after deployment picture download from wcf service doesn't work how to find out what is wrong? - wcf

WCF service is used to retrieve data and pictures. WCF service work well on localhost, and on web-hosting of provider. But the same service after deploying to server within local network doesn't allow to retrieve pictures, however data comes successfully.
WCF service data downloading:
localhost (ok)
web-hosting ( (ok)
remote server within local network (ok)
WCF service picture downloading (binary array of bytes):
localhost (ok)
web-hosting ( (ok)
remote server within local network (NO!!!!)
so it's strange because the same service perfectly works on web-hosting of provider but refuses to give pictures on local server!
What could be problem?
I don't know should I do some configuration of server 2008?
At last I have to debug WCF service on remote server, but how to?

1)If you have several references for services don't forget to put for all of them the constraints; in configuration of app.config maxReceivedMessageSize.
2)To debug service simply add some more details in reponse from wcf service

A console client takes about 2 mins to write and you can set it up to be sure it outputs the exception being sent from the service. The winform application would be just as good if you are in a position to set up those checks. The point being, be sure the service throws exception info back to the client


I don't get data from remote service

I have a service, hosted in a windows service. When I installed the windows service in the local machine, I can get data from the service, but when I installed the windows service in the remote computer (in the server), I don't get data.
I have tried in a internet browser to use the address of the endpoint in the server, and I get response, so I get the page that says how to use svcutil to create the proxy.
Although I get this page, I have tried to disabled the firewall in the server and in the client, but the problem persists, how I expected.
If I get response in the internet browser, wouldn't I get access to the methods of the service?
On server side add trace listener so as to find out what error occures. Do you make use of any certification which service may not possess?

can not access iis hosted wcf from remote machine

I have hosted a wcf on IIS when I write its url to the same machine's browser it works but when I try to access it from a remote machine or mobile on the same LAN I get this message :
500 - Internal server error
how can I solve this problem?!
any ideas!
The best way to determine the root cause may be to enable WCF Tracing on both the client application and host service. Oftentimes, the WCF Trace log will reveal issues that were previously “hidden”.

Silverlight WCF service returns remote server not found error on deploy

I have been trying to host a WCF service for a Silverlight OOB application. When I run the application from my local machine it works fine. But when the same is deployed to a server, I get the following
Remote Server not found error.
I used fiddler to track the error and it says
HTTP/1.1 500 System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException
Could this be some issue with the IIS settings on the server?
You need to check two things,
1.Check for these two files in your service root folder clientaccesspolicy.xml and crossdomain.xml.
2.Check for the namespace of your might be wrong on the namespace.
if these does not work post your web.config .

Can windows managed service be a wcf client?

On 1st server, there is wcf service hosted in windows managed service. On the 2nd server, there is another wcf service, hosted in their own windows managed service. I try to connect to 1st service from the inside of the 2nd service, but I become a exception "The socket connection was aborted". With same configuration and same code I successfully connect from console application and winform application, but not from this windows managed service.
Configure your WCF services on both servers to perform diagnostic logging. Follow the instructions in to achieve that.
Make sure the account your service on server 2 is running under is capable of connecting to server 1. This is a typical difference between the client test you did (and worked) and a service running on that system. For a test, make the service on server 2 run under your personal login credentials.

WCF - service access address aliased

I am inexperienced in WCF so this question may be real basic...
I have a WCF service hosted in IIS of a server named "Server1". This server is aliased and visible from the open Internet as
While developing the consumer application, I add a service reference to the service in Server1 and deploy it. When executing it remotely, the app looks for the service on "" but it can only be accessed through "".
Is there a way that I can reference the service in Server1 in design-time, and in run-time the application looks in "ServerAlias"?
When you make the reference, it should create entries in your .config file which indicate the remote endpoint. All you have to do is change the remote endpoint to point to the other server and it should work.