How to restore the values of Radio Btn or Combo Box for Windows Store apps in Settings Charm.? - xaml

I finished the App and need to add Settings in settings charm page. On that One option is to select the difficult mode (Easy, Medium, Hard).
So, I decided to use Combo Box or RadioBtn But. I don't know how to restore the values of that.(When i closed & reopened Again).
In Hands on Lab. will have explanation for Toggle btn oly. Anyone help to give solution for this. . and also comment the link for Learning XAML top to bottom.
Thanks in Advance.. ..

You can use local app data store (local settings) to save the value. When combo box value is selected save the selected item in local settings container.
Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["Difficulty"] = SELECTED_COMBO_BOX_VALUE;
After user has set the value and next time when user opens the setting menu read that value and display in combo box or radio button.
var ComboboxValue = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["Difficulty"];


Showing Tool-tips while Application is in the System Tray?

In my application when it is iconized in the system tray, and through a ContextMenuStrip1 displays a context menu and when I click the icon I can choose what to display; the application, close it etc.
Now, when the mouse is over the icon I would like to show a tooltip (property that unfortunately does not have, but that have the individual menu items), it always shows me the name of the menu object: ContextMenuStrip1, even in its text property set something else.
Since at some times the app makes updates in background I would like to show under the icon a small progressbar as do some application. How is this possible in (I'm using VB2012)
Thank you all.
I resolved you need to use the Text property of the notifyIcon object.

Select Image File and Display it in Forms (Visual Basic)

I have a form, in which it has a few pictureBoxes that i intended to use as a normal button.
first button is the select file button where when the users click the button, a window will pop up allowing the users to select files to be analyzed.
the second button is a run button where when the users have selected the desired files, clicking this will run the application to analyze the image file.
third button is a stop button to stop the analyzing process.
last button is a help button that provide the help and support.
the question is that how do i display the selected files on the form in a tabular format with basic information like file name, file type, date created and date modified?
You can use a listview control with the .View property set to Details. Add an item and subitems for each file.

How to determine which form controls the keyboard input on

I'm developing a windows application and I have some issues with the keyboard input.
My application has different forms and I'm showing and hidding them with the user interaction. One of the inputs comes from the keyboard, and here is where I have a problem.
When I hide a form and show the next one, most of the times the new-shown form does not receive the keyboard input until I click somewhere on it.
I assume that the problem is that the new form I'm showing is not the "selected application" for windows until the user interacts with it by clicking on it, but I don't know how to set this "property" by code.
I tried with focus and select on the whole form ( and in some form's control (, but I did not get any result.
Can anyone explain me how to control which application/form gets the keyboard input on windows?
You can't really interact with a label so the input focus won't be set properly.
Focussing a specific textbox on your form on the other hand should just work fine.

displayfield and textfield change

I have created a window which has a grid and a form that displays values in plain displayfields of the records in the grid when clicked on.
There is an "New" button for the form and once clicked by the user, the displayfields should switch to textfields which should allow you to enter a new record into a database.
Can anybody point me towards a certain direction in order to do this? I am a complete newbie to ExtJS and only just started learning ExtJS4.
Thank you in advance.
I would suggest looking into the row editing plugin.!/api/Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing
You will need to add that to the plugins config item on the grid, then add editor configs to each of the columns that you want to edit. The editor config is generally just a xtype and config options for one of the components found in Ext.form.field.*.

Turn off field programmatically in VB.Net

I'm creating an addin button in Arcmap via that when clicked, runs the identify tool. But I want only selected fields to appear in the identify dialog. I thought of hiding the unnecessary fields and then showing them again after the button is used.
Does anyone know how to programmatically turn off/on field?
you have to iterate the fields in layer and then set visible property into false .
see this link in