How to disable inserting empty line on paste? - intellij-idea

Each time I paste a line of code in IntelliJ IDEA it inserts an empty line below the inserted one, how to disable this? Thank you.

That empty line isn't being added by IDEA, it's already included in the selection. Basically you can avoid this by putting the end point of your selection at the last character and not below the block you're selecting.


Intellij: delete all blank space until next non-blank character

There is no easier way to explain what I want to do than a picture:
I would like to reduce the time it takes me to refactor HTML code by deleting all the white space behind (or before, doesn't matter that much) my caret until the next non-blank character, emphasized by the highlighted blue whitespace I would like to delete. I found a way to do this on vim, but I want to do this on Intellij.
Try Ctrl+Alt+J (⌃⇧J on Mac) on the <a>... line to perform the 'Join Lines' action.
More information on the feature can be found here and here.

Intellij IDEA 14 - remove indents on empty lines

I have an annoying bug regarding intellij 14.0.3. The issue is that it keeps indents on empty lines and I can't remove that whitespace in any way. Under code style, I have not checked the checkbox "keep indents on empty lines" and judging from the display how that functionality works I'd say it would do it.
However, it still keeps the indents and that creates bad diffs in git since whitespace is added. Is this a bug? Can I in any way remove them? I have tried to uncheck that checkbox under both the language I use and the main one. None of them seems to change it.
Try enabling the Strip trailing spaces on save option in Settings/Editor/General.
You can choose whether this should be performed for All lines or only the lines you modify to avoid creating unnecessary diffs.
The whitespace is stripped when you explicitly hit CTRL+S or automatically after some period (IntelliJ has autosaving).
One thing to note is that if you have cursor on an empty line and there are some spaces before it, hitting CTRL + S won't strip the whitespace, because this would probably be annoying as your cursor would jump to the beginning of the line if the file was autosaved by IntelliJ (I read somewhere on YouTrack that this was a design decision).
Here is a screenshot of the option I describe:
What I did to strip spaces without having to open & save each file is running a regex in the find and replace window:
Text to find ^ +\n Find every line that starts with (^) one or more spaces ( +) and nothing else (/n).
Replace with: \n A new line.
General > Regular expression (obviously important to check this box)
Eventually you may want to limit the scope because this will be quite the lengthy operation
Find and eventually continue if IDEA warns for the high amount of occurrences.
Click All Files to run the actual replace operation. It might take some time before IDEA to respond.

Stop PHPStorm from cutting/copying the entire line if nothing is selected

If I set the caret on a line and accidentally press CtrlX or CtrlC instead of CtrlS, then the entire line is cut/copied, since there is no selection.
This can be very annoying, and can often times destroy code in the clipboard which I wanted to paste. I'd expect nothing to happen if nothing is selected. How can this be turned off?
Go to Registry screen: Help | Find Action... and search for registry there
Once there -- find and activate editor.skip.copy.and.cut.for.empty.selection entry.

TextMate: how to highlight the entire line to copy and paste?

I find the control+a and control+e hard to press, and for some reason control+shift+e doesn't seem to highlight the entire line.
I want to copy the line into my clipboard. How do I do this?
To highlight a line in TextMate, Shift+Command+L is what you want.
Command-LeftArrow Shift-DownArrow is one way
Triple-click, then hit ⌘+C to copy.
cmd-leftArrow # to get cursor to beginning of line
shift-cmd-rightArrow # to highlight entire line
cmd-c # copy the line to clipboard
If you want to duplicate a line you can use this shortcut:
Cmd + left arrow to go at the beginning of the line
Ctrl + Shift + D to duplicate the entire line below the one you want to duplicate
Duplicate Line / Selection (⌃⇧D) — this will duplicate the current line, leaving the caret in the same column on the new line, or if there is a selection, duplicate that.
Source: textMate official website
Selecting a word, or whatever, and apply this shortcut will duplicate next to the original one. Not below.
If you want to move your new duplicated line or whatever:
Ctrl + Cmd + arrow up will move up
Ctrl + Cmd + arrow down will move down
Happy coding 🖖

Remove paragraph mark when copying from excel cell

Please help me copy a string from a listbox when a user hits ctrl+c. I was using the dataobject but for some reason this worked perfectly some times and gave me an error message other times. If you know why this is, stop reading, as the rest of this question is not necessary.
Now I am putting this in a worksheet cell and using range.copy, however, when the string is pasted into a textbox, it retains the paragraph mark that excel seems to put at the end of every cell! Just to make things fun, the paragraph mark cannot be removed by using Left() - it takes everything but the paragraph mark. (Paragraph mark below is represented by P).
s = "stringP"
s = Left(s,len(s)-1)
print s
returns: strinP
Has to be something simple I'm missing.
I haven't tested this but have you tried chopping two characters?
I'm sure it's \r\n or carriage-return + line feed, not just \n you need to chop.
Have you tried trim() function ?
And why do you have to use Range.copy?
Can't you just assign textbox1.value = Range("A1") ?
It works fine without any bugs.