maven repository and dependencies download - maven-2

I've used standard maven command mvn clean install and according to logs (in the same console window) dependencies were loaded and artifacts were installed to my dedicated directory for maven repository P:\.m2\repository. Maven build process succeeded.
I'm using maven 2.2.1
Here is the problem. Repository directory is empty. What I'm missing?

Some reasons:
Someone deleted the folder (or it's content)
Maven installed the files in a different place
I suggest to run mvn again with the option -X. Running mvn clean -X should be enough to see the paths which it uses to locate dependencies (install will download many more files but we need to see only one).
Note: P:\ sounds like a network drive. Even if this is your home folder (i.e. not shared with other people), this isn't a very good idea since it will cause a lot of network traffic and make your builds slow and brittle (in case of network problems).

Did you change the repository location in your m2_install_dir/conf/settings.xml?
If not, try to locate your files in something like:
C:\Documents & Settings\your_username.m2
or C:\Users\your_username.m2

I think you are using something like gitbash and its stripping off the backslashes in your repo value. run maven install with -X. check if you have a directory called P:\.m2repository


How can I get Eclipse to use my IVY_HOME variable when downloading ivy dependencies?

My company uses extensive use of ivy to download dependencies. Some of these dependencies are huge (~500MB) and take a while to download from the remote repositories.
To build our application we have an ant script that will first resolve all the dependencies and the deploy to the server.
I have set an "IVY_HOME" environment variable so that all the dependencies are downloaded to D:\ivy_home instead of C:\Users\.ivy2\ - this is because D: is my SSD which is significantly faster, and it is where my local server directories are located - so copying files from ivy_home to the server is super fast.
But for some reason when I am using IvyDE plugin inside eclipse - it always wants to download a separate copy of all the dependencies and puts them into my C:\ which is causing several issues:
Local publishes from the ant script will not be picked up in eclipse since they are placed into a different location
Dependencies already downloaded in D: will not get picked up which makes the ivy Resolve inside eclipse much slower than it needs to be
The dependencies are in a slower drive in eclipse so performing searches, and executing these jars is also slower
How about creating symlink to replace the .ivy2 in Users to D? I've tried it on my own and it's looks working fine.
Open cmd as root, and then execute this line
mklink /d C:\Users\{username}\.ivy2 D:\.ivy2
I'd create an ivysettings.xml file and specify the location of my cache using the caches directive. See the following answer for example:
can I turn off the .ivy cache all together?
Why don't you set up IVY globally with the ivysettings.xml along with a property file.
This property file could have this:
For individual projects you could uncheck "enable project specific settings" for each IvyDE library management, so they would use IVY global settings, with one extra eclipse environment configuration.

Maven command to install remote dependency locally

I have a base pom which defines repository locations for the nexus we are running behind our firewall and all of our projects inherit from this base pom. However the base exists in one of the repositories defined in the base, so you can see the circular reference problem. I'd like a maven install:install-file like command I can have new team members run in order to pull down and install the base project locally without having to check the project out from source control and mvn install it.
I'd like a maven install:install-file like command I can have new team members run in order to pull down and install the base project locally without having to check the project out from source control and mvn install it.
The Maven Dependency Plugin and its dependency:get goal might help here, you could do something like this:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.1:get \
-Dartifact=groupId:artifactId:version[:packaging] \
But let me come back on the following:
However the base exists in one of the repositories defined in the base (...)
Unless this is really what you want (adding a repository for thing not found in central), this is usually not how people declare a Nexus repository in a corporate environment.
People usually want all requests to go though their Nexus repository and store artifacts in it. Storing all the artifacts you need yourself is the only way to be sure that you'll be able to repeat your build in 1, 5, 10 years. Sure, the maven folks are doing a great job with central but are you sure you want to rely on something not under your control? So people usually declare Nexus as a mirror of everything (check the section 4.2. Configuring Maven to Use a Single Nexus Group) in the settings.xml.
And if you don't want every user to add the required snippet in their ~/.m2/settings.xml, the best option is to distribute and use a corporate version of the Maven client and to preconfigure it as required using the conf/settings.xml file.
Nexus User Guide
Chapter 4. Configuring Maven to Use Nexus

Maven Artifact Search is always empty

When using Alt-Insert to insert a dependency into the POM, the Artifact Search is always completely blank regardless of what I search for.
I tried to add repo1 to Settings->Maven->Repository Services, it says "no repository found." I find that hard to believe.
I've also tried to "update" my local repository but that results in an error.
FYI I'm using Community Edition Snapshot.
If you have a brand new IntelliJ install and have never updated your Maven Repository, notice that there is a little "Update" button to the right that becomes clickable when you click on each repository.
Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Maven >
The important one is the remote repository, make sure you update it.
I used Artifactory to generate a settings.xml for me, and by default it pointed me to the "libs-releases" repository.
Instead want my "releases" repository to point to the much larger virtual repository "remote-repos."
All it took was a simple change to the options of the "Generate Settings" function.
Weird. The Artifact Search is working fine for me with IntelliJ Community Edition, at least for artifacts from the central repo that has been indexed:
And as you can see above, all repositories declared in POMs known by IntelliJ are listed.
There might be something wrong with your Maven settings. This is a wild guess but is your Maven home directory properly defined? Same for the user settings file? Is Maven actually working fine under IntelliJ?
Solved - by reinstalling Intellij Idea
Search for class tab in Maven Artifact Search popup was always empty
Solution in linux:
remove idea folder (for me it was ~/idea-YOUR_VERSION_HERE)
remove ~/.IntelliJIdeaYOUR_VERSION_HERE folder (settings)
download new version form, unzip, run installer from bin
It appears to be a blocked port, as I am using my own artifactory repository. Of course, the port it is using looks to be completely undocumented, but WireShark shows it to be 58754. Sounds random, I hope it isn't!

Maven - installing artifacts to a local repository in workspace

I'd like to have a way in which 'mvn install' puts files in a repository folder under my source (checkout) root, while using 3rd party dependencies from ~/.m2/repository.
So after 'mvn install', the layout is:
(In particular, /work/project/repository does not contain log4j)
In essense, I'm looking for a way of creating a composite repository that references other repositories
My intention is to be able to have multiple checkouts of the same source and work on each without overwriting each other in the local repository with 'install'. Multiple checkouts can be because of working on different branches in cvs/svn but in my case it is due to cloning of the master branch in git (in git, each clone is like a branch). I don't like the alternatives which are to use a special version/classifier per checkout or to reinstall (rebuild) everything each time I switch.
Maven can search multiple repositories (local, remote, "fake" remote) to resolve dependencies but there is only ONE local repository where artifacts get installed during install. It would be a real nightmare to install artifacts into specific locations and to maintain this list without breaking anything, that would just not work, you don't want to do this.
But, TBH, I don't get the point. So, why do you want to do this? There might be alternative and much simpler solutions, like installing your artifacts in the local repository and then copying them under your project root. Why wouldn't this work? I'd really like to know the final intention though.
UPDATE: Having read the update of the initial question, the only solution I can think of (given that you don't want to use different versions/tags) would be to use two local repositories and to switch between them (very error prone though).
To do so, either use different user accounts (as the local repository is user specific by default).
Or update your ~/.m2/settings.xml each time you want to switch:
<settings xmlns=""
Or have another settings.xml and point on it using the --settings option:
mvn install --settings /path/to/alternate/settings.xml
Or specify the alternate location on the command line using the -Dmaven.repo.local option:
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=/path/to/repo
These solutions are all error prone as I said and none of them is very satisfying. Even if you might have very good reasons to work on several branches in parallel, your use case (not rebuilding everything) is not very common. Here, using distinct user accounts migh be the less worse solution IMO.
This is INDEED possible with the command line, and in fact is quite useful. For example, if you want to create an additional repo under your Eclipse project, you just do:
mvn install:install-file -DlocalRepositoryPath=repo \
-DcreateChecksum=true -Dpackaging=jar \
-Dfile=%2 -DgroupId=%3 -DartifactId=%4 -Dversion=%5
It's the "localRepositoryPath" parameter that will direct your install to any local repo you want.
I have this in a batch file that I run from my project root, and it installs the file into a "repo" directory within my project (hence the % parameters). So why would you want to do this? Well, let's you say you are professional services consultant, and you regularly go into customer locations where you are forced to use their security hardened laptops. You copy your self-contained project to their laptop from a USB stick, and presto, you can do your maven build no problem.
Generally, if you are using YOUR laptop, then it makes sense to have a single local repo that has everything in it. But to you who got cocky and said things like "why would you want to do that", I have some news...the world is a bigger place with more options than you might realize. If you are using laptops that are NOT yours, and you need to build your project on that laptop, get the resulting artifact, and then remove your project directory (and the local repo you just used), this is the way to go.
As to why you would want to have 2 local repos, the default .m2/repository is where the companies standard stuff goes, and the local "in project" repo is where YOUR stuff goes.
This is not possible with the command line client but you can create more complex repository layouts with a Maven repository server like Nexus.
The reason why it's not possible is that Maven allows to nest projects and most of them will reference each other, so installing each artifact in a different repository would lead to lots of searches on your local hard disk (or to failed builds when you start a build in a sub-project).
FYI: symlinks work in Windows7 and above so this kind of thing is easy to achieve if all your code goes in the same place in the local repo, i.e /com/myco/.
type mklink for details
I can see that you do not want to use special versions or classifiers but that is one of the best solutions to solve this problem. I work on the same project but different versions and each mvn install takes half an hour to build. The best option is to change the pom version appended with the change name, for example 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-change1 that I'm working on thereby having multiple versions of the same project but with different code base.
It has made my life very easy in the long run. It helps run multiple builds at the same time without issues. Even during SCM push, we can skip the pom file from staging so there can always be 2 versions for you to work on.
In case you have a huge project with multiple sub-modules and want to change all the versions together, you can use the below command to do just that
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-change1 -DprocessAllModules
And once done, you can revert using
mvn versions:revert
I know this might be not what you are looking for, but it might help someone who wants to do this.

A simple command line to download a remote maven2 artifact to the local repository?

I have a library that I distribute using maven 2. The typical user of this library doesn't use maven to build their applications, but is likely somewhat familiar with maven and probably has it installed.
I'd like to document a "simple" one line command they can use to download my library's artifacts to their local ~/.m2/repository without requiring that they set up a pom.xml to do it.
I thought there was a way to do this, but I can't seem to find it after looking through the install:install-file and dependency plugin documentation. I tried things like:
mvn install:install-file -Durl= -Dfile=robo-guice-0.4-20091121.174618-1.jar -DpomFile=robo-guice-0.4-20091121.174618-1.pom -DgroupId=robo-guice -DartifactId=robo-guice -Dversion=0.4-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar
but I think I'm barking up the wrong tree since it appears that the install plugin is used to copy locally built files into the local repository, rather than download remote artifacts into the local repository.
This is the artifact I'd like to install:
Is this possible using maven?
Since version 2.1 of the Maven Dependency Plugin, there is a dependency:get goal for this purpose. To make sure you are using the right version of the plugin, you'll need to use the "fully qualified name":
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.1:get \
-DrepoUrl= \
Give them a trivial pom with these jars listed as dependencies and instructions to run:
mvn dependency:go-offline
This will pull the dependencies to the local repo.
A more direct solution is dependency:get, but it's a lot of arguments to type:
mvn dependency:get -DrepoUrl=something -Dartifact=group:artifact:version
As of version 2.4 of the Maven Dependency Plugin, you can also define a target destination for the artifact by using the -Ddest flag. It should point to a filename (not a directory) for the destination artifact. See the parameter page for additional parameters that can be used
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.4:get \
-DremoteRepositories= \
-Dartifact=robo-guice:robo-guice:0.4-SNAPSHOT \