To install matplotlib from source, what is the source tree - matplotlib

I am trying to use the module "plot_trisurf()" in matplotlib. My python compile gives an error that axes3D does not contain the module. I want to install the latest version of matplotlib.
I would like to use the steps provided here:
In source install, step 2 is "delete the build directory in source tree". What is the source tree and where do i find the right build directory to delete?
Any suggestions are appreciated. Thank you for your time.

The source tree is under what ever directory you clone the git repo into or unpack the tarball into. It will contain a whole bunch (~30) of folders and files including lib, CXX, and INSTALL. If you have previously built matplotlib there will be a folder build where the results of the build are stored, if you have not yet run your first build it will not exist.
If you have cloned the git repo the following:
git clean -f -d -x
will remove any untracked files for you.


Repository clean up

I am adding Conan support to my CMake projects. I followed Recipe and sources in the same repo tutorial and I end up with the expected package. Exploring the local repository folder, I found out that my source files are copied in 3 different folders (source, build and export_source) so the repo is growing fast even with small projects.
Is there a way to clean repository folders where sources are duplicated, after package creation (keeping only the folder needed for "dependency build from sources")?
Sure, you can remove things from the cache with the conan remove command. In this case you probably want to do:
conan remove "*" -s -b -f
* to match all packages in your local cache
-s to remove the source folders
-b to remove the build folders
-f to not ask for confirmation
The sources stored together with the in the cache, can't be removed, cause they are stored with the conanfile to be able to rebuild from sources when conan install --build is done.

CMake error not providing FindGnuradio.cmake

Getting the following error when running cmake and am unsure how to fix it. It seems like it's telling me exactly what to do, but not very familiar with Linux.
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:153 (find_package):
By not providing "FindGnuradio.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Gnuradio",
but CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Gnuradio"
(requested version 3.7.3) with any of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "Gnuradio" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"Gnuradio_DIR" to a directory contaning one of the above files. If
"Gnuradio" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has
been installed.
EDIT: So I've located something called FindGnuradioRuntime.cmake but am still unsure what to do with it. The error message makes me think it was looking for something named "FindGnuradio.cmake" when it was actually called "FindGnuradioRuntime.cmake"
Commands that were run on a fresh Ubuntu install:
git clone git://
cd rtl-sdr/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
git clone git://
cd gr-osmosdr/
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ../ (here is where I ran into a the problem above)
Install / build GNU Radio.
Remove the CMakeCache.txt
When you call cmake .. you can pass arguments. Add the path to the parent directory of GnuradioConfig.cmake or FindGnuRadio.cmake as in
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/gnu/radio/path ..
Making my somewhat hidden response an actual answer:
Just found out that the install script provided on GNURadio's website not only installs GNURadio, but also the RTL SDR requirements as well, so I wiped my VM and started over and was successful. It takes a few hours, but it is complete and automated so definitely the best way to install GNURadio. Script is here
As previous answers noted you didn't describe where you ran into this problem. I'm going to assume it happened when creating an Out Of Tree (OOT) module.
On the OOT Module Page, see the "Notes" Section. They note that you need to install gr-dev. That package will install GnuradioConfig.cmake. You can find it in the standard yum repos, and install it with sudo yum install gnuradio-devel.

How to save php files as .phar or edit source code saved as .phar?

I have downloaded Codeception source code (in .phar format), but I need to add same changes there. So, I want to edit this .phar file, but cannot find a solution, how to do this.
You can build your own phar by using Robo tool.
It is documented in
Clone from GitHub:
git clone
Install dependencies with Composer
cd Codeception
curl -s | php
php composer.phar install
Make your changes
Install Robo
Build package
php robo.phar build:phar
Use one of the tools listed in to extract and then re-add the file you want to edit.
The phar executable shipped with PHP is able to extract files and you can add the modified file afterwards.

All AUR packages..after builded by makepkg .. necessarily create an *.pkg.tar.xz file?

Well .. this question came from another one closed question that i posted here. I installed android using yaourt.. and that was ok.. it worked fine.
But, before that i was trying doing manually.. using makepkg. But it seems that it did not create any package named *.pkg.tar.xz .
After a search.. and some question for my friends.. they told me that maybe the make process had problems and, it had some silent problem that not created the *.pkg.tar.xz.
So.. what do you think.. all AUR packages necessarily create *.pkg.tar.xz file and it was a problem when i was trying to build. Or has certain packages , as android , that do not create such *.pkg.tar.xz files?
An AUR package is a PKGBUILD file with instructions to makepkg to build a package (which is a .pkg.tar.xz file), so yes, unless there is any error on the build process, all AUR packages create a .pkg.tar.xz file.
You could try downloading the PKGBUILD file and running the makepkg -si manually to check any build error. Here's an example to build and install the android-sdk package, adjust accordingly to your desired package. This should create a android-sdk-*-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz file.
cd $(mktemp -d)
tar xzvf android-sdk.tar.gz
cd android-sdk/
makepkg -si
Used arguments to makepkg:
-s, --syncdeps Install missing dependencies with pacman
-i, --install Install package after successful build

Where are makepkg outputs packages built?

I'm trying to install a AUR package.
It seems easy, and I follow the Wiki description for it.
I downloaded the tarball, did makepkg -S to download the source and build it.
Apparently no error messages at output.
The process created some tar.gz files, that I tried to target when I use pacman -U
But none of them is the file expected by this command,
'missing metadata package in' ....
I did a research on web. I found that the place that makepkg output the package for Pacman is set in makepkg.conf, using PKGDEST item.
I changed that in /etc/makepkg.conf. It didn't create any file in that place when I tried to make that AUR package again (makepkg -S -f).
How to find the package for Pacman? Did the build go wrong and have no obvious message?
--Well .. after hours of search.. i give up and installed yaourt.. using that this to insall my package
According to and my firsthand experience, they are put into the working directory by default:
Next, one can configure where source files and packages should be placed and identify themselves as the packager. This step is optional; packages will be created in the working directory where makepkg is run by default.