I'm working on a virtual machine using Selenium WebDriver. I'm trying to run tests on the machine I work on (again, virtual) and I'm getting a NoClassDefFoundError on the line where I instantiate my driver:
driver = new FirefoxDriver(ffBinary,ffProfile);
So, being on the virtual machine, I did some research and found I could use RemoteWebDriver. After trying this, I still get the same error. Any suggestions? I feel like this should run the same as being on a physical box, but it doesn't. It works perfectly on a physical machine.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/io/Resources at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxProfile.onlyOverrideThisIfYouKnowWhatYouAreDo‌​ing(FirefoxProfile.java:123)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxProfile.<init>(FirefoxProfile.java:86)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxProfile.<init>(FirefoxProfile.java:79)
at line 63 in my class is where it breaks: File profile = new File(PROFILE); //PROFILE = where FF profile is (63) FirefoxProfile ffProfile = new FirefoxProfile(profile)
You need to create the profile at the remoth machin
I am running tests using TestNG, chromium and Selenium, in Java, on two machines:
my own laptop
a Mac Mini I do not have physical access to, that I connect via SSH, that has the same identical project structure as the project on my laptop.
Both machines operate behind the same corporate proxy.
The issue I am having is the following:
while the tests run smoothly on my machine, when I execute the command to start them on the Mac Mini, the execution stops when telling the Selenium WebDriver to navigate to any specified url using driver.navigate().to(url) or driver.get(url); causing the program to freeze without throwing any exception, essentially remaining on hold.
The code resembles the following:
in the #BeforeClass beforeClass() driver is initialized with an instance of ChromeDriver using ChromeOptions. Among other settings, I add the following arguments to the ChromeOptions like such chromeOptions.addArguments(options): where options is things like --disable-web-security, --allow-running-insecure-content, --allow-insecure-localhost and most importantly: --proxy-server=address:port (e.g. --proxy-server=
in the #BeforeMethod beforeMethod() after checking that the driver is not null and that the URL url is a valid one, I execute something similar to the stylized following code:
try {
log.debug("Navigating to: " + url);
log.debug("Navigated to url: " + driver.getCurrentUrl());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Unable to navigate at page: " + url.toString());
throw e;
As I said, when running the test on the Mac Mini via SSH using the command line in a similar fashion to: java -cp WORKSPACE org.testng.TestNG testng.xml the code stops executing and freezes at log.debug("Navigating to: " + url); essentially not producing other output and forcing me to manually stop the execution of the test.
As additional information, tests are run using chromium version 72.0.3609.0.
The ChromeOptions also receive the following proxy setting (like such: chromeOptions.setProxy(p);) where p is a Proxy with
I suspect an issue with the proxy (and am doubtful I have correctly preconfigured the program), but, quite frankly, I am puzzled by the fact that the same script runs locally on my machine and is unable to run locally on the Mac Mini when the tests are launched via SSH.
I have the following setup:
A Selenium server hub running at "http://localhost:hubPortNum" (a service with the Jar file selenium-server-standalone-3.141.5.jar with parameter -role hub).
A Selenium Node at running "http://localhost:nodePortNum' (the service with Jar file with parameters: -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=ChromeWebdriverPath -role node -port :nodePortNum).
I checked the URL for the hub and node instances to be sure they are working.
Whenever I try to create Remote Webdriver via Python script:
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
desiredCapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME.copy()
chromeOptionsRemote = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
initRemoteDriver = webdriver.Remote(options=chromeOptionsRemote, command_executor='<nodePortNum>/wd/hub', desired_capabilities=desiredCapabilities)
The last line does print the current URL(which is "data:,"), that means Webdriver is created.
But the browser does not open on my local machine, that is it is running in the background and I don't know how to make it visible although it has worked in the past.
The troubleshooting steps I have made:
Reinstall latest selenium python package.
Re-Download latest Selenium server jar file.
Updating chrome.
adding chromeOptionsRemote.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
Making sure local Webdriver does open:
That is the line:
self.localDriver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chromeOptionsLocal,
does open the browser locally(the Chromedriver is in the path).
After I made these troubleshooting steps, I have tried the same configuration on a remote server and got the same result(browser not visible), so I think this is probably by design.
what configuration should I create for the browser to be visible?
Any help would be appreciated.
I was running the jar file by Always-Up: https://www.coretechnologies.com/products/AlwaysUp/
The problem was related to session 0 isolation: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26752251/2710840
in order to not run the application under session 0, I have enabled the Autologon feature:
defined the user under the application run as my user:
and executed the application from the context menu with the option to: "restart in this session"
Recently, I wrote C# test code using the selenium web driver. When running in mine PC, it work fine. However, when running in the Jenkins on VM, I meet some problems. And I try to print out the information as below,
IWebDriver driver = new OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeDriver();
I got {Width=1004, Height=748}.
I got {Width=1040, Height=784}.
driver.Manage().Window.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1280, 1024);
I got {Width=1040, Height=784}.
The maximal window size is only {Width=1040, Height=784} which can not be increased.
So, when I take a screenshot, I will get picture like below,
How do I increase the window size or resolution? I have no idea about the issue. Please give me some suggestions to solve the issue. Thanks!
You should be able to remotely log in to the cloud machine and manually set the resolution for that user.
stop jenkins service, re-run jenkins via cmd script:
java -jar jenkins.war
my problem is fixed in my win7+jenkins.
I have installed firebug for FF. But when i start firefox it always starts some default ff version, i dont' know where selenium finds it.
I already googled alot, tried to use different firefoxbinary:
System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.bin", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe");
final File firefoxPath = new File(System.getProperty("webdriver.firefox.bin")) ;
FirefoxBinary firefoxBinary= new FirefoxBinary(firefoxPath);
firefox = new FirefoxDriver(firefoxBinary,null);
I tried to use different ff profile:
FirefoxProfile firefoxProfile = new FirefoxProfile();
firefoxProfile.setPreference("extensions.firebug.currentVersion", "1.9.1");
Alas, it does not work!
1. I don't know where to change/find webdriver.firefox.bin
2. I have tried changing path as environment variable,still no progress
maybe I m doing something wrong?
By default, Selenium will open a "vanilla" Firefox profile. If you want to have it launch with your profile, you can do that, but you have to select which profile you want to use. I will warn you that you often don't want to have your regular profile used because you'd like a clean, consistent working environment.
But you could certainly:
set up a profile (call it, for instance, selenium-profile using
Firefox's profile manager
run Firefox choosing that profile--from
Windows's Run dialog run "c:\Program Files(x86)\Mozilla
Firefox\firefox.exe" - P" or the equivalent path to FF if you are
install Firebug using that profile.
then choose that profile when you launch your tests.
For information about how to do all this, look at this article.
Then, in your code, you can just call that profile. Step 3 in the article linked above shows how to do this.
Firefoxdriver starts a new default profile on each instance and this profile will be created in your temp folder and will be deleted after you quit the driver. There might be some old instances of ff profile which contains older version of firebug in your temp folder which might be not be deleted as webdriver quited unexpectedly.Try clearing your temp. It might help you as it did for me.
Here's simple batch file I wrote to start the node for selenium grid
set webdriver.ie.driver=C:\selenium-server\IEDriverServer.exe
echo %webdriver.ie.driver%
set webdriver.chrome.driver=C:\selenium-server\chromedriver.exe
echo %webdriver.chrome.driver%
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar -role hub
Yes both drivers exist in that directory and I've even added that directory to my System's Path variable. When I try to create a remote web driver like thus:
Platform platform = Platform.WINDOWS;
desiredCapabilities =new DesiredCapabilities("internet explorer", "9.0", platform);
driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(gridUrl), desiredCapabilities);
I'm still getting an exception stating:
Exception: The path to the driver executable must be set by the webdriver.ie.driver system property; for more information, see htt
/p/selenium/wiki/InternetExplorerDriver. The latest version can be downloaded from http://code.google.com/p/selenium/downloads/list
I'm using the latest IEDriver and chromedriver and selenium server 2.32.0 (which I believe is the latest one too).
Running on windows 7. I've tried both the 32 and 64 bit drivers for IE. Get the same problem with the chrome driver.
Adding this option at the end of the command to start my node got everything working. Is this just poorly documented? did I miss something obvious? or is there still something weird going on?