How to check for NULL values when using the SUM function in SSRS - sql

By default, the SUM function in SSRS excludes NULLs. I want to be able to check for ANY NULL values in the details group and throw an error in the summary group. In the details view I use this to check for NULLS:
=IIF(IsNothing(Fields!EquityPrice.Value)) ,"#Error", Fields!EquityPrice.Value*Fields!EquityShares.Value)
This works as desired.
When I use this in my summary section, it ignores the NULLS and returns the SUM of the non-null values. I want to return "#Error" instead:
=IIF(IsNothing(SUM(Fields!EquityPrice.Value))) ,"#Error", SUM(Fields!EquityPrice.Value*Fields!EquityShares.Value))
I have tried eliminating the SUM in the "IsNothing" expression but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

So just to confirm, if there is at least one NULL value in a group, #Error should be displayed?
You can use the following for the Summary expression:
=IIf(Sum(IIf(IsNothing(Fields!EquityPrice.Value),1,0)) > 0
, "#Error"
, Sum(Fields!EquityPrice.Value * Fields!EquityShares.Value))
This creates a count of NULL values - if that count is greater than zero, return #Error.
I made a simple report to test:
This uses your expression at the detail level and mine at the summary. Errors for the group with one NULL value as required:


Summing the value of the aggregate function Last()

enter image description hereI am trying to design a report in ssrs that returns the last opening stock for each product in the dataset. To achieve this I used
This works fine. But where I encountered a problem is in getting the sum of all the opening stock for each product. I tried using
but I got the error message
[Error on Preview]
Please is there another way to go about this
I have tried using aggregate(), runningValue(), to no avail
This is the dataset
This is the report layout
On previewing having used max()
This is probably easier to do directly in the dataset query but assuming you cannot change that, then this should work...
This assumes your data is ordered by the CustProdAdj_createdon column and that this is a date, datetime or some other ordered value, change this bit if required.
IIF(Fields!CustProdAdj_createdon.Value = Max(Fields!CustProdAdj_createdon.Value, "MyRowGroupNameHere"),
Change the MyRowGroupNameHere to be the name of the rowgroup spelled exactly as it is in the rowgroup panel below the main design panel. Case sensitive and include quotes.
What this does is, for each row within the rowgroup "MyRowGroupNameHere", compare the CustProdAdj_createdon date to the max CustProdAdj_createdon across the rowgroup. . If it is the same then return the CustProdAdj_new_openingstockValue else return 0.
This will return the value required on only 1 record within the group.
For example, if you had 1 row per day then only on the last day of the month would a value be returned other than 0 because only the date of the last record would match the maximum date within the group.
Then it simply sums the results of this up.

Nested NULLIF with ISDATE to eliminate records

I have a column (datatype nvarchar(max), not my choice, legacy) with various different uses to the end user dependent on other factors.
I was trying to narrow down to certain specific data within that column given earlier clauses within some sample (but highly representative) data I noticed that the remaining data was either a 1,2,3,4, or a date
I initially added some nested NULLIF along with an IS NOT NULL
AND NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF([ColumnName],'1'),'2'),'3'),'4') IS NOT NULL
The 1 is as a string because in the global data there are some strings so removing the single brackets creates an implied conversion to int which many records would fail. This got me down to 25 records in my sample, the records with dates and the target records
I then thought I'd add an ISDATE to isolate those records
This then returned 60k or so records, which was not the behaviour I expected.
I ran the following queries to see if there was any incompatibility with the two commands inline but the returned as expected
SELECT NULLIF(ISDATE('06/01/2022'),1)
returned NULL.
SELECT NULLIF(ISDATE('06/01/2022'),'1')
in case it didn't like a string, but returned NULL.
SELECT NULLIF(NULLIF(ISDATE('06/01/2022'),'1'),'2')
in case it didn't like the nest, but returned NULL.
So why does it not NULL the values that present as dates, and also why does it negate the other NULLIF commands in the outer parts of the nest?
Turns out I'm an idiot
I forgot to catch all the times that the ISDATE() returned a 0, so it was returning all the values that the NULLIFs were trying to catch
AND ISDATE(ISNULL(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF([2nd Ref],'1'),'2'),'3'),'4'),'06/01/2022')) = 0
So changing the order here helped, creating NULLs for the expected values, changing those into a known date, then returning where it isn't a date
That should now work as expected. Oh well, someone might one day find it useful
edit: There are a couple of records that still have dates in them, I will also use the TRYCONVERT as Jeroen suggested

SPOTFIRE how do I shape by column in the map chart with a custom expression

I have a spotfire question. I am attempting to create Shapes by Column Values in a Map Chart.
I would like to create these Shapes by a Custom Expression. The custom expression is below, I have simplified it so it is easier to read.
All I am saying is:
if((Current months oil rate - 12MonthAgo Oilrate)/12MonthAgo Oilrate)>0,"UP","Down")
When I run this calculation though it only gives me one value, (there are both positives and negatives so it should give two).
I am not sure what I have done wrong? Any help is appreciated.
<If(((((Sum(If((Month([DATE])=Month(DateAdd("mm",-2,DateTimeNow()))) and (Year([DATE])=Year(DateAdd("mm",-2,DateTimeNow()))),[OILRATECD],null))
Sum(If((Month([DATE])=Month(DateAdd("mm",-${MonthInterval}-2,DateTimeNow()))) and (Year([DATE])=Year(DateAdd("mm",-${MonthInterval}-2,DateTimeNow()))),[OILRATECD],null)))))
Sum(If((Month([DATE])=Month(DateAdd("mm",-${MonthInterval}-2,DateTimeNow()))) and (Year([DATE])=Year(DateAdd("mm",-${MonthInterval}-2,DateTimeNow()))),[OILRATECD],null)))>0,"UP","DOWN")>
First, you have a lot of unnecessary parentheses but that shouldn't hurt anything.
( --this open parentheses is unneeded
( --this open parentheses is unneeded
Sum(If((Month([DATE])=Month(DateAdd("mm",-2,DateTimeNow()))) and (Year([DATE])=Year(DateAdd("mm",-2,DateTimeNow()))),[OILRATECD],null))
Sum(If((Month([DATE])=Month(DateAdd("mm",-${MonthInterval}-2,DateTimeNow()))) and (Year([DATE])=Year(DateAdd("mm",-${MonthInterval}-2,DateTimeNow()))),[OILRATECD],null))
) --this closed parentheses is unneeded
) --this closed parentheses is unneeded
Sum(If((Month([DATE])=Month(DateAdd("mm",-${MonthInterval}-2,DateTimeNow()))) and (Year([DATE])=Year(DateAdd("mm",-${MonthInterval}-2,DateTimeNow()))),[OILRATECD],null))
The reason you are not getting UP and DOWN returned is because the condition isn't met. We need a sample data set with expected output to verify this.
However, here's a reason why you could be getting unexpected results, regarding NULL in your SUM(IF(...,[OILRATECD],NULL)) expression.
If your condtion in your IF() statement isn't ever evaluated to true
then NULL is returned to SUM(), and SUM(NULL,NULL,NULL) = NULL
and NULL is not > nor is it < 0, thus your outer IF()
statement would return NULL instead of "UP" or "DOWN"
Spotfire ignored NULL when evaluating SUM() which is what you want. For example, Sum(4,3,NULL) = 7 and this is the behavior we want. However...
Spotfire doesn't ignore NULL for addition, subtraction, division, and other comparison operators like >. So, 4 - NULL = NULL and NULL / 18 = NULL and so on. This means if either of your two SUM() methods return NULL then your entire expression will be NULL because...
NULL isn't > nor is it < and certainly not = 0. NULL is the absence of a value, and thus can't be compared or equated to anything. For example, If(NULL > 1,"YES","NO") doesn't return YES or NO... it returns NULL, the lack of a value. Also, If(NULL=NULL,"YES","NO") will also return NULL
Use IS NULL and IS NOT NULL in a IF() statement to set it to a default value, or use 0 in place of NULL in your current expression.
Sum(If((Month([DATE])=Month(DateAdd("mm",-2,DateTimeNow()))) and (Year([DATE])=Year(DateAdd("mm",-2,DateTimeNow()))),[OILRATECD],0))
You said your equation's pseudo code is:
If((Current months oil rate - 12MonthAgo Oilrate)/12MonthAgo Oilrate)>0,"UP","Down")
This doesn't seem to be what you are evaluating. Instead, I read:
x = (-var) + (-2) thus var < -2 (i.e. -3....-6...-55)
if((sum([2 months ago oil rate]) - sum([x months ago oil rate])) > 0, "UP","DOWN")
So you aren't ever looking at the current month's oil rate, but instead are looking at current - 2. Also, you are looking at the SUM() over that entire month... this may be what you want by you may be actually looking for Max() or Min()
You can handle this a lot easier most likely with a few calculated columns to keep your data / expressions clean and legible
DatePart("yy",[Date]) as [Year]
DatePart("mm",[Date]) as [Month]
Max([OILRATECD]) OVER (Intersect([Year],[Month])) as [YearMonthRate] or use SUM() if that's what you really want.
Check to see the difference with Rank()

Count if SUM returned no rows in MS Access

I am looking for a way to do a count if a sum statement returns 0 rows or value.
I have a SQL statement in Access that sums all the values of DiskGB based on my criteria. My problem is, when there is nothing to show, it shows a blank field, and it needs to show a 0. Here is what I have:
SELECT Sum([DiskGB]) AS SumDisk
WHERE (((Site)="1" Or (Site)="2" Or (Site)="3") AND
((Tier)="Silver") AND
((Business) Like "CC*")
I have look on too many places and I cannot find a way to get this resolved, can you guys help?
If you want to show 0 when your sum is NULL, you can try this:
SELECT IIF(isnull(Sum([DiskGB])), 0, Sum([DiskGB])) AS SumDisk
WHERE (((Site)="1" Or (Site)="2" Or (Site)="3") AND
((Tier)="Silver") AND
((Business) Like "CC*")

How to use multiple conditions (With AND) in IIF expressions in ssrs

I want to hide rows in SSRS report having Zero Quantity.
There are following multiple Quantity Columns like Opening Stock, Gross Dispatched,Transfer Out, Qty Sold, Stock Adjustment and Closing Stock etc.
I am doing this task by using following expression:
=IIF(Fields!OpeningStock.Value=0 AND Fields!GrossDispatched.Value=0 AND
Fields!TransferOutToMW.Value=0 AND Fields!TransferOutToDW.Value=0 AND
Fields!TransferOutToOW.Value=0 AND Fields!NetDispatched.Value=0 AND Fields!QtySold.Value=0
AND Fields!StockAdjustment.Value=0 AND Fields!ClosingStock.Value=0,True,False)
But by using this expression in row visibility, report hides all the rows except Totals Row. Even though report should show rows having Quantities of above mentioned columns.
Total values are shown correct.
Note: I set this row visibility expression on Detail Row.
Without using expression result is as following.
For the first 2 rows all the quantities are 0 (ZERO), i want to hide these 2 rows.
How can I fix this problem, or which expression must I use to get required results?
Could you try this out?
=IIF((Fields!OpeningStock.Value=0) AND (Fields!GrossDispatched.Value=0) AND
(Fields!TransferOutToMW.Value=0) AND (Fields!TransferOutToDW.Value=0) AND
(Fields!TransferOutToOW.Value=0) AND (Fields!NetDispatched.Value=0) AND (Fields!QtySold.Value=0)
AND (Fields!StockAdjustment.Value=0) AND (Fields!ClosingStock.Value=0),True,False)
Note: Setting Hidden to False will make the row visible
You don't need an IIF() at all here. The comparisons return true or false anyway.
Also, since this row visibility is on a group row, make sure you use the same aggregate function on the fields as you use in the fields in the row. So if your group row shows sums, then you'd put this in the Hidden property.
=Sum(Fields!OpeningStock.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!GrossDispatched.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!TransferOutToMW.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!TransferOutToDW.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!TransferOutToOW.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!NetDispatched.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!QtySold.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!StockAdjustment.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!ClosingStock.Value) = 0
But with the above version, if one record has value 1 and one has value -1 and all others are zero then sum is also zero and the row could be hidden. If that's not what you want you could write a more complex expression:
Fields!OpeningStock.Value=0 AND
Fields!GrossDispatched.Value=0 AND
Fields!TransferOutToMW.Value=0 AND
Fields!TransferOutToDW.Value=0 AND
Fields!TransferOutToOW.Value=0 AND
Fields!NetDispatched.Value=0 AND
Fields!QtySold.Value=0 AND
Fields!StockAdjustment.Value=0 AND
) = 0
This is essentially a fancy way of counting the number of rows in which any field is not zero. If every field is zero for every row in the group then the expression returns true and the row is hidden.
Here is an example that should give you some idea..
=IIF(First(Fields!Gender.Value,"vw_BrgyClearanceNew")="Female" and
I think you have to identify the datasource name or the table name where your data is coming from.