ASP.NET MVC4 StructureMap ExceptionCode202 -

I'm in the process of converting an ASP.NET MVC3 (LinqToSQL, EntityFramework) project to MVC4. I've created a fresh MVC4 project in VS2012, added packages, copied my Views, Controllers, etc.
Most things seem to work fine except when I try to access a controller that makes use of a Respository, as follows:
public class CustomerController : Controller
private ICustomerRepository _cr;
public CustomerController()
this._cr = new CustomerRepository(TTDataProvider.DB);
public CustomerController(ICustomerRepository customerRepository)
this._cr = customerRepository;
if I'm in VS2012 and debugging, what I'll get is an exception: "Activation error occured while trying to get instance of type CustomerController, key """. The exception is of type Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.Activation and the Inner Exception is: "StructureMap Exception Code: 202\nNo Default Instance defined for PluginFamily TTLW.Models.TTLWDataContext, TTLW, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"}.
My IoC code is:
using StructureMap;
using FluentSecurity;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace TTLW {
public static class IoC {
public static IContainer Initialize() {
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
x.Scan(scan =>
return ObjectFactory.Container;
And here's StructureMapMVC.cs
using System.Web.Http;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using StructureMap;
using TTLW.DependencyResolution;
[assembly: WebActivator.PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(TTLW.App_Start.StructuremapMvc), "Start")]
namespace TTLW.App_Start {
public static class StructuremapMvc {
public static void Start() {
IContainer container = IoC.Initialize();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new StructureMapDependencyResolver(container));
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = DependencyResolver.Current.ToServiceResolver();
As I say, this was all working without problems in my MVC3 application (although I was of course using the MVC3 version of StructureMap).
Once I hit the exception, if I just choose to continue then everything works (i.e. the controller functions); this is confirmed by choosing "Start Without Debugging" instead of "Debug". When I do that there is no exception thrown and things work as designed.
I've searched and come across posts from Phil Haack, Brett Allred and others (in fact I've already incorporated Allred's code in the last line of StructureMapMVC) but haven't found a solution. I can't consider the project converted as long as this exception is staring me in the face.
I've included all the code and messages I think are reasonable and would appreciate any insights. If you need to see more just let me know.
Thanks in advance.


Read Config From Another Project - Log4Net ASP.NET Core 3.1

I am trying to write a class library that uses log4net that looks something like this:
public class Logging
private ILog log4netLogger = null;
public Logging(Type type)
XmlDocument log4netConfig = new XmlDocument();
var repo = LogManager.CreateRepository(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(), typeof(log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy));
XmlConfigurator.Configure(repo, log4netConfig["log4net"]);
log4netLogger = LogManager.GetLogger(type);
public void Debug(string message)
public void Info(string message)
However, the xml configuration is in my test console app in C:\....\TestLogging\TestLog4Net\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1. I actually started with this console app to test log4net but I have moved all my code from the main method of Program.cs to the Logging.cs constructor, but I think the LogManager will not be able to find this now.
Is this at all possible?
I think it is possible. To use the log4net in the class library, you have to install the log4net package in the class library, then, you could add the class library reference in the console application and use the class library method. But, as you said, the log4net.config file should be in the console application netcoreapp3.1 folder, otherwise, the class library will not find the log4net.config file:

Can't inject BackgroundService into PageModel

I am trying to use the BackgroundService is an core 2.2 project using the Razor page project template, not MVC. This little sample app took me about 1 minute to write so it couldn't be much simpler. Looking at the debugger I know the background service is starting and chugging along just fine. But when I attempt to navigate to a page (path 'Banana') that requires this service as a dependency, I get InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type 'WebApplication23.DumbService' while attempting to activate 'WebApplication23.Pages.BananaModel'. Why can't I access this service from my page model? The code is at
I have the following service:
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace WebApplication23
public class DumbService : BackgroundService
public DumbService()
public void QueueWork()
protected async override Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) {
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
And this is where I register it:
Here is a page model that uses it:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages;
namespace WebApplication23.Pages
public class BananaModel : PageModel
private readonly DumbService _service;
public BananaModel(DumbService service)
_service = service;
public void OnGet()
Registering a background service doesn't actually add it to the service collection, mostly because there's no need to. The whole point of a background service is that your app doesn't really need to know about it. It's not clear why you think you need this service injected, but almost certainly you'd be better served by factoring out whatever logic you need in your Razor Page into a separate class that both the service and your Razor page can utilize.
See the documentation on IHostedService where an example of a queue background service is given. You'll notice that the actual hosted service is injected with the task queue. Your app then would also inject just the task queue itself to schedule tasks.

Cannot access RavenDB Management Studio

I created a new project in VS2012
I installed via the NuGet package RavenDB Embedded -Pre
I installed Ninject.MVC3
Added a module for ninject RavenDB:
Public class RavenDBNinjectModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Bind<IDocumentStore>().ToMethod(context =>
var documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore { Url="http://localhost:8080/", DataDirectory="~/App_Data", UseEmbeddedHttpServer = true };
return documentStore.Initialize();
Bind<IDocumentSession>().ToMethod(context => context.Kernel.Get<IDocumentStore>().OpenSession()).InRequestScope();
In my class "NinjectWebCommon" ...
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
kernel.Load(new RavenDBNinjectModule());
When running the application, the following url was generated ("http://localhost:1423")
Verify that the file "Raven.Studio.xap" was the root of my application
I tried accessing "http://localhost:8080" but the following screen is displayed:
What am I doing wrong?
As it turned out, the issue is that documentStore.Initialize never get called, because that no one did ask Ninject to resolve IDocumentStore.
You are setting the Url property, which means that you aren't running in embedded mode, but in server mode.
Remove the Url property, and everything will work for you.
I found the problem!
Since he had used IDocumentSession in no time, the ninject had not created the instance of IDocumentStore and thus not run the Initialize method

Testing Castle windsor Component with PerWebRequest lifestyle

I'm trying to do some testing with castle windsor involved, in one of my tests I want to check the windsor installers, so I check that the container can resolve my components given its interface.
So far, so good, the problem starts when the component has PerWebRequest lifestyle in its installer, at first it complained about HttpContext.Current is null, having that one solved creating a fake Context in test setup I'm now having this exception in nunit test
System.Exception : Looks like you forgot to register the http module Castle.MicroKernel.Lifestyle.PerWebRequestLifestyleModule
Add '' to the section on your web.config. If you're running IIS7 in Integrated Mode you will need to add it to section under
As I'm running this from NUnit, how I can register the module or class in windsor so it works, or how can be mocked, as in this test is not really a web request, just checking that the container resolve the type.
And also this same thing will happen if I make any integration tests with this component outside a real webrequest, is there any way to make this work or really mock a web request so this tests can be run?
Tranks in advance
In your test you could subscribe to the ComponentModelCreated event and change the lifestyle of your per-web-request components to something else. (example).
If you're writing an integration test with the scope of a single request, singleton should do.
If you're writing an integration test that spans multiple requests, you could use a contextual lifestyle to simulate the scope of requests.
Edit: including code from example (which is no longer available):
container.Kernel.ComponentModelCreated += Kernel_ComponentModelCreated;
void Kernel_ComponentModelCreated(Castle.Core.ComponentModel model)
if (model.LifestyleType == LifestyleType.Undefined)
model.LifestyleType = LifestyleType.Transient;
From version 5 of Windsor the accepted answer doesn't work if you are using Castle.Facilities.AspNet.SystemWeb.WebRequestScopeAccessor because the PerWebRequest lifestyle is already a scoped lifestyle.
I got it to work by changing the the ComponentModelCreated delegate to the following:
void Kernel_ComponentModelCreated(Castle.Core.ComponentModel model)
const string CastleScopeAccessorType = "castle.scope-accessor-type";
if (model.ExtendedProperties.Contains(CastleScopeAccessorType))
I ended up implementing this extension. ATTN: Must call before loading components with the PerWebRequest lifestyle:
public static class WindsorContainerExtensions
public static IWindsorContainer OverridePerWebRequestLifestyle(this IWindsorContainer container)
container.Kernel.ComponentModelCreated += model =>
if (model.IsPerWebRequestLifestyle())
model.LifestyleType = LifestyleType.Transient;
return container;
private static bool IsPerWebRequestLifestyle(this ComponentModel model)
return model.LifestyleType == LifestyleType.Scoped
&& model.HasAccessorType(typeof(WebRequestScopeAccessor));
private static bool HasAccessorType(this ComponentModel model, Type type)
=> model.HasExtendedProperty("castle.scope-accessor-type", type);
private static bool HasExtendedProperty<T>(this ComponentModel model, object key, T expected)
return model.ExtendedProperties[key] is T actual
&& EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(actual, expected);
Requires these imports:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Castle.Core;
using Castle.Facilities.AspNet.SystemWeb;
using Castle.Windsor;
If you also want to check if the type of scope is per web request you could also do this
var isPerWebRequestScope = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ExtendedProperties).Contains("Castle.Facilities.AspNet.SystemWeb.WebRequestScopeAccessor")

Ninject, Linq to Sql, request scope for each controller without injecting

I recently came across this article titled:
Linq to Sql and ASP.NET MVC – DataContext Per Request
at this link:
I would like to set this up using ninject rather than structuremap preferably using the new mvc 3 dependency resolver as I'm using mvc 3 rtm.
The relevant part of the article is this:
Firstly, you’ll need to configure StructureMap by calling ObjectFactory.Configure inside your Global.asax passing in a custom Registry instance:
protected void Application_Start() {
ObjectFactory.Configure(cfg => {
cfg.AddRegistry(new MyRegistry());
The code for MyRegistry looks like this:
public class MyRegistry : Registry {
public MyRegistry() {
.Use(c => new BlogDataContext());
Scan(scan => {
Here I’m telling StructureMap to create one instance of my BlogDataContext per HTTP Request as well as registering each Controller instance with the container.
Next, we need to tell MVC to use StructureMap to instantiate our controllers. This can be done by creating a custom ControllerFactory:
public class StructureMapControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory {
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType) {
return (IController) ObjectFactory.GetInstance(controllerType);
We can then replace the DefaultControllerFactory with the StructureMapControllerFactory in our Application_Start:
protected void Application_Start() {
ObjectFactory.Configure(cfg => {
cfg.AddRegistry(new MyRegistry());
new StructureMapControllerFactory());
I would like to do the same thing with ninject 2.0 rather than structure map. I'm building an mvc 3 site with ninject mvc3. I downloaded the ninject mvc 3 package from nuget and I have this file in my solution which handles wiring up ninject.
I do not want to use structurmap and I know the same setup can be done with ninject, but I'm unsure how to wire it up.
Thank you.
I'd rather use the official mvc3 extension from the ninject project found at It comes with a full example application showing how to wire up an mvc3 application.