Alter data type of a column to serial - sql

In pgsql, is there a way to have a table of several values, and choose one of them (say, other_id), find out what its highest value is and make every new entry that is put in the table increment from that value.
I suppose this was just too easy to have had a chance of working..
ERROR: type "serial" does not exist
Thanks much for any insight!

Look into postgresql documentation of datatype serial. Serial is only short hand.
CREATE TABLE tablename (
colname SERIAL
is equivalent to specifying:
CREATE SEQUENCE tablename_colname_seq;
CREATE TABLE tablename (
colname integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('tablename_colname_seq')
ALTER SEQUENCE tablename_colname_seq OWNED BY tablename.colname;

This happened because you may use the serial data type only when you are creating a new table or adding a new column to a table. If you'll try to ALTER an existing table using this data type you'll get an error. Because serial is not a true data type, but merely an abbreviation or alias for a longer query.
In case you would like to achieve the same effect, as you are expecting from using serial data type when you are altering existing table you may do this:
CREATE SEQUENCE my_serial AS integer START 1 OWNED BY address.new_id;
ALTER TABLE address ALTER COLUMN new_id SET DEFAULT nextval('my_serial');
The first line of the query creates your own sequence called my_serial. The
OWNED BY statement connects the newly created sequence with the exact column of your table. In your case the table is address and the column is new_id.
The START statement defines what value this sequence should start from.
The second line alters your table with the new default value, which will be determined by the previously created sequence.
It will give you the same result as you were expecting from using serial.

A quick glance at the docs tells you that
The data types smallserial, serial and bigserial are not true types
but merely a notational convenience for creating unique identifier columns
If you want to make an existing (integer) column to work as a "serial", just create the sequence by hand (the name is arbitrary), set its current value to the maximum (or bigger) of your current address.new_id value, at set it as default value for your address.new_id column.
To set the value of your sequence see here.
SELECT setval('address_new_id_seq', 10000);
This is just an example, use your own sequence name (arbitrary, you create it), and a number greater than the maximum current value of your column.
Update: as pointed out by Lucas' answer (which should be the acccepted one) you should also specify to which column the sequence "belongs to" by using CREATE/ALTER SEQUENCE ... OWNED BY ...


Setting Value of One Column same as another column in a table during insert

I have a table Line_Production_Plan in SQL Server; it has a UID column (int, auto-increment, identity).
It also has multiple other columns. One of them is execution_priority (int, not null).
When I insert a new row into the table (via a stored procedure (without passing execution_priority or UID as parameters)), I want execution_priority to take up the same value as the corresponding UID column in during insert. Is there a way to set the default value of a column, equal to another upon insert?
The execution, priority needs to be changed from time to time. Hence I can't use identity or auto increment.
You should use IDENT_CURRENT to get the last identity value generated for the table Line_Production_Plan.
Try this code:
INSERT INTO Line_Production_Plan (execution_priority)
VALUES ((SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('Line_Production_Plan')));

Inserting new rows and generate a new id based on the current last row

The primary key of my table is an Identity column of an ID. I want to be able to insert a new row and have it know what the last ID in the table currently is and add one to it. I know I can use Scope Identity to get the last inserted column from my code, but I am worried about people manually adding entries in the database, because they do this quite often. Is there a way I can look at the last ID in the table and not just the last ID my code inserted?
With a SQL Identity column, you don't need to do anything special. This is the default behavior. SQL Server will handle making sure you don't have collisions regardless of where the inserts come from.
The ##Identity will pull the latest identity, and scope_identity will grab the identity from the current scope.
A scope is a module: a stored procedure, trigger, function, or batch. Therefore, if two statements are in the same stored procedure, function, or batch, they are in the same scope.
If you don't want to allow manual entries to the primary column, then you can add Identity constraint to it along with primary key constraint.
Example, while creating a table,
CREATE Table t_Temp(RowID Int Primary Key Identity(1,1), Name Varchar(50))
INSERT Into t_Temp values ('UserName')
INSERT Into t_Temp values ('UserName1')
SELECT * from t_Temp
You can query the table and get the next available code in one SQL query:
SELECT COALESCE(MAX(CAST("RowID" AS INT)),0) +1 as 'NextRowID' from <tableName>
The "0" here is a default, meaning if there are no rows found, the first code returned would be (0+1) =1
Generally I have 999 instead of the 0 as I like my RowID/primary key etc. to start at 1000.

How to create a primary key column and fill it with integer values on HANA SQL

I searched but only could found partial answer to this question
The goal would be here to create a new ID column on an existing table.
This new column would be the primary key for the table and I simply want it to be filled with integer values from 1 to number of rows.
What would be the query for that?
I know I have to first alter table to create the new column :
Then I could use the series generator :
Once the column is filled I could use this line:
I am sure there is an easier way to do this
You wrote that you want to add a "new ID column to an existing table" and fill it with unique values.
That's not a "standard" operation in any DBMS, as the usual assumption is that records are created with a primary key and not retro fitted.
Thus, "ease" of operation for this is relative to what else you want to do.
For example, if you want to continue using this ID as a primary key for further operations, then using a once-off generator function like the SERIES_GENERATE_INTEGER or a query won't be very helpful since you have to avoid duplicates of already existing values.
Two, relatively easy, options come to mind:
Using a sequence:
create sequence myid;
update <table> set ID = myid.nextval;
And for succeeding inserts:
insert into <table> (id, ..., ...) VALUES (myid.nextval, ..., ...) ;
Note that this generates a value for every existing record and not a predefined set of size X.
Using a GUID
By using a GUID you generate a unique value every time you call the 'SYSUUID' function in SAP HANA. check docu here
Something like
update <table> set ID = SYSUUID;
should do the trick here.
Subsequent inserts would simply call the function for values of ID.

Create column from other columns in Database

I have a table name: test
ID | Prefix | ACCID
ID's type is INTEGER which is selected from ID_SEQ
Prefix's type is VARCHAR(6)
ACCID is the combination of Prefix + ID
I want to auto-create ACCID when I insert the ID and Prefix value such as
and the database store the ACCID as 'A01407V000001'
I create the sequence as
How to implement SQL statement to produce this result?
Thank you for all solutions and suggestions.
Ps. I use Apache Derby as my SQL Server
As documented in the manual, Derby supports generated columns (since Version 10.5)
The real problem is the formatting of a number with leading zeros as Derby has no function for that.
If you really, really think you need to store a value that can always be determined by the values already stored in the table, you can use something like this:
create table test
id integer,
prefix varchar(6),
accid generated always as (prefix||substr('000000', 1, 6 - length(rtrim(char(id))))||rtrim(char(id)))
The expression substr('000000', 1, 6 - length(rtrim(char(id))))||rtrim(char(id)) is just a complicated way to format a the ID with leading zeros.
I would highly recommend to not store this value though. It is much cleaner to create a view that shows this value if you do need access to this in SQL.
You can use COMPUTED Column.
Is a computed column that is based on some other column in the table. We can physically save the data of the column/ or not. Table will automatically update the value of this column.
columnname AS expression [PERSISTED]
--PERSISTED will make it physically saved, otherwise it will be calculated every time.
We can create indexes on computed columns.
You add, The following in the table CREATE Script

Custom sort in SQL Server

I have a table where the results are sorted using an "ORDER" column, eg:
Doc_Id Doc_Value Doc_Order
1 aaa 1
12 xxx 5
2 bbb 12
3 ccc 24
My issue is to initially set up this order column as efficiently and reusably as possible.
My initial take was to set up a scalar function that could be used as a default value when a new entry is added to the table:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Documents_Initial_Order]
( )
When a user wants to permute 2 documents, I can then easily switch the 2 orders.
It works nicely, but I now have a second table I need to set up the same way, and I am quite sure there is a nicer way to do it. Any idea?
Based on your comment, I think you have a very workable solution. You could make it a little more userfriendly by specifying it as a default:
alter table documents
add constraint constraint_name
default (dbo.documents_initial_order()) for doc_order
As an alternative, you could create an update trigger that copies the identity field to the doc_order field after an insert:
create trigger Doc_Trigger
on Documents
for insert
update d
set d.doc_order = d.doc_id
from Documents d
inner join inserted i on i.doc_id = d.doc_id
Example defining doc_id as an identity column:
create table Documents (
doc_id int identity primary key,
doc_order int,
doc_value ntext
It sounds like you want an identity column that you can then override once it gets it initial value. One solution would be to have two columns, once call "InitialOrder", that is an auto-increment identity column, and then a second column called doc_order that initially is set to the same value as the InitialOrder field (perhaps even as part of the insert trigger or a stored procedure if you are doing inserts that way), but give the user the ability to edit that column.
It does require an extra few bytes per record, but solves your problem, and if its of any value at all, you would have both the inital document order and the user-reset order available.
Also, I am not sure if your doc_order needs to be unique or not, but if not, you can then sort return values by doc_order and InitialOrder to ensure a consistent return sequence.
If there is no need to have any control over what that DOC_ORDER value might be, try using an identity column.