGIN method
I used Nodejs with Express and Mongoose
your router.js
const express = require("express");
const router = express.Router();
router.post("/login", login);
your controller.js
export.login = async(req, res) => {
//find the user based on email
const {email, password} = req.body;
const user = awaitUser.findOne({email});
return res.status(400).json({err : "User with
email doesnot exists.Please signup"});
return res.status(500).json({err :
make sure you have JWT installed
const token = jwt.sign({_id: user._id}, YOUR_SECRET_KEY);
const {_id, name, email} = user;
return res.json({token, user : {_id, email, name}});